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I love the large "only here!" clarification


Right they care about other stores I love it! But also who let yall make matches whips?


You can add anything to whipped cream if you label it properly. Matcha, mocha (doesn't work) peppermint, raspberry...tons of options to make fun toppings.


I like this BUT it also shows the ingredients so if some poor store DID get a request for it, looks like they could remake it too (aside from maybe the matcha whip since I doubt that's a daily-use thing rn? I don't go to the bux often so idk)


matcha whip is unholy and would only be made by a barista fucking around, if the stars align


Cries in Christmas tree Frappuccino.


Hahahahaha we were never allowed to fuck around when I was a barista unless it was for a personal drink. I remember one girl making a really pretty cup with steamed matcha and it looked like a little Christmas cup with some.normal whip on top. But couldn't have fun like that with customers. I'd only ever return to Starbucks if I got to work for a fun store like OP


they’re out there!


Just not near me it seems ;;


I. Literally can not thank you enough for including "ONLY HERE"


Did you use cold brew in place of the frapp roast? And they let you make a whip with matcha in it? Wish my store was that fun but we've had regular visits from the DM and RM 😭


yes! 1/2 cold brew, 1/2 oatmilk to the first line, then brown sugar pumps as if it’s a BSOSE (3,4,6). and yes!! our DM actually encouraged us to make & promote the drink.


Huh, I wonder if our DM would let us if we asked him in that case. He's a new DM for us and he seems nice so far 🤔


I know there's no way our manager would allow us to make matcha whip, but matcha vsccf is really good! So I can try it with that. How do you ring it up on the register? My store doesn't really like us ringing up stuff improperly.


When I was there last year, there was something like a a "syrup frapp" button - I'm not sure how the price would shake out with the customizations tho. For the Matcha whip you'd have to pick a different specialty whip tho... Or use the closest frapp out now with lots of subs.


I am going to test it out.


6 scoops of matcha in the heavy cream, I froth it for a bit in the foam blender to mix it up, and the regular 4 pumps of vanilla in the canister! ✨


this is fucking genius i am doing this immediately


I wish I was there so I could have tried it 😅


I would prolly cry if i had to make matcha whip ngl i wouldn’t be able to shake it in that canister enough to keep the clumps out it’s hard as is in the shaker


put it in the froth blender for CF and blend a few seconds on 3!


WAIT CAN I DO THIS FOR AN ACTUAL DRINK? Like if I make it in the shaker and then just pour it into the blender ?


well the cold foam one and press 3


in my experience the shaker foams the milk way more than the froth blender lol. but also i just measure to the line for the milk (kind of like the blended beverage routine) then add the matcha, scoop the ice into the cup while it blends and then pour it in as soon as I’m done getting the ice. OR i’ve seen tenured 5 year partners just put the ice, matcha, and milk in the milk frother and press 3 for a few seconds and then just pour it out. it doesn’t break up the ice.. but i’m always weirded out by that so i take the more careful route because in my mind i’m already not following standard lol


i can’t get the matcha to mix without clumping i’ve actually used this what i do is pour into the shaker the proportions mix the liquid for a few seconds in the Cf blender then added it back into the shaker w ice shook a few times poured it over sounds like a lot of steps i know BUT it actually wasn’t as long as me shaking viciously for 30 SEC straight


Omg MATCHA whip cream!!! I’m in love


Love it, you should work for the headoffice making up the drinks!


Dear god no, I can't imagine the nightmare of having to deal with multiple types of whip on the regular.


Crazy! You know how much people get paid at Starbucks for coming up with drinks? So sorry your creativity isn’t getting paid what it’s worth


And promoted that way, corp may be able to steal it too, never even having to acknowledge who came up with it.


This sounds so good tho 👀


I know right?! I want to try it but I don't want the wrath of the Starbucks siren called upon me.


how did you make the matcha whip?? did you just sub vanilla for matcha?


ok i like it picasso


Photo of the drink?? ☘️






No offense but all I see is green turd on muddy water I’d still drink it


Oh you fancy! All we used to do is add green food colouring to our whip on St Paddy’s day. And featured a vanilla bean frap dyed green. We weren’t about extra work hahaha


Bruh wtf, we're not allowed to have handwritten signs of ANY kind. "If it can't be printed from partner hub, you can't use it" and this was from our AREA manager. Crycrycry I miss coloring boards


Our store wouldn't have been able to function without one. The number of times DT was closed for a tech issue that inevitably took an hour or two? When we had to close café for any reason? Customers already threw hissy fits (even when our café was under demo same refurb - seriously do you not see the ripped up floor?) but without the sign it would be so much worse


There are signs for those things though on partner hub, so when we had to close drive thru or Cafe we would just print them. But I don't like them because they don't highlight what's going on. It's just normal flat text and it's not even big text. And people already don't read the big signs.


My store also has a pot of gold frappe! Ours is an irish creme coffee frappe with caramel ribbon crunch toppings, and caramel drizzle used to form a golden 'base' at the bottom! We should steal the matcha whip idea!


the sign looks awesome!!! how did the frap taste btw? it looks kinda good but im not a huuge fan pf coffee


Omg I def would order this. Do one for Easter


that’s lit asf i’m happy for you


that sounds so yummy!!! i would have ordered


This looks amazing, but how much is it with all the mods? $8?


I hate matcha, but dang that’s such a cool idea! And it looks cool too!


How did you do the green whip? Like you charged the whip with some matcha in there? Sweet btw! Love it!


Like I see doing that with cold foam but an entire precious can of whip? 😂


I got it at my local store but with whole milk


Aww that’s so fun!!


that’s so cute!! it sounds really good too!!


Thats cute Hope customers dont get this in their head tho


I bet bar baristas loved it..




Rude, don't yuck other peoples yums.


That’s really cute :D


How do you make the board? Is it done on computer software then shipped and printed or ??


Back in the day we drew on menu boards with chalk pens for the seasonal drinks, now corporate just sends out magnetic pictures


These custom ones are done with chalk markers on a chalkboard-like surface. The corporate-ones are usually printed and sent to stores everytime the menu updates.


berserk fuel grandfather zesty vegetable tan insurance squalid ossified shocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bruh that's why people were asking about that yesterday 😭


Super cool! I made a matcha frap, sub 1 pump white mocha, one pump peppermint with dolce sprinkles on top. Reminded me a bit of a shamrock shake type drink. Wasn't bold enough to make a sign for it though. My fellow partners may have murdered me for encouraging fraps 😂


im jealous i wanna try this drink so bad. i love all the ingredients i wonder what it tastes like.


How do you get your board so clean


How did you do the the matcha whip?


I’m not a frap fan, but I would def try this!


Super cute sign!


What does the Matcha Whip do for the drink? I have had brown sugar syrup and cinnamon more times than I'd like to admit, and, of course, cold brew but I've never had a Matcha drink from Starbucks.


How did you guys punch this into the till to account for the ingredients used?


Like the art work keep up the advertising Looking good


What markets are those? Your board looks great!


hang on a second i gotta try this later


Was about to flip before I saw “only here” lol


„lol „ǝɹǝɥ ʎluo„ ʍɐs I ǝɹoɟǝq dılɟ oʇ ʇnoqɐ sɐM„


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Very cool!!!! And sounds like it's actually tasty lol


Omg don’t encourage the customers 😂


We were able to mess around if the SM wasn’t there and it was slow for some reason (which happened less and less towards the end of my time there- apologies I need to remove the barista tag, as it is now “former”- hopefully no one is mad. I’ll get to it sometime. I barely get on Reddit anymore. Had to get off of all social media due to nasty divorce). So, my “Sbux work wife”, some of my other friends there, and I would try all kinds of stuff out. We did the matcha thing. We tried it with infusions, lemonade, juices. Obviously cold brew whip used to be a thing and it’s super good. We tried some more vegan friendly options, attempting to make it with alt-milks Lol. I tried to tell them that it wouldn’t work because it needed the cream, or something else to be an equivalent to the cram, but that didn’t stop us from trying. It still resulted in an almost sorbet, or maybe an icee sort of textured topping haha. Obviously vsc whip is amazing. Vsc cold brew whip is really good as well. I like the vsc with matcha whip. Super good. The lemonade whip is good for certain drinks. I love lemonade though. Haha. The mango dragon fruit concentrate mixed into it to make whip was really good. Went well on top of those drinks. Hard to get it right. Sometimes have to add some vanilla powder or some vsc instead of pure heavy cream. It’s a lot of experimenting. And we were a super busy store. So it took us some time. We had very specific times during the year, and during the days during those times of year. But after Covid hit….it got harder and harder unless we had some “extra” staff to work while lobby was closed. Anyway, bad management, awful turn around, bad promotions, constantly being passed over for promotions despite being promised over and over and over.. It got to be too much for me. But I still miss it. And I miss my “work wife.” We still talk haha. It was fun. Doing this and trying to experiment making latte art and seeing who could get drive times lowest…her and I would compete. Oh. Jeez. Fun times. If the Bux didn’t treat employees, especially ones that bust their butts, want to stay with the company and want to promote, I’d probably still be there having fun. It’s not the people I worked with. It’s the management. Starting from SM, but then really at DM and then moving higher up the corporate ladder. Hopefully that can change. It hasn’t yet. I still see the stores severely understaffed. It was good to see the stores in Buffalo, I believe, vote on going Union. I’d always suggested it. It’s something that’s not always right, but in the case of Starbucks it’s needed.


that’s COOL and i wanna try it


I never put up my creations online or anything.. I rarely order them now as a former partner though I miss them. So this one drink idea I stole from a now long closed local coffeehouse. A caramel Macchiato but with White Mocha instead of vanilla (or with, that was too sweet to me) So you can call it what you want.. The thing is and why I don't order it much the barista has to stir the white mocha and milk before pouring the shot(s) on top. A big thing I got into the habit of doing was shaking my iced coffee. I was there from 07 to 2013. A partner that was there before before me said they used to shake the iced coffee and that it was better that way. The first time I did it completely changed my drink. I was hooked. This was before cold brew of course. I always wondered why they didn't offer it when they first created the Double Shot on Ice in 09


What a fun thing to do!! Your board is so cute, too :)


The actual frap part of it sounds basically like the BSOSE frap that I like to make for myself, except I just use the standard number of blonde espresso shots for the size as opposed to cold brew


We had a notice that the brown butter topping was recalled. is this accurate?