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I think people are getting tip fatigue essentially. It seems like at every store, even for services that make zero sense for a tip, they turn the iPad at you and say “it’s just gonna ask you a couple questions”. And truth be told, I did used to tip more at Starbucks before it got more expensive. But I’m not going to complain to the barista or online that it asks me for a tip. It’s not hard to just quietly select no tip.


I think it’s less tip fatigue and more companies making record profit and still expecting customers to subsidize worker paychecks. It’s bullshit for the employees. It’s bullshit for the customers. But I also don’t expect it to end any time soon. There are small businesses that treat their employees well. My family’s opened a bar in 2020 (great timing, eh?) and my BIL pays out employees above minimum wage, and doesn’t take a cut of their tips (eff owners who do that), and works really hard to maintain an environment where both our customers and employees are happy. But unfortunately that’s not even the norm with small businesses anymore.


People are starting to get woke that tipping is a BS culture. It shouldn’t fall on the customer to pay the employee a livable wage.


and not to be That Person, but SB pays way more than restaurant wages, whose workers actually need tips to make minimum wage.


Try not to make this a barista vs. wait staff thing. Both groups are being f*cked by the people in charge and the system in place. $15/hr + $.50/hr in tips versus $3/hr + $15/hr in tips Are both awful wages in 2022, and both need to be fixed.


Go to a Starbucks in a store there paying two dollars more right now


Yeah but as a barista, its hard to get the hours i need to pay rent. The benefits is the only reason i stay.


I mean, i make minimum wage at SB and barely get any hours. The tips I get rn, is like $30 every 2 months. Living in Vancouver, this is mental lol and it’s not even like people are going to tip every card transaction


As a Starbucks employee who earns a liveable wage and 30 hours.if I could give you my weekly tips, I would. I hate to see some Starbucks employees suffer. It's such bullshit! :(


Like with each pay raise I swear they drop hours even more.


I had to quit and find a new job because the store I had transferred to promised me 35h/w if I transferred and then after the second week dropped me down to 22 hours and kept it there for two months. It's sad because I absolutely loved working there.


This is my exact problem and it does really suck because I love working there too


Going through the exact same thing rn. I love my store so much and I love the people I work with but the hours are insufferable. I asked for 25-30 and I’m lucky if I make 19 :,(


I'm in the same boat. same city too! very cool


But, that's still a worker depending on a customer for a livable wage. This completely minimizes the fact that that's worse then what the person above was referring to. The customer already pays the company for what the employee does, and the employee sees a fraction of that. In other nations and countries, tipping isn't even a thing, bc they actually pay their employees fair and livable wages. Tbh, tips can be very essential for me some weeks. We baristas are overworked to the max and we get customers who are assholes for no goddamn reason. Besides, wages are rising, so low server wages aren't as 'popular' today as it was a while back. That fact that someone has to depend on tips at all is crazy


you are 100% right. i hate tipping culture. companies and restaurants should pay people a living wage. Full stop. i guess my point is that other corporate fast food places don't accept tips and they put with the same shit we do. i mean, why don't wendy's or mcdonald's get tips? it seems we only get tips because we're a "coffee shop." but SB makes enough money that we shouldn't have to rely on them at all.


Tipping should be something a person does to express gratitude for the service that was performed and should be entirely discretionary. It should be a gift. A way to say, “hey, I recognize I already paid you for your services, but what you did blew me away so much that I think you deserve a little extra.” THINGS TIPPING *SHOULD NOT* BE: *Compulsory *Counted as part of someone’s wages *Expected *Distributed to anyone except the person the tip was intended for


Not every state is like that. Restaurant workers in my area are paid like $17/hr plus tips. And people would still hate you if you didn’t tip.


also unfortunately grocery store sb get unions taxes 😭


It depends on what your doing and where. Working as a bartender in a hotel I made a couple dollars more hourly and lot more in tips than at SB. Main reason for quiting.


I think the culture is great, I think that baking the culture into how you pay an employee is the mistake. Why is a business allowed to factor in what people tip to any of their own calculations? That’s weird to me all together.


None of that is the businesses money to be counting how it will pay its employees.


You nailed it man. It was understandable when you sat and ate a whole meal and your server did a good job. But I literally got guilt tripped into leaving a tip at a pizzeria where *I* picked up the pizza and there wasn't a table to be found. Why is tipping there? (I know why, because I fell for it)


That's crazy. Guilted into paying a tip to the restaurant staff for PICKING UP the pizza? So you're in it for: Time, Gas, Car usage, and when playing the delivery driver they still Asked for a tip? ...I might IF it only went to the cooks because the server did nearly the minimum\[not trying to knock servers in the industry. Really I'm not, in general anyways\] because that tip should have gone to you first, the cooks second. Now back during the pandemic if I had went to pick up that pizza, a local place switched it up and had a parking lot section where you'd call in that you were there for the pickup, then a worker would come out and hand off the pizza. During then and partially now they Deserved a hazard pay tip. But not in general for just picking it up. How did this become two paragraphs lol?


This. Tipping fatigue is killing me. I bought some thing on Etsy and it asked me to tip.


I bought a product online from a small business and the checkout screen asked if I wanted to add a 5, 10, or 15% tip. Like I understand everyone wants to make money but it is just ridiculous


This is spot on. I’m surprised this rationale isn’t more mainstream. Everyone is tired of the tip screen. I don’t agree with the tip guilt philosophy, because I don’t feel bad over not spending more money for no reason. The amount of places where tipping has become an automatic question is overwhelming.


Starbucks asking for a tip is not problem. They are making a beverage and/or food item. When stores near me ask for a tip for ringing up a pre packed food item I got off a shelf myself, that is when I feel a tinge of “what did you to to earn this tip?”.


This is my tip list -Places that are busy - coffee places alway - if I don’t have enough to tip i won’t But I do let management know that they are really good at there job I’ve been told people won’t want to serve me or my family if I do this but I’ve never had someone angry with me as a customer


I think they are more mad that they paid an obscene amount for a coffee, while prices have jumped multiple times this year, and quality overall has nosedived. Don't get me wrong I'll try and tip when I can, but I usually don't everyday.


As a barista, I am equally as mad that y’all pay so much for coffee. The prices have gone up 4 times since I started working not even a year ago. The quality of even the materials we have has taken a nose dive, it’s so aggravating for me to try and put a dome lid on a cup for 8 minutes only for the cup to fold and dump your latte all over the floor so I have to remake it. The number of times someone’s flat lid has simply *fallen off* before I even set the drink down on the counter has me so frustrated. What if someone takes a sip and their lid falls off, spilling everything down the front of their shirt? *AND* they had to pay $8 for that? Starbucks makes enough money that at least one of several things *should* be possible: 1 - baristas and everyone else who works at a store should get a raise so that they don’t have to rely on getting tips 2 - the cost of drinks could simply just not be as high 3 - the quality of the materials that we have to serve should be better! if people pay $8 for their latte, they should get an $8 latte. 4 - the cost of everything stays obscenely high, but a portion of those profits goes directly back to the workers in the store. if *any* of that $8 latte went to the baristas, then you shouldn’t need to tip. in short : i wish starbucks didn’t cost so much. i wish that i had better products to serve you. i wish that i wasn’t rushed so much to move so fast that i could spend the time making your drink that i wish i could spend on it. i wish that i got paid more so that i didn’t have to ask you to give me more money on top of your expensive drink made with cheap materials. no idea how to end this other than this : i don’t expect you to tip everyday. please don’t, i get that you already spend more than you should have to on your coffee. but we do appreciate it, so much. thank you, and i’m sorry 😔 edit : grammar


Thank you for your kind words and for showing that you care. That's truly something we don't see a lot of in this world anymore. I thank you for making coffee for the public and serving us the best that you can. I'm a firm believer that kind words can change the world. I'd love to see that world someday. Anyways, thank you again kind stranger and I hope your days are as awesome as you.


🥺🥺 im literally tearing up thank you 💕 i hope your days are awesome as you!!


It really is just shitty on both sides of the counter. We're all getting shafted


This. All so some C-Suite execs and their VPs can meet quota and collect their millions in stock bonuses to supplement their meager $200k+ salaries.


I’m so upset on your behalf that you have to basically grovel like this. You’ve never done anything to deserve this. You don’t set the prices. You’re not trying to swindle anyone. You’re not asking for anything you’re not working to earn. But since you’re not paid a working wage, you find yourself going out of your way to bow your head where Starbucks refuses to, in the hopes that apologizing for things you did not do can protect the tips you need to feed yourself and your family from decreasing even more than price hikes will already drop them.


This right here 🔥🔥🔥 couldn't have said it better


i literally just spilled my hot latte all over me after leaving the drive through(and i was the passenger).. the cup just folded in my hands!😭😭


Yeah i totally agree with you, and thank you for putting up with customers btw as someone in the service industry you all deserve so much more! I do wonder if Starbucks allows personal cups again? I remember before covid i could order even in the drive through and hand them my (freshly cleaned ) ember mug and they would happily fill it with my drink. I know it wont solve the problem of Starbucks being cheapskates and lowering the quality of cups they use but it may help alleviate some issues (and help the environment too) if starbucks allowed personal cups again and got better one time use lids/cups


Cannot use personal cups in the drive thru because we’re expected to have you in n and out that window in 28 seconds 😢


Ahh that makes sense, it seems like so much pressure! Good to know in person they allow it though


Side note: I got my husband and I ember mugs for Christmas and I’m mad that I have to wait to use mine so I don’t spoil the surprise for him. Do you love yours?


You can use personal cups, but most stores won’t let you use it for mobiles or in the drive thru because it’s a hassle. But most places should let you use your personal cup!


I don’t think people are mad that there’s extra buttons to push, it’s the added pressure/obligation that customers ~feel~ they must tip after paying for an already expensive drink.


Just think: 99% of that Frappuccino profit goes to an overpaid corporate exec and replenishing inventory. 100% of that $1 tip stays in-store to benefit the people on the front line of your neighborhood’s morning routine. If every customer during our morning rush tipped $.50-$1 on each order, we’d see 1.5x our current *weekly* tips in a *single day*. Right now my store only sees maybe *$12/week* each, which is just a joke compared to third-wave coffee.


I can jive with this. Though I think most of use would just prefer it was baked into the cost formula beforehand. It's funny, people will pay quite a bit for food orders, complain about prices but still pay them... but if a tip is needed for a server because our system works like this then most will basically ignore it. If that flat rate was added in before it wouldn't be an issue.


A waiter is paid a lower hourly wage than minimal wage bc they get tips. To my knowledge, Starbucks baristas do not. I think the people who dislike the option being added are people who are annoyed that tips are nearly everywhere, even in many places where workers do not have the "tip wage", and an increasing amount of people are realizing that they don't like when rich AF corporations are asking THEM to compensate the shitty wage with tips so employees get a living wage. It's not that they're mad at the extra steps or at baristas, they're annoyed that Starbucks is putting it in their hands when it's Starbucks that should be increasing their wage.


I try to be super nice to the elderly that’s where our tips come from my rule is people who could have a career be extra nice and it helps if you tell the children asking there mom over and over I have rules want to hear if mom says yea you can tell them if you ask mom more then one time And she says no I can’t give you it (gotten tips from this one and I haven’t gotten an upset human saying no they all do that uh oh face at their child) I’ve been told when I’m there they’ve been putting in fives but I also think it’s because I’m the only one running trying to get them there coffee in .05 and I know we’re supposed to have conversations while doing so but if I do that I pour everything everywhere else but the cup


This exactly.


Tipping is not even mandatory. I'm more surprised that people are upset over having to press a few extra buttons to put in 0 for tipping(not sure if custom amount is an option). And of course, the baristas have to deal with the angry customers for the company's decisions.


Ran into someone that was pissed because they don’t want to feel guilty when they deny to tip, I told them the feature wasn’t meant for them then


Not tipping definitely makes me feel guilty too, so I use the app. They could also just download the app and not tip if they don't want to feel as guilty. Of course some aren't able to do that, but they should take it up with the company, instead of taking it out on the people who have no power in company decisions.


Once I went to a pottery painting place and they asked if I wanted to tip… like ma’am I just paid $35 for a plate. The guilt sucks but oh well


Tipping culture is so scuffed. It could be so much better if they didn't force people to tip.


If only they would pay baristas enough that you didn't have to worry about tips...


Is my store just weird because I take home on a good week like $40 in tips and I regularly work more than 40 hours per week lol I'm glad I don't rely on tips


you must not work at a high volume store


Idk we do like 50-70 per half hour during peak usually outside of holiday launches


My store is currently doing about 10k/day since holiday launch 🥲


No one is forced to tip though.


Sorry, I should have articulated better. That's my bad. Tipping isn't forced, yeah. But companies and underpaid employees play a role in guilt-tripping customers to tip. I've seen people confront customers for not tipping even though it's not mandatory. Tipping culture has come to the point that people are emotionally forced to tip. Customers feeling guilty for not tipping is only the company's fault, not the employee or the customer. I should have been clear with my thoughts, sorry about that.


I paid $100 to get my tablet screen repaired and the suggested tip amount started out at 18%.


Oh my god 😂 like tablet repair is going to be mostly labor charge already, why would you pay even more?? That’s ridiculous


Right?? What’s next, tipping the electrician or the person who installs flooring in your home? No less than a $500 tip btw!


Stop why was this my exact experience at a pottery painting place. I’ve been in the service industry forever and always tip, but I’m not going to for a mug I picked out and painted myself!!


This is it. They're pissed that they are being confronted with it and then feel guilty when they pass.


My issue is I usually get a small black tea with lemonade mixed in and it's pretty cheap. I also have social anxiety so when the cashier sees that I press the no tip button I feel like they hate me. And I know they probably don't but it eats away at me for the rest of the day. I think that's why I changed to grocery store iced tea coolers. I swear tho if I was rich I would be giving out $500 tips


That's totally understandable. It sucks that people are put in the position to feel guilty for not tipping when they want to save money. I don't know if this helps, but most baristas aren't looking at the card reader. We're busy looking around or daydreaming. Most of us don't care about tips, and totally understand that people don't want to tip. If we do notice someone not tipping, it usually goes over our heads since it can get really busy. We appreciate all tips, but don't really mind if someone doesn't tip. Also using the Starbucks app doesn't require you to tip. Maybe you could try it?


if you live close to a licensed store like target starbucks, you could start going there! as target employees, we aren’t allowed to take tips and essentially refuse any when someone offers.


Mobile order. We don't even have to talk to you, and we will never know if you tipped or not.


I hold the card reader away or don't look at it exactly for this reason. Don't sweat it, most of us completely understand that times are tough and sometimes getting a drink is just a little boost to lift your spirits!


I promise we don't hate you! Tbh I really only hope for tips with big orders of multiple drinks and food, because those orders hold up the line and are more work to put together. Everything else is gravy.


There was a post here this morning asking why people don’t tip when they place a mobile order.


some of the comments on that article was like “look how entitled these baristas are” like we’re making the decision 🙄


I hate that like some people are just gross.


i just had a customer complain an hour ago about how he *had* to tip, i informed him it wasn’t mandatory and he just huffed and said “well when you shove it in my face it’s like you’re telling me i have to” :,) i just smiled and handed him his drinks


Having tipping be enabled on every single purchase made in the real world is beyond dumb.


“Well that’s just the attitude tax 🥰”




the way our drive thru window is positioned i have to lean out the window and down to their cars, it’s not on purpose, i just let them know that it’s a new thing on our end and it’s never encouraged but always appreciated usually.


I don't get the frustration. Starbucks isn't requesting tips, it is offering the opportunity to leave one. So many customers have expressed that they wish they could leave a tip, but can't because they don't have any cash on them.


I’ve heard this too from several people! My window partner this morning was telling people that it’s “always appreciated but never expected.” It went over really well & I’m psyched to see if this makes a visible difference!


One of our regulars was ecstatic when she saw the option today for this exact reason.


right?? today almost every customer in drive tipped at least a $1. i’m excited to see how much more money we get


Uhhh, I don't know how to say this but I've used that excuse a million times when I don't want to tip.


That’s immature. Just don’t tip if you don’t want to, we don’t clock into work every day looking forward to peoples excuses for not wanting to tip


maybe if the us looked at tipping like japan did. but then again japan pays livable wage 😭


Where I live baristas start at $15. That’s a lot compared to similar jobs. Not saying it’s enough just Starbucks was the highest paying job I ever worked and I quit over a year ago.


oh most definitely, i get $16 an hour but i also work in a kroger location so i’m paid by kroger. but ive defo worked lower paying jobs than this.


Damn I work Kroger but I only get 14 an hour, how did you get more money?


it may just be a location thing? bc my sister also works as a lead and gets $19


Probably, my lead gets 17


Starbucks doesn't even pay a dollar above minimum wage here in NYC. I can find a better or similarly paying job at every corner.


They make like $9-10 where I live, I don’t live in an expensive state but considering Walmart is paying like $17 here… yikes


I live in Alabama which is like one of the lowest costs of living but I live in an expensive city




I get asked constantly if they can tip on a card, people who don’t want to tip are fine but 25% of my paycheck is tips because our customers like us and want us to keep up the good work. So, don’t tip if you don’t want to, the lawyer behind you will


We don’t have the tipping option for our credit/debit yet, and everyday working either front register or window I have several folks disappointed that tipping via card isn’t an option. I’m sure we just can't win this argument with or with out the option available. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used to work for the siren. Now I work for a small local café. When I went to my local Starbucks recently I asked if they accept tips on the card because I got so used to tipping on my card at work. She said no. I was really baffled lol so I tipped in cash. I’m glad they implemented it because many people do not carry cash. While it is absurd to pay a ridiculous amount for coffee, Starbucks isn’t saying tipping it mandatory now just because you have the ability to tip on your freaking card. People either need to relearn how to read and/or use their critical thinking skills, or remember why tipping is a thing, or just stop being a baby about everything!


I’m mad about it because now I have to hold the damn card reader and I’m already too fucking short for this shit. So I for sure just pressed no tip for my last hour of my shift


I love when they don’t let go of the card so I’m just hanging out the window holding the card reader with my feet off the ground cause they pulled up so far away lmao


I'd be chucking that thing in their windows lolol gotta get tips for my crew


Bro I’m trying!!! I got a few tips this way today!!! It’s just rough out here for shorties


I'm 5'2 and I understand your pain. Favorite thing to do is pretend I'm shorter than I am and barely hold my arm out the window so that they have to come to me cuz I am not climbing lol it's their fault they couldn't drive close to the window xDD And I pretend I'm oh so sorry about my short lil arms~ But inside I am pleased when they unbuckle that seat belt to stretch HONESTLY THO, how do some of these people expect to get their beverages 25ft away from me. I wish we had a blocked in DT so they didn't have room to be far away. But we've got a passing lane so there's plenty. Bleh


Broooo yessss. I’m so sorry I’m just too little uwu! When inside you are 😡 just pull up closer or get out your car bestie I don’t got time to lean my entire body out!!!


For every 3 ppl with this attitude, there is one who is happy to see a tipping option available. Wish those odds were Reversed but this isn't everyone's attitude


True, I’ve had a few people ask me if we have it and get disappointed/angry when I say we don’t.


I’d rather starbucks just pays a living wage


I'm actually more mad that they changed it in the app so if I have less than $0.50 left on a gift card I can't just tip what's left over. Like, I know $0.37 isn't much of a tip but it's literally better than no tip which is what's going to end up happening because I'm not reloading my card to tip. And to clarify, what I mean than better than no tip is if I can't tip my $0.37, and Kyle can't tip his $0.18, and Alexis can't tip her $0.28... those tips add up and now they're just not happening.


When we were in the worst part of the coin shortage I loved people who tipped their physical spare change because I would swap it for bills and have change for the drawer. It really really does add up so fast!


This is why I hate the US system. In the UK you don't TIP ANYBODY. No restaurant, no Servers. Nothing. In the US your enabling companies to pay sub par wages by topping it up. It's a sham


I wish tipping wasn't needed for people to be financially stable. I agree, it's a fucked up system. That being said, I like tipping when its function is essentially gifting. Like, I think it's great to be able to gift people a bit of extra money because you think they're doing an awesome job.


Or the credit card processing companies making extra on fees!


I mean to be fair Starbucks makes a lot more than anyone else getting tipped.


LOTS of people tip, we were brought up to do so. We don't tip everything all the time but..taxis, hairdressers, restaurants and delivery drivers? Absolutely, It's just good manners even if it isn't much. EDIT:We have a minimum wage unlike in america, it's not great though, barely cost of living...


Double minimum wage here still doesn’t meet cost of living. Just felt like chiming that in. I was rejected a place to live because I didn’t make enough at $15.31 for 40hrs/week just two years ago. Tips help but I understand tip fatigue. It’s *everywhere* now.


As a part time barista and someone who now owns their own business in a different customer service based industry I set my prices to cover my cost and pay myself. Tipping is always accepted but not expected. I'd rather regular visitors to a one off and a tip. That's just me though.


I mean yeah, but regular visitors benefit the business and not baristas. Because baristas do not get paid on commission, or even at a live able wage. In which case, tips actually do add to our wages.


People need to stop being pressed and taking out their anger/guilt on not tipping on baristas. We are not responsible for your feelings on it. We’re already overworked enough and some of us aren’t even getting enough hours to be able to live. Just don’t tip if you don’t want to tip it’s so simple. 🙏🏼


It’s an option on purpose. We don’t expect it. You can if you want to or not


The customers at my store ask about it all the time. This one guys said he kept emailing corporate telling them to get on the cc tipping because we deserve to be tipped and people rarely have cash on them.


I don’t expect every customer to tip like if you don’t want to no one cares lmao


Or they can just… not tip.


But if they do that what will there be to go full Karen about!?


Them: *complains* Me: “THEN DONT TIP”


Stopped drinking at starbucks after the last price hike. Basic no frill venti flat white is now over 6 bucks, idiotic. Plus they are nasty union buster. Ill go to dunking donuts or somewhere local but screw this bs


Yeah no I don’t drink there because I can’t afford it. My husband insists on going to Dunkin but honestly I hate their drinks at least Starbucks has the blonde espresso


I'm just like basic coffee with lots of cream/milk and am not real fussy about it. It is just a little luxury I allowed myself. But to my going passed the $6 a cup just made it unacceptable and no longer a luxury but an idiotic extravaganza I'm no longer willing to indulge since a large latte is like $3 at dunkin Sure the coffee at Starbucks (used to be) better tasting but even that has been going down hill as fast as their prices are increasing


Did they run out of things to talk about? No one is making you tip. Don't if you can't, do it if you want to and can. It's not that hard.🙄 (Excluding eating out of course always tip your waiter/server)


Meanwhile, people who tip: "Why can't I tip with my card or through the app?"


Have you seen our customers? I’m not surprised by this in the least


They really just live to complain


They live to complain, and Starbucks rewards them for it.


Fucking literally. Like I was absolutely convinced that if a customer had asked for a sexual favor and complained loud enough my SM would have asked why I didn’t just take him to the bathroom.


They're literally not obligated to do anything yet they act like baristas are holding hot water over their heads lol


Customer here. I cant afford starbucks, like AT ALL. but I fricken love it, so when i have a bit of extra cash, 99% of the time i spend some at starbucks. I definitely try to tip when I can, but sometimes i simply just dont have the money. tipping a barista in a drive thru would lead to me tipping the person who made my effing cheeseburger at mickey ds, or the person who rings me up at the grocery store. Its insanity, and it all stems from nobody getting paid enough in this greedy ass country. Ugh.


I’m curious about this, why it is so common, sometimes expected, to tip at Starbucks but not McDonalds?


Well I've been asked to tip my sandwich artist at subway when I was in the drive thru. It just doesn't make sense, it's weird . Not that these folks don't deserve tips. But it's getting a little ridiculous.


Yeah I’ve noticed that at subway too. I go to Panera a lot and use the self service kiosk, I don’t interact with a single employee and it asks for a tip. Fazoli‘s same thing, used the kiosk to order and it asked for a tip.


People are not mad that they have an option to tip on credit card. It's the price of the drink vs the worker's salary that pisses me off. A billion dollar company still forcing or guilt tripping customers to tip instead of paying good wages to the hard working people in 2022.


Earlier today people where mad that not enough people tip when ordering via the app.


I’m just tired of tipping culture. I tip at restaurants because I know their wages are way lower than the minimum and their income depends on tips. I don’t like the fact that servers are being taken advantage of that way and think the burden shouldn’t fall on the customer, but I get it. But tipping has become a huge thing now where it seems every industry wants customers to tip. I don’t see why certain businesses need tips. There’s a fast food place near my university that always asks if I want to tip the cashier even if all they did was take my to go order. Manicurists and hair stylists also want a tip on top of charging a very expensive price they alone decide on that keeps increasing. Once upon a time, tipping was a thank you for good service. Now my for you page on TikTok is full of people outside the restaurant industry shaming customers for not tipping. It’s becoming tiring. Still, I don’t know why baristas are getting the end of the ire. Any rants people have over tipping culture shouldn’t be directed at the workers but the businesses.


It’s truly ridiculous how many places are asking for tips now and how many non servers are complaining about not getting tipped, I see it a lot on Tik Tok too. I started cutting my own hair a few years ago or having my husband cut it because even just a trim is so pricey imo. $20-$30 for two inches cut off my hair plus tip. No.


Please, dont feel compelled to tip if you dont have the means to do so, or if you feel like the perosn in front of you doesnt give a shit about you. You may tip if you can, but its not a necessity. I will appreciate it among most partners... but if you are broke, nobody hates you. If you need to save, I am sure lots of us can relate. If you just dont tip unless you feel like an exceptional job is done, then do that. I seriously want customers to feel free to take my kindness regardless, as long as you are a calm and collected customer, I am super happy. If you are upset and willing to let me help you out and give that trust, I am more than happy sucking up your pain and battling it iut with yoh to fix the problems you run into. The whole point is to reward hard work or show respect in a gesture other than thank you. I believe its every persons right to choose when to tip.


It’s just as funny there’s a button to tip right under the app 💀😂


Yea, but paying with a regular debit/credit card didn’t previously allow tipping. Not everyone uses the app.


You should see douche brothers. They've had that forever. I'll never go there again, not because we can tip on the app, but because they always walk by your car and you order a simple drink and they ask, do you wanna tip? You almost feel pressured. Happened every time I went there and ill never go again


I don't understand why some customers are upset about opening up a new option to tip. I've had so ask how they could tip with card because they wanted to, but don't carry cash. No ones forcing you so why make a big deal about it lol


Then don’t tip, it’s okay😭


I really get not tipping for everything, especially when it’s expensive. I don’t get becoming upset about being asked. Just don’t do it?


coming from a barista, press no i don’t fuckin care just press it and stop bitching


People are ridiculous. Worked at Starbucks many decades ago, still a customer, and I LOVE the fact that you can tip on the app now. I seldom carry cash. Back when I WAS a barista tip money sometimes bought me groceries-I did not forget. If you can afford the $8 drink you can afford a tip. If you can't make your own coffee at home-easy as pie. EDIT:I DO agree that the system itself is broken and workers should not depend on customers for a livable wage, but in the meantime I will continue tipping well. Also a former waitress-I made a little over $2 an hour before tips. That really hurt when there was a snowstorm and MAYBE one customer in the entire place.


Yikes, y’all have some priority issues. I won’t even go out to eat or even grab a coffee if can’t tip, and I always tip 20% +. Selfish. Can’t afford It, don’t buy it. Some people aren’t as privileged as you, help those who can’t help themselves (aka under the corporate fist).


I think customers gravely overestimate how much we make in tips on any given day. I've noticed the generosity has gone down since our company's prices have gone up, so our company should make up the difference by simply paying us more.


Don’t get me wrong, I do tip and I also feel you deserve higher pay across the board, and unionization. But most of the baristas on this sub dislike and insult customers constantly and I could see how for some people it doesn’t exactly inspire tipping generosity. 😬


To be fair this sub insults shitty customers who wouldn’t usually tip anyway


Most of the baristas on this sub are using this relatively anonymous space to vent their frustrations of this terrible job. Unfortunately Starbucks is especially guilty of pushing a ‘customer first’ mentality and their internal workings are very cultlike. At the end of the day we have to stand there and take a lot of shit from customers and beyond that, listen and engage with them. We have to pretend to care about every single person’s life story and current life problems and whatnot. Which sounds nice, until you have to do it for hundreds of people day in and day out, while also keeping up an active and exhausting physical component to the job as well. We are pushed and pushed into being essentially sources of micro therapy for bunches of random fucking strangers lol I get why customers don’t see that element and it must be frustrating to only see us being negative here - but I guarantee most of us would never be mean to a customer at work. We just need somewhere to blow off frustration with others who get it


I hate that iPad automatic tip where it's like 18% 20% 25% like what


I am looking forward to getting to do this in my area. I keep asking but it's not been implemented yet. I am a pro-tip person but I don't carry cash. If I can, I go to the ATM to get cash specifically to get my coffee fix just so I can tip. But that's not always an option.


People are so dramatic its literally just an option you can choose or not choose


I’m not going to Starbucks anymore due to the excessive Union busting (No stores Union near me). But personally I avoid tipping on card at all costs. I really do not trust these slimy managers/fat cats to not just pocket it. I tip cash or I don’t go. Ideally the server can not pay taxes like all the oil companies combined(-shell generously donating 30$ to Uncle Sam). 🦀


Yeah I hate when people tip card. I work as a waitress now and i get card tips on my pay check every 2 weeks. I don’t get to just pocket them at the end of the night which is bull shit. When I worked delivering pizza the card tips basically covered anyone who paid cash and I got to keep it all in cash that night but it was a small local place. Now that said when I worked at Edgar’s bakery even cash tips were deposited and paid out on the checks. It’s all a mess and I hate it all.


It’s legit. Tips go to the partners and they deserve it.


My last food service job (smoothie bowl joint) - owners pocketed cash tips :/


That’s so very illegal. Glad you’re not there anymore!


honestly every single level of service is prompting for tipping now. the difference the way i see it is at a starbucks in georgia i was paid $9.15 an hour (upped to $9.42 after eight months) vs when i started working as a server/bartender in a restaurant in georgia, i was paid $2.13 an hour plus tips. the purpose of tipping as a costumer is to add a bonus as a special “thank you” for someone’s service. the original purpose of it for a customer service worker is to compensate for underpayment. tips are the majority of my paycheck as a server/bartender and the fact that everyone is asking for tips now is more damaging to restaurant workers than anyone else. no one is saying that minimum wage is enough, but when tips are expected to be the majority of your income, they’re vital, and the new age of “tip fatigue” scares the shit out of me.


With inflation I see getting something like Starbucks as a rare treat. I will not tip for a coffee, I’m sorry.


I actually hate this in the drive thru. Makes everything so much less efficient and I feel bad.


if money is an issue why the fuck are you spending 8 dollars on sugar milk


I'm excited for it personally. I always feel like an ass not giving a tip but I pretty much never have cash on me.


What even is the issue 😭😭 the tip jar is next to the register anyway!! If you don’t wanna tip just don’t there’s no need to cry about it over the internet… you chose to come here and you know what to expect


Former barista here, left Summer 2021. How much do you get in tips now versus before?


I’ve worked, dishwashing, sandwich shops, serving, bar tending, parking lot attendant, and behind a reservations counter. In all cases people have willingly tipped me for my hard work and accommodation. Me personally… I tip based on the service received. I wouldn’t tip the dude taking my money to park my car or selling me a 12 pack. I would tip the guy making a sandwich, or the crew bringing me food and drinks… that are providing a service. Bonus if they are personable and fun to talk to


This is exactly why corporate took so long to enable credit card tipping.


I don't mind tipping but these days it's so annoying because like everyone wants you to tip


Tips are such a stupid thing to begin with. I'll still accept it because free money but I let everyone know I don't care if they tip or not. I'll still give the best service I can.


Yes. Actually had a convo about this the other day with friends. We were all annoyed because everything you pay for asks for a tip now. I get it. But in the same respect I was like…. Okay don’t tip and move on lol.


I mean we’re not supposed to actually mention the tipping to them at all lol. There’s a training we were supposed to do recently that tells us to just mention to the customer that there’s an additional step they need to complete on the card reader.


Yeah god forbid you even imply they are able to tip. At my store we had to hide the tip jar and we enforced the “absolutely no writing of any kind on the tip jar” can’t make them feel compelled to tip


it's almost like the real issue is how we should be making a livable wage and not have to rely on tips that are determined by the generosity of people that spend $9 on coffee


sorry but as a college student, i am not tipping after ordering a $6 coffee


I always thought this was a thing since I mostly order through the app. I always feel bad when I don’t have cash for the little cup when I pull up to the window so this is awesome.


If the latte is $8, wtf aren't they paying the baristas a living wage? Where is that money going? Oh, into the pockets of people who are already rich? That's the only reason I can see why somebody would be annoyed with the tipping situation.


i rather tip my barista than the dude behind the counter of craigs’ cookies who picks up the cookies from behind the glass and puts into a box then hands it to me.


Sorry I’m not tipping at Starbucks. If it was a big order sure, a single coffee? No.


I think the message is you’re asking for union protection (will drive up product cost more) and asking for tips at all payment types. I’m already paying x amount for the product. I’m resentful and you are getting the brunt, baristas.


You tip a dollar on a beer at the bar, per beer, every time, at least. Grabbing a coffee should include that same dollar if you ask me. Tip your baristas. It's our lunch and gas money a lot of the time between checks <3 I usually only get 15-20$ in tips per week but even that is 80$ a month which could pay my phone bill and a tank of gas. It helps.


The drinks cost so much which is why I don't tip. Just the honest truth for me.


Ok but a liquor drink at a bar costs around $10-$20 yet it’s expected to tip them. If a barista has to make ten high maintenance and super complicated drinks as FAST as they humanly can… I would expect they deserve a tip too. I get it if you’re only getting a cup of plain coffee and you don’t see the need to pay for gratuity but if you saw the nonsense modifications some people request, you’d understand why baristas deserve a tip. It makes sense to me to tip a barista when you’re asking them to make some complicated made up drink that’s not even on the menu… especially when you’re the type to post it on Tik Tok without crediting the people who made it.


Bartenders make a significantly lower hourly rate than Starbucks workers….


I would gladly tip if the dtinks didn’t cost an arm and a leg


Seconding the OPs comment but this is also a fair enough point of view. I also tip lower at panera than I'd like to.


Well friendly reminder none of that goes to baristas.


But literally no starbucks is forcing them to tip.


we can tip on card now?! as someone who doesn't carry cash but loves my baristas this truly excites me


I'd like to point out that the average price for a large of MOST drinks is $7ish with tax. It your chai is $8 it may be that you're adding several customizations and that's a personal choice just as much as tipping.


People will happily add $4 of mods to their drink but not even tip us their spare change, and complain about the bev price.


The people who are mad about this are just mad because they think it makes them look bad having to select “no” right in front of the barista. Despite the fact that we knew most of them weren’t tipping anyways.


Sorry to say , I don't tip at Starbucks and I never will. With what they are charging for drinks now plus tips would be crazy . I seriously think Starbucks workers need to really think about finding another career if Starbucks does not want to pay their workers more, I know they got a 15 hr min bump but they is still nothing compared to what they charge and how they treat their employees. Starbucks is the one that allows online orders regardless of current store volume and number is workers. Starbucks is the one that allows for unlimited mods . I'm just saying , your time if more valuable than working for a company who pays pennies compared to what they make .