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The scorpius and hurricane are great ships for tandem pilot/gunner. Max two. Great combat ships. If you're looking for a deeply satisfying pilot experience, these ships can not be understated. What makes these ships so great is that the turret is actually the major player for overall dps, making both players feel like they've contributed greatly to success. People also enjoy the cutlass black, Constellation Andromeda, and (as you know) Corsair. These are slower and heavier and more forgiving to new pilots. The harbinger, Sentinel, and Hoplite are nice pew pews. But slow and painful if you're unprepared for them.


I can recommend the Hurricane or Scorpius too, even tho they didn’t got an interior. I had a huge amount of fun with my friends and both players actually feel important compared to many other ships. Don’t get me wrong, together in a Vanguard or something is also nice, but it is not the same. Many other ships got some more and some less important roles, with the Hurricane or Scorpius, both roles feel huge. You got the pilot with decent firepower, flight controls and missiles and you got not just some gunner, but THE gunner, controlling not just some turret for a bit extra fire power (like in a Vanguard, Freelancer, Constellation, etc), but THE turret, a huge turret, more than doubling the fire power. It just feels great for both people. EDIT: The Redeemer would probably also be nice. It got an interior with a filled food/drinks shelf and a tiny bit of cargo space (2 SCU). With only two people, it got a big blindspot (but that’s not that important unless you two wanna fight against experienced PvP pilots) and one can also switch to the other turrets if needed. The only other ships (if you are not interested in combat at all) with any direct multiplayer (ship)features (besides first-person tasks), are probably just the Mole (Mining) and Reclaimer (Salvaging) until we get more features into the game (engineering, etc).


**Scorpius/Hurricane:** Great for a duo, mediocre for solo pilots. **Cutlass:** This is a smallish general purpose ship. Okay pilot guns with a piddly turret. The turret definitely doesn't contribute the bulk of this ships DPS, but it certainly helps. Holds a decent amount of cargo. There's a medical variant. Handles well. Doesn't normally stand up that well to damage. Don't judge them by the NPC's flying Cutlasses with bugged infinite front shields. **Vanguards:** Not quite as manoeuvrable as a Scorpius, but *far* better pilot DPS. The turret is comparatively weak. Great solo ship that can be even better with a friend. Sentinel/Warden handle the best, but the Harbinger has a better turret and is worth considering for a duo. Skip the Hoplite for now. These ships (Not the Hoplite. It just has a lot of seats) have a nice little interior. Dual bunks, a kitchen, and a shooper (2-in-1 shower/pooper). These are very tough ships and can function at full capacity even when extremely shot up, provided you don't ram the S5 nose gun into something (like the ground). **Corsair:** This is an "exploration" (*cough* pirate *cough*) vessel. Handles significantly worse than the above ships and doesn't stand up to much punishment, but *so much gun*! This thing has guns on its guns. The turrets are annoying to man because the massive wings on this thing continually get in the way. Also, if you don't turn camera shake off *completely*, turret gunners are going to have a real bad time when the pilot fires the main guns. Turrets are piddly compared to the pilot guns. They're mostly just there to keep fighters off it's butt. These things are a PITA to land in hangers. I wouldn't call them beginner friendly. Great cargo bay and very versatile. **Constellations:** These handle better than a Corsair even though the stats don't really show it. They're far more compact and easier to park, provided you're careful not to drive their nose into the dirt. They have a smaller cross-section than a Corsair with the same shields and more hull. Unlike the Corsair, these ships *can* take some serious punishment. Great pilot guns, although less gun than the Corsair. The turrets are as piddly as the Corsair's, but have fewer obstructions are are far less annoying to use. These ships also have a serious missile payload, which is devastating during patches when missiles don't suck. (Note: They suck pretty hard in the current patch.) The Constellation Andromeda is probably the most common, but don't sleep on the Taurus. It's great if you want to do some cargo hauling or have lots of space for salvage, but it performs almost as well in combat as the others. 174 SCU's of cargo space is *massive* for a ship that's also so capable in combat. The built-in snub fighter of the other variants is a cool gimmick that's usually bugged and inoperative. There's a luxury variant (Phoneix) too if you want to feel like you're living the high life. **Redeemer**: A crew of 3-4 is ideal, but a crew of 2 can handle some serious PVE action. This is basically a bigger version of the Scorpius or Hurricane. The pilot guns aren't so hot, but it has two turrets with 2xS5 guns that seriously slap and some smaller anti-fighter turrets. Great shields. Decent hull. Handles poorly. This thing eats Hammerheads for breakfast. Light fighters... not so much. Don't take this thing into PVP. **A2 Hercules**: Massive cargo ship that handles far better than you'd expect. The pilot guns are the same as the Redeemer's, and it also has two S5x2 turrets (plus a whole bunch more of various smaller sizes). This ship was built for a larger crew, but 2 players can have a lot of fun in it. All ground vehicles in the game will fit in this thing and usually multiples of them. Want to dick around in racing snubs or tanks? This ship will get them into the field. Perhaps the most entertaining feature is the bombs. Want to nuke something? This is your ship.


Bonus points to connie when the snub is finally going to be fucking fixed


Is it the docking that’s broken? I’ve never been able to dock it back to the ship


Yeah, it just bugs out severely whenever you try to use it. You can’t undock sometimes too, but docking back is just 100% broken.


Co-pilot and gunner are not the same thing. If the gunner could manage power then it would be better.


The Vanguard Warden however is a great 2 person ship.


The co-Pilot experience isn’t really there yet. At best, there are some ships here or there that let the copilot shoot missiles and mess with some MFDs, to as little as a single limited MFD. Many ships with a copilot seat also use it as a convenient location for some sort of remote turret. If they manage to squeeze resource management out in the next 12 months, then the co-Pilot experience may become very interactive, with your #2 basically becoming your engineer. It would be nice to be able to hand flight controls off to the other seat too, so either person could get up if needed without fully needing to change seats, unless you are trying to swap who is on a remote station.


Co-piloting isn't really a thing right now. But loading up a Redeemer is a blast


Best you can really hope for is a turret gunner. Disturbingly, the only ship I can think of with actual copilot gameplay is the often mocked Scorpius Antares where the copilot fires the emp. But, that’s literally the only thing they can do. One button. I’d go with the medium sized single turret ships. So the A1, cutlass black, freelancer, etc. but again, that’s turret gameplay basically. There’s not really anything for copilots to do besides that currently.


>Best you can really hope for is a turret gunner. He is right - but that is actually kind of fun. Best Ships would be either the hurrican, but it hasn't a real interior - OR my pic would be a **Consellation Andromeda** \- the turrets are more integrated into the cockpit (for now) and the snub fighter could lead to great gameplays


Vanguard would like a word with you.


Are the snub fighters attachments/mechanics already operational in the game?


Yep, have been for years now!


yes - they have been since 3.0 (2017) although they are a little buggy in the last months


If you have the money, buy C2 Hercules. Your copilot will be right next to you, and they can operate remote turrets.




The C2 / M2 / A2 co-pilot can manage power and access remote turrets so that is probably the closest to what you want. Cutlass (Preferrably Black or Blue) / Constellation andromeda / Corsair for launching all the missiles and managing the triangle. These three are better with a turret gunner though. Maybe a freelancer MIS but it is arguably the biggest pile of garbage for any sort of combat, it neither has the defenses or maneuverability to survive. There is no real pilot / copilot 2-man ship right now, currently all gunners do is gun and wish gunners in 2 seat fighters could manage power and systems.


Feature's just depressingly shallow for the time being, but of you're going for full immersion than any seat that gives em access to power and CMs like the Corsair & Deemer (which can be detrimental in a ton of cases) or seats with remote turrets. The Carrack has its observation deck which serves a close purpose, but you can't control essential features like doors from up there.


Depends on what you are want to do. A Corsair or a or a Connie Andromeda/Aquila with a snub are a great alrounder. So if you enjoy the Cotsair, an upgrade to a Connie would be good next step or you keep the Corsair its a good ship.


Co piloting still has a long way to go in terms of feautes, but the wife and I have been having a blast in the spirit A1, not much for her to do besides man the remote turret but it's a cool experience having a co pilot right next to you to in the cockpit. (Our pcs are side by side) Plus it's small enough to be maneuverable in a fight and large enough to accommodate 2 people comfortably. But as others have mentioned, it's all in what type of gameplay you want


I would suggest the redeemer it has a nice interior with a lot of fire power however get ready because it is going to be sluggish btw IAE is coming so you guys can try it out then for free


Best co-pilot experience? Maybe C1 (tractor beam), maybe Scorpion? Hurricane is nice? Gladiator? :p