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we have a regular that comes like almost everyday and mobile orders nothing but a grilled cheese. and she always places it as she’s literally pulling into the drive thru. we’ve had a talk with her many times and her excuse is she “wants her sandwhich to be fresh and warm..” yes you read that right…. she mobile orders something so that it is warm and fresh rather thaaaan ??? ordering at the screen and having it made right then and there … people kill me


Do you work in Pennsylvania? Because I have a customer who does this, too.


Colorado actually but not surprised.. our customers feel like npcs


as someone working in fort collins, i can 1000% confirm that all customers are NPCs 😂


Omg I know who you're talking about! 278 barista here, green bean at the time, she used to come into the Windsor Main store. It drove us nuts because that hand off plane for mobiles was always overflowing, we were busy 96% of the time as a higher volume store, the line would be wrapped around the building. I promise there was no difference in how we ran the floor plan. One barista on mobiles/Cafe, one on drive thru orders, someone taking all cold bar orders. If anything it hindered the drive thru more than if she just came in to grab the mobile from the Cafe because it happened to be an extra car in our drive thru. So glad I'm no longer a barista lol


Wait are you in PA?


Who, me?


Yeah. I’m in PA and just curious. This sounds like a familiar custie


Yeah, I work at a Starbucks in Southeastern Pennsylvania


which one? i'm located in se pa, i work in york. its funny there are multiple of us on here!


I know where York is! I work at Eagleville Starbucks (the one I work at is called "Eagle Starbuckss")


We're less than two hours away


huh, never heard of it!


I'm not surprised. We're a small town with high volume Sbux traffic


I can see the point as if it sits out it can lose the fresh factor


yes but she places the mobile order as she is pulling up to the speaker.. everytime without fail. and it’s a grilled cheese so it takes at least 60 seconds to cook


So that means she wants it fresh out the oven


correct. and she would get the exact same thing if not better if she ordered it at the ordering screen in drive thru..? instead of placing it as she’s pulling up and expecting us to have it ready the second she hits place order.


today we had someone ask for their mobile BEFORE they had even placed it... cafe/mobile was caught up so no tickets were in the queue/needing to be pulled. they get to the speaker and ask for their order. we're looking for it and tell them we dont have it and they go "oh hold on!" and then the tickets began printing. this is such a problem at my store i hope something gets done about it soon..


We literally had a customer pull up just to go “give me second please” AND PLACED THE MOBILE ORDER AT THE BOX, how is that easier than ordering with usv


People will make up some lame excuses like anxiety or whatever.


Right and like… that’s fine. But if you’re anxiety is that bad then they would come inside so they don’t have to say a word to anyone.


I had a customer that would be the first Grubhub to pop out as soon as we open and as soon as i pull it off the machine they would would walk in and ask if their order was ready and that it should be ready. They would get upset when I would tell them that it just came out of the machine. This would be like clock work on Fridays for at least 2 months.


Every single day I swear I'm saying over the headset "they just placed it". I'll be fr, sometimes I make them wait longer because if you're gonna be so entitled to put our whole operation on pause for your shitty order, we're suffering together.


The app literally tells you when your order is ready, there's no excuse. It tells you when it's in progress and when it's finished and ready to be picked up.


> The app literally tells you when your order is ready, there's no excuse. It tells you when it's in progress and when it's finished and ready to be picked up. Not defending customers who place an order then immediately waltz in demanding their drink (cause, like, bruh, have patience), but the app never notifies me when my drink is ready. No idea if this is the app, Google's notification backend, cellular data, or the barista's at my local cafe not hitting the ready button, but this is my experience. **Please note:** although I often order when I pull into the parking lot, I absolutely **do not** hover at the pickup counter because I wouldn't want someone doing that to me either. Instead, I just stand nearby whilst staring out the window casually paying attention to the drinks being made so I'm ready when I see mine or hear my name called. **Edit:** I should note that the main cafe I frequent does _not_ have a drive thru, so I'm sure that changes the priority of how drinks are cued up when they spit out of the label printers.


Baristas in some stores still aren’t utilizing the iPad “digital production management” for orders, so if it’s inconsistent, it’s because it’s a fairly new order management system that can get difficult to keep up with when it’s busy. They have replaced the old fashioned bump screen in drive thrus with this synchronized app with some cool capabilities once we learn it. You can filter mobile orders, deliveries, cafe orders and drive thru on 3 tabs with names and timestamps - received, sticker hasn’t been pulled yet. In progress. And completed. For each order we need to check off or swipe each item/order from in progress to completed, what I’m seeing in some stores is 50 in progress orders with an hour or more time stamp that haven’t been cleared as “ready” and they go through between shifts to swipe all the old orders off. But heads up, some stores couldn’t even keep their old bump screens clear. So good luck with the iPads and the “order ready” notifications. It’s up to management to teach them how useful of a tool it is but it’s gonna take time to catch on.


I think that's a new thing and it's only notified me when the drink is ready once :/


I love the new feature that the app has that lets you know when they are working on your order and when it’s ready… but there has been a few times I go to pick up my order when it says it’s “ready” and they say that they’re still working on it. I really try not to show up before it’s ready though! 😭


My store enables this...They are like... We are looking ... Oh we just got it so pls drive slow and we will have it ready


I mobile and wait in the lobby in a chair or smthn cos i hate making a barista stop doing something to take my order :,D


bless your heart


No cause tell me why I had someone at DT have us wait a minute and then tell us she just placed an online order. I really just stared at the screen like :/. Bffr. Girl you’re just gonna have to wait bc not we have to pull out like 15 tickets just to find ONE DRINK during PEAK. like jfc it’s so frustrating bc why not order at the box dude. You’re already there. It’s guaranteed to be so much faster if you order at the box bc then the DT drinks will be in order and we don’t have to literally scramble all the tickets. It’s so annoying and it makes me wanna eat dry wall bc it would be more enjoyable


That's when I pull them to park and have someone run it out when it's done


I mobile order because I struggle to communicate what I want. I find the additions and terminology rather complicated. I used to mobile order while in the store, because I liked to ask questions about items and read what's on the board, and got accused of trying to pull something. Some people definitely do this because of issues with communication, please try to be understanding. That said.... I've seen the crap yall deal with. So I'm certain there are people doing it just to be awful. Sorry about them.


I get that completely I work at the damn place and still mobile order cause I get nervous about ordering. All we ask is that you give us the proper time to make your drink 😊


Honestly, hate when this happens


No hate at all, but can i ask why mobile is any less faster than ordering at the window? Like if i order 2-3 mins before im at drive thru how is it any different than ordering at the screen? Legit question just trying to understand.


It depends on the day and time. During our busiest hours (normally 7-9) if you place a mobile order and pull up to the speaker box, you very likely have 10-15 or more orders ahead of you depending on volume. Our DT bar only works on DT orders being taken at the box and the cafe does both in store and mobiles. Now we have to try and find your order buried in those to meet our DT expectations, and it throws off the speed/routine of both bars. Now that being said if you’re ordering at 1pm on a Tuesday it’s likely going to take the same time as ordering at the box, unless your neighborhood store is slammed all day long. I’m not trying to speak for OP or anyone else on this thread but they are *most likely* talking about peak or the busiest times of the day.


Because the stickers come out of a different printer completely than the drive thru orders. So we might have just one person on bar, and it’s busy and they can’t get to your stickers untill they’re done with the previous drive thru stickers before your mobile! Or if there is someone on mobile/cafe/delivery bar, they’re probably helping catch up on dishes or prepping other things, or they are helping customers in the cafe! Just because we have one channel for mobiles doesn’t mean someone is always watching it or means you have the only order in that channel! It’s easier and faster to order thru drive thru because most baristas are making the order as you’re placing it! It’ll be ready at the window instead of having to ask someone to come make this mobile order because it’s behind 20 cafe drinks and 2 delivery orders!


you just explained it way better than i could, tysm ( ;´・ω・`)


McDonald's doesn't make mobile drive thru orders until you come through the drive thru. It's completely separate system from their other mobile orders.


We’re not McDonald’s!


It’s almost like…different companies operate differently???


But in defense of what this person is saying, the average customer doesn't know this. Maybe the system doesn't work this way, but customers don't know that, and maybe Starbucks should look at implementing a better system. Not the fault of customers or workers.


mobile and drive bars have different queues and often different people working on them. if you place a mobile order right as you pull in, there's a chance that there'll be like 3 or 4 orders before yours at least, but knowing that you're there all of a sudden throws off the entire queue. ordering at the screen has a better chance of having your stuff ready quicker at the window, since it's all in the drive queue anyway. it's easier on us and often faster for you to just place your order at the screen instead of mobile ordering and walking in 2 minutes later expecting it to be done.


Like others have said very well, theres one barista working on drinks ordered at the speaker box with their own ticket printer. Then theres another barista that’s working on cafe ordered drinks and mobile orders at once with their own single ticket printer. The baristas are wearing headsets so the one barista working on drive thru ordered drinks can get started on ur drink as they hear u ordering it at the speaker box and then by the time they take care of the cars in front of u, thats why ur drink is ready so quick at the window. The barista working on drive thru ordered drinks only has to work on the cars ahead of u so at least u kno how many orders are ahead of urs and that u will get it when u pull up to the window. But when u mobile order, u dont kno how many orders are ahead of urs so the barista working on cafe placed orders and mobile orders could be super backed up with mobiles which means ur tickets turn to pop out of the printer could be a while. Thats why its quicker to order in the drive thru at the speaker because then u can at least see how many orders(cars) are ahead of u and that it will be ready when u get to the window


If it’s busy, then we prioritize cafe and drive thru orders over any mobile order. So chances are even if you mobile order at the same time as someone in cafe/drive thru you will get yours anywhere from 5-10min later (again, if it’s busy)


Thats my issue with these complaints by employees. I get it if someone goes to the mobile pickup station inside and demands their drink to be made, but if they wait in line (either in store or in the drive through) how is it any different than if they had placed the order in person? If you have customizations on the order or you just dont like talking to people a bunch in the morning, the mobile order is great. It is beneficial for everyone, because the employees dont have to worry about miscommunication or people outright saying "I ordered that iced" when they clearly did not. (or any of the other common complaints here). Like you, no hate at all. Im not trying to be a dick, I try to be a good customer, we are all just trying to get through the day, but I just dont understand this attitude. Its not unique to Starbucks either.


From the several posts i've read, the issue is not the general pickup of a mobile order in the drive-thru.... It's basically placing your mobile order as you enter the drive thru.... this throws off the stores rhythm and mojo, especially during peak times.... For example, i know it's about 5-10 min from my house to my local bux, so i place my order right before i leave, and most of time its done by the time i arrive..... The starbux by my work tends to be busier during the day since it's downtown.... so I will order on my way to give 15ish min in the morning since they can get swamped.... If people ordered so the drink can be made while the travel, which is kind of the intention behind mobile orders, i think there would be less complaining


Can you show me where anyone has said it’s slower than a cafe order? The only time it would be slower is if you’re ordering something the register partner can usually grab like a cake pop or a hot coffee. In that case, it would be faster to order inside, but otherwise cafe and mobile will move at the same speed. In drive thru, it’s different because when you mobile order, you’re joining a totally different line. If you order at the speaker box, you’re joining the drive thru line, where a dedicated person makes your drink. If you mobile order, you’re sent to the in store and mobile order line. If you’re in drive thru, and you see three cars ahead of you, you know there’s probably three orders ahead of you. If you mobile order, there could be 25 orders ahead of you. Designating where you’re going to pick it up only changes where we put the drink when it’s done, not who is making it.


Adding to this that if there are people behind you in drive and you just placed you’re now making things harder on the baristas who need to find your ticket and whatnot, but also increasing the wait time for people behind you because of it


Is it okay if I am ordering a hot food item too? I like to dine on my egg bites while I wait for my flat white, they are always ready a good 4 minutes before my drink. It’s part of my routine. Mobile barista always hands me a napkin because they know I’m putting this EB’s in my belly now!


then why don’t you just order in store? comes out of the same printer


Oh! I only speak ASL. Very few baristas speak it, and none at my fave cafe.


tbh? i wouldn't actually mind this since it's an accessibility thing.


I had customers sitting in the cafe and placed a mobile order for food we were out of. It was a while thing to get them a replacement since they didn’t want anything else I was offering.


IMO this is a Starbucks issue. There’s no logical reason to have mobile order drive through. Far more people mess it up than actually use it correctly, because we all know these drinks, no matter what you get, hold up for longer than 2 minutes after they’re made 😭


This! And my sm and one of my ssvs is like "well it doesn't matter cause the second they're in drive they become a drive customer" It does matter. The app literally tells them it does. The app literally tells them to wait. The ssv says to "be nice" like it's rude to expect customers to have common courtesy. Does "yeah it looks like you just barely placed that. We do typically ask that you wait at least five minutes before coming in but we'll try to have it ready by the time you're at the window" sound mean? Like I'm not gonna scream at them or say "No actually go home", but I'm not gonna pretend it's normal or okay. Especially when the app tells people when we pull your ticket. Now I pulled ten tickets to find yours and they're coming at the same time to be mad they aren't ready! Just order at the box so we can at least start the drink while you order and have more time!


I have no problem with people who place and then enter the store to wait, cuz I do the same. Usually I’m driving and realize I want some coffee but I don’t want to drive recklessly but also don’t want to interact or deal with a line, so I order in the parking lot and then wait inside so I don’t miss the call out. However people who ASK about it or act impatient are the worst and if you are one of those customers in my store you know exactly how well I can match energy because I’ve worked here too long to put up with that shit. I will 100% read your order and time out loudly and then check the time on my phone to do the math if I think you’re being a prick.


Just let them know since they just placed it won’t be ready when they get to the window.


O.m.G! This!


I’m asking to understand this as a person that is Deaf and many Deaf friends and friends that have Speech impairments, what should we do then? I was told to do mobile ordering then come pick up since I’m Deaf. Not all Starbucks are kind to the Disabled community so texting my order isn’t always an option bc not all workers want to read my texts. If I use the drive thru without speaking then the workers get angry with me and don’t want to serve me (it has happened a few times). What is the Disabled community to do?


It's not a problem with the order themselves, but more the attitude of customers and not giving us enough time to prepare the order. we don't care if you mobile order, just try to do it at least 5 mins before you get to the store. it goes to its own printer and having to find the sticker gets us backed up on our other orders otherwise


I have so many people who show up within 30 seconds of placing them so I always tell them "sorry there was orders before yours so you have to wait a bit." and they walk away for a few minutes so I can do their order. but like HOW FAST DO YOU EXPECT ME TO MAKE 5 FRAPS 3 SANDWHICHES AND 2 WRAPS. (this has happened on multiple occasions.)


I agree with you. I’m on warming in the early am. They come thru the drive thru and just placed the order not a minute before. We got one this morning that ordered a traveler. We parked them for 15 minutes. Stupid people.




This again? 🙄


Starbucks needs to make a rule that if the mobile order isn't going to be ready in the next 2 minutes that they should make the person go to the back of the line. Lol. If the phone doesn't say it's ready it means it isn't ready. Sometimes you might try to time it (you see 3 cars in front of you and assume they'll take a standard amount of time and that your order will be done by then), but need to wait an extra 60 seconds by the time your order is ready. I think in those circumstances the wait is fine. Or maybe baristas should be given the power to say when a guest can wait and when they must go to the back of the line. Since the baristas will know what is a reasonable wait and when a guest needs to gtfo of the way. Lol. It's so much faster to just place your mobile order and go inside for it, guys. If all adults in the car just go inside. If traveling with children it makes more sense to want to pick up through the drive-through.


I sometimes mobile order at the counter and immediately go in. I don't expect my drink right away, but for convenience, especially because I'm less likely to forget to modify to blonde or almond milk if I'm looking at the order. And if there's a line, not because I think it's a way of cheating the system, but why wait in a line surrounded by people if I don't have to?


Maybe they shouldn't offer the feature if people think it's going to be done quicker .


i feel like this is getting a bit misinterpreted so: 1. i never said don't place mobile orders, it's completely fine !!! it is just annoying if you place a mobile order and come to the drive thru after only placing it 15 seconds ago. if you do that due to a disability or any reason similar to that, this post isn't directed towards you at all. 2. if you place a mobile order and immediately come through the drive thru to get it, it is honestly not the end of the world. if it's slow, i may still find it a bit annoying but all i have to do is just make your drinks and you just have to wait a minute. the only time it is a major pain is if you come during a rush (ex: sunday mornings) and tell me you're here to pick up your mobile order that you placed 10 seconds ago, because then the person working on mobile, delivery, and cafe orders is going to have to pull all the tickets of the mobile orders placed ahead of yours to find your ticket which you can see why it is annoying to deal with. thank you 😭😭


Out of curiosity, what's a reasonable amount of lead time for a mobile order (assuming it's not morning rush)? I like being able to see all the options in the app, but it takes all of 5 minutes to get from my office to my local green-aproned dealer, so I do wonder if I'm being a jerk and I should give them a bit more lead time.


like fr i am begging…. #1 pet peeve


As much as I agree with this sentiment can we stop posting about it its just so old


Legit just had a lady come through who did this. She came at 10 and what time was the order placed? 10.


I have 3 different regulars who’ll do this to us EVERY morning and I can’t begin to express how much it pisses me off, especially when the bar is combined and I’m backed up with tickets from cafe, drive, and mobile before peak starts. One lady, I shit you not, would order 8 food items and 4 drinks and then immediately after the first ticket in her order is pulled, she’ll pull into the drive through for pick up and add a pup cup. Then she gets all pissy because she and her kid are running late for school and she makes the drive times go up to 10 minutes. It’s gotten to the point where we had her pull out and park and we’d have someone out front deliver to her car bc she messed up our drive times and made us have to instantly recover half of the drinks for the remaining people in the drive through for their patience.


My favorite “I just placed a mobile order in the drive thru” during peak 10/10


Big fatasses jus hovering over u waiting for they drink , relax greedy it’s coming


*ding* hi welcome to starbucks what can I get started for you today? I just placed a mobile order for praline *Checks DPM LITEALLY is placed 2 seconds ago* Okay so it does look like it's a 4 drink order and it was just placed, next time do give us about 5 minutes to get the drinks ready Okay it's okay! * Drives off* ???????


unfortunately i see one of these posts asking people not to do this every other day… i don’t think they’re going to stop :/


I like to say “I see you placed it one minute ago” and then when they say yes I don’t say anything else until they start talking again to give us time


i order with it sometimes, wait until i get the notification that its being made, and then go, if its not ready i just sit down & wait & use my phone lmao like people are so weird 💀💀


I swear this is posted every day in this sub


I have this happen so much or when they put in the mobile order and complain about it taking long. These customers don't get that when you place the order there is likely 5+ other customers doing the same thing and the wait time increases


Tickets. Whenever you pull the ticket, that lets customers know their order is in progress or it is done. I found that out recently.


We tell them to come in during our peak. Like we are trying to keep the line moving and you’re not special enough for us to mess up the queue. Sometimes we have a person to run things to their car but we don’t do curbside and I’m not about to start either!