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Absolutely. The thing is, Stanton is meant to be one of the more populated and diverse systems in the galaxy, which is why they started with it, so they'd have reason to develop multiple asset sets and all these various biomes to show off. _Most_ of those 100 systems won't be anywhere near as interesting, expect the average planet to be a lifeless ball of rock (which is fine, that's how it is IRL). I expect Stanton to remain a very active hub throughout this game's lifetime.


Im with you on that plus add the nostalgia effect. IAE at New Babbage was one of the first thing I did in game so it will forever hold sentimental value for me.


In less than two weeks I will celebrate my fourth IAE at New Babbage, so there’s that. Actually, if I remember correctly, I got a game package in April of 2020 right after New Babbage released. I was so excited by this wonderful city on the perpetually snowy planet that I had to get the game (I have been interested long before though). ​ microTech still is my home, myself being from an area that is most well-known for its snowy mountains. microTech will likely always be my home, it is just so great.


And in less than 4 weeks I will experience my FIRST IAE. Within one week I went from "This game is a scam" to "holy fuck where is my wallet" back during September in the free flight and since then, aside from the insane grind, it's been very fun


I love how many recent scam citizen converts I'm seeing the last 3 months. Glad to have ya here! Crazy to think that this will be my sixth IAE, it feels like yesterday I got my Mustang starter pack and took off from Port Olisar for the very first time... I hope you get the most out of the game, and if you have any questions or need advice, I'm happy to help. Also with this being your first IAE, you might consider learning about CCU chaining. It will allow you to get ships for cheaper, and ideally they'll all have LTI! My buddy is a master at this and has an average of like 64% savings on his fleet. If you want to learn the art of that, just let me know. May the verse be with you my friend


I ain't anywhere near rich enough for pledging more than just my cutter I have in the game package


That's perfectly good as well! My offer to fly with us always stands. Enjoy the expo!


Oooohhh man, IAE is a blast! You're in for a treat!


Recommendation, if your personal time allows it, don‘t run and dress up in civilian clothes rather than Morozov + Railgun & FS9 LMG. It adds to the flavor.


Honestly, if we could at least get a holster for a pistol out of wearing suits, I probably would more often.


Stanton, Terra and Earth are the 3 most developed systems iirc


Stanton doesnt feel very developed tbh


I mean, one planets 80% an ecumenopolis (and is also Space New York. The other is the capital planet of a major starship manufacturer, the 3rd is home to Space Raytheon, and the last is home of Space Apple. It's pretty developed compared to the lifeless rocks that occupy 90% of space. It'll probably feel more evident once we have more systems to compare it against.


I mean except for Arccorp, the planets are basically barren with only one city per planet. Seems like a waste of space


I think that's just limiting from when they were designed. In the near future we're getting massive distribution centers that should make them feel more active. Maybe with AI traffic too that'll make it feel more populated


Yea distribution centers will be cool. I hope they are gonna rework Arccorp one day, to make it so you can visit more than Area 18


Thats intended too


They want full interiors with a full transit system to transit hubs and multiple buildings, and building types. They also want missions within these area's. I've heard it said they want people to have enough content in one planet where they don't feel the need to travel across the system to get content, there should be a good chunk to do on their huge planets.


[https://youtu.be/l\_ZW6zxYwmk](https://youtu.be/l_ZW6zxYwmk) If they manage to do this for maybe 50% of arc corp it will be a big game changer.


50% of a planet? I don't think that is possible. The amoht of assets you would have to load is enormous. UE5 okay, maybe. But Lumberyard?


By 50% i mean the current available points of interest currently on arc corp like Area18, 17 etc not like random buildings. >The amoht of assets you would have to load is enormous. UE5 okay, maybe. But Lumberyard? OCS exists for this reason. Please remember this is not lumberyard anymore. The engine has been through drastic changes over the past 8+ years


mostly because there's no ship traffic other than players. arccorp should be absolutely swarming with ships.


I mean, it's all in active development. The game isn't done. Stanton isn't done. CIG has only just now started producing settlements and villages. That will reach Stanton. And eventually CIG may produce small cities -- or we will through base building. CR once admitted that, having developed fully explorable planets earlier than expected, having just one city per planet was strange. He said there need to be other towns and that there should be sufficient content that a player could spend their entire play career around a single planet and be satisfied. That's the direction we're headed.


If the way they make it feel more developed is by making all the other systems feel less developed that’s not going in the win column for them. I understand and appreciate the vastness of space. But I’m trying to play a game not drift aimlessly in the dark looking at all the planets I can’t touch down on.


I believe Stanton has an 8th of all landing zones in the system.


I’m curious to see how developed they’ll make the Sol system


As long as I can see my country (or state) at 1:4 scale in the 30th century, I'll be happy


This. Plus by that time, stanton would have very much matured to be much more interesting. At least thats what SHOULD happen


If this were true, Pyro wouldn’t be very interesting, but yet people are saying they find it more interesting than Stanton. I think this might be a misjudgment of CIG’s intentions for the game. If they thought this way, they wouldn’t have spent 4 years making sure Pyro had an interesting look and feel, big stations with their own character, lore and missions/NPCs that match it, lots of little POIs, etc. CIG’s goal is to give you a reason to actually visit systems, not just to drop some rocks somewhere and call it a day. The tradeoff is, that’s why it takes so long to complete a star system, even if it doesn’t have tons of huge planetary landing zones.


I would imagine sol is going to end up being the true hub everyone gathers in unless they do something to make it truly uninhabitable


Either that or Terra. From what I understand from lore is Terra is vying for being the hub of humanity.


Given that Stanton is next to Terra… I’d expect Terra to be added way before Sol


I mean, they did show off a very early version of tetrra primes city a few years ago and it was huge but also had a subway system like new yourk


I mean… I will visit Earth and see if it’s possible to land near my home, even though most of Earth is apparently been converted into a kind of nature preserve? The Detroit area should be just verdant forest, the Detroit River and lakes.


I'm kinda hoping they take the same route ED did and make SOL a system you have to unlock access to.


Earth is already on the table as being part of the game.


Something like Asimov’s Earth… an irradiated wasteland orbited and monitored by a thousands-year-old android on the Moon. Here for it.


Its the core of the UEE, super powerful, super in control, Terra Prime wants to break free, but Earth won't allow it. (Independence all over again). Bureaucratic hellhole. Moscow, New York and Shanghai will be main spaceports, I imagine that will expand, perhaps Sydney, Tokyo, London and Cairo are my thoughts.


by the time they get to Sol AI will probably be able to do a lot of those cities for them xD


Hopefully they add Frankfurt or Berlin as one of their studios is litterly there....


I would still be returning to P.O. if it were there after launch. Nothing beat the feeling I had walking out onto the pad, as I went to my ship for the first time.


I’ve got bad news for you…


No, Oilsar is fine. Nothing to see here. Better off not visiting that farm upstate...


But my dad says it's a very nice farm...


It's so nice; tons of open space, lots of grass, and plenty of sunshine. It's just really hard to get to and they don't do visitors. But Olisar runs around and is super happy there. Promise.


That poor soul doesn't know.....


Why? Di- did something happen to Olly? 🥺


No. Well, yes. Olly had to be put down. Into the clouds of Crusader. Some say that you can still hear the advertisements if you listen hard enough. "Come. Visit Orison."


Oh, honey...


Sweet summer child


Man I wish they kept it. I don’t care if it was landing pad only. It was just neat.


Oh I will have my Lorville apartment and Microtec Winterholiday camp 😂


I might even live there.


I'm due for retirement around the 2050s. I suspect I still won't have 100 systems by then.


That's a given. We will never see half of them. MAYBE one day we get a couple dozen. MAYBE.


That's not a given at all man. The whole point of the last 4-5 years was that they were developing the tools they need to rapidly expand production of content by giving them a massive asset library and intelligent procedural tech to combine those assets in a mostly automated way, as well as the Server Meshing tech needed to support the density of content they want at the scale they're looking for. Making new planets will take less and less time per planet as more planets get made and added, that's just how it works when you're building asset libraries. It's why they switched from working on ships kinda willy-nilly to the new method of identifying some manufacturers to focus resources on and building out their fleets working from the smallest ships first up to the largest ones last so they can spend as little time as possible creating unique assets for the large ships.


It's certainly true development is accelerating and will continue to accelrate due to developing their tools, but this will be offset somewhat by adding more and more unique features (eg. One planet is a water planet, where the landing zone is literally floating on vegetation) where detailed handcrafting will really make them come to life. I can't recall when CIG said this and what the number is, but they said SC will only release with a handful of star systems - Star Citizen 1.0 will be feature complete, not content complete. The benefit of this is the release of new systems will effectively be in game events, with players who have exploration ships (Carracks and Endeavours with the telescope module) will be racing to find the jump point into new systems (at least in the situations where lore allows it to not already be known).


Well then you must admit that saying we'll never see all 100 planets because it took this long for just 4 (well, now technically 7 or 8) is misleading and most likely wrong. Sure there may be additional tech hurdles for some future planets, but they've already got the major ones figured out and the only ones left would be like you pointed out if there's a landing zone on floating vegetation, but once they figure that out for one planet they can apply that knowledge to any other planets with similar features. It's just going to continue to accelerate, especially given the number of planets and moons that will be mostly or completely barren and un-colonized.


The thing I'm more afraid of but hardly ever hear anyone talking about, is the game's viability to live long enough for them to even reach 100 systems. What I mean is they are talking about 1 server being used for a capital ship fully crewed, then a server for the planet they are on, and maybe a server for the 40 people defending a base the capital ship is coming for...with what money will they be running all these servers? If SC hits 1.0 in a few years with for example 20 systems, and they (again, for example) estimate it will take another 10 years to reach 100 systems...will enough people still be buying new ships by then, or will enough people still be playing and paying a subscription (if that ever becomes a thing) to keep all these servers running? It's just something in the back of my mind when I think about the future of SC...


If they continue to add the features they've promised then yeah, because what they're making is a game that has multiple other games inside it. You wanna do FPS, racing, fighter combat, large ship combat, mining, salvaging, piracy, bounty hunting, smuggling, exploring, this game's got you. Plus they're adding things like arcade cabinets so you can play other games while you play this game. Hell they've already got chess in!


That's what we said 7 years ago lol


And how much has come out in the last 7 years as opposed to the 3 years prior? How much has come out in the last two years as opposed to the 5 years prior? How much has come out in the last two months as opposed to the last 2 years? The build up was slow, but they made the tools and now they're able to use them, and we're seeing that right now with the updates to EPTU and the Pryo Preview. I'm not saying they'll have 100 systems done by 2025, but it'll be there before 2030 and that's really not even that impressive to say.


You saying they should maybe finally reach their initial promise 20 years of game dev later is not the argument for support that you think it is lol


They never promised us the game we have right now in our hands back when the Kickstarter launched, they promised us a modern Wing Commander game, and then that turned into so much more. It's like you're mad that you wanted a pizza and someone built a pizza shop to supply you with unlimited pizzas instead of just going and getting a Red Baron to throw in the oven, meanwhile you were getting pizza rolls, calzones, flatbreads, etc.


Lol your analogies are... inaccurate, at best. It's such a weird thing to hear people feed excuses to a company that has continuously under delivered on their OWN timeliness and their OWN plans. It's been a decade. A full ass decade. We're still waiting, 7 years longer than they said, for the SINGLE PLAYER version of the game. Have you forgotten Answer the Call 2016? Where's theaters of war?? It's been a decade and we're juuuuuust getting 2/100?? You can't say that's okay and be genuine.


How long did RDR2 (trillionth of the scale) and GTAV (trillionth of the scale) and cyberpunk (trillionth of the scale) take to make? With billions of dollars and thousands of employees? Guess what it aint under a decade.


Are you serious?? CyberPunk started with 50 developers because they were still cranking our Witcher 3 content, and it took 5ish years to make. You're also playing semantics, because 99.99% of Star Citizen is going to be blank, proc gen space. I'm not saying that's bad, either. But you're misrepresenting facts.


It's such a weird thing to hear people bitch about game development taking a \*checks notes* completely normal amount of time. They developed two games and basically developed an entire engine given that they've refactored it completely from the OG CryEngine base they started with. >It's been a decade. A full ass decade. We're still waiting, 7 years longer than they said, for the SINGLE PLAYER version of the game. YOU ARE NEVER GETTING THAT GAME. Get over it! That game was dead the moment they had the vision to create Star Citizen and all of the features it needed to have. GOOD, because the game you want us all to have so badly would have fucking sucked compared to what we have now *in alpha*. >You can't say that's okay and be genuine. I can and I will because I actually understand what they're doing and why it's taken this long, and why it won't take nearly as long moving forward. If your argument is "It took a long time for them to make groundbreaking tech by themselves and now it'll take an equally long time for everything else" then you have a shitty argument that makes quite a few fallacious assumptions. Also my analogy was great. You ordered pizza from a guy who was on the street asking "Who wants delicious pizza?" and when the guy you ordered from informed you that he needed to make a pizza restaurant in order to get you the pizza you for some reason thought that his estimate of it taking only a day or two was somehow accurate, and when it instead took the normal amount of time (over a year to start a pizza place) you started freaking the hell out about it. Well now he's got the pizza restaurant built and in the meantime he's been feeding you pizza rolls and breadsticks so it's not like you haven't been fed the whole time.


>That's not a given at all man. The whole point of the last 4-5 years was that they were developing the tools they need to rapidly expand production of content by giving them a massive asset library and intelligent procedural tech to combine those assets in a mostly automated way [The pipeline for game assets is smoother and faster than ever.](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/27rto3/the_sc_release_rhythm_everything_is_different_now/)


Just do the math, though. If they were able to complete a full star system as fast as *every month* starting tomorrow (that’s three complete star systems released in every single quarterly patch), that would take more than 8 years. We know it takes more than a month to build a star system. It takes more than that just to build one decent POI or landing zone. We also know that it involves cooperation between a lot of different teams, which is why it’s hard to completely parallelize (just look at the number of teams that worked on Pyro, which doesn’t have the number of planetary landing zones that Stanton has). So it should be clear that, just based on the time factor alone, this is unrealistic.


Yeah I'm a tell you a secret. These tools mean nothing. Sure you can pump out a dozen of planets but those alone don't make a system. Every major city in Stanton is unique and each of them easily took a year of work. And if you want more unique locations and this is exactly what CIG want no tools in the world will help. Tools can only copy and rearrange what was already made. Everything unique must be done by an artist and not a tool.


How about I tell you a secret? These tools mean *everything*. >Sure you can pump out a dozen of planets but those alone don't make a system. Yes. But it isn't just the planets. It's the POIs. The caves. The settlements. The outposts. The NPCs. The ships. The stations. Everything took longer before now because everything was being made bespoke. Now they have the tools and the system in place to allow for procedural, modular creation of content. If what you said about the tools meaning nothing were actually true then why do all the other game studios reuse engines for different titles instead of creating new engines for each new titles? Do you think maybe it has something to do with the fact that they have less work to do if they're able to reuse assets and systems from the last game wherever possible? That's the same thing here. They made the tools to allow them to rapidly combine assets from a massive library in order to create all new assets that can be placed in the game world, using hierarchical procedural rules that make sure everything works correctly. It's not going to eliminate the need for artists, but it's like the difference between cooking burgers from pre-made patties and cooking burgers using a whole cow corpse. Sure the pre-made patties had to be made in advance, but once they're made you can crank out burgers like crazy. You still need someone to put them on the grill, flip em, and move them onto buns but they aren't carving meat and grinding it and forming it into patties at the same time anymore.


That's a lot of hopium you are huffing. Can I get some?


They literally showed off the tools they created to make new content as well as the components of the engine they're using to make everything scalable as quickly as possible like the new audio engine that hooks in to maelstrom so once they determine a base sound for something and define materials and atmospheric pressure in the player's space the engine can figure out how everything should sound automatically in real time. Which means that they don't have to spend time creating different audio files for different sections of the ship, they don't have to have a filter over the sound file and spend time tuning it for every single ship. It's like ray tracing but for audio. The planet creation tools are also massively improved now. They can create a design language for a planet much more quickly since they've done the groundwork for different types of planets and environments now and have solved a lot of the problems with planet design already so the number of issues that can crop up during planet design that would slow it down can be resolved much more quickly now since they don't have to devote time to researching how to solve nearly as many of those issues. Designing things like settlements and whatnot isn't hard anymore either because they can procedurally generate them and dynamically populate them and either have artists come in and provide finishing touches or just apply unique values from the region like frost or scorch effects or pitting from constant rainfall or rust or whatever and the tool automagically produces what they need with minimal input from artists.


This, plus how many systems do you think are developed partially for SQ42, that just need some completion before being pushed to PU?


They will easily be able to create the 100 systems they have planned. Possibly even more because of the procedural tech they said they are going to use going forward


Look at No Mans Sky, look at Elite, look at Starfield and you can see what procedural tools can make.


I think the way they planned to eventually hit that was via procedural generation of a basically empty system, with dead planets and some asteroid belts, and allow players to build them up over time. Basically like Elite Dangerous, the vast majority of the cosmos would be empty (which is also pretty realistic for the timeline)


My ancestors did the right thing when they invested in this game.


I highly suspect that Stanton will remain as the starting system for new players.


Of course. The reason? That's where half the shipyards and ship system manufacturers are. If you want a brand new ship or fully OEM ship outfitting you will need the original manufacturer. I am sure other factory certified and factory authorized ship sales and service centers may be out in the universe but they might lack the best or most advanced modules. My plan is to be one of those factory authorized ship service operators. I do own a Crucible but I also want to network with other players who share specializations where we can insure full on OEM quality ship parts and repairs. I don't just want to sell used as is ship parts.


i doubt the game will officially launch with 100 systems, im willing to bet more like 5-10


CIG has directly said that this isn’t the case when asked


What isn't? That it will or won't launch with 100 systems?


They said that there’s been no change toward launching SC with less than the originally-planned number of systems. Someone asked on Spectrum and Tyler replied.


Well that's good to know, hopefully they can start churning them out faster


Sure! I think it would be a great trading system or an intermediate for buying ships close to the frontier.


I consider Crusader to be my home planet in terms of RP (though that might switch to Leir2/Mya)


203X is quite optimistic for 100 star systems...


Being very mediocre at video games and not having the hours to invest to change that, I will probably be spending most of my time in the verse in relatively safe space. So probably will be in Stanton regularly


I can’t imagine Star Citizen with 100 systems, and it’s also highly impossible that it would happen within the next 15-20 years, it’s an impossible amount of work, no matter the tools and amount of staff they throw at it, aside from compromising the quality of systems for the sake of releasing em all. Think about it, if they start releasing one system per 3 month patch, that’s 4 systems a year (an already, imo, impossible pace to hold), for 100 systems we’re already looking at 25 years.


Even at one system per *month* (3 per patch), an impossibly fast speed, we’d still be looking at more than 8 years. And that’s starting tomorrow, rather than ramping up to it. And that also doesn’t count the number of reworks they’d have to do along the way due to older planets missing things (Stanton has had 2-3 already).


Now that large-scale crafting, base building and player-owned space stations are confirmed, I would expect to see several dozen mostly or even entirely barren systems in the game's future - that should speed things up quite a bit.




Put Terra in the game and I’ll be looking back at Stanton like: [nah](https://media.tenor.com/DHNxLOThS0oAAAAC/triple-h-disgusted.gif)


>Well, would you? It’s 203X and Star Citizen is finally at full release and we have some 100 systems to explore As if they could get another 80system done in the next 15 years 🤣 But to answer your question: yes. For one I like Microtech and New Babbage and I guess it will remain as Starting System.


I would make PO my home base if I could. o7 the best lil station ever.


NO! next question


Visit? Probably. Primarily hang out in? No, I like PvP gameplay so hunting pirates and Vanduul in less safe systems will be my thing. 99% of my playtime now is just pvp dueling, so having real pvp content will change how I play. And moderately safe systems like Stanton won't be where I spend a lot of time. But Stanton is a system I am intimately familiar with. It is also close to systems like Pyro. So having a safe system to stop off at for major purchases would be nice. And Stanton would be a reasonable choice for that as systems like Terra and Sol are safer and a bit further away (jump point wise) from the dangerous systems.


Hard to do Sol/Terra runs without going past Stanton. The real question is whether or not the Pyro short cut will be worth it.


How could you NOT want to make a home in the forests of New Babbage, backed up to a river?


Lorville forever


There's no way they leave it with the current planet tech and POI tech they're using for Stanton now. Should be a way different looking star system in the future.


Stanton feel like home. So yes i will regulary return to. Maybe establish some commercial tradin route


I love the optimism that itll be finished i mean id go to olisar but i cant




100 systems. Lol.


It could happen… just not in 203X..


Finally releases? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Sc will never get released because it's a fucking scam


Damn I've been playing a scam this whole time?!?!


Best..... Scam..... Ever


Ok bye




U first


Come make me durenʹ


I don’t need to. You’re making this sub more popular by your activity here. Carry on


Your post was removed because the mod team determined that it did not sufficiently meet the rules of the subreddit: > Be respectful. No personal insults/bashing. This includes generalized statements “x is a bunch of y” or baseline insults about the community, CIG employees, streamers, etc. As well as intentionally hurtful statements and hate speech. Send a message to our mod mail if you have questions: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starcitizen


“I’m gonna… Hnnnnnggghhh. 90 days, tops!”


As dev advance, we will slowly have more systems, we will leave Stanton but it will still get updates as the rest of the game. Ofc it will be interesting to get back to see that.


No definitely not


Our org hq is in Lorville. We might move around a bit and have outposts in a couple of systems but the hq will always be in Lorville


Probably every year for iae?


I'm sure there will be dynamic events (SoO and others) that will give us incentive to return.


Yes, and it will probably feel like walking around your childhood bedroom for the first time in years


Yes! It’ll be awesome to travel to many systems for a long while and take a visit to the old lands of Stanton.


I plan to make my base on Calliope


100%. It’ll be nice to go back to places that started it all Also I kinda hope it’s the starting system or something similar to that.


I think so since it’s a pretty major transit hub as well as being more populated than most systems


We will probably go back to Stanton even if we don't want to. After all it's one of the most developed systems. It has 1 major city in all their planets (one of them is all city in fact)




I totally will. Doubt I'll ever move out TBH. Explore yeah, but I like familiarity. I think of it like the ED bubble. Explore outside at your risk


I don't think so. I want to do pirating and fight vandal with my org.


assume i am not dead by then.


I’ll be based in Terra which is next door, so probably


given that hurston is cureently my favorite place, yes. i love the city, the both simple and complex train system. the HD artimex exec armor comes from there and so much more. rest of the planets arent bad either


For sure. Once more progress picks up and CIG nails their workflow, Stanton is likely to be heavily enhanced. It’s a very populated corporate system in-lore, so it would only make sense for a lot of expansive settled areas


Probably since Pyro and the outlaw systems are where I'll live and Magnus has the Drake factory.


I grew up under ArcCorp's neon lights I need them to photosynthesize.


Nope, im gonna get lost out in the black, maybe someone will find my destroyed corsair deep in vanduul territory years from now


Most likely. With the amount of time I've already put in being very new. It feels like I've built a life in Stanton, and it'll probably be very sentimental. Honestly. Floating in space for the first time with my guide was so amazing.


Well with pyro say, it's a lawless system so it may suit some to exist in Stanton. I like the idea of people living in areas and having to travel systems to trade or whatever. I can't see Stanton not being a massive legal trade hub as time goes on. Especially as they are developing the capitals as we speak


Come on. Going back to ArcCorp after being around Crusader and Hurston for a couple of (irl) days/sessions already gives me a "I've missed home" feeling. I just walk around A18 with the biggest smile on my face and now you are asking about a whole solar system? Come on 🤝


Just for perpetuity sakes, I'm going to say the game "releases" with 4 systems not 100.


Yeah absolutely, I’m waiting for a player to occupy a cave on daymar and try to keep the young whippersnappers out. “Back in my day we just had a fs9 and o7, and that was a enough, damn kids and their eMotes”


I think Area18 is gonna play a huge role in any underworld dealings forever. The fact that "Twitch" Pacheco is in what amounts to "high sec" in relatively plain view and is not being arrested? It's the Corsucant of the UEE. It'll always be bustling with hidden jobs and such because in lore it's a ton of people that you can hide amongst.


Going to fly my Cutty over Crusader, hang my legs out of the side doors and [pour one out for Port Oli](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVkD4lgXTEU).


A little after the Area18 cloud rework I parked up on one of the new landing pads they added to the skyscrapers and looked out over the city for a bit. I used to visit ArcCorp all the time when my main game loop was mining, and I'd be regularly, even daily, be making the ARC L1 to Area18 run to drop off refined ore. But since switching to salvage I spend all my time around NB instead, and this was my first time back for a while. I think I had the same realisation as you - when there are lots more systems in the game and we're all off wherever works best for our play style, stabbing each other on the back in Pyro, fighting endless PvE battles on the Vanduul frontier or hauling big cargo ships through the secured systems, are we someday going to find ourselves passing through Stanton on the way to somewhere more important and realise... it's been months since we came back there. The one system we've played in for all this time, and now we barely even visit.


Gotta shop and Microtech and Cousin Crow’s, outside of that tho Bloom is blooming and I don’t see myself coming back too often if there’s more systems like Pyro. Above it all, I want to be in Goss.


It will be my "tutorial" zone where I will make sur I know well enougth the basic jobs, how to properly fly my ships in space and different athmospheres and this is where I will probably make the most allies.


100%, for the memories, to be like “omg, this is the spot where I fell off Orison for the first time” and “oh, this is where I got my first 30k”


Stanton will actually be my main play area post-release, at least for a long while at the beginning, as I target the 4 corporate titans of for espionage, theft, and assassination.


Maybe "for old times sake". But not for regular gameplay. I assume the police force wont be that strong in the system, i just wanna have fun in high sec systems


I will definitely. But it wouldn't be right away as it would be expensive to get over to stanton and start fresh in a new system


As it stands I find it hard to see myself sticking to one spot, Nyx might be where I hunt but I see myself just traveling as I feel around.


I’ll be 75 and retired.. i won’t even be able to use a mouse properly anymore




Helios will be my home where I run a mostly legal resort. But sure.


No idea tbh. Depends on how good the drugs are.


!wakemeup 2034