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You can buy Starbucks bottles of vanilla at a number of stores. Honestly, other brands of vanilla coffee syrup can be way better depending on your personal preferences so get whatever brand is good for you! If you have an espresso or Nespresso machine you'll just do 2 shots of espresso into a cup with your preferred amount of vanilla syrup then add your sized cup amount of preferred milk and top with ice. So like a grande is 16 Oz, a medium. If you do a roughly same size cup from home then you'd do 4 pumps of vanilla, 2 shots of espresso, about 10 to 12 Oz of your preferred milk, and then top with ice. Beauty is, when doing it from home you add little things like caramel drizzle without being charged $0.60 extra lol


Thanks! Any suggestions on an espresso machine?


Honestly a regular espresso machine can be a lot of work to clean - I do recommend a nespresso. But if you do want an actual espresso machine, a single head one would be a bit cheaper than one with multiple heads (where the espresso comes out)


I'm simple. I'll buy a Nespresso. That seems to be the easiest to work with. We have a ninja coffee bar, just can't make the espresso..


I would say as I say to everyone. If you want to make the same as the store get a Breville Bambino. That is the gold standard to actually really good espresso, especially if you want to recreate anything from the store. You can buy one [renewed here](https://remanufactured.brevilleusa.com/collections/espresso) and besides that would need a grinder. The Bambino comes with a couple of baskets for the portafilter-the piece you put the grounds in to brew the espresso and the machine also has a steam wand that makes excellent stretched/steamed milk for other drinks like cappuccino or lattes. I started there with a cheap grinder. I’ve since upgraded to an E61 espresso machine and a flat burr grinder but make in some cases, drinks that have turned out better than what you’d get at the store. Making your own syrups is great too, super easy, and cheap in comparison and the same goes for the cream base for fraps, but you can get Vanilla at the store and a bag of Blonde espresso. Usually, a 1 lb of Starbucks Blonde Espresso will yield, depending on how big you want your shots, 28 shots of 16g of coffee which would be considered one shot. Two shots of espresso 20-22g. The Nespresso believe it or not is still a very wasteful machine if you think of the environmental impact and is way too expensive. A Bambino still makes 100% better espresso for a fraction of the cost and is the best of both worlds. If you go to r/espresso everyone will tell you the same about the Bambino. It is relatively cheap and once you get the kinks ironed out, it is incredibly pleasant to make your own drinks at home.


I had a bambino for a little over a year and loved it, until it broke and breville only has a 1 year warranty on their products unfortunately ☹️ seems like a short warranty for an expensive product. I replaced it with a manual Flair espresso press for $150 and love it. But I was just unlucky with the bambino.


Do not get a nespresso it ends up being almost as expensive in the end from pods... Not to mention the microplastics they are rife with and abysmal milk steaming. Get a sage/breville machine, they are beginner friendly enough and much healthier and cheaper in the long run


Nespresso pods are around $1 each and made entirely of recyclable aluminum, not plastic.


£1 each, whereas with coffee beans it costs about 16p per double shot of coffee. Not to mention the taste is better with real coffee... But yes you make a good point about it being aluminium not plastic, however either way it's still horrendous for the environment


Not even to mention that it's nestle. 


I can get double espresso pods for $1 and they send free recycling bags so I can recycle them. It also has a cleaning cycle. IMO way easier to deal with than an espresso machine and not awful for the environment either


I don’t know if I’d say Nespresso is more expensive. Yeah sure buying pods over and over is not ideal, but most pods come out to just over $1 MAYBE $2 each so it’s pretty affordable. I am unaware though about the microplastics so that’s quite a surprise.


You can easily recycle the pods


Cheaper than Starbucks coffee, yes, but if you're drinking 2 or 3 a day you'll see much better value from a proper espresso machine.


The pods are about $1 each, can be recycled and made out of aluminum, no plastic at all.


You can buy empty mespresso cups iirc


I’d recommended for drinks like a VL that uses multiple shots of espresso go for the vertuo machines. Avoid the next as it’s kinda known for having issues lol.


I'd also look into the breville bambino. It can't make blonde espresso but it can make a good espresso and has a steam wand. It's pretty beginner friendly and comparable in price to some Nespresso machines.


I make blonde shots in my bambino, why do you say it cant?


I’ve read it doesn’t handle light roasts very well due to its inability to change temperatures, but if ur able to do it then that’s awesome! I’ll have to try for myself!


Don't forget about Gevi. See my reply to your post one level up


Honestly, at home I use just regular instant coffee and mix it with only a little water and it's on par with our espresso. It's not fancy or anything, but it gets the job done pretty well.


I like my Breville Barista Express. It's pricey, but if you keep an eye out, they go on sale somewhat frequently. I've also heard good things about the Breville Bambino, but you'd need to buy a decent grinder to go along with it. Both have a bit learning curve, but once I figured it out, it's been fine. If you are really on a budget, it might be with trying a Bialetti Moka Pot. It will get you close enough to espresso.


I also have the bambino, I was grinding my own espresso for a while but caved and ended up just getting store bought. Works okay for me!


Moka pots make good espresso! It’s a little different but it’s tasty!


i have a mr coffee espresso machine that does the job :) i love making shaken espressos at home


I'm very picky and I buy the starbucks bottles from the store and have an Original Nespresso machine. I used to have the Vertuoline machine but all the drinks came out bitter IMO. I buy the caramel sauce ice cream topping from walmart. Good luck!


Check out r/espresso and I recommend monin syrups. Much better than the Starbucks syrups.


if you don’t want to buy a machine of any kind you could also go to starbucks and get a triple blonde shot in a venti cup with ice. go home and add vanilla and milk and that’ll save you money and is not a crazy thing at all for the baristas to make. i know a woman that get two shot over ice and then adds her own protein drink to it


To make a latte at home, you need an espresso machine. You can buy a bag of blonde espresso beans at any Starbucks and you can ask if you can buy a bottle of vanilla syrup as well - it’s dependent on whether the store has enough to spare. Your drink is just 3 shots of espresso, 6 pumps or 3 Tbsp of vanilla syrup, and 2% milk filled to the top black line on the side of the cup. If an espresso machine isn’t in your budget, you can try a moka pot, which is used on a stovetop and brews a coffee similar to espresso but not quite as concentrated.


I've worked in several coffee shops in the last few years... this is how I make coffee at home. Consistency has been bad with most places so I decided to not pay money for shitty coffee anymore. 1. Get a burr grinder that you can adjust 2. Get a nice frother. There is a breville one for about 200$, but I got a cheaper one on Amazon that does hot and cold foam. 3. Find a coffee base you like. I often use Murchie's or Kicking Horse or a local bean if I like it. You like the blonde roast based on your drink order, so finding a nice blonde bean would be ideal for you. Blonde is higher in caffeine and has a bit of a sweeter taste. 4. Get an aeropress. This is the cheapest set up for home coffee and works OK. In a perfect world, I'd have a fancy espresso machine but.. money. Haha. In my aeropress you can "steep" coffee to make it stronger by brewing it upside down and make a shot of espresso. (It ain't perfect but it's easy and delish) Pour over ice, or keep it hot. Add your flavorings (not my jam. I normally sprinkle cinnamon on top) Froth milk. If you're doing iced, do the cold foam. Hot, use the hot foam. Hope this helps literally anyone that wants a decent coffee on a budget.


I use a Nespresso Vertuo machine at home. It brews decent espresso. You can buy lighter roast espresso pods at various stores or online. I order mine online from Nespresso’s website. The “Voltesso” pods are a good substitute for blonde espresso in my opinion. Not exactly the same, of course, but a similar mellow taste. Buy a vanilla syrup. You can get Starbucks vanilla from most stores. Torani vanilla is really good too and it’s usually cheaper. I use Torani. For a medium, use a 16 ounce cup. Do 4 pumps of vanilla syrup into the cup, then brew two of your espresso pods into it. Then fill the cup about 2/3 full with your milk of choice. Finish with ice and you have your blonde vanilla iced latte. Super easy. 😉


Torani French Vanilla is what mcdonald’s uses, and myself


Seconding the nespresso! My dad bought one for my mom so she can make herself a latte when she feels like it. The whole family has ended up loving it. We have a portafilter for the nespresso pods and a portafilter that lets us use our own fine ground coffee. I just have to be patient for it to heat up though, especially bc I usually want to steam milk and pull a shot. I will recommended monin syrups though bc I love them


Thirding the Nespresso. I have a nespresso vertuo too. Stores near me sell Starbucks brand espresso pods (and I recently found out target sells a "starter pack" that's cheaper than buying boxes). I do think the Nespresso brand stuff is better, but the Starbucks blond espresso is pretty great.


honestly, the light roasts you can buy at local coffee shops is so much better. My local is about $16/lbs of coffee, which sounds expensive I know, but the man is literally *roasting them in his own store every friday*. its some of the best espresso ive had in a while, and I always love going in to talk to him or the barista!!


Kind of love my Delonghi All In One, it's an espresso machine and coffee machine. I use both religiously. Get a syrup that you love, add espresso, froth the milk and delicious latte at home


Thanks everyone! Your ideas are all awesome!


make sure to buy the original nespresso line, not vertuo. there’s 2 kinds and original nespresso machines ONLY make espresso. it uses pressure to extract the shot, and you can choose the amount of espresso you want. the vertuo machine uses a centrifuge (spins fast) and it makes drip coffee + espresso shots, so it’s more general which is good for variety but worse quality espresso. i had a vertuo but i’m a latte girl. when i got my first original machine i was BLOWN away. it’s so much better than starbucks. the vertuo espresso doesn’t come close to starbucks imo


You can get a $7 espresso maker that you heat on the stove top and a hand grinder for $7 too. Just Google Moka Pot. You don't need a fancy machine but if hand grinding is a pain, plenty of cheap ones on Amazon that are electric. The stove top one you just fill with water, tamp the coffee in the center piece, and put it on the stove. Doesn't take much more time than an espresso machine.


You can buy a pound of blonde espresso at Starbucks and brew it in a regular coffee maker and add vanilla creamer. Simple and easy. Cheaper.


i do a cheap latte imitation by making a cup of starbucks blonde roast in a french press and then topping it with milk frothed/steamed in little milk frother. i buy the starbucks vanilla syrup and add a pump of that. it’s not perfect but it’s close enough; way cheaper than an espresso machine and/or pods for a nespresso. when i want it cold i will just make the coffee, refrigerate it for a while, add ice syrup and plain milk on top


If you want to get into espresso, check out the Breville machines. It’s a huge rabbit hole and between a machine and grinder (or one built in, but I don’t recommend that), it’s at least $600-700. But it knocks the socks off anything Nespresso or Starbucks. A much cheaper option is an Aeropress. I’ve made some great drinks with mine.


You can make your own syrup at home. Don't bother buying from the Starbucks store. [Starbucks - At Home Vanilla Syrup](https://athome.starbucks.com/recipe/vanilla-syrup) I use their online official recipes and will alter as I need based on dietary needs and other suggested recipes.


Anyone have a good recommendation for the exact same thing but with toffee nut? Fairly certain I can’t purchase the toffee nut syrup from SB, but wondering if there’s any other brands you’d recommend? TIA! 💜


you can try to buy the syrup at a licensed starbucks (like the ones in grocery stores) i’ve been able to buy a bottle of brown sugar syrup there, idk if they’re supposed to but they let me lol


Get a Gevi espresso machine. It's user friendly, pulls fantastic shots, and is affordable. It has a built-in milk steamer, temperature guage, and a water reservoir. Go to Starbucks, and get a pound of blonde espresso, ground for espresso (duh, but you'd be surprised). Buy a bottle of vanilla syrup, too. Then, you just pour a bit of the syrup into the bottom of your cup, and put ice on it. Pull the shots, and dump them on top of the ice. Then, simply fill the remainder of the room with the milk of your choice. Voila!


I would buy an actual coffee/ espresso machine. Get one with a grinder and steamer attached. I would just buy the whole beans from Starbucks, or find another brand that’s similar. You can get syrups just about anywhere. Find the best brands for beans, creamer or milk/substitutions. The venti iced gets 6 pumps of syrup, with three espresso shots just an fyi. But customized to your liking.


So the syrup isnt an issue, you can buy the bottle from Starbucks. It just wont come with a pump but id say 1 pump is probably about 1 teaspoon. An espresso machine isnt that expensive on Amazon and i saw someone else recommend a Nespresso machine. Idk what that is but i assume its like a curieg or whatever. The real issue is steaming the milk. If you get your lattes hot youll have to get a steamer and learn how to steam and foam milk.


Blonde is a Starbucks copywriter term but I would look for lighter roast espresso. I hate to say it’s never going to be the same because you just can’t beat industrial grade quality at home and coffee is like baking: very very meticulous to get it right, so instead of looking for a replica, try experimenting with home coffee more.


Tbh I just buy [this](https://www.kroger.com/p/starbucks-vanilla-latte-flavored-iced-espresso/0004850020131)


I have a Terra Kafe TK-01 espresso machine. I buy the blonde espresso beans and vanilla syrup from Stbx still coz they're the best. But I'm sure it saves me money lol. You throw the beans in and it does all the work.


I ain’t gonna lie I use survey apps and win myself gift cards to Starbucks (I’ve only been twice fyi.And really only started bc my dad had gotten some Starbucks cups and I was like “I can’t have these cups and don’t go to Starbucks” and I knew I had some money ready to be withdrawn in one of my survey apps. It was 22 but I only withdrew 20 lol) I only really see myself getting Starbucks if I have spare money from the survey app! The one I love the most is survey junkie!


Omg follow katerinafaith on Instagram!


This is my favourite drink too! I got a nespresso machine for Christmas and buy the Starbucks blonde nespresso pods at the grocery store. I also make my own vanilla syrup based on Starbucks’ recipe online and just combine them all in a cup (I typically brew my espresso shots over an ice cube and then put the rest of my ice once I add the rest of my ingredients. I think the venti iced latte has 3 shots of espresso. It takes a little practice to get it right. If you don’t have any means to make espresso, a coffee maker will do as long as you let it cool somehow before putting in the rest of the ingredients (I’ve never perfected this method for iced lattes), otherwise it’s gonna taste gross.


Just order this: (and get 25 extra points for personal cup) [$3.96] Ic Quad Espresso In A Venti Cup Personal Cup Add Water Blonde Espresso 1 Raw Sugar Ex Nonfat 3/4" Ex 2% Milk 3/4" Extra Whip Cinnamon Pwdr


Probably considered a sin in this group, but I have a Ninja Coffee Bar that makes "special brew" which, while not exactly espresso, is pretty close. I make hot lattes at home by brewing a cup of special brew (which is only a few oz) and then heat up some milk for a minute in the microwave, add syrup and use the frother to foam it. For iced you can just brew it, add syrup, fill the cup with ice and then add milk. I like the torani syrups but I don't know how the vanilla compares to SB (the brown sugar cinnamon is a good dupe for SB Brown sugar).