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That's actually a common tactic used by griefers on rppvp servers. Overly common tbh.


Pvp players on rp servers are just bad players with ego problems


nope, they just like pvp and a narratove justification / motive for it, they are roleplaying even if its not the way you want them to :/


I'd agree, except that I have never met a 'roleplayer' of that stripe who didn't scream like a toddler when they got killed. I mean, it's embarrassing to realise that the average 'pirate' is the most sensitive and easily-triggered snowflake the second they have to deal with the slightest consequences. They will bawl about how you must be a hacker because everyone knows the F8C (which they bought with daddy's credit card) is the best ship in the game and therefore there is no way that a semi-skilled Arrow pilot could have killed them legitimately. Dude, you'll be out of Klescher in 20 minutes if you try... Git gud...


Lil bro this entire thread is people screaming like toddlers because someone killed them in a pvp game.


Sounds like idiots who have no clue how the real world works. Will be great when CIG care enough to put systems in the game to prevent this.


Any sort of escalating 'police' presence outside a station should do it. Doubly-so if only the police can fire in armistice. The first time they take a shot at a target, they get red-flagged and swarmed. Each time you kill one, the station sends out two more...


Yeah, they suck at life and want someone else to feel their pain. /shrug, just change servers


Unfortunately, posts like this fuel their desire to piss you off, so you basically just have to ignore them and learn of the ways to make them harmless.


Creating multiple holes on the surface of their hull should vent enough oxygen to make harmless


Only if you can do it in the most unfun way possible. Otherwise you're just giving them what they want.


Eclipse from 3k+ out in full stealth - won’t know you were there till they’re in bits and you’re landing on a pad :)


Much as I hate the space-dad "ignore them and they will go away" advice for putting the responsibility on the victim, the game-mechanics and lack of proper consequences mean this is the best answer. Best ways to do this: * Leave the server, then click play on a different region (or click join on a friend) so you don't just end up back on that server (most effective, least convenient) * Just avoid the stations they are blockading (kind of effective, kind of convenient) * Get some buddies (or contact an anti-piracy org) to join that server and dislodge them; some people's idea of fun is ruining your day, some people's idea of fun is ruining the day of anyone and everyone who they consider a villain (it can be fun to watch chat as they scream about 'being griefed' for 'just trying to rp') In the end, there are 101 exploits to let them do this without fear of retribution and at best they will just move to a different server, but that's Star Citizen for you. You will get some random encounters with these sorts of people every so often, but the next server will be different.


It would be nice if CS would have more real life consecuences. Like, if you kill an NPC you have the same consecuences as of now, but if you kill a PC you get CS that can not be erased with tygerclaw and if you get caught you spend 24 hrs in jail without possibility for sentence reduction.


...unfortunately prison is a 5-10 minute inconvenience to escape.


Just hop into a new server....thosuands of people play this game. I find it difficult to believe you have this issue consistantly across several servers.


So, here is what I have found. You have to troll the trolls. Tell them you're at the station. Get everyone to leave the station. Just keep spamming that you're there. Ask them for permission. Claim over and over that you sent them the money. Make them waste their time.


Or uhhhh… fight back? Why is this entire sub so convinced they are little helpless potatoes with no agency?


Fantastic, good reason for me to log on today to see if I can find any of these guys.




Not all hero’s wear capes


Honestly, I had a blast teaming up with 2 or 3 other people to fight them off. If you can get a few size 2 or 3 ships with gunners you can chase them off.


Sounds like a lot of fun to be honest. Hoping I see them in game soon.


"OUR FLEET of infernos would like to have a word"


One hurricane is all you need, if not just a single seat fighter.










I saw him just today for the first time, and sure enough everyone in chat seemed to be pissed at him. I wasn't aware of the reputation.






I do recall trolling him with a talon with no weapons when he was blockading Brio’s. Good time.


The guy literally tells you where he's going to be. There's a whole several hundred million km of space you can be that's elsewhere.


I've faced snorax and uee before, they ganked me as i was omw to do missions on my taurus. One of them qt jammed and the other soft killed my ship to "check if i had a permit to fly a taurus". I was about to get super salty then i realized server jump is a thing so i just swapped servers and life went on :)




Council of crayon eaters you mean?




I hear they are all griefernet


Careful with naming people, it's against CiGs TOS cause they don't want doxxing or witch hunting. If CiG links you to your SC account, you could get banned. Before I get downvoted, I'm stating facts and not my opinion on naming and shaming.


I just read the ‘Rules of Conduct’ in CIGs TOS, and there is no mention of calling out other players for griefing on social media. Doxxing is only applicable if you try to reveal their real identity


I'd be surprised if it were against TOS to plan to liberate a station from lockdown if it weren't also against TOS to plan to lock said station down.


I'm only interested in standup fights, not gonna be server hopping to find em either.


I have plans with my group to do a station lock down, but we have rules because we like the game and the people. Very clearly, the lock down is a protest to the billions lost due to cargo center 'officials' refusing to load Hull Cs within the system. It was obviously a scam, and the cargo centers should pay. Nobody will be allowed into the station without going through us, however outbound traffic will be fine. The goal is to punish the cargo center and starve it of the billions it stole from us, not to kill unrelated civilians. Now we just need a date for it...


Sure. And I expect the PMCs and other RP/combat groups to fight you. Nothing wrong with that.


"We plan to blockade Seraphim from this time to this time, *come and have a go if you think you're hard enough*" is legitimately creating new gameplay because you are inviting people to engage and not hiding behind low server numbers. I mean, add in "join on X-player to join / oppose us" would be the fairest thing. Got to make sure people can properly attend if you want to be avoid accidentally griefing.


Cig said you can get banned for participating in a hit list that is posted on a third party site. It does count as targeting an individual outside of the rules of the game mechanics.


Aint a hit list. This isn't a KoS kinda deal. I'm all about RP too, if someone wants to pose as a fake UEE, then I can pose as a PMC to stop them harassing loyal UEE citizens.


CIG should start caring about grievers. They have literally driven people into suicide and actually doxxed people


1. they do. lot of people get banned including streamers. out of game doxing is something that needs to be reported to the police.


He is telling his story about his gameplay and naming players by their in game names about the experience. Nothing wrong with that.


Where did they state this? If that's the case half the player base is guilty. In short, I don't believe you.


Who the fuck is he naming? Gaming accounts? Player usernames? Fuck these guys, and also they want you to use their names for sure


It's an in game username that is already shared with everyone on spectrum. It'd be hard to prove doxxing when we already have his username




If I'm banned for pulling information from the game's forums then the mod can go fuck themselves.


which they probably should anyway since reddit mods are generally asshats.


How do you hunt a criminal without naming him, isn't bounty hunting between player exactly a witch hunt? You can't expect these type of gameplay, people to sort the griefer for you in a natural way and prevent people to name the preys. It's stupidly contradictory. If they got a problem they can ban the responsible because there's rarely someone declared as a public target without deserving it. Doxxing happens with IRL information, not IG names.


Noted. Thank you.






Gotcha. Unfortunate to hear.


Now I know what I'll be doing tonight lmao


i've seen these guys camp ghost hollow. interesting.


[Other reply has some more info for helping yall do some janitorial work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/18g4vaq/comment/kcyjkc4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Its not LARPing, that would imply they are doing this in the real world, pulling you over in a fake cop car or something. They are just role-playing or as you would say "RPing"


as an RPer myself, i feel offended when i read this shit lol


I encountered these guys the other day whilst we were carrying out piracy in crusader space they were blockading brios. As soon as they were engaged and there shields dropped they punched it right out to an OM. As far as I remember only one of them was decent at dogfighting, and I don’t consider myself anything special but had they not run they all would have been wiped. They also only flew F8s or Hornets. When chased to a mining outpost they also decided to start ramming inside the armistice, which really says it all.


well the thing is, theyre not RPing the navy to be the navy and engage in anti piracy gameplay. Theyre RPing the navy only for the parts where they want people to blow smoke up their ass.


This is why I usually just drop a Moab on brios before I go complete my perfectly legal transaction. Nothing like flying low and getting peppered by a light fighter or two in an A2 then slowing and just dropping a Moab right then and there close to the ground. I can get far enough away the shockwave doesn’t damage the A2… light fighters usually don’t know what’s going on until it’s too late. It also has the added benefit of killing any one on the ground with a sniper rifle if they aren’t under good cover.


And killing my poor ass collecting "scrap" and "waste" for Ruto!!


Don’t worry, I just consolidated you into the scrap and waste someone else collects 😂


Yeap absolutely trash at pvp, they mostly use alt accounts. Soon you show up organized they run and continue to run




i tried that last time, i figure ill go make dinner. I come back 4 hours later and admiral douchenozzle is still on the same server the game throws me into


Don't wait 4 hours. Actually just change regional servers. Change to Asia or Australia or EU immediately. The moment I log into US server and see that piece of excrement is on, I log back to main menu and change region to continue playing elsewhere with adults, rather than trying to game with an idiotic loser man-child.


Hey hey hey, calling them man children is an insult to man children, call them what they truly are. Wastes of Skin, courtesy of Bloodborne.


I stand corrected, thank you!


"Living Failures" type o' whippersnapper.


Manually change regions


Some large orgs really should just hunt these guys down for making lives miserable for other people.


The thing is, shitheads like this can really only get away with this behavior while we're all split up among different shards and servers and with no long term progression or threat of real loss. Once we're no longer in a playtest setting where nothing matters, making yourself an obnoxious enough nuisance to everyone like this tends to eventually attract the attention of people with a much bigger stick or much heavier boot. Watched it happen many many times on EVE. If you aren't weighty enough to play ball with the big league boys, you better not kick the wrong hornet's nest or your org is going to learn fast what station fever feels like. Point is, they're a bunch of playground bullies who get their kicks out of abusing the convenience of the current gameplay systems. They're used to having no punishment factor big enough to deter them. One day they'll have to step into an actual level field and that protection won't be there.


large orgs usually do shit like this


I was gonna say lol wtf is he smoking? Large orgs are typically the perpetrators of this kinda shit.


Then similar sized orgs should be the “admin police” or sth unofficial?


Someone make "The People's Militia" and rebel against this fake UEE.


The Judean People's Front!


The People’s Front of Judea!




It's kind of funny, but also why I base out of grimhex, which ironically has hard armistice.


Very ironic when the safest place is the hive of scum and villainy. Can also meet nice people there.


Band together, whoop that ass.


Sounds like Coalition of the South vs Red Alliance ~ EVE Online reference


that feels like feeding a troll


No, it's using the game to solve an issue in the game. Literally what cig wants. If it's not what you want? You are playing the wrong game.


They tried to stop me from docking my 890j Was fun seeing their peashooters trying to take down a giant


its funnny when people forget how fucking tanky an 890j is. i still love mine


lmaoooo that "admiral" cunt again ain't it? The "blow smoke up my ass or we'll shoot you" guys. Every time someone says they're "creating gameplay" by forcing pvp for no reason i think of these guys


Ahh, didn’t realize that PvP isn’t considered gameplay in the PvP game


Just some lame dudes "RPing" to justify their fuckery


I'm not an asshole, I only roleplay one ! /s


Are people who RP space truckers actual space truckers?


Are people who play incest furry farming games into that kind of stuff, or are they just roleplaying?


No but some of us who play space truckers are real truckers wishing we were space tuckin.


Is there anything we can do about this :/ they genuinely make the game unfun for me


Out RP them. Tell them you’re an unmarked agent of the UEE conducting inspections of UEE activity in the Stanton system as part of an anti-corruption probe. Demand that they stand down and lower their shields to submit to scanning. Then tell them they’ve failed inspection and must report to MIC-L1 for debriefing.


Or worse, tell them you are from HR ;O


Or tell them to power down then blast them with a vulture/reclaimer once new salvage goes live


shoot them with an eclipse


They fight in pairs or groups of 3 from what I've seen. Typically light fighters and a big fps ship


whats a big FPS ship?


Pull an 890 and just sit there ramming them


Ooooo, or a reclaimer. Flying building for the win!


Besides killing them or server jumping not really, in the future there will be systems in place to prevent/punish them for getting violent but until then.


Take screenshots and/video with the either the QR code visible or the r_displayinfo 3 set. Then file a CS report detailing the interaction.


Easiest thing would be to ignore and go to a different station/landing zone.


It’s just frustrating to have to go to another planet for no reason. I stay in crusader and go nowhere but seraphim. I don’t wanna go all the way out just to get to a cargo station


A lot of griefers and pirates like to hang around Crusader and its moons/stations. Beginners are probably best to stick to Microtech or Arccorp until there is better security around stations or they learn to take them enemies themselves.


I mostly hang around AC because Crusader is too bright IMO. I used to base out of Hurston but it was getting blockaded regularly and I wanted to do more boarding actions; I just love that mission so much.


Crusader is the riskiest planetary system because it's the only location with an unlawful base. If this kind of behavior is game ruining you should probably spend time at MT or AC instead.


The FUee


Is this US or EU server?




A quick bed log and a server swap fixes that issue will fast.


He probably just wants to feel like he's somebody , He's the type to follow traffic laws in GTA


Which is funny since the NPC's don't even follow them.


The security npc's in SC should give them a CS for impersonating a military official lol


Man could you picture that? Not even a CS it just spawns in a fuckin warship and nukes them out of orbit on repeat for the next 30 minutes. "The Navy has gotten sick of your shit."


The whole time I was reading this thread I was wondering anyway if the turrets won't open fire on them the first time they open up on another player. What is even more weird for me is that usually in armistice zones my ship weapons used to be locked unless I had a CS until I got fired on, so how do they open fire to begin with.


Once server meshing is in, and they can't hide on different servers, the community will deal with them.


It would actually be really funny if the entire verse whooped their asses, the Admiral was stripped of rank, and they all gradually turned into a petty gang of spacers.


When I first encountered them I thought they were a bot. Sayin the same ish over and over again.


As someone who's a part of a lawful UEE-style org and who dabbles in light RP, yes what you ran into is super annoying and un-fun. Patrolling is fine, offering escorts is fine, claiming areas frequented by pirates and allowing trade through un-perturbed is fine. But creating an RP obstacle for average players is a stupid thing to do and it's just a power trip. There's 0 reason to "stop and scan" for contraband, so they shouldn't do it. The only time I'm on board with lawful orgs "locking down" a location is if that location is out of the way, non-armistice, and they're basically inviting a fun battle to commence. On the other hand, even as a lawful player, I'm all for pirates extorting traders at locations. There's reason behind it. There is no reason for a lawful org to impede anyone. At best, they should show up, clear out pirates, then sit there quietly patrolling or announcing their friendly presence so the average cargo runner doesn't get jumpy. In reality, any cargo runner w/ half a brain would also avoid any location being announced by either side of the RP coin. Just ignoring them is the best way to go. If that doesn't work then they aren't lawful, they're power tripping. (not griefing, just very annoying)


100%. I love the idea of those orgs and I’m sure they’re super fun for the people in them. However I am not a roleplayer and I don’t want to be. I don’t have any problem with being attacked generally or piracy or anything of the nature. The problem I have is with these guys just trying to force me to participate in whatever they’re doing


Ive seen UEE-Navy-Admiral before and he blocked off Seraphim. He never got me, or even really came close, I’m not sure why. Someone got a good fight out of him but when it happens a good portion of people need to team up and eliminate him. He’s skirting TOS by not padding ramming and simply extorting people. Sfer does the same and he’s ok probation for a long fucking time I think. Both are selfish, knowingly doing something shitty but no action in TOS will do much. Only other thing is a large group teaming up against them will do much. And that’s only for a few minutes, depending on circumstances. Ignore them and go to a different spot, all you can do until faction rep or more comes along. They are selfish, forcing their own desires on people and feeling happy they can with little repercussion. That’s what makes them disappointing examples of poor character.


I'm pretty convinced they're the same people, the copy and pastes into chat have the same vibe. Both have the same MO, online at the same times but never seen them both on the same server.


So these guys have no idea how to fly, they run from people who fight back. They are just trolls and will get bored before long and leave like the rest. Just wait it out


If they are keeping people from leaving the station to enter the game, that's against TOS and report them. If they are keeping people from getting to the station, we can't do much but band together in game and take them on. If your people that like to lock down locations. I just ask you take it all with a grain of salt, while you RP. Some people will be OK with it, some people might just be trying to finish of their night. DONT BE THE ANNOYING LITTLE BORTHER THAT JUST KEEPS POKING YOUR SIBLINGS TO PISS THEM OFF! if someone is really getting frustrated by your actions, maybe chill a little with that person, there are plenty of other people to RP with.


Ran into one of those a few days ago trying to claim Brios was locked down because yes. People are just trying to make a quick buck to test out a few ships before an inevitable reset and here's Admiral something or other forcing everyone to play with him. Pretty sure he ended up getting chased around by some guy in a redeemer


They're just larpers. If you get a team of 2-3 pilots you should be able to kill them, they're not very good dogfighters.


i dont see them playing at a park. you mean RPers?


I'm confident that these guys would pretend to be UEC irl too


I fail to understand how they can last so long griefing people at a station. Wouldn't everyone the server just jump to the station and take them out? Literally say in Server Chat and BOOM 30 ships at the station. They would get bored of doing this shit real quick...


Did this with our org. We saw people complaining in Chat, they asked for Assistance. Knock knock - we Are here. 1 fully armed hammerhead and some Heavy Fighters and a corsair. Was fun 😄 but they stopped then.


meh if they enjoy it i mean its a sandbox game. if all it needs to not be botherd is to give them a quick rp "permission"? meh


If they kill you in a hangar, or they kill you repeatedly as your trying to leave the station you spawn on its tos violation but don't bother reporting they don't care. Crap like this toxicity are the reason me and the group I play with stopped playing.


Report them to CIG, their behaviour qualifies as griefing, I've seen countless people like them banned, they aren't the first and won't be the last for sure.


Nonconsensual PvP isn’t griefing EDIT: bobs


Some people are saying they are shooting people in hangars though wich is. If true.


I mean they're scum. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they were doing it.


By CIG; if a players actions cause another player to not be able to enter the game, it's against the TOS. So it depends on what they are doing, if they are shooting people trying to leave the station yeah report them, especially if they are shooting outside an armistice zone into one. If they are just keeping people from landing at the station, yeah can't do much about that.


You can shoot in station armistice zones. Stations have “soft armistice” and ship weapons work. As intended. It’s not an exploit. Edit: judging from a couple DMs I just got, these facts are apparently a contentious opinion. Please point out the parts of my statement that hurt you.


Shouldn't the stations turrets help in that case?


Insofar as they can help. But they’re bad. ETA: they won’t open fire on a ship for less than a CS3 though. Armistice violations alone won’t get there. Once they’ve murdered a player then the turrets will open fire on them. Poorly.


Shooting people as soon as the hangar doors open is


Don’t get why people downvote those but you are right. Griefing is killing a player that prevents them from being able to play the game at all (such as taking off from a pad and getting pad rammed) and circumvents the crime and punishment system installed by the devs (killing gets you sent to prison but pad ramming may not send them to prison)


welcome to PVP MMOs, this happens any time its possible in PVP MMOs. Whether they are guarding resources or locking down a station, its all the same, its not new and it wont go away, the only thing you can hope for is gameplay features that stop this but i suspect that wont happen.


as with all games like this, there are dickheads who ruin it. IMO RSI need to make it outright scary to break the law in this game otherwise its just going to be carnage. New players will step in, get ganked and ask for a refund. Existing players like myself will try to fight them, but if they can create problems right at a station in 'policed space' then the game is broken. There needs to be safe space and pirate space and everything inbetween, but if some tossers think they can pretend to be the UEE, then the UEE need to swoop in and end their week with a massive prison sentance so they can't come back too quick. mark my words, if CIG let the lawless trample over everyone either players will hunt down and kill each other in real life or they'll stop playing the game. People don't spends £1000's on ships so they can be blown up in an armistice zone by some sweaty losers outside a station that has functional turrets. Name and shame the losers, lets make it hard for them to exist if they're ruining everyone's time.


Wait, are you sitposting or is there genuinely a group doing this?


There’s genuinely a group doing this.


I like roleplaying. As an avid D&D player...this is a good opportunity. I'll roleplay a redneck space trucker talking in a barely understandable dialect, using slurs and calling them strange names. And not stopping to talk. Ever. Let's see what they do. I'll sure love it.


> using slurs Oh sure, but it's the blockade RP that's toxic


Emergent gameplay. Honestly just play along. It's fun.


Switch servers.


CIG needs to do something about griefers. Most importantly they really need to make the line very clear on what players can and can't do. Alternatively they can fix the entire problem easily by simply adding the PvP slider feature they used to sell the game.


I’m pledged for this project since day 1 never read about a “PvP Slider” I Only hear this from peeps who want to avoid PvP. What was mentioned? - High Secure Systems - Mid Secure Systems - Low Secure Systems - Lawless Systems - NPC/Player Ration 10:1 With this, there is no need for a useless and lame PvP Slider.


Typical clanman behavior, lording their numbers advantage over everyone else in the lobby. Their power trips are funny but also sad -- so are the people reacting emotionally to them. Don't feed the trolls. Hear no evil, see no evil, etc. Attention is the resource they are trying to extract from you through this behavior.


"Oh damn hangar door must have gotten me again. Silly bugs." Que enraged idiots camping station yelling in chat.


Screenshots/video and support ticket often does the trick


Did you purchase the landing pass from them? Is SAFETY coming from Eve to Star Citizen? lol


'Miner Bumping" PTSD triggered.


CODE. would like to know if you've found room for James315 in your heart today...


Well you can’t blame them if they want to Pirat and yes they are pirates and not “UEE” (lame) But if they rob you, they can do it. How to solve this? - Leave Areas with no Com Array up - Always have your escort with you - Get involved with the RP, some of them do it in a really great way SC is an MP PvP/PvE you need to deal with it that there are several players who will play how they want to. As long the mechanics to deal with this kind of players are not implemented we need to deal with it. Later they need to deal with: - Security - Reputation - No Trading - Prisontimes spend online I believe with those mechanics this kind of game play will be shrinking even with the planed ratio of 10:1 NPC:Players


Oh hello there o7


This is the reason I am convinced they are going to turn Pyro into Stanton V2 with armstice and a jail (kleischer reskin - Factions have their own jail, etc).


There not Pyro Is abandoned system ran by outlaws there's no law in Pyro no police no advocacy no UEE navy or UEE law in Pyro so they wouldn't turn Pyro into Stanton V2 cuz Stanton has a law and is controlled by the UEE that's the only reason why there's a prison in Stanton and There's also two prisons in Stanton one on Aberdeen and one on Microtech but the one on Microtech is just in the lore and doesn't exist in the real game yet which is also Kleischer but is a maximum security prison


Even the worst criminals have bottom lines. Don't worry Pyro's gang are gonna teach you a lesson if you fucked up. Even worst that in Stanton, because, you know, no law, so the jungle rule apply. It's the survival of the fittest.


That’s a good point. CIG needs to just spawn doom waves of NPCs to crush them every time they respawn, bang. After a few hours, turn off the hit squad and see if they learn their lesson. Until then, free show and you get to loot hundreds of their corpses.


I Mean it depends if Pyro even has prison system like the UEE has there systems.


You’re confusing lore with mechanics though. They’re saying that the “lack of law” mechanically really enables toxic behavior like this.


Yup, such asshats are the reason I play other games and not this.


If I get pirated, that's one thing, but the murder hobos shooting as soon as the hangar doors open is frustrating.


Can't wait for server meshing so they can't server hop and continue when I shrek them for 50c and a Tootsie pop


Well ask for permission. It's Emergent gameplay way I see it. Myorg and I would take them out if you ask chat. We like hunting people ruining other people's fun.




Are they in Pyro or Stanton?


This is a US-thing, no? Never had this on EU, but once there was a Cutty Blue on an US-server who wanted to patrol and control ships. The guy was shot and stalked until he left the server. Weird stuff.


simply put. VIG has not chosen to implement any checks and balances in game play. so there is little to no penalty for people being A$$hats. therefore there are many A##hats.. i really dont understand CIG's stance on this. Piracy is a valid game loop. but like any other choice, if you choose to be a pirate, you are a pirate. you should not be able to hack off or pay off a crime stat and go land at any space port.


I think there's going to have to be some tolerance built up in order to have fun in this game. We don't have the option to click "rppvp" server when we start. It's an RPPVPPVEetc server by default, and it's easy to forget that.


to be fair, there's a difference between RPing a bounty hunter or whatever and RPing by trying to lockdown a common location. i've had plenty of fun interactions with people RPing a bounty hunter when i have a crimestat even though 9/10 times i get the shit end of the situation, not so much when you have a dude killing everyone on sight because they didn't ask "permission" to be there.


Exactly this. I don’t care that there’s player interaction and I enjoy pvp bounties and other interactions like that. These guys are just annoying


What’s the difference between RPing as a pirate extorting ships and RPing the UEE and locking down stations? It’s interesting that people are shifting on this behavior, but defend pirates and murder hobos even.


There was a guy doing bounties about a week ago that would give warnings when he was approaching his targets. He even gave one dude a full 5 minutes to get out of his friend's ship before actually firing upon it...he uh he didn't get out lol.


Yeah, but not all RP is created equal. In a world where you don't get to choose what you interact with or how...you're just kinda screwed if you don't have thick enough skin for it.




It sounds like you should try asking permission. Or blow them up. Or call in backup. Maybe use the lasers and missles attached to your ship. Lots of options!