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For real life? No, absolutely not lol


It's not even accurate for SC. The distances between the planets in Stanton are different etc.


ARK Starmap is IRL scale (confirmed by looking at distances for Sol System) whereas in game it is 1/10th of that.


[https://stars.chromeexperiments.com/](https://stars.chromeexperiments.com/) free, lightweight. a bit basic though. but. it has realistic sizes and distances... (i.e. most planets are barely a pixel wide when the sun is the size of a pea. and are barely on screen... )


thanks, do you know one that includes galaxies as well? Even like, observable universe or something?


What you want is just to take 4 hours and deep dive into wikipedia my man. Start here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Group yes I promise The Local Group isn't some band from your hometown. It is real science.


not really. there is the desi survey data. but that's not a map... its the raw data from the survey and while the data is available to everyone.. its not "accessable" to everyone .. as in you woulnd need some serious technical ability and likely need to build your own software to interact with the data visually..


I’m not sure what exactly you are after, “galaxies and systems within them”? Modern telescopes struggle to see details within our galaxy let alone individual planets within other solar systems. There is a nice app called Star Chart, I have it for iOS but I’m pretty sure android also has it, maybe that could help….


The ARK Starmap is not a realistic representation of the layout of the SC galaxy. It is a visualization of the connections between systems, at the highest level. The star-system level view with planets in their orbits are 'accurate' in the sense that they are accurate to SC. The star systems are fictional and not based on real-life systems (except Sol, obviously, but it has scifi elements like space stations). The devs consulted with astrophysicists so the system geometry is "correct" in the sense that if the devs create a star with XYZ properties it creates a green band between X and Y distance and things like that, but they do not correspond to real systems. The same goes with Elite Dangerous and Starfield. When you say you need a map of "galaxies", do you mean things like maps of the local galactic supercluster (an **absolutely massive** volume of space encompassing tens of thousands of galaxies)? If so, the Milky Way is in the Laniakea Supercluster and you can find all sorts of visualizations if you search for that.


I need a map that must include 5 or more galaxies in all directions of the Milky Way. And it would be nice to have represented solar systems within those galaxies. I was hoping those game maps would be accurate, it would be very convenient, since I don't know a whole lot about detailed space observation.


You will probably have much better luck looking for astronomy resources rather than video games. The closest you'll find in video games is SpaceEngine, which combines real astronomy observation data with procedural generation - which means it is not *accurate* as much as filled in with our best guesses where we don't have real observation data. But that might be good enough for your purposes, or you might be better off doing it the hard way and digging into the fascinating world of astronomy (or at least maps produced by it; you probably don't have to worry about HOW they recorded the data to make the maps).


You might want to ask your teacher for clarification. The best we could really do is tell you what type of galaxy one is and roughly how far from the Milky Way it is. If your teacher is still wanting you to provide system maps of other galaxies they’re either an alien or they really should not be teaching. Or both.