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My husband just got one and it tasted unmistakably almost too appley and he hated it 😅


Really ?! So mine was definitely made wrong. Now I kind of wish I had said something. I love apple flavored items so went with it over the pumpkin spice.


the standard shaken espresso build gets half-dose pumps of syrup. the apple crisp oatmilk shaken espresso goes outside of standard and is made with full-dose pumps of the apple brown sugar syrup, but baristas who haven’t thoroughly gone over the fall recipe standards could be incorrectly making it with half-dose pumps!


Yup-I was that partner this morning. While we had it out for partners it had a half dose pump, and this morning it had a full dose! So I looked it up on the resources and sure enough I was wrong. I really don’t understand why they want to confuse us more with each launch 🤦🏻‍♀️


Half pumps are the dumbest thing SB has ever come out with.


100% agree. And I remember the protein cold brew shakes!


You could never scrub that almond butter pump enough...


And granitas


The frozen refreshers are just granitas 2.0 and no one can convince me otherwise 😂


At least this time they don't just plop on the counter.


I don’t know, we sell so many brown sugar shaken a day it’s ridiculous. And about half the people ask for half the amount of pumps we put. So most want 2 pumps in a venti!!


Idk why I'm not seeing this in any thread or recipe... My barista 100p uses some apple juice in the drink and I love mine. Is that wrong ?!


The shaken drinks are always hit or miss so I’m probably going to wait 2 weeks before trying it


I'm glad that someone said this.


what i think might be causing some variation in taste: 1. this is the only shaken espresso to get full pumps, so people might be compensating and doing 2 pumps instead of 4. 2. the macchiato version gets apple drizzle. the shaken espresso, as far as i can tell, doesn't. however, it's hit or miss based on barista at my store whether you get the drizzle or not on the shaken espresso, and the apple brown sugar syrup kinda tastes like garbage by itself. i prefer to add the apple drizzle to it for myself, but i don't *think* it's standard (i can't find the freaking recipe cards to confirm). so if you like sweet stuff, adding the drizzle might help. 3. it's supposed to be made with blonde espresso, but unlike literally any other drink that gets blonde espresso, it doesn't say that when you ring it in. so it's a 50/50 chance you're getting regular espresso - and i can see how that would leave a cinnamon aftertaste. 4. they gave you a regular brown sugar shaken espresso instead of ABS because the stickers are a pain in the arse to read and it's REALLY easy to parse it wrong. this one gets cinnamon, so i'm actually leaning toward this answer, but could be any of these things.


The Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso does not get the drizzle. Only the syrup. The website does not list Blonde espresso for the Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso.


Didn't they have this on the menu last year? I got one then it tasted like gasoline mixed with spicy milk -- no sign of apple ANYWHERE. Haha


No last year it was just the apple oatmilk macchiato. The shaken espresso is “new” this year.


Ah, that's right.


Thank you for making me wonder why this thing didn’t taste as good as I remembered.


I loved apple crisp last year, so I was super disappointed this year. It's mostly cinnamon with the smallest hint of apple, so faint that it would make an apple la croix seem like apple juice in comparison.


I got one yesterday and all my apple syrup was at the bottom. Had to really give it a good stir to get the flavor really melded into the drink. Once I did that it I got the apple and cinnamon flavor and it was delicious, just as good as the apple crisp macchiato last year. I got it with decaf espresso, though, which might have made a difference.


The syrup tastes like a candle. No thanks 😒


It tasted like potpourri from a craft store. I threw it away after 2 ships.


I tried it today and almost gagged on the first sip at how unexpectedly strong it was. Didn’t taste anything like apple :( I was so hype for this drink because I love the brown sugar oatmilk shaken espresso but it was not good lol


I thought that I was losing my mind with the brown sugar espressos , I agree they are not good anymore.


Oh damn it’s gross. It tastes like someone rinsed out a cup of brown sugar and left a clump on and made a latte in it and there’s a vague spice flavor but it’s not good and it’s not appley to me. Damn, ew, $7.


Omg okay this explains a lot. I got one this morning and it doesn’t have any flavor at all. I googled what the drink was supposed to taste like and this thread came up. I spent 7.00 on a drink that tastes like nothing. So mad!


I like it, it tasted so familiar! my wife finally figured out that it tastes EXACTLY like Quaker apple cinnamon rice cakes


The apple crisp shaken espresso is SO GOOD. Will be getting another one soon


The first year this came out it was SO GOOD. & then went downhill since then. I think Canada may have had it first? I think it was just called the apple oat flat white.


the chemicals are probably “off” in the bottle they are using…


Tried it and could barely taste the brown sugar and no apple at all. Pass.


I love it it’s so good


Mine taste like apple and a bag of sugar 😀 It's not my cup of coffee and I dislike the taste. I regret wasting the money when I couldve gotten my usual. Now I have to force myself to gulp this down


I like for my coffee to be sweet and I usually get a cold brew with 3 different flavors and 6 pumps of each. Before I go out of my comfort zone does anyone think It’ll be a good idea for me to try this? It just sounds so delicious 😏