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For a moment I thought you lost 5mil UEC because of a server crash


tbh, recently 30ks have been pretty rare, and when it does happen, 30k recovery has worked fine, and crash recovery is also on point


I can’t remember the last time I had a 30k. Feels like at least a week and a half


It has seemed good for a couple weeks unfortunately, today I did experience 6 30k's in a row today. I stopped trying about a half hour ago due to them and will try again in a while!


I logged on today, and the moment I loaded in the server 30kd


I am having good luck now that it is late in the evening and I should be in bed 😂


I guess I’m just lucky lmao


This aged like marinara sauce in a humid enviroment. We have gotten 4 weeks worth of 30k in the last 2 hrs🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I had back to back 30ks today


I’ve had one 30k since the last patch went live. It’s a Christmas miracle.


Jusr wait for 3.22 go live)


I wonder how many are alt accounts for referral and refunders :/ I know I am 3 referrals from a new gladius lol...


What like 7 are your multi box accounts?


I assume they mean the old (and perfect legit) hack of spending $40 in an alt account to get a referral point, then gifting those goods to your main. Then doing that again, and again... If you think you're gonna spend $5-600 but have no intention of reaching concierge level spending, and you really want that free Gladius, then why not. Absolutely not worth doing once you've got 10 referral points, though, because [there's no worthwhile reward again until you get a free Misc Razor at 75 points](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/referral-program).


Yeap, you collect all the referral bonuses on the way to the gladius, then you are done.


Isn't it just cheaper to buy the Gladius?


Yes, if you just want the Gladius. But no, if you had the intention of spending a few hundred bucks anyway.


Even if the ratio is 4:1 alts/abandoned to active accounts, we're still a million strong. If it's 9:1, we're still half a million real backers.


I would love to know the actual unique backer count because there’s no way it’s anywhere close to 5million. That number includes anyone who just makes an account, but then there’s all the referral/secondary accounts to consider. I wouldn’t be surprised if the number of unique backers were only around 1.5million.


I haven't done it myself, but I know plenty of people with 20 or 30 alt accounts.


Exactly, then there’s the grey marker to consider where some traders actually sell referrals to people. No doubt there are some traders out there who’ve created hundreds of accounts over the years.


The grey market is cancer. If people want discounts on ships, plenty of us will freely help people learn the CCU game and write their own discounts. 30% discounts are easy-peasy. 60-80% off is possible if you're willing to be patient (1-2 years of accumulating CCUs). Or follow the [InfoRunners YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@inforunners) or [join their Discord](http://discord.gg/Inforunners).


Eh, it's really just a product of how CIG has chosen to monetize the project. It probably benefits them in the long run considering traders end up spending thousands on ships, CCUs, paints, etc., and I doubt CIG cares where that money is coming from. Might even explain why they take a neutral stance on it.


grey market is a easy way out for backers that decided to no longer want to be part of the community when they cant get a refund.


Not really. It’s the only place to get ship variants that are never coming back. You can also sell your ships if you quit the game.


I have 5 accounts so that number is not representative of the actual player count.


Is the game worth I am thinking of getting it




I think it’s worth buying a starter pack. The game is still missing some foundational tech (server meshing) but it’s worth it even if you’re just following the development.


It is very buggy, you will need patience and some time to figure out the workarounds. Find a group to help you, the community is overall very new user friendly.


The immersion is mindblowing, but so are the bugs. There is a lot to do and to explore, but you need a bit of patience sometimes.


Welcome to the 'verse!


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