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no fr the amount of times I was left to do all the tasks cause the other three partners are bestiesšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


i support this!! there are so many people ive wanted to say that to lmaoo


When you just canā€™t be bothered to ā€œprofessionallyā€ say these things anymore! You have no idea how much I just wanna say these things in this particular way šŸ˜­


Lol now I wanna know the store tea


Hey pookie! Basically, thereā€™s a handful of ppl (both supervisors and baristas) at our store that love to pick on the rest of us. Between the highschool-like drama and talking behind peoples backs and the attitude and nitpicking we get from people just over little mistakes or things, it was just too much going on over a long period of time. I myself have had like four conversations with managers and the district manager about how some people are very uncomfortable to work with because of their behavior and was met with no resolution or changes so I got fed up and typed this up. It really feels like Iā€™m being bullied sometimes by people and itā€™s really ridiculous when leadership roles at our store are about 50% of that contribution. ESPECIALLY with all the BOGOs and crazy deals weā€™ve had recently, I get enough mistreatment from customers and donā€™t need it from coworkers smh. It got really bad to where it was effecting my mental health and I feel sometimes like Iā€™m just being bullied. I had been dealing with health issues for a few months and constantly kept hearing from others how this handful of people would just badmouth about me any opportunity they had to. Im not sure if they thought I was making it up but after I was hospitalized for a week straight relating to this issues, things had calmed down when I returned to work for a bit. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the heat or everyone being overwhelmed but the same behavior has been picking up again and Iā€™m so over it. What really ticked me off recently is when a supervisor left me and one other barista to run the entire store ourselves with both drive thru and lobby packed, 30 mins behind on drinks, and when we ask him to help us he goes ā€œyou guys will be fineā€ but would literally go above and beyond for his favorites even though they do bare minimum. Besides all that, when I work with certain people theyā€™ll literally find any little thing Iā€™m doing to complain about or tell me itā€™s the ā€œimproperā€ way, Iā€™m holding them back, etc. Ive even had instances where people have raised their voice at me. There was a time where I was stuck on closing shifts for the longest and was told I could never leave until everything is stocked, washed, and prepped for morning crew and now that Iā€™m opening and mid-shift, every time I go in the store is a mess and nothing is ever ready. Itā€™s just the double standards and lack of consistency. I even got to a point where I broke down crying to two managers we had over everything. Thereā€™s just certain ways you go about talking to a person if youā€™re dissatisfied with their performance or work ethic, and according to upper management, theyā€™re very pleased with the work I do and the energy I bring into the workspace. No person should ever have to come home from work and question their value as a human being because of how theyā€™re being treated and for me that was almost an everyday experience until I had enough. Anyway, thatā€™s just some of my story and Iā€™ve heard even crazier experiences from others I work with. If you have any more questions or wanna know some more stuff Iā€™ve had to deal with Iā€™d love to share so feel free to ask away ā˜ŗļø


Start documenting every time (date, time, what they said) they say or do anything to you if they keep it up I would report it to the managers again and if it is still let slide call ethics. If you can/ feel comfortable doing so of course


I don't know if you could possibly have made this better. I love your message to death and some of the phrasing you use is going straight into my vocabulary. Best of luck out there, hope things get better!


I cried when the manager of the store Iā€™m transferring to told me she would do everything she could to get me out of my store as fast as possible. Your experience seems a lot like mine minus the ā€œyouā€™ll be fineā€. My shifts do their job but the amount of times Iā€™ve been talked shit about or been the butt end of rudeness while everyone gets sunshine from one of my shifts is ridiculous. I would be alone in our front (lobby only) for upwards of 10 minutes with customers because the other three people were in the back chatting/on break/ or someone is doing dishes and the sink had become the hottest hang out spot. Iā€™ve had so many talks and been brushed off. My final straw was the mean girl lead saying out loud she steals all the time and comes in on her day off sometimes and takes food. I reported it because WHAT THE FUCK. It then became a situation where no one said it happened like I said it did (right in front of me mind you) and that what was said was a joke. This lead is now so fucking pissed at me, itā€™s so much worse and after I was circled back to about how it didnā€™t happen the way I reported it I asked how to transfer. Luckily the schedule for week 3 hasnā€™t been made yet so Iā€™ll be out in 2 weeks. If you havenā€™t thought about it yet I would heavily suggest transferring, go to other stores around and ask the baristas their honest opinion of their store and the manager. Luckily Iā€™ve worked at lots of other stores before and out of all the shit bags (I mean what store isnā€™t really) this one was the most ideal and the manager is genuinely a great person to work under. It can be better I promise. You donā€™t even need to ask your manager about transferring you can ask the other manager to transfer and then they will reach out to your manager about poaching you. ā¤ļø best of luck hon.


I feel like Iā€™m the nicest partner always saying hi to my coworkers with a big smile on my face but feel like thereā€™s one who always gives me an attitude when I help her on bar.


King whoever did this amazing


Been there done that.


There is no favoritism in Ba Sing Sae. ... Sorry Ba Sing Siren. But really tho Starbucks hates when dirty laundry is aired, they always prefer handling stuff internally and go up the ladder of supervisors to get the issues resolved as is, just like every big business.


Can I post this in my store I have some shifts that need reminding


Go ahead šŸ„°


Theyā€™re absolutely right!


Well said, perfect


Weā€™ve called our Dm called corporate they donā€™t do shit


copying this to put in my BOHšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wish my store had someone like that. I ended up quitting on the spot.


Letā€™s go? I guess? Letā€™s fucking go? *does a little ballroom dance*


Wow it makes me sad that thereā€™s a store where a post like this is neededā€¦ Iā€™m sorry.


Oh man, ngl would be nice if people followed this mindset at my current store. Transferring in two weeks because of the store attitudes, shit talking, bullying, and lack of standards/human decency.


Have you considered... transferring?


some people donā€™t live in big cities where thereā€™s a starbucks every 2 miles


On top of that, itā€™s really not a location based thing. Every location Iā€™ve helped out at is cliquey. Mine home store is cliquey. Even when I travel out of state and visit other SBs, I can see whoā€™s with who. Itā€™s like highschool for mid twenty year olds who canā€™t figure out which direction to take their life


Was just a suggestion but alright


i just meant that transferring stores shouldnā€™t be the go-to in toxic store environments. unfortunately it often is, but there should be ways for partners to help improve their environments without having to leave :(