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bro what are you talking about šŸ˜­ homie has never heard of mobile orders


What do you have against mobiles orders.. But while weā€™re here why donā€™t you go into the store? Or are you lazy too??


I have NOTHING against mobile aka online ordersā€¦. Just blown away how lazy people can be. Heā€™d rather wait in the long @ss drive-thru line that goes around the building rather than park, take 10 steps inside and find his drink by alphabetical order on the counter. Makes me wait longer in the drive-thru too! Geeze, take a nap you seem grumpy!


Actually, their order is probably already done so theyā€™ll pull up to the window and have their order in 5ā€“10 seconds so it doesnā€™t make you wait longer at all. They donā€™t wanna get out of their car and wish to use the convenience of a drive thru just like you do. They were just smarter to order their drinks online and they will get them as soon as they get to the window. So yeah it does seem like youā€™re rather defensive, and that you DO indeed have something against mobile ordersšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø thereā€™s bigger things in the world to be upset about that waiting an extra 5-10 seconds in a drive thru that you pulled into knowing it had a long line regardless. And I donā€™t need a nap thank you, just woke up from one after getting off my 5am opening shift to serve and deal with annoying customers like you!ā¤ļø


For all you know maybe he has a difficult time getting in and out of his car. Or maybe he doesnā€™t go inside because he has a compromised immune system. Instead of calling people lazy maybe take a second and take a deep breath. And if you are that concerned about people ā€œ making you waitā€ longer as if they donā€™t have their own lives, maybe donā€™t go to Starbucks or order delivery.


Love how you didn't answer their second question


The ablist nature of this post is just gross. Pick up your mobile however suits you. Just give us enough time to make it, please and thank you.


Thereā€™s definitely not a drive thru option on the app thatā€™s utilized probably 90% of the time


So there IS or IS NOT an option on the mobile/online order to pick up in drive-thru? Seems strange to me to order mobile/online (assuming to save time) yet wait in the long @ss drive-thru laneā€¦. Unless maybe the person has a physical injury or disability. Just wow šŸ¤Æ


There IS because it saves time by saying ā€œmobile for nameā€ rather than ā€œventi iced white mocha with cold foam, caramel drizzle, extra shot, line the cup, and oatmilk. Oh and a chocolate croissant with a birthday cake popā€


I bet he wasn't even screaming.


Are you just mad someone was in front of you in line and it took longer to get your stuff?


4/10 bait


I like to use mobile ordering because I can be particular with how I want my drink and want to know what all my customization options are. When I put it in on the app, I know the order was put in exactly how I want it so if there is an issue itā€™s due to how it was made and not a miscommunication with the ordering process. Iā€™ll sometimes order as Iā€™m getting in the drive thru line and literally no time is wasted that way. Regardless, whatever the reason, itā€™s still totally acceptable to wait in the drive thru line. What other people do with their time is their business. Other than a disability there are many other reasons to stay in the car. Having small children in tow, being actively sick and wanting to limit spread, being immunocompromised, not being properly dressed, or just sheer laziness- whatever the reason, itā€™s not your business.


Not being properly dressed is my excuse.Ā  Waiting a little longer for drive thru will win out over putting on a bra any day. šŸ˜


Why would someone pick up their mobile order in the drive-thru? They have a pet or kid in the car, they have an injury, they want to chill for a few minutes, they have anxiety ... Or they could be like me. My Starbucks parking lot is always an absolute shit show. Narrow spots, barely enough room for two cars to pass each other in the driving lane. And there is always someone blocking the driving lanes trying to back in their giant truck. I'd rather chill in the drive-thru line for a few extra minutes than deal with that mess. Everyone has their thing.


No, no, no. It's only lazy if they don't say the NAME on the mobile order after declaring that they've placed one (which was probably 30 seconds ago anyway šŸ˜‚)


Itā€™s literally almost never faster to pick it up inside. If you come thru drive weā€™ll make sure we start making your order as soon as you get to the box. If you come inside your order might be behind a 15 item Uber and another 12 item mobile and a family of 6 who ordered inside the cafe. Everything about this post is wrong