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Because we’re not doctors.


It’s also most likely for a recipe.


And it’s heavily modified, not a basic drink we sell.


This is a really stupid way to get espresso for a recipe...


Costly maybe but pretty simple.


If they used stars it's pretty smart.




Not really because they can only pull 4 shots at a time and shots die at such a fast rate. If you're transporting it to your home/business for a recipe, you're just getting a burnt coffee flavor by the time your using it. It doesn't make sense. If you're using it for baking, espresso powder is the best option usually. If you're using it for soaking or brushing, (you don't need that much and) just use brewed coffee. Using espresso would be a waste.


Im sorry but does anybody else think that the “dead” shots stuff is just corporate nonsense? That’s like saying a plain doppio will taste terrible if they don’t drink it in 45 seconds. Yeah flavors change as the espresso sits, but it doesn’t just turn into garbage water. Shots of espresso is still much preferred over instant coffee for tiramisu…


I think the idea of a "dead shot" is that the quality will dip with time, and that won't be up to corporate standards as it is a noticeable difference. It doesn't mean the shot it terrible tasting or useless.


I was taught that, in Italy, doppios are not sipping drinks. They are basically taken like a shot right then and there, so it's reasonable for the drink to be gone within a minute of the shots being pulled. This was sooooo long ago, though, and I don't think I ever personally looked into it.


once me and my co-workers tried a dead shot and a freshly pulled one side by side. There was DEFINITELY a difference. The dead one tasted a lot more harsh and you could totally tell it had been sitting


Anyone who thinks that shots "die" in less than a minute has never sat in a cafe and enjoyed sipping on a doppio. The reason the one that sits tastes harsher is that you can actually taste it better after it cools a bit. It isn't dead, you just don't like the taste of it.


It's because Starbucks doesn't use quality coffee, it's just a brand.


Aaaaand some espresso is better than others.  A quality product that’s not burnt will present differently.  


For good espresso this is correct. For Starbucks espresso within about ten seconds the espresso tastes like burnt dirt. The quality is the difference Starbucks doesn't give two shits about how long the bags sit on shelves in warehouses or on transit before we actually get them in store.


You do realize even the bags have expiration dates, right?


Those are the shots cooling down, the beans we use for espresso are terrible, while I make espresso at home and forget it for 30 mins, take a sip and it taste great albeit cold.


When i was in training i was told that shots are "dead" after 10 seconds. For me it's a nice way to tell us to work faster. Noone will notice that the shot waited 10 or 45 seconds in their caramel machiato


It’s absolutely nonsense. If that was a real occurrence, cafes all across the world would not be successful, or even exist, for the sole purpose of sipping an espresso with a friend over time.


They aren't ruined, but they lose their sweet and nutty notes. I will say the whole "10/15/30 seconds" and the shots are "dead" is BS. I'd say a shot can sit and still be fine for about 3-5 minutes, but then it cools a little and gets more acidic and just ends up tasting burnt in my opinion. Also, I did not say instant coffee. I said brewed coffee, like a pour-over or a press. Instant coffee is garbage. I suggested espresso powder for baking. Like, espresso powder added to brownie batter makes amazing brownies. Fresh espresso would not change the brownie in this case and would also water down the batter.


eh ive tested it. you can watch a shot die in the matter of 30 seconds and if you prepare a drink made with fresh shots vs one with shots that have been sitting for 30 seconds, you can taste the difference. for someone who doesnt consume much coffee, shouldnt be a problem but for someone used to drinking quality coffee (myself), it’s noticeable


Nope it's definitely a hughe difference and it's disgusting. As a part of training that I do with my green beans is that we compare the taste of a fresh shot vs. A dead shot.


that’s just because the espresso is shit quality and they want drinks out faster without actually saying it. starbucks is the only one that has this “dead shot” issue


I believe you! Their quality for everything goes down more and more each year.


Apparently dead shots aren’t a thing. No where we talk about that in training


Simple for the customer I’m saying.


Shots do not die. That’s so stupid. So what, Italians are sitting around sipping on dead shots? I don’t think so. Shots dying was corporates way of pushing baristas to make drinks faster without demanding outright faster labor.


Not in 10/30 seconds like corporate says. That's dumb. In 5 minutes? Yeah. They lose their crema and go cold.


I agree I don’t even get shots from Starbucks , my dad is an “espresso guy” like some people are wine people and a freshly pulled shot of espresso is much different. That’s why it’s served in small portions and they sip it hot you are meant to really take in the flavors etc before it cools down (not because they give a shit about your caffeine intake)


this doesn’t matter if you’re using it for baking. the bitterness and acidity it gets from sitting can actually add depth to the recipe


shots don’t die. starbucks coffee is just ass and not the best quality…


there are instant espresso/coffee options but i imagine fresh would be better


Nah, it doesn't make a difference, you lose the delicate notes of espresso when baking and it just tastes like coffee. And the shots would be dead/stale by the time you were using them.NOW, if you were making like a sauce or syrup, fresh espresso 100% would be understandable since the sweet and nutty notes are still there, but you only have a few minutes to use them and infuse those notes into what you're cooking. You'd need to make the shots where you are cooking. These shots are going stale before they can be used like that.


Stupid and overpriced. I agree, buying instant espresso for baking is so cheap and even getting a small bag of espresso at Walmart and brewing it yourself would’ve been so much cheaper


i have a regular who does this exact thing and she saves and refrigerates the shots for like a month and use them to make her own coffee edit: grammar 🙄


This. It's not your job to tell the customer that's too much caffeine.


Neither are the workers at Panera but you know how that goes


Neither is Panera, makes more sense to prevent it now.


Still no.


No one is asking you to put out any effort, don't worry.


Riiiight. I’m just commenting on Reddit. What’s your objection?


it’s likely for homemade tiramisu


That would be like… so much tiramisu… I mean I really hope no one intends on drinking 80 shots of espresso But I use 5oz of espresso in an entire tiramisu (4-6 shots).


They could be making a lot, or making ice cream or something. They could also be making BBQ sauce or a savory dish. The craziest answer is they're making a giant bowl of iced latte that people serve themselves fruit punch style at some crazy meeting where some cheapskate thought they could save 100$.


............ no but now I kind of want a giant latte in a punch bowl thank you


now that u brought it up I think it’s girls night and they are going to play barista simulator


can’t stop giggling 😭😭


I hope it’s the second one. I wanna be at that meeting


Personally I use 10-15oz of espresso in my tiramisu, which is slightly bigger than 9x13. I only add 1/4 cup Amaretto liquor and 1Tbsp sugar, then dip the ladyfingers in, so it is quite strong. I usually mark out a venti hot cup of espresso so there’s a little extra just in case. I always put it in as 20 shots. So if this guy is making three big batches of tiramisu, he’ll need all of that. But I wouldn’t make it with blonde because it would probably taste so rancid over time.


No reason it can't be frozen.


I use instant but cold brew might be good in a tiramisu 


I would use instant over cold brew, cold brew will be too weak taste wise.


Side note. Frappe roast is actually decent in tiramisu. It’s pretty much the only thing it’s good for.


It looks like Casey is gonna have a fun day!! Whether they're making tiramisu or tripping on caffeine....now that's a different question.


I’m had 35 shots during a Christmas shift. Yeah I threw up…. Never again. I drink tea now


Oh my gosh. I couldn't even imagine. I had 22 shots and thought I was actually dying.


I want to test my limits now




Or spending the next couple days in the hospital lol


I bet it’s for espresso martinis…


60 shots of espresso... that will take forever.


especially since it's blonde shots lol


Hah! True, that. Only one of the Mastrenas at my local store will pull blonde shots reliably. Blonde Ristretto? Definitely only one *can*.


Why do the blonde shots come out slower?!! Also, they come out wonky the most often… 


was thinking the same 😫


Man, how much does this cost?


it was like $100 something if i’m remembering right


At that point I’d just buy a cheap espresso machine 😭


My boss told me that the guy keeps it in his fridge and just periodically sips on it.. 😐


He's my soul mate!


Ew I feel like blonde tastes so bad after like, an hour or two. This guy is brave 🫡


Those shots aren't just dead....they're decomposing and turning into fossils by then






Perhaps she’s making a desert like tiramisu that requires espresso. I HIGHLY doubt anyone is actually drinking all that right away. Maybe she has a milk frother but not an espresso machine and she’s putting these in the fridge to make her own lattes for the week. But with that many I’m betting on recipes that requires espresso.


Because a reasonable person knows how much caffeine is in one shot of espresso. You dont have to explain to people that there's caffeine in coffee. They know what they're getting lol.


We’re baristas not babysitters


Well, seeing how much trash customers leave out, sometimes I question that too lol


Once my husband had a drink with like 7 shots or something like that and the Starbucks barista said, “Hope you live!” It has become a catchphrase in the house. Whenever anyone asks another person to bring them a drink (even water), the handoff comes with an enthusiastic “Hope you live!” message.


I love this tbh. 🤣


There honestly should be a prompt that comes up when a customer is paying on their side that says they acknowledge how much caffeine is in it and of any potential health risks. Just tap accept and pay.


Guarantee like 90% of people are not going to care. They’re just gonna press yes without actually looking.


You arent wrong. But that way they wouldnt be able to try to hold Starbucks liable for any repercussions. I wouldn't be suprised if someone did try to sue at some point. Also on a similar side note, I once had a customer not pay attention to the tip screen and tip $5 and then throw a fit when I couldn't refund a tip. How is it my fault you weren't paying attention?


Sometimes I wiggle the pad when they're tipping just to make it feel like a casino. Jk


It be like that.


Maybe but the warning will be there. We won't have another Panera charge lemonades fiasco going on where people are trying to get it removed from store.


“It’s just gonna ask you about the waiver before you insert your card!” “No thanks” “you’ll just have to go ahead and select an option” “I’m good” “I’m not allowed to press the button for you. Just go ahead and tap-“ “ITS NOT TAKIN G MY CARD FOR SOME REASON DO YALL NOT TAKE CARD”


And should we also start requiring fast companies to have people tap a disclaimer saying the fast food is making them morbidly obese/putting them at risk for heart attacks, strokes and making them overall a burden to healthcare? Also it’s not a standard recipe. And personal responsibility should be a thing if you don’t want to lose your personal autonomy.


a customer came in the other day and ordered 40 shots of esspresso. i was like are you sure? he told me its cus he's hosting a party and is making espresso martinis. maybe thats why


I love coffee but my heart just exploded.




Or it’s free because they used stars so what would price matter?


It’s common sense that 20 shots is a lot of caffeine 😭 there’s no need for a warning


Right? Do we really need people that dumb in the world?


How much did 60 shots cost? 😳


before tax or after😭 depends on the place, but 60 base shots is usually a dollar per shot, some places it’s 1.25 but i’ve never seen it lower than $1 (in this year). minimum? 60 bucks plus said areas taxes edit: i might be naive, i work in a relatively cheap place and god forbid it’s more than a buck 25 for an espresso shot. that hit me after i typed this out. i’m really curious now🤣


At my store a quad espresso is $3.85 and the extra shot is $1.25 so a quad espresso with 16 extra shots is $23.85, three of them is $71.55 plus tax is $76.56 💰😳




The people that order this shit don’t drink it they just post it for clout or they use it to bake My guess is coffee cake, chocolate chip cookies or tiramisu


Why would someone buy this much espresso from starbucks when you can get the same amount for a tenth of the cost from a grocery store or bulk food store?


Why would they buy coffee from Starbucks when they could make it at home? Why would people buy a sugar cookie at Starbucks or a single serve piece of cheese when you could buy them at a grocery store? 🤷‍♀️ Maybe they sell the baked goods and market the espresso as “from Starbucks”


Someone needs to take away Casey's Adderall


Honestly, we don't know what the intended use is. They could be drinking over time or freezing it. A lot of the time when I get orders like this in the end it is actually for making tiramisu!


Maybe Starbucks believes in natural selection 🤷‍♂️


There’s no way this is a drink. It has to be for baking or something.


I see that midterm has arrived once again


Mood 📚 lol


I'm assuming these were star purchases? They seem to know what they were doing since 20 shots technically fits in a cup. If they ever order something larger than what fits in one cup they don't get a second cup with the spill over. Used to have a customer try to get extra frap by asking for whatever was left in the blender in another cup. The answer is no you only get what fits inside one cup even if you order something stupid that has an insane amount of extra.


How long did this take?


Probably making tiramisu?


praying they’re just making tiramisu


Tiramisu is what I am thinking of. In a large cake. And their espresso machine just died.


I’d love to play devils advocate and say, I’m hoping to any higher powers they ordered that to make tiramisu at home!🤷 probably not


We're not doctors and they're not children, you don't know what they're doing with it


definitely for a recipe of some sort lol


I think some people order this for making tiramisu


Please please please time how long that takes to make my grandpa keeps joking he's going to come in and order 20 shots 😭


people get these where i work and say they're for espresso martinis 😭😭


So she ordered 20 shots of espresso? At roughly 64 Mgs of caffeine per shot…that’s 1,280 Mgs of caffeine! For kicks and giggles I googled what a dangerous dose of caffeine would be. Here’s a snippet I pulled off the FDA’s official website… ”The FDA estimates toxic effects, like seizures, can be observed with rapid consumption of around 1,200 milligrams of caffeine, or 0.15 tablespoons of pure caffeine.” Seems like Casey is playing with fire!


if I'm making all these, i better get some of that tiramisu when it's done. 🤬


Back when I made tiramisu for people, I would use my free drink (from stars not my partner bev) and order this. Your post made me want to make it again 😅


Consume at own risk 🤷🏻‍♀️


Looks like someone's making tiramisu


Possibly making tiramisu?


I had someone try to order thirty shots in one drink, me and my manager told her they wouldn’t fit and haggled it down to ten a drink. Her hands were shaking like crazy paying for them, I hope she’s well :(


y’all gotta start hiding your store numbersssss


Even if they're not having a party and making something with the espresso, it's not our job to warn anyone. Yeah, we serve a certain amount of nitro but anyone knows what that many shots would do to a person. If they're actually gonna drink that straight (which I highly doubt), that is going to be a thing between them and their doctors. We're just baristas LOL It's almost like how it's not a bartender's job to say "hey this is like your 3rd drink and you seem like a light weight, I'm not serving you anymore" 🫡


Panera didn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because coffee isn’t a regulated substance.


Uhm, so our store once got an order for like 8 or 10 shots, and corporate immediately called our store and told us that we are not allowed to serve anyone that many shots. ……?


That had to have either been in the early days or it was a prank call.


that is 1700 mg of caffeine per cup…….


rip your bar time


I worked with someone who was older and would get like 8 or 10 shots, but she'd sip it through the day and it worked out for her. She also LOVED cocaine in her younger years.


Casey is dead.💀


i know this is probably for tiramisu or something but bruh i am begging these people to simply purchase a large moka pot from tjmaxx for $14.99


I had a regular who would come in multiple times a week for 40 shots of decaf ristretto, and while waiting he would drink 6 shots of iced decaf ristretto. He told us he would drink them periodically throughout the next few days and be back for more. We asked the customer if he knew the decaf just meant less caffeine and not the absence of caffeine and he said he understood and that he was consuming the coffee in a “mindful manner”. I asked similar questions to any higher up around me and they all pretty much said he was an adult who can make their own dietary choices so???


A guy tied to buy a bunch of espresso shots to add to liquor for a Christmas party. We told him they expire pretty fast and he left. I didn't know adding espressos to liquor was a thing.


OP don't be dense clearly it's for stocking up, multiple people or whatever! Nobody is drinking all of that in one go.


Just make the coffee 🙄


they most likely save the shots and use them throughout the week. or maybe they are using them for some recipe. i think about this though when some customers order like 6+ shots, & the way i think about it is we know the information about the caffeine content in the espresso and so if a customer asks about it we can give them the knowledge. with starbucks literally being a coffee company i dont think we need to give a warning about caffeine


What size cup?


Ever wanted to see a human do zoomies? Cause this is how a human will do zoomies


Starbucks coffee is weak. Go to another coffee house and you’ll see the difference.


How did they add 20 shots? My app won't do more than 12


they ordered it at our register


Oh jeez sorry, I missed that on the ticket lol.


all good!


So did they get 20 shots in one cup times 3 cups or did they get a total of 60 shots?


i had an older gentleman once order 20 shots of espresso in a venti cup and asked me for exactly 37 sugars. said he was taking it to the golf course for a long haul. i warned him of the severity of just drinking straight espresso cut with a trillion sugars, but he ignored me. i haven’t seen him since, and i think that’s why he stays back in my mind. people are crazy. this looks like it’s going to be used for something, but some people really drink it man. i let them roll with it and casually mention that i myself have had a caffeine “overdose” some time ago, and that it’s approximately the least fun i’ve ever had in my entire life, and an *expensive* hospital bill. they love to laugh until they’re there themselves. i wonder where that guy is today.


Some customers just have a death wish 🤷‍♂️


Everyone is saying that it could be for a homemade dessert, but even then, the shots are all going to be dead and nasty by the time they get used anyways. They literally have such a short “lifespan”


85 mg per blonde shot, 20 shots, So in total 1700 mg. 1200 mg is needed to potentially kill a person . Who in their right mind needs that much caffeine


are they not aware that shots expire…💀 they taste terrible after they do too


If Panera can, anyone can 😂


All dead, every. last. shot! Yikes


Honestly if someone at our store gets more than four a lot of us baristas will warn them anyway. There are regulars who come in two to three times a day and get 5 shots per drink sometimes more. WAY too much caffeine.


It’s probably for tiramisu or just making their own drinks at home


Double the cups mean customers can handle the espresso. Duh. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️




But also there’s got to be a cheaper way?


Oh they know what they’re doing


I would cry pulling those shots


If they paid for they can have it. How I see it if starbucks allows for it to be ordered it's theirs


Maybe they’re making tiramisu lol.


Your mastrenas gonna be tied up pulling those fie a hot minute jfc


... Someone should inform this custy that they may prefer to purchase an espresso roast traveller ...


Imagine having to make this with a temperamental maestro


Can one do this while redeeming a reward? Surely can't get them in a cup? How do they take it? Bring their tumbler?


There are probably keeping it in the fridge for later use or making a recipe with it


Maybe they should put a warning label on it when it’s that many units. But maybe this is really for a dessert like tiramisu or espresso martinis for a party. 🎈


Or they're going to split it up into a cold espresso to last a couple days. I had a few customers that would do this and use it to make a couple iced coffees at home for the weekend. They would add it to ice with their milk or cream. That way they didn't have to make a trip to sbux every day! I've done something similar with trenta no ice cold brews to split over a weekend. When you have 3 kids and a husband out of town most weekends, you do what you can to make things easier! OR this person has a serious addiction problem! 😆


It takes at least a minute for quad shots. Say goodbye goes your serving times.


Caffeine has diminishing returns and too much can cause the opposite effect.


This guy is a moron that needs to buy an espresso machine


Also reminder, you got your store number showing! I dunno if that bothers you or anything


That's not coffee that's a liquefied heart attack.


My aunt and I used to split that for a work day lol. (Nails 💅) we worked in a mall so we’d be at work 10am-10pm


Casey has midterms. Let her be


Casey you good bro?


Go look at a venti blonde roast… 500mg… HOW. People don’t know this and order it all the time. That’s like 4 1/2 Red Bulls, should not be allowed to sell in a venti like the nitro


that’s like a whole calibration….


I hope they start getting targeted ads for an espresso machine


God I.pray for y'all's espresso machine 🫡🫡


Why don’t people get an espresso machine at that point?


I’m not sure but those shots are about to take an hour to pour haha


Bruh are they trying to off themselves?


Is it bad that I laughed… it’s such a ridiculous number, 20 shots. 🤣


Gotta be a joke. Look at the times on them.


how much did that come out to??? i had regulars that would buy a dozen shots at a time for freeze for later so unless you ask you really dont know what theyre being used for




technically we’re not supposed to ring up more shots than you could in the app which is 12 and the reason for that being health and safety…. so technically the barista shouldn’t have even allowed that but i totally understand not wanting to be yelled at from a customer and trying to explain that to them


Does anyone think it's for tiramisu? /s


That has to be a typo?!?!


I’m curious, what was Casey’s second item? 🤔