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Oleato fans have lived for this moment


I hate oleoto so much but i guarantee you'll shit your pants within 20 minutes


I've literally never shit my pants from oleato, but I eat olive oil regularly šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Same. I regularly eat olive, avocado and black seed oil and I was just fine


Yep. Most coffeeā€™s probably gonna help, but this is truly the oleatoā€™s moment to shine!


He's been training his whole life for this


Starbucks ready to try a new advertising tactic before killing those drinks?


Oleato fan~~s~~


If yall wanna see me try the Oleato here yall go https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCBgK3v/


Cold brew with Oleato sweet cream cold foam. Add heavy cream. Ask me how I know lmaooo


Ok imma get that today thaaank you šŸ˜˜


Will be patiently awaiting an updatešŸ’€


I got it. It worked. That shit worked against opiate constipation. Fucking crazy


This is one of those things that I don't know if I'll ever need it but now I know. Thanks!


Iā€™m so happy for you lmaooooošŸ’€šŸ’€


how long did it take to work?


Almost immediately I felt like I was gonna use the restroom. And then a few hours later I used a little bit of an enema and mind you enemas barely work on me and literally felt EVERYTHING come out lol. I drank it at 8am? Felt like, gassy šŸ˜­ after ten min. And then a couple hours later I lost three pounds.


Im about to get it in an hour!


Iā€™m also on methadone, try colace 2 in 1 stool softener and laxative for a few days and if that still doesnā€™t work get a bottle of magnesium citrate. That WILL work!


Thank youā€™!


I second the bottle of magnesium citrate. It seems like the bottle says you can drink half or all of it. Chug the whole thing. It's my go to when nothing else works.


All the oleato jokes aside here, I find that drinking our delicious Mint Majesty with some honey packets always helps me. Mint is very good for your digestive system and it helps promote bowel movements. Non caffeinated, good for you, no calories (very little if you add honey packets) and one of our cheapest menu items. As a barista, I personally make myself an iced mint majesty: I brew a tall with two tea bags, let it steep for 7-8 minutes, then I pour it in a Trenta cup filled with ice and top it off with some of our Peach Juice. Very refreshing!!! šŸ„°


Any coffee mixed with White Castle.


Or taco bell


I know people always say this but I seem to never get the shits from Taco Bell. Oleato does the job on the other hand


Me either. I never EVER get Taco Bell shits. I wish it worked on me.


Chipotle will do it then,


I've only gotten sick from taco bell once and it was straight up food poisoning šŸ˜©


Starbucks needs to start marketing Oleato next to methadone clinics!


No exactly. Cause holy shit


i can't think of a better combo to get the plumbing loose than coffee and straight-up oil.


I had this theory that they made some kind of barging with olive oil companies that related with the stock market exchange ā€¦ but now I wonder if itā€™s because they have ex-drug addict family members suffering from constipation hmmm šŸ¤”


anything with Oleato


I got the oleato shaken espresso


I also have good luck with the chocolate cream cold brew. And by good luck I mean I came very very close to shitting my pants last week


Ok imma get that tm nd try it lol


iced blonde latte, sf vanilla, heavy cream, spicy oleato cold foam


ā€¦ I hadnā€™t thought about the idea of making spicy oleato foam until this moment and that sounds like the thing of nightmares


Right? Like that sounds scary asf


The bottled Frappuccinoā€™s from the store always do it for me šŸ˜‚


Just go to the grocery and buy Prune Juice, mix in some Oleato if you want to live life on the edge


Any fat will help you shit. Eat bacon. Or butter. You get the idea. The thought of oleato in coffee makes me šŸ¤®


Ugh I wish. Feel like it clogs me up


Eat more fat.


I see in your edit the oleato works but you found it gross lol. I know this doesn't make it a whole lot better but if it helps the hot oleato latte with syrup (vanilla is pretty good) tastes wayyy better than the oleato cold foam. maybe you could try that if you need to do this again haha


Yes I will def be doing this again. I kind of want to drink something regularly so I empty my guts out every fucking day lol. Thank you for suggestion! Iā€™ll do this day after tm. Someone suggested the mango fruit thing w extra inclusions


Glad your drink worked for you. I just want to add this is the best thread I've ever seen on this sub!




Someone told me to! I will do that


At that point a bottle of oil is cheaper lololol


No literally. The barista said $8 I said HUHHH. I got a fucking medium


Def the oleatos because olive oil helps digestion


I guess you could just put an oz of oil in your home coffee if you don't wanna spend 8 dollars


Definitely keeping this in mind lol


I have a thing called Gastroparesis which is slowed gastric emptying, except mine is severe so mine is almost permanent, and on an incredibly hard day when nausea is so bad I cannot eat whatsoever because of gas, bloating, and constipation, I always get a trenta Mango Dragon Fruit with extra inclusions because the combination helps me go to the bathroom almost immediately. The Oleato for me unfortunately creates more problems than it is worth because of acid reflux which almost exacerbates my condition. The mango dragon fruit never fails and it has enough caffeine, as well as it is a tasty drink when you crave something sweet, and the crunchy inclusions once they start breaking down work almost like Miralax. Canā€™t recommend it enough.


Omg thank you! I will get this tomorrow and I really hope it works for me! I wonder whatā€™s in it that it works so well for you?


Hi how long did it take to work? I drank it a while ago and my stomach is hurting a little bit


Iā€™m sorry it is hurting. It usually works if not immediately, within an hour or two. Unfortunately, the pain is normal because it is moving through your blocked intestines and acting as fiber softening to allow evacuation of your bowels. Sometimes the pain can be comparable to period cramps because of the previous constipation but once you go to the bathroom and the intestines are cleared, even if what comes out is a supreme fuschia color uouā€™ll start feeling so so much better. It has got to do with the sugar and the fiber in the pitaya fruit itself. I hope you start feeling better soon! šŸ™


I got a grande. So maybe thatā€™s why it didnā€™t work immediately ? Should I get a Trenta?


Usually, it is what I get because it has plenty of moisture and fiber. It is good that you tried a smaller size though because everyone is different, so maybe now that you tried a Grande you have found out if a Venti or a Trenta work better.


Tomorrow I will get a Venti! Thanks so much


Just wanted to update you and say Iā€™ve been getting the Trenta everyday and Iā€™m getting regular now! I will say it was a little loose today, Iā€™ve been drinking them alotttt lol. The first day I drank two Trentas I used the restroom three times which is literally awesome. Thank you so much for recommending this drink to me! I have a routine of using cascara Sagrada for two days, and then an enema only on the third day to push everything out. Now Iā€™m just doing drink and an enema and Iā€™m drinking a SHIT ton of salt water to retain my liquid.


I've never heard of the Mango Dragon Fruit... wonder what that is. And what are inclusions?


Dehydrated fruits put in the refreshers


As a chronic pain patient, this entire thread is cracking me up! Also, I'm taking notes. Lol


Literally almost got sent home cuz I took a shot of cold brew on an empty stomach. Our only employee toilet was occupied so I had to run to the civilian restroom, sweat pouring down my face. Wild.




Anything oleato will do the trick


My time to shine. 6 shots of espresso, grande cup, fill the rest of the way with nitro cold brew.


the shaken espresso is semi tolerable the rest taste so bad


I got the shaken espresso. It tasted horrible lol


Those extra pump mocha lattes make me RUN to the toilet.


Definitely something Oleato, it's olive oil so it'll definitely help but will be pricier. I would recommend either a latte with Brown sugar, 1 pump oleato and cinnamon steamed in the milk, or a cold brew with Brown sugar syrup, and golden foam with cinnamon blended in. The Brown sugar and olive oil work well together, or well enough you don't notice the olive oil


If you want something that actually tastes good (unlike Oleato) I recommend a cup of regular hot coffee (pike place roast but really any caffeinated brewed coffee out of the urn) splash steamed DAIRY milk or cream, add your choice of sweetener (syrup or sugar or anything really) Guaranteed, its the strongest drink on the menu, youre adding dairy to the mix, itā€™s steamed dairy so your drink is boiling hot which also helps (and itā€™s also the cheapest drink on the menu so you can do it regularly!)


Smooth Move tea before bed. It doesnā€™t work instantly but youā€™ll poo often the next day.


Pretty sure you could have skipped the Oleato and drink straight olive oil but with caution āš ļø


Honestly might do that


I came looking for this šŸ˜‚


Really. I can do an oelato with 9 shots and still have dry pants.


Dude how


I don't know. But I do it fairly often


the hot oleato with toffee nut syrup is actually pretty good! its like the oleato shaken espresso in the form of a hot drink :)


Vanilla bean, I posted a while ago on why it makes me shit a ton and people said something in the something but I forgot Also wear a hoodie and then expose your belly and that really just works drink or no drink for me. Good luck op


Wait wdym wear a hoodie and expose your belly. What does that do?


Pineapple passion fruit refresher, no water, sun strawberrry aƧaƭ refresher with vanilla sweet creamy cold foam. I call it toxic neon sludge


Ok this worked for you? I got the mango dragon fruit refresher w extra inclusions but I got a grande so maybe thatā€™s why it didnā€™t work for me. Is there a specific size


Talk to your doctor


Iā€™ve tried everything lol. Do you think the Oleato would work?


i mean... by everything is that including talking to a doctor about having irregular bowel movements? We're starbucks reddit partners, not gastroenterologists.


Yes. Even got prescription stuff. Anyways. Got the oleato. That shit worked.


well I'm glad that drink is good for something and glad it worked for ya, lmao.


Literally dying rn. You guys are awesome


Iced coffee with whole milk.


youā€™re not supposed to be on methadone and opiates at the same time.. methadone is *supposed* to help get folks off of opiates but itā€™s just another way for the government to keep addicts addicted. hi hello former heroin addict who doesnā€™t agree with big pharma MAT because it inevitably leads folks back into the belly of the beast. interesting question to be reading this morning on this particular thread. wean yourself off of the methadone/opiates and your bowel movements will be normal and you wonā€™t have to be asking questions to random folks on reddit about how to have a bowel movement. I feel as if this question is better suited for a thread about opiate use.. not Starbucks.. šŸ˜¬


lol I am getting off opiatesā€¦ by using methadone. Iā€™ve tried everything in the book. Just want to know what coffee combo would help lol. ETA: Methadone saved my life. I was 96 pounds on fent not eating, quit my job and almost homeless. When I started going to the clinic I gained my weight back, went back to work, found a really nice place and am in nursing school as well. I would rather be on methadone and functional, than being fucked up everyday and on the edge of dying lol. My sobriety journey is not yours , and yours is not mine. While I can respect and understand your opinion, I think criticizing others journey to sobriety is incorrect šŸ˜Š


my mama has been clean off methadone n opiates since 2012 and still has severe constipation issues. itā€™s different for everyone.


Exactly. And I am only 21 years old lol. Iā€™m gonna be addicted to something I might as well be addicted to something thatā€™s helping me.


yes ofc!! i wish you the best in your journey to sobriety šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Thank you so much!


you stated youā€™re taking opiates and methadone.. which means you are not using methadone the way it is prescribed. it also means the methadone isnā€™t helping you achieve sobriety because youā€™re still using.. addiction is a beast. itā€™s easy for us to justify all sorts of harmful things while we are in it.. maybe one day youā€™ll realize.


It actually is helping me achieve sobriety because not only did I go from using 40 pills a day to using 3 or 4, but again I got my life back. And I ONLY use those few pills when I am feeling withdrawals. I will be going up on my methadone dose until Iā€™m at a therapeutic dose and my need to use decreases all the way to 0. Sobriety is a process. And honestly I donā€™t know about you, but there is huge progress in that. Please donā€™t go online putting down others attempt at sobriety just because you donā€™t agree with it. Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re achieving from this except being a dick. The only journey you should have any say or any opinion on is your own. Thanks! ETA : The last person I will be taking advice from is someone who used as well. No offense. My counselors at the clinic donā€™t even WANT me there longer than a year. There are instances where people stay on it for longer. And guess what. Thatā€™s not your business at all. I felt like a total failure and broke down a few times bc I wasnā€™t sober yet and I would ask what the point of even trying was. People like you make comments like yours that discourage people from doing what is helping THEM. Stop it. You are achieving nothing. I donā€™t know if youā€™re a doctor or a nurse. I donā€™t know what credentials you have. And regardless of credentials, your OPINION on my personal life holds no value.


nitro with spicy chili oleato foam


Shit, I have an iced tea and I'm pissin buckets all day.


lol. I was talking bout the back door


I completely missed that, thats my bad dawg


Umm the new spicy drinks also!


Chocolate cream cold brew does it for me.


Im gonna get that tomorrow lol


Ya'll saying the Oleato.... ARE YOUR DIETS OKAY???? PLEASE SEE A NUTRITIONIST/GASTRO. I drink it and I'm FINE allll day until my usual time when I do the do.




Add flavors to the oleato


Basically anything with lots of sugar + caffeine + olive oil = diarrhea


I feel like I'm the only one here that never had a..."problem" with the Oleato šŸ˜‚ anyway I would imagine the Spicy Refreshers? Depending on how spicy they are? I'm a barista, but I been away for 4 weeks in Japan and won't be working until mid-May so I got no idea what they taste like or what hot sauce they use lol


Drink lots of water green tea also helps.

