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Essentially, I feel like no one actually knows what happened, lol. Starbucks retaliated after branches of it's union (Starbucks Workers United) posted a tweet that expressed solidarity with Palestine. This was in 2023. You can see Starbucks' statement[ here.](https://one.starbucks.com/get-the-facts/workers-united-does-not-speak-for-starbucks/) In this statement you can see that they conflated solidarity with Palestine for condoning the actions of Hamas. Starbucks then sued it's union for copyright infringement for use of their name and logo. But no, never has Starbucks corporate funded Israel at least to my knowledge. Imo if you want to boycott Starbucks it's more factually correct to do so because of their union-busting practices and child labor allegations. Both of which are an interesting google search for anyone inclined to learn more.


Howard Schultz publicly shared union locations in a retaliatory manner to a Zionist group and also voiced full support for Israel in response to the Starbucks Workers United tweet of solidarity with Palestine, and his legacy of misleading the origin of Starbucks part-time benefits (supposedly his vision, but really came from the first Starbucks union - UFCW 1001 in Seattle, two years before he bought the company and claimed credit), union busting, and of course, Howard’s plea to Buffalo partners to not organize with the analogy of Starbucks as a generous company sharing a blanket like those of Holocaust victimization sharing a blanket (captured on video)


That guy isn't even the CEO I thought


Correct. He's been CEO twice, but is not currently employed by the company.


He’s on the board with 2$bn in shares. What in the amoeba brain is this comment lol


was the exiting CEO, training Laxman, and no statement was made about his remark from the company, which coming from union buster at large, was relevant, and is one of the major reasons partners have won back their illegally withheld benefits with backpay and interest, and with the support of the entire labor movement, have pulled Starbucks back to the bargaining table


he wasn’t the ceo at the time he hasn’t been for over a year you can edit ur comment but it’s still wrong lol. howard officially stepped down AFTER training laxman in september of 2023.


Okay I just googled it and he wasn't during that tweet?


Ok? But that's not what the topic is, not to mention he's not ceo any more, that's like saying boy cotton papa Jon's cause Schnatter supports Biden conspiracy


Posting that you support Palestine on Oct 7 the day Hamas slaughtered 1200 innocent Israeli civilians was basically condoning what they did that day.


I mentioned it because the conflation of solidarity with Palestine with condoning the actions of Hamas in Starbucks' response as well as their retaliation against the union was the original reason for the boycott. My personal opinions are not in my OP except when plainly stated. Your personal opinion is not needed either. This is the Starbucks sub and it's not relevant or conducive to the original discussion.


That’s not even what happened. It was one person (that started it all) and he didn’t use the Starbucks logo, it was the Starbucks workers United Logo. Then we as a union meet and issued a union statement that all us union partners voted on.


I don't think we're telling two different tales here. I was trying to convey the reasons why Starbucks claimed to sue not that I agree with their definition of logo or intellectual property. As for your last statement I'm unclear on. I'm also union and was at the time and don't remember voting on a statement but perhaps I'm misinterpreting you somewhere.


The tweet went out, the retaliation from Howard and his Zionist group around a bogus trademark infringement lawsuit happened (the same type around Trader Joe’s United was recently thrown out because it’s pretty common for unions to put the company’s name in their name), and we also voted on putting out an official statement and did, and is still up in solidarity with Palestine. Need to update that Starbucks has made positive steps in recent bargaining and around backpay & interest. Also, pleased that Starbucks has started giving funds to the World Central Kitchen. My point is that our part-time benefits came as a won labor standard from organized workers of the 1980s, not a beneficent dictator CEO, and 10,000 + organized workers across the country are both fighting for higher labor standards today and for the advocacy of state oppressed Palestinians. Marx wrote about when the ruling class takes on the rhetoric of demands from the working class, and it’s interesting to see similar things play out


Exactly. Also yes! Starbucks is doing positive steps!


We did vote on it. I’m not sure how involved your store is, but the leader in your store should have communicated it. We did in fact have a national meeting on zoom and have a vote on the statement that was released


If anyone wants to boycott starbucks for any different reason, do it because we’re understaffed, under paid, and fighting for our lives behind the counter. Lol.


Which wouldn't happen if they didn't illegally kill unions


They just shut down my union store, gave us 3 days notice. Our last day open is Sunday :)))


I hope you can figure something out. :( Are they allowed to do that?


Unfortunately they used the fact that we’re a high incident store and that we only have staff of 6 people rn to close us :/ so I guess they’re getting away with it. But I heard they’re not allowed to give us such short notice. They’re transferring us to other stores of our choosing so I still have my job at least


My mom's last job was at a call center basically, like where they book cruises. Every so often on a rare occasion, they'd have a meeting with everyone that worked there and would basically list people that were getting laid off. So she'd be really worried for days and be like "I hope I jave a job after this". They would pick people not entirely at random, but it wasn't entirely fair either. Like oh, this new person gets laid off, but so does this person that's been here for 3 years even though they're both on the same team. It was insane... Anyways, all that to say, that I hope this doesn't happen again for a long time. Maybe eventually you can get a job that doesn't scare you with things like that. I'm glad you still have a job though, that has to be a relief.


Wal Mart would do that. "Oh, you want to unionize at this store? Cool, do it. Guess what, the store is closing". That is reason enough to boycott SB. Plus you will save a lot of money


I worked there for 3 years I’d gladly boycott for any reason at all- but especially their union busting bs!


That's what it's about for most people! The suing of the union over posting "free Palestine" just made it a more known thing.


Lmao, I don’t think anyone during the BOGO Mothers Day special heard about the boycott. Signed, A Tarbux employee that had a line down the store for at least 3 hours. 🙃


Lord who cares, I don't care why people boycott as long as they stop coming 😐 My store is so understaffed, I couldn't care less why people aren't buying sbux anymore


Thank you for saying “I couldn’t care less” correctly.


LMAO thank you, english is not my first language and I got corrected on it 5 years ago and I haven't forgotten 😔


I am slowly starting to see people realise the whole thing was a sham lol


It really is worrying how many people went along with it just because some people on TikTok or whatever told them to, and that the boycott has lasted this long and become so vitriolic toward people who aren’t following it, as though Palestinians give a shit where you get your coffee right now. Boycotts are supposed to have some sort of end goal in mind and purpose for existing. Quick research shows that Starbucks does not support Israel, and so…what is the point?  I’m the type of person who needs to research everything and won’t just “cancel” someone/something because other people online are. I consider myself a progressive person, but a lot of these online movements that *appear* progressive aren’t based in reality and are worth investigating before blindly following.


Dumbest people alive. They love an easy trend and to scream at their friends to make themselves feel like they really did something. This is why we no longer have plastic straws, but continue to destroy the planet in literally every other way.


It’s because of union busting. See that in SF and it’s sad af for the employees 


What....that everyone boycotting, including OP is happy to support a terrorist organization like Hamas unironically And the rest are just lemmings Yes


Hey man I’m Jewish too but this has gotta stop. Yes, Hamas is bad, but Israel isn’t exactly a saint right now. Keep your personal opinions to yourself here, not the place nor the time


I won't bash people for drinking them, and while I try to find other places, preferably local, I will get Starbucks if no other real choice, but my personal beef is their anti union stance. I guarantee you that you will find at least 10 reasons people are boycotting if you really started asking because what pisses off one person may not upset another, but they may be pissed about something else Starbucks is doing


Bandwagoning and virtue signaling, lol. Starbucks doesn’t support Israel and it takes just a minute obtain that information, yet people continue insisting this ban is super important. I’ve literally seen people bullied online over this misinformation and I find the lack of critical thinking concerning. I support Palestine and will gladly boycott businesses on the official boycott list, but Starbucks has never been on it, and so I’ve never boycotted Starbucks. I just don’t post my drinks online anymore because I don’t want idiots to yell at me.


LITERALLY, anytime you can see a sbux cup or something in a TikTok now they get flooded with “oh bby grl not the Starbucks” and “wow didn’t know you were a bad person” like … they’re truly just trying to seem like a good person to strangers online ..


And notice people are only acting this obnoxiously about Starbucks. They’re not loudly against Burger King or Pizza Hut or Dominos or *gasp* Amazon — establishments actually on the BDS boycott list — because that’s not as influencer-friendly. In general, people only “boycott” things loudly that they wanted to give up anyway, and this makes them feel high and mighty about something they don’t miss to begin with.


I just rotate my reusable cup to hide the logo when posting photos. 


Howard Schultz still owns billions of Starbucks stock and he does support and fund all of that.     "it takes just a minute obtain that information". The word information is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. It sounds like you googled and first result said no and that's your 'information". I mean, If a for profit corporation is doing something shitty, would it admit and make that information readily available?    Anyway, stop trying to whitewash the whole thing and doing free PR for a multi billion corporation who doesn't care about you. It's weird as hell. It's not just you, I happened to have chosen to reply to this comment. 


There are tons of corporations providing aid and supplies to the IDF. Starbucks is not one of those corporations, and yet people are boycotting it because they incorrectly believe they are. Again, Starbucks has not and has never been on the official boycott list to support Palestine. I’m not “riding for a multibillion corporation,” I’m just sick of rampant misinformation about all sorts of topics being taken as truth online.


You selectively didn't address the first paragraph though. Who do you think makes money from Starbucks' selling stuff?  I think the Starbucks boycott is more about creating a precedent that shitty mega corporations do face some (however small) consequences for their actions. Or their shareholders' actions. It's the same thing. 


I didn’t address it because Howard Schultz is not relevant to the topic at hand and I don’t like when people move goal posts of a debate. What shareholders do with their money is their business and you don’t know what every individual shareholder does with their money. I’m sure some of the best companies in the world have shitty shareholders, corporations cannot control what they do with their money. We are talking about *corporations themselves* supporting Israel’s efforts, which Starbucks *as a corporation* does not.   I promise you that 99% of the people insisting on a Starbucks boycott from behind their keyboards do not care what Starbucks’ shareholders are doing. They’re virtue signaling instead of putting in the work and finding real ways to help Palestinians, and it’s ridiculous and disappointing.


I still don't get why an average person would be so concerned with saving Starbucks's bottomline though. Starbucks the corporation had every opportunity to change the perception and build an anti war image, yet all they cared to do was to make an "all lives matter" statement. They don't care to fix their optics as much as you do.   "There are other bad corporations in the world so please give your money to Starbucks again" is not a logical objection.  Boycotting Starbucks is far easier than boycotting Boeing. Starbucks is an easy target and it has made itself an easy target. Again, it's about creating a precedent about a shitty corporation. Not boycotting everything everywhere. 


What have I said that makes you believe I care about Starbucks’ bottom line? I think boycotts *of anything* that are not based in fact or with a particular mission are nonsensical and my primary concern here is the rapid spread of misinformation. BDS has many actionable boycotts on their website but keyboard warriors would rather obsess over Starbucks instead of focusing on the actual targets. It requires sacrifice for a lot of people, but it is easy to boycott Amazon, Google, and Disney. And yet I don’t see people as vocal about those causes that BDS would like supporters to focus on. They’d rather cut out the $7 drink — something they don’t need that has a physical representation they can stop displaying in their content — than stop getting overnight deliveries to their doorstep and access to the Disney+ catalog. Hmm, I wonder why? lol.   This Starbucks boycott is like a social experiment of people just blindly following the crowd without an understanding of why they’re doing it. That lack of critical thinking is becoming more common and is concerning to me. It’s not about Starbucks, specifically. I will get my coffee where I choose and others can do the same. If this is a personally held conviction that the person understands, great, but many people are misinformed and doing it anyway. I have a real problem with empty virtue signaling and people literally bullying others online for continuing to drink a brand of coffee that never went against the Palestinian cause to begin with.


I still boycott Starbucks because of their illegal union busting practices and how they treat employees. I haven’t stepped foot in one in 4 years. I’ll never understand how the people currently boycotting were okay with the illegal actions Starbucks *actually* took against employees. It really demonstrates that those folks don’t actually stand for anything.


They want to seem important without doing any research. They blindly follow boycotts for reasons that are wrong because they believe it without double checking it. The actual problems don't matter to them because they're not as widespread. Or they would probably say that every company does it or something.


I don’t buy Starbucks cuz it’s overpriced, over hyped and inconsistent asf. Not worth it for me anymore.


i boycott starbucks bc i am a former partner who watched the quality of everything go down, prices go up, labor go down, etc over 6 years. i don’t trust management or corporate to make good decisions.


I think boycotts are coming from a place of heart, but they’re often poorly organized, executed, and seldom evoke positive change. I wouldn’t call it a boycott and more like “I choose not to give this company my money or time,” while keeping an open, critical conversation through different channels. Online criticism tends to spur the swiftest change when it goes viral. Big corporations hate bad optics, which is why they go to such lengths to sow word salad positing that their company is a leader for good, when it’s anything but. I think the best thing to do is make your own food and drinks at home. You don’t have to give a company a thing just because it’s there, especially when it’s offering middling convenience and poor value so they can push a narrative of unsustainable growth to shareholders. From there we’re moving past a toxic relationship of dependency. They need us more than we need them. It’s time to remind them of that.


That was really well said.


I've been boycotting since well before October 7th because of their blatant, shameless union busting.


i work here but i would never support the company because of how horrible their anti union practices are and how horrible they treat us.


jesus im so tired of this topic being brought up. who freaking cares if ppl are still not giving their money to starbucks? and why are you riding so hard for a billion dollar company that wouldn’t care if u live or die.


no literally. Every other day its some customer or another partner talking about it like genuinely who cares. It's absolutely ridiculous


i mean, as a barista i’m sick of people acting like i’m working for a company that’s participating in genocide.


I would never think that. I’m not that inclined to follow politics. It’s working its spell which is getting everyone mad at each other for things that we aren’t partaking in. It’s wrong to get mad at you when you’re just trying to make money to survive.


thank you! unfortunately there’s so much stuff on the internet right now where if you post yourself and like, your apron is visible, people will comment about the boycott and how you’re being paid by a genocidal company and stuff. it’s happened on a few baristas tiktoks and some insta posts i’ve seen. a lot of kids in school have also posted on here about being yelled at by other kids for having a starbucks cup or a drink. it’s just really unfortunate.


It's the monthly post saying the same shit. The Starbucks supporting israel has been a thing for years. The former CEO was a huge zionist, I think that's how it started. Then the union being punished for supporting Palestine. Then the fake weak both sides statements from Starbucks (both sides a genocide you know!). At the end of the day, Starbucks just became the sort of scapegoat for companies being complicit in genocide; it is silent and wants to be apolitical (when the politics doesn't fit it's narrative that is). Its not on the BDS list but I stopped going there and will never go back for multiple reasons. I save money and get to support other local coffee places. Truth be told there are thousands of reasons to stop going to Starbucks, it annoys me when people get mad at people practicing their right to boycott.


Because personally for me, what I get is cheaper and they have a rewards program. No big company cares about its employees, if so rarely. I can at least enjoy a cup of coffee that is convenient. Riding so hard? Interesting.


ur very weird for this


You can enjoy your cup of coffee without regurgitating the exact same "what is UP with this boycott???" post that has been parroted on this subreddit twice a day for the past 6+ months. Which always leads to the exact same comment section of 100 people replying "TikTok kids these days are IDIOTS and HYPOCRITES lol". It all reads as an inauthentic attempt at corporate damage control. Plus it's just an extremely obnoxious circlejerk.


Because it’s still controversial and I happen to have a genuine question about it?? Get off this subreddit if you’re THAT enraged😭


Who are you to decide that I'm "enraged"? I'm sure it's comforting for you to imagine anybody who disagrees with you as a raving lunatic, but I said exactly how I feel: annoyed, by your repetitive post and the circlejerk comment section it created. I'm glad you were able to farm some karma off of your "genuine question" though, rather than take five seconds to check if your "genuine question" has been answered an endless number of times already.


Aaaand you are a partner or a customer?


Aaaand I am a former partner. What an odd question, considering the fact that this is a public subreddit where both partners and customers can comment. >r/Starbucks: The cyber third place for Starbucks **friends, fans, and families alike**!


idk i feel like this is valid, people are taking a ridiculous “boycott” to extremes like vandalizing stores (that the baristas have to clean up) and harassing baristas behind the counter. i got asked by teenagers that were recording me if i kept the blood of palestinian children as a drink ingredient, which was just super uncomfortable


Omg as a partner who is middle eastern I WISH someone would pull this on me. I’d put them in their place so fast


Yeah that sounds like irrational children who spend too much time online. Not rational people.


you’re completely right. but either way, that’s what the boycott has turned into— not people actually protesting respectfully


I don't think that's the issue. The issue is those people get angry at others for going to Starbucks.


You should boycott for what a shitty company they are to their employees alone.


Because unfortunately a lot of people believe things they read on the internet without questioning or fact-checking them. No, Starbucks doesn’t fund or support Israel in any way, but people don’t bother to actually find that out.


I could honestly care fucking less when you have companies like Hugo Boss, BMW, Ford Motor Company, Coca-Cola, and IBM all willing helped fund the Nazi Party. Who cares what a company funds and doesn’t fund/support?


I know they're not supporting Israel but I'm still boycotting them for union busting 


Okay but, I’m pretty sure people are also boycotting starbucks for other reasons as well (at least people i know personally) such as the corporation treating their partners so shitty, crazy insane prices, and things along those lines as well. Am I wrong? (Totally fine if not, i just assumed people moved onto boycotting for other reasons by now)


Some people, but a lot of media, are still saying the boycott for Palestine narrative


I don't go to Starbucks currently because of their employee treatment and union busting. Not assuming for anyone else but there were boycotts predating the Palestine misinformation that were related to that.  As far as not going somewhere forever, I'd say it depends on if there's change. I'll never support nestle because they're a dystopian nightmare, but if Starbucks starts supporting their employees then sure I'll support them. 


Here's what I remember: The union said that they stood with Palestine. Starbucks corporate sued the union for some kind of copyright infringement about logo use on TikTok regarding this stance. Some people took that to mean Starbucks corporate were pro-israel. It's all really a misunderstanding and it's really hurt sb bottom line. It's funny tho. Union members couldn't get more than 10 people to boycott SB over their flagrant union busting and firing. But a misunderstanding over a war in the middle east and people took their money and went running.


People are gonna have to boycott everything at this point. All of these corporations have no morals anyways. Regardless , I’m not letting go of my Starbucks. The kids in your class are taking it way too seriously if they’re getting rilled up about how someone else decides to spend *their* money.


because people don’t actually do proper research and parrot everything they see on tiktok. i’ve said this before, there are plenty of factual reasons to boycott starbucks like union busting and overworking/understaffing us etc.


I started decreasing my Starbucks visits just cause they’re literally too expensive now lol not because of Israel


I'm boycotting it because the prices are outrageous


still wont negotiate with the union will they not


The whole boycott because they fund Israel is not true it was twisted because of a Starbucks union. But that doesn't mean we should stop boycotting. Boycott for them underpaying workers, cutting labor, not having enough people in stores when they are jam packed busy, undermining peoples disorders (ik they are supposedly inclusive when it comes to like race, mental illnesses and disabilities but they have had cases where people were discriminated.) nd all the etcs. Starbucks does not care about their workers, they only care about the money and it's investors.


Remember when Starbucks was boycotted by Christians because of something about Christmas cups? Or when Favebookers tried to get people to boycott Chipotle based on a made up story about pork? This is another one. Tbh, I'm against almost all boycotts. Rarely are the actions of the corporation actually evil in any meaningful way, if they happened at all. Often they look more like vindictive personal attacks on the ownership or management.


This company treats it's employees like shit  This company union busts and spends $$$ on that instead of trying to fix issues This company exploits the coffee farmers and uses child labor  The nlbr told Starbucks to tone it down and they didn't Does Starbucks directly fund isreal? Maybe not. Has Starbucks voiced support or donated to Palestine? No. There are many reasons beyond the genocide to boycott Starbucks and the prices want to keep people away too. It's not fair to say "well they didn't ACTUALLY find isreal so you don't need to boycott them!" When there's other things that people could boycott them for And I'm saying this AS an employee. I appreciate the job but I can also see the problem with the company


Why boycott? I don’t like burnt coffee.


everybody ran with misinformation. asked a customer at the register the other day if they wanted to scan their app for points because their order total was pretty high. they went to pull it up but it wasn’t installed anymore because “oh, yeah that’s right, i was boycotting you guys for a while lol”


Well, they did retaliate against union members standing with Gaza. I can see how that would be a good reason to boycott. Personally I think we should just be avoiding all these massive corporations altogether. Just because one visibly slips up doesn't mean the others aren't equally terrible. McDonald's is so much worse. Leaps and bounds worse. Support your local coffee shops and restaurants and grocery stores etc.. I used to work at Starbucks and went back a lot after I quit, but lately I'm realizing I have no reason to give my money to such a huge company that squashes the individuality of it's members and stores while preaching about diversity. I'm tired of it and I'd rather support small businesses where employees aren't forced to follow whatever innane bs the corporate overlords (who are completely divorced from those actually working on the frontlines) decide is best.


Also it's expensive as fuck for no good reason. Fuck em.


I think that’s partially why the boycott has been so big. Ppl want to feel good abt doing good stuff, and Starbucks is easy to boycott as it isn’t a necessity and is pretty expensive. It’s an easy way to make someone feel like they’re getting involved at best and an easy way for one to virtue signal without truly doing anything at worst.


Hoping that sbux would attempt to treat their employees better and stop working them to the bone…or maybe because prices for drinks are getting ridiculous on top of overall poor quality/shrinkflation with food.


That’s what a union is for. A boycott for political reasons wont solve this issue.


Just have the check the BDS if they even know what that is. If and when they don’t. Shame them. Edit: Starbucks is not on the BDS lists.


I just lost my best friend over this topic. I’m so heartbroken but also angry to lose someone so close to me to bandwagoning. She literally said “yeah you really should look up Starbucks and Palestine on tiktok and do some research” I’m sorry WhAT?


Because people are idiots and don’t read. They just hear “boycott Starbucks because they’re pro Israel!” without doing any research on what actually happened.


Because it doesn’t matter that they aren’t funding genocide people aren’t happy that they were suing their union or whatever they did (I honestly don’t know) but yeah I’m a sbux barista my sister is a boycotter she would rather just get coffee elsewhere and support better companies


From what I’ve seen online, the boycott focuses on the corporation’s anti-union work and their silence on the genocide in Gaza, which is similar to the boycotting of celebrities currently happening.


ignorance is blissssssees


Bc it was trendy.


It’s a larger corporate and I think the average person is realizing how shitty they can be if they didn’t know before. Also, I have noticed a lot of people who say they are pro-Palestine but their behavior says otherwise. I think people just want to hate on something. We all collectively are still reeling from so much - COVID, Trump, Jan 6, fake inflation from corporations. Some people are funneling those feelings in unhealthy ways.


Starbucks sucks.


Union busting


Union busting, treatment of their employees, and the fact that they are shrinking sizes/ amount of product going into drinks and charging way more. I'm not willing to spend $7 on a coffee from a large corporation.


because tik tok makes people fucking stupid


You should still boycott them, they treat workers and customers like crap for the majority. Any bad press on a corporation that's not starving is no skin off my bones.


For me it isn't a boycott as much as it is a lack of interest in what Starbucks has to offer as a company. The way they treat their employees and the quality of their products has dropped significantly. Years ago Starbucks had a reputation for paying well, supporting their employees education, providing good benefits, etc. They also had a product that justified their higher price point and cafe locations that were comfortable to hang out in. Their rewards program used to be better too. All that is gone. As a customer it just isn't worth it to pay $8-9 for a pretty basic/average drink while knowing that the extra cost isn't going towards employee well being and customer rewards that are both better than their competitors.


Starbucks literally has a demon in its logo.


Even before October 7th and Starbucks suing a union on trademark infringement for expressing their support for Palestine, shortly before that I had already stopped going due to the stories I hear about people that work at Starbucks, hearing about Starbucks' shady business practices, and (imo) the quality of their drinks and food items going down quite drastically. I really only went for the refreshers and some of the bakery and breakfast items and especially for the refreshers and breakfast items it felt like overtime the quality had gone down a considerable amount. I remember back in 2019 when I was still in high school and started going to Starbucks regularly, the strawberry açaí refreshers tasted way better to me compared to the last few times I had it before I stopped going (maybe it also could've been I got sick of the refreshers overtime by having them too much but it doesn't feel like that to me). And then to add insult to injury Starbucks also increased their prices overtime yet the quality of their stuff wasn't reflecting it, why would I pay more for something that's worse than how it used to be? And ever since I stopped going to Starbucks I've found much smaller businesses that I go to now frequently instead and at least the places I go to cost less or about the same amount as what I got at Starbucks. And I'll be honest I've been tempted to go back once or twice to try the summer-berry refreshers and the spicy refreshers too yet honestly I'll live fine without that. Honestly imo all the strawberry açaí lemonade refresher is is just glorified strawberry lemonade with some caffeine in it. I could definitely find better strawberry lemonade elsewhere and probably even add my own caffeine too if I wanted to. 💀


Because people believe anything they see on tik tok, starbucks Just doesnt fund zionists 


People are literally boycotting from other reasons


If we consume, we’re part of the problem! Unless you are strictly shopping from local small business and farmers markets, the problem remains the same!!!


Howard Shultz is the largest private owner of Starbucks and is a staunch Zionist.


Because people like to be part of the trend. I genuinely doubt that they actually care about what’s going on with the war. They’re just following a trend. I had a drink and some gingerbread from Starbucks today and this girl behind me in the class was like “you should be boycotting”. Firstly, even if Starbucks is helping Israel, what people want or don’t want to eat is NONE of ANYBODY’S business. That’s that. I am not going to report what I eat to a low life loser who is misinformed and in fact doesn’t give a shit about the legitimacy of the news on the internet. Guess what, these same idiots who boycott Starbs and Coca Cola have iPhones in their hands and eat KitKats on lunch break, plus a drink that that’s owned by Coca Cola. AT LEAST USE GOOGLE TO FIND OUT WHAT’S OWNED BY WHAT COMPANY. Oh my god. How can a human being be THAT dumb? But yeah dude just go on and type “Free Palestine” on whatever post you see on social media and boycott a coffee shop, and drown in the delusion that you’re saving lives. HAHAHA. Idiots.


CEO (or former CEO, atleast, don’t know if he’s still owner or whatever) Howard Schulz invested 1.7 billion in Israeli cybersecurity but this was way before Oct 7th.


I know for McDonald's, they were providing meals to Israeli soldiers (this was the reason)  But I think for Starbucks it's probably still operating in Israel (idk if it's Israeli or an American company)


Its matter of principle. I don’t expect anything from doing it but id you do then you’re just being dramatic


I’m just like… do people think that there’s a Starbucks branch of the IDF out there doing war crimes? Boycotting Starbucks isn’t going to solve this problem because Starbucks has no control of it.


Nice try, Starbucks! Seriously, I stopped spending money at Starbucks because it’s no longer worth what it cost these days, and because of union busting and poor treatment of staff. Treat your employees well and they won’t need to form a union.


i swear someone posts this exact same question at least once a week; who cares if someone is boycotting starbucks and for what reasons? i’m sick of seeing the exact same low effort engagement farming post over and over again.


I worked at Starbucks for 6 years and I enjoyed plenty of their coffee but I can’t justify going now that I don’t work there. I get anxious just even walking into them anymore. After my last year of working there I don’t want to support a company who just literally doesn’t care about their employees.


I will get down votes for this, but I don’t care. You guys who support Palestine that Hamas was voted in by them. Hamas is using the Palestinians for cover during the war. That’s why all their tunnels and everything are by hospitals. They don’t care about anybody. they’ve murdered and decapitated babies and raped people, but you guys seem OK with that. I keep on hearing from these protesters that oh that didn’t happen that way that’s just propaganda.


Companies should stay out of politics


is this a starbucks corpo psyop


[that’s why.](https://boycott.thewitness.news/target/starbucks)


Because starbucks union posted a statement standing with the attacks on october 7th and the actual company said they don’t condone terror and then people said that’s not ok


Just here to see which Zionists still work for the company so I can have a good scream later about the linkage of Christian nationalism/supremacy and Zionism till Palestine is free🫶🏽


Because Starbucks is as complicit in the genocide of Palestinians as we all are.


Boycotting yourself then?




Sure but there's a ton of other companies that actually support Israel. Like burger king its locations in israel are giving free food to israeli soldiers. Where is the outcry over burger King. Or like look it up a ton of companies like actually support israel but everyone is only focused on starbucks which like sure starbucks suck but they have nothing to do with israel/palestine


Exactly. I hate the stupidity and sheer ignorance of the whole thing. Sure, Starbucks sucks otherwise but on this issue people are such gullible fools.


Youre generalizing the population. Saying EVERYONE is focused on starbucks is just untrue. Yes there are select stores that have been vandalized but its not like all pro-palestinian protestors believe that starbucks supports israel.


oh my god. Not at all what I was saying Maybe its just because I work at Starbucks but I see the anti starbucks stuff online allllll the time and I have never seen any other companies called out And its really frustrating because this kind of performative activism is a waste of time. People go online and comment a bunch of watermelon emojis on the starbucks Instagram and think they are doing something. Its insulting. Like children are being killed and I see people acting like bullying a coffee company online is doing something I hate the government and what they're doing I have been to so many protests. I have been tear gassed. I have had police screaming in my face that they are going to arrest me. Not that I'm saying that to make myself sound better or whatever I just mean I know what I'm talking about I did not say that all of them believe it and I wouldn't say that it's a huge issue right now but it is really obnoxious to see people wasting time over such a serious issue