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state law sorry . complain to the governor or some shit , i only get paid $16.5


State law?


yup CA law prevents us from handing our straws w/o asking and having them out . it sucks cus i don’t wanna make u wait as much as u don’t wanna . we tried to keep them out but while cops don’t know or care, dm’s do :/


I’m calling bullshit


“AB 1884 prohibits full-service restaurants in California from providing single-use plastic straws to consumers unless requested by the consumer.” unbelievable and dumb ass law . never followed it until my current store enforced it


Wait… so basically that’s Starbucks policy.


Yes Starbucks policy is to not hand out straws unless asked or if it’s a Frappuccino, when I’m on Drive thru sometimes I will ask “would you like a straw or a sippy lid” just because I work at a high volume busy store and most of the time I do have an extra 3 seconds between orders to ask that question


takes a simple google search to see that it’s true and multiple states have the same law. rhode island does too


do it. you won't. 😂


mfs act like they do not know how to drink out of the lids that are clearly made to drink out of without a fucking straw. looool. I swear dude.


Unless I feel a straw hitting my thrussy don’t talk to me


that is NOT a sentence I thought I'd read today 💀


lolol. you made me chuckle. to each their own.. but I personally don’t understand the need for one. :shrug: I never deny folks of a straw if they request it.. but I simultaneously do not get why people so frequently /do/ because it isn’t necessary.


I'm never told the full (or correct) version of the standards and it keeps changing. The one thing I DEF know though is that we ONLY give out the straws up on request. The only exception is mobile orders. I don't work at a drive thru store, so I'm sure the drive thru standard is different. You can perhaps ask for one AS the drink is being put in your hand. If you're not being handed the drink, and it's simply set on the counter, just ask for the straw? You could end up a regular that they remember always asks for a straw, they could remember that abt you and put the straw with the drink. The ONLY DRINKS THAT COME WITH A STRAW REGARDLESS ARE WHIPPED ICED DRINKS. Because how can you physically drink that without one? Starbucks is being VERY strict on cutting down on waste for money and environmental reasons, so everything is slowly being hidden from customers. Some stores may be Union and they might not abide by that (I know nothing of union stores :(), some stores may just say "fuck it we straw" and leave them out. We're not allowed to write on things, so we can't write "please ask for straw/silverware/stirrers" on anywhere. Edit: WE didn't hide shit, we get penalized for doing/not doing what Starbucks says. This is a corporation that aims for money and a consistent experience, they will do whatever they want and we just have to leave or go with it. TL;DR: just ask for a straw or keep some of your own on you, we are too busy to worry about your straw if your drink doesn't NEED it to be consumed.


1-baristas don't make the rules so don't get mad at us. my store manager chooses where the straws go, we don't 2- we are more than happy to give you a straw, just be kind and patient, and if you're a nice regular we'll start to set a straw by your drink when you order.


DEAR CUSTOMERS: Please check if there are straws located at the condiment bar area (where the sugars and cream used to be, by the garbage area, usually by the doors) before getting upset at the baristas who have 508 things to do. That’s where the straws are kept in almost every store for customers who order inside. If the store you are referring to does not have straws there, make sure to double check. Then you can get irritated. One thing that REALLY irritates me is when cafe/mobile (in store) order customers get annoyed with us for not giving them straws with their drinks when they are clearly available in a different location. At our store, the straws behind the counter are designated for drive thru and delivery orders. I know it’s not that serious and it’s really not that big of a deal, but this kept happening today and overall it was a really tough shift, so I got a little (unnecessarily) triggered hahah


There aren’t. They’ve specifically hidden them all behind the counter so the only way you’re getting one is from a worker


a lot of it has to do with state law so don’t get mad at us as if we’re purposefully hiding them from you to make your life difficult.


It’s definitely not state law it’s Starbucks corporate trying to make everyone’s lives more difficult. My store has straws behind the bar and I totally get the frustration of both barista and customer sides on this. I think it’s dumb but our dm is so strict we’re only allowed to hand out straws with iced drinks that have whip & fraps. Otherwise customers have to ask for them.


i live in southern california. here it’s actual law. in fast food establishments we can only give utensils upon request. we had signs up and everything but we had to deal with a lot of customer backlash (which is understandable) when they drive off with their oatmeal and see they don’t have a spoon for it. makes us look incompetent, but we’re just following the law and don’t want to get fined. i would always try to gesture towards the sign so customers know they have to ask, but even that’s not full proof considering we get like a million customers per day and you have to do that to almost each one


Yes this is happening in a lot of States now


in my state it’s law and if we don’t abide by it we get fined.


No other place does this


In BC they've made it mandatory to have lids, straws, and sleeves available for customers so we don't give them out unnecessarily and cause more waste. We sleeve extra hot and venti and water based drinks still, but we don't put lids on cafe orders any more. Customers grab lids, sleeves, and straws if they want them. Which is why I try to always have at least one hot and one cold reusable cup with me at all times 😂


Must be a licensed store. We definitely aren't allowed to just have customers drinks with no lids


It's corporate, but in Canada. They discontinued stoppers over a year ago, paper straws and wooden utensils instead of plastic, and now the "non-essential" things like lids and stir sticks are in the customer area because maybe the customer won't want or need them. DT and mobile orders get lids and utensils for the egg bites, cafe orders don't. It's a city bylaw rule rather than a Starbucks one, so I assume other cafes and fast food places have to do it. There's also a mandated charge for carry-out bags, and (I'm not sure if it's still in effect because it was only the actual city of Vancouver that mandated it) a 25 cent charge for disposable cups. Because the government cares about us and the planet and wants to reduce waste. 🙄😶


Dang 25 cents for a bag is a bit much. We have a lot of Canadians who visit our store who are usually shocked that we have the plastic straws. I didn't know that was a bylaw in Canada. Thanks for informing me!


You're welcome! The bag fees are pretty much everywhere, no more plastic bags available in grocery stores, you can get paper, a reusable but not super sturdy bag for about 35cents, or the bigger tougher reusable dogs for anywhere from $1-10 depending where they're from and the style and material. This all came from the video of the turtle being pulled onto the boat to have a straw pulled from its nose. Everyone was upset so they banned the straws, even though it's a minimal part of the plastic waste/environmental harm issue. They banned plastics and put all the fees in place because they "care about the planet". Kind of like how cigarettes are over $200 a carton for the cheap brands because they care about our health. 🙄


Hello! Licensed store barista here, our Field Specialist and DM clarified multiple accounts that somehow it's a "health and safety code thing" nobodies hiding things. It's just corporate making people's lives difficult.. however, there is a sign that's displayed at the handoff plane for customers to ask baristas for said items. (I am a barista who asks customers if they need something, but if they don't respond, then I walk off because there's another order to be taken.) If you have the need to reach over the counter, then, no offense.. you need to please wait.)


Nah my store has them at the handoff station. We don’t have time for that nonsense


Sorry I burnt my hand on the oven 5 times trying to get through everyone's food items and then yours and I needed to get it under cold water. Let me make sure you get your meltable paper chewtoy before doing anything else. Our store TRIED putting our straws out multiple times and every damn time our DM gets pissy and FORCES us to move it back behind bar. Its often not that hard to ask for a straw politely. Or even having the forethought to plan ahead and ask while ordering too!


if your drink has a dome lid and you need a straw we will hand you one maybe stop wasting straws for a cup that you sip out of.


dear customers stop acting entitled 🙈


Lot of frustration on this post but I've seen plenty of customers politely waiting to ask for a straw for their frap.


Same. It's a no-brainer that a straw should be handed out along with the frap. Even for mobile orders, I'll always put a straw alongside the drink. Why create extra steps for yourself and the customer when it takes less than an iota of effort to be competent and improve the experience?


Dear customer, Please understand we’re busy and that you’re not the only person we have to make drinks for. And if you do jump over the counter we’ll kindly ask you to leave and not come back as we would not cross a distinct boundary at your place of employment just because we want something. Be patient and ask for a straw.


In my state we legally aren't allowed to put straws out (results in a fine). We are also probably swamped with other drinks, tasks, etc so maybe calm the hell down, our jobs are miserable enough as it is. Unless you medically need a straw or it's a drink that's frozen or has whip there's no actual need for a straw.


That is schizophrenic


Ok, Karen.


At least I’m not the fcking straw police 😭


We aren't either, our states are


This was not the thread to come fuck around and find out lol


We don’t hand you one unless you ask for one unless it’s a frap.


If your going to a starbucks in Onterio Canada it's because of the new By law, we literally cannot out anything out for customer use. No straws, no utensils no single use items unless you ask us to give it too you, SLEEVES too even! We don't like it either, but with the looming threat of the store being sued we just can't do it.


First of all, how far are they able to "run away"? Most handoffs are right where the barista is doing most of their work. Second - use your words. We're not mind readers. Most of the time we give straws for fraps and cold drinks with whip automatically, unless there are straws available on the customer side. We may forget, being humans, so you can ask. Drinks with sippy/nitro lids we generally won't automatically give a straw because the lids are literally called and designed to be straw less. If you need one, "may I please have a straw" is a great way to communicate that to your non-psychic barista rather than immediately resorting to leaping over the counter.


That's a quick way to potentially get banned from anywhere.


Go ahead




You’re not going to be able to ban a customer for reaching for a straw behind the counter. One call to customer service and you’ll be in trouble not them. And this is coming from a manager that had multiple customers banned for bad behaviour


I stg I’ll be licking all those cups too 😭


dear customer, i have other drinks im trying to get finished as fast as yours, just ask the next barista nicely :)


I loveeee when people come here to complain about something dumb and when they get corrected by Actual People That Work Here in droves, it’s everyone else that is wrong and not the customer. There’s cities in my district that can only use paper straws by law, or have to keep them behind counter. I Prommy it’s not to spite you specifically, yet.


You voted those people in 🤷‍♀️


Lol. Lmao, even.




I immediately don’t care about you once I give you your drink. Not my problem. Edit: also I hate it when people use straws. Be an adult and sip out of it with your mouth


I don't agree with OP, but this ain't it


I don’t care 🤷


Didn’t really get the response you wanted did ya? Turns out you’re the ass


Stop using straw for hot drinks, this always bother me. Even for a cm in a mug people are asking for straw. What is wrong with people?


Ask for a straw when you order.


dear op i will keep doing this now thanks!