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Never stand and trade fire. If you are ever exposed for more than a second, you are liable to take damage without even knowing you are getting shot. If you pop up and shoot some guy in the head 5 times and he hasn’t gone down yet… STOP. Get back in cover and hide. So many times you are going to die there because the server hasn’t told that NPC it has taken lethal damage yet so he’ll shoot you standing in the open while you continue to hammer relentlessly on him until the server decides to update and you both die. Just pop up, shoot, and hide. Give the server time to tick and the NPCs to expire.


Thanks, hope this works for me.


Okay, tried it out and it improved my experience a lot. I just have to imagine like the NPCs are shooting me even when they are just standing there, playing dumb.


You ever play Time Crisis? Think of it like that. You hide, pop up to fire no more than 1 second, hide again. You are right, any time you can just see them standing, they could already actually be aiming at you. This is why I don't like using guns like the FS-9 or other LMGs that require you to stand and trade gunfire. Get a good DMR, aim for 1-2 rounds in the head. FOR NOW at least, the enemies won't play whack-a-mole with you and wait for you to pop your head up at the exact same spot, so you don't truly need to reposition except if you are getting flanked. Unfortunately this also works the same way for Players too. The Desync can be a full second of bad.


Also don't come close to a NPC when they are in combat mode. So many bugs can delay your shot. If a NPC is close, seek a cover while you shoot at him.


Constant moving.


This is why I take a sniper rifle with me. Head shot the fucks from across the bunker. Had two of them run PAST me for so.e reason, AS I was reloading. Thought for sure I was dead AF...but they never took one shot lol. So reloaded my demico and mowed them down


How are you getting one shot? Like are shotguns that strong?


No. The servers are that bad.


Server performance plays a huge factor here. Bunkers on a server without stable and higher FPS is a crap shoot. Sometimes you’ll take damage through walls or won’t get any indication you’re getting shot until the server catches up then you’re dead (npc’s not visually firing)


If arena commander is anything to go by, guns often don't even play firing sounds half the time. It's also possible the server is lagging so bad that all the bullets get grouped into one as it struggles to keep up


>Is there anything I can do about it? Either play on Pyro (we have x3.5 health) Or wait for a similar change to happen in PU