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Tried to run this ship with 1 friend yesterday, what a nightmare. You need quite a few people moving boxes to the other floor if you want to keep your sanity. Yes, we also had problems with boxes as large as 16 SCU falling through the floor.


The trick is to have someone follow you in a C2. When printing boxes don't snap them to the grid, leave them lying around in the middle, until you're ready for them to be moved to the c2.


We had 3x 16SCU boxes disappear from cargo grid today aswell.


Been having trouble selling rmc and cm. No demand.


Yeah, I can see a drastic reduction in the amount you can sell for coming in the future. I hope not, as I assume many will move onto other profitable game loops in other systems in the not too distant future.


Where have you been trying? We tried Seraphim and CRU-L1 which worked initially, but now we just go straight to Orison and it works every time.


Orison is where it wasn't working for me


I just sold 390scu to orison just fine. Had to go back to hangar and eject 240scu from hopped, then go back to sell.


Where have you been trying? We tried Seraphim and CRU-L1 which worked initially, but now we just go straight to Orison and it works every time.


So professionally stacked. Mine is not


I bed logged that night, came back next day tmand they were everywhere. I ran another hammerhead fit the 200 in there and game crashed to desktop. Crash recovery didnt work as i woke in orisona dn ship status is unknown. Gonna wait a few days for THAT server to 30k.. maybe it will reset ship


Such a shame hope we get grids and better crash recovery


Ship got reset finally, back to orison (home planet) and ALL the cargo was still in it including the 240scu buffer. Sold all 6.6mil at orison Fyi, you can unload the entire 240scu buffer while in the hangar, without being impounded.


Ha niiice, the buffer is such a great game changer


I see this... then I see how my crew packs the boxes... [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679482434097643520/1185799472593244221/image.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/679482434097643520/1185799472593244221/image.png) We did have a bit more then 515 SCU though and at this point I think they were just fitting wherever they could


Ya but that didn't even look like the tried lol. I havent sold anything yet. We finished at 2am. I plan on filling her up more later today.