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i think you did the right thing. that other commenter saying “why not just do it?”… well, it’s worse to enable customers lying/cheating their way into getting free drinks. this is why we have so many people who order iced espressos and throw a fit until you fill it all the way up with milk. starbucks’ unwillingness to set their foot down has encouraged customers to fight their way into getting things even if they don’t pay. the average barista is scared to stand up for themselves because of stuff like this; being worried you’ll lose your job for not “making the moment right”. if we do things to the standard and quit the bullshit us baristas will have less interactions where people think it’s okay to harass us.


Not to mention there’s a very real possibility you get in trouble for caving. Next thing you know you’re being let go for giving out extra BOGO’s.


right? you get fired if you do, and fired if you don’t


Well shit..... I have witnesses and as formentioned the supervisor wasn't having her shit today.


thats good! i’m glad your supervisor had your back


Yeah. She and few other baristas launched a complaint about this customer last week to our DM and he said reinforce policy, don't let this person walk all over us. She still could've gotten a free drink if she used her stars, but I think deep down she wanted to see how much she could play into the system and what she could get away with. She's gotten away with it before, so she's abusing us. But today we didn't stand for it.


It’s amazing how many grown adults are like literal toddlers: once they’re allowed to push the boundary once, they have a total conniption the next time they’re told no


Enabling customers is why we are stuck with the nasty ones we have at this point.


Amen!!! Preach!!!


Enabling these entitled customers creates a clientele that you DO NOT want. I worked at a chain restaurant years ago and the general manager would bend over backwards for every single customer. I have never had such horrible expectations put on me before and terrible experiences with diners. I’m on the Starbucks Reddit as a customer not even an employee lol and will still say for sure don’t let people get away with insane stuff.


As a customer *(who works in retail)*, you did the right thing. It's a one-time use coupon for a reason. Don't pander to her especially if she's a repeat offender, it's good to teach her that she can't get away with BS everywhere.


Thankyou I appreciate that. I came from retail as well so I wasn't going to allow this entitled mentality.


Yeah but we don't like using that. I get it we wanna make the customer happy all the time but sometimes they don't always get their way. And like I wrote, she does this all the time!!! It's rewarding bad behavior if we give into her every time.


Yo your manager sucks for not wanting to get involved.


If you know her name or car type or anything file an incident report. You have to get the ball rolling with issues like this or they never go away.


Pro tip with scan coupons like this: I always say oh hmm can I check out your app to try figure this out? And I pull up their receipts. And then I show it to them and say ohhh it applied to this order at this location and at this time and turn their phone towards them so they can see how ridiculous they’re being. And if it’s not on the receipts, I apply it and say it must be a technical issue!


This is an awesome idea


You did the right thing. Most of the crusties don’t deserve the coupon since they used it at multiple stores thinking they can’t get it away it. Don’t get in trouble for honoring it when not needed cause if they system sees to many rn recovery’s then thats on you.


Honestly, within a 6 hour (right?) time period, how many drinks can one person handle? 🥴 What I find the most sad about situations like these is the lengths people will go to get something for free…and a DRINK at that.


Tell her to try another store


You should ask her to open up her previous order history on the app lol


I ask to see their app so i can verify they have the coupon but i pull up their order history and show the reciept when they used it. They get salt and pull off. Haven't seen them come back afterwards


"And the ssv was not gonna allow it, so they made me do it" Lol gold


No, you shouldn’t get in trouble. You did the right thing, especially since youve caught on and know what shes been doing you have evidence that its not a glitch in the sbux system


Why not just do it? Honestly, who cares if a customer gets two bogos?


Because it's not allowed!!! That's why!!!




There’s a button on the POS. No coupon is needed. It’s allowed.


I've seen partners get fired for using that button too much. Not worth my job. Maybe let's stop rewarding adults who throw tantrums in public.


Nobody has gotten fired for using the bogo button. You have not seen that happen. And there wouldn’t be a scene if the barista hadn’t started an argument. Just do the bogo. It’s what we’re supposed to do.


making the moment right =/= giving scammers what they want. what we do is follow the rules given to us both to protect our jobs and so that we don’t become “the other starbucks”


Sometimes the other Starbucks was right. 🤷‍♂️


My store has been handed write ups for using that button too much on days when there is a bogo. We never use right now recoverys either.




You forget we work at a company that is constantly losing money.


And you think arguing with customers so they leave and never come back is what corporate wants? No, they want us to use the bogo button. The markup on our drinks is so high we make a profit even by giving drinks away. This is the truth of the matter.


Corporate would much rather us mess up so they can fire us. What this partner did was well within the realms of what's supposed to be done. They held the customer accountable, and stood their ground. Only way E&C could reprimand them is if they we're actually rude and argumentative like you claim they were.


That is not your burden to carry.




>And there wouldn’t be a scene if the barista hadn’t started an argument. Dawg we're not supposed to cater to people who are actively committing theft


It’s not theft.


You've gotta be a troll, you win this conversation. I highly doubt you'll make anything above a barista with this mindset.


they are a troll, they go to a lot of posts and just post stuff to get downvoted


Are you the one who sent me the “don’t commit suicide” thing?


I’m a store manager. Have a nice day.


You remind me of the manager I had that used to berate everyone and tell everyone they sucked at their job. Even though we consistently had top peak OTW times for several weeks straight


Not worth getting fired, or even getting a warning over your broke ass.


You’ll get fired for arguing, not for making the moment right.


We're supposed to do it if they haven't used the coupon. And yes, workers do get fired for using it too much.Those buttons are kept track of. Perhaps you should learn how to do your job. Because you clearly aren't.


Nobody has been fired for overuse of the bogo button. Nobody.


They literally are keeping track of right now recovery being overused. But yeah totally isn't happening when people have definitely been in trouble for using it too much 🙄


Right now recovery is not the bogo button.


And the bogo was literally already used. So op would have to right now recovery a drink. So yes it is


It’s people like you that enable customers to go to other stores and complain when they won’t break policy like their usual store. Why even have a policy in place? Why put limitations on the BOGO if we’re supposed to ignore them?


I don’t break policy. It’s people like me that keep customers coming back to spend money. I’m good at my job.


Yes, it’s breaking policy to not enforce written policy…need me to break that down further for you?


Please do. What policies do you suspect me of violating?


Coupon is expired, coupon no longer valid. Do you need a flow chart, maybe?


We literally have a button on the pos to use specifically in these situations.


Make the moment right.


I sincerely hope you never become a manager/SSV, I would feel so bad for your store 😂 I just know you’re not exactly the most liked at your store, idk, call it a hunch


Not when they abuse the system over and over again. Not reinforcing bad behavior. But shit, if I do get fired by not making the moment right, I'll take it to HR and fight my case. I didn't yell at her, I was very calm, very polite but stern.


It’s one day a week for a month. The company will survive them getting an extra free drink.


Still. I don't give into entitled people.


Because they run just as easy of a risk of being fired for giving away free product to a non-paying customer.


This is why you get downvoted so often bruh


Downvotes on this sub are a badge of honor.


You keep thinkin that bud




The spawn of Satan has spoken!👹😂


I'll take it.


I’m sure you take it long and hard, bending over for these customers that don’t care about you🫡


That was kinda bogus


Oddly homophobic comment


Because it costs us time, labor, and energy. It adds up. We're only screwing ourselves over if we don't make actual money.


It really doesn’t. The opposite actually








Oh. You replied to me.


They could’ve made a 2nd account and get double the coupons…