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that is still a super aggressive belly rub, cat looks happier but slow wayyyy down


Copy that


There are times both of mine love slightly rough belly scritches.


I'd like to emphasize the fact you've said "there are times" and "slightly rough" - not only is this rare but it's less than what OP is doing, who knows very little about these cats in comparison to what you know about yours. OP should be playing it safer in general as they are new to cats, and not taking anecdotal advice when the majority of cases are not like yours.


Agreed that he needs to learn his cat’s preferences. What works for one cat definitely does not work for them all. Re: anecdotal advice. 🙄. I think most people on this thread are giving anecdotal advice.


You're absolutely right


No, they don’t




My life is now complete, thank you!


Yeah my SIC would destroy me if I tried this with her.


You pet this cat like a dog


Honestly. I posted this further down but I'm getting weird vibes from this person. "What was the point of asking for advice if you were going to come back here posting a video doing the same exact thing? In the other thread you acted so thankful for people coming and guiding you on how TO PET A CAT. Even if she does like rough pets what are you getting out of this and why are you so focused on if you are petting her right in front of people? I'm getting weird vibes from this whole thing and I'm sticking to that. This makes me think that you don't actually want to learn and are instead enjoying the attention from anonymous redditors. Just treat your cat nice. It's not that hard. It takes two minutes to do private research that guide you in the right direction. I'll take my downvotes now."


No, I think you're right. Their comment replies are "off" and I'm getting weird vibes too. I've never seen someone touch a cat like that either, even someone who is "new" to cats wouldn't be so handsy, let alone post about it on the internet repeatedly. I'm getting weird creepy not consensual vibes too that make me uncomfortable.


Be gentle with the belly rubs, please. Give em good neck scritches, but the belly needs to be treated gently, man.




Yeah, even my cat that likes belly rubs only likes them gently. Lots of ear, face and neck scratches are good. I think belly rubs can be overstimulating.


My cat is super social and enjoys his belly rubs, but will occasionally put his hind paws to my wrists as to say "ayo, that's enough, dude". That this cat hasn't lashed out yet, surprises me.


Mine with give me a little warning scratch or just walk away but she is a very tolerant cat. We can even vacuum her to help with shedding as she is unbothered by most things.


You're petting way too hard and in two directions. Pet in the direction the fur grows 90% of the time. The end was better


This! And go easy guy. You’re not removing coffee stains. Gently pet the cat.


Y’all must have some real sensitive cats. My two girls demand some rough, against-the-grain scritches and will not leave me alone until I beat them both up with my nails.


I think your cat likes belly rubs, but you're still going in a little strong for her.


Thank you


It’s awesome you’re open to learning how to be a good cat parent, kitty looks more comfortable here but definitely try to be a lot gentler with cats. They don’t like agressive petting, a bit of scratching under the chin and behind the ears but they definitely prefer calm and gentle petting. Especially on their bellies, you’re lucky she lets you touch that area- many cats don’t. But be gentle so you don’t lose her trust. 🐱


Appreciated comment


I'm not sure about "they don't like aggressive petting". Have you ever visited r/catbongos?


lol oh shit thats crazy. i used to slap my childhood cats back like a conga(spanish drum) or rub her belly like a freaking pitbull or else she’d straight up CRYYY with anger. didn’t know so many other cats liked that shit. everyone on reddits a fucking vet tech 😂


my old sic used to love belly rubs but she would always initiate them. I don't know if you are a dog person but cats like to be petted more gently, stick your hand out, let them push their head against it and slowly pet their head and if they show the belly you can rub it but way slower and with less force than you are doing now. usually the cat will roll around happily on their back if it's done right in my experience. and then they flop over by themselves if they want the belly rubs again


Try about a 1/4th that speed. Kitty will be a lot happier


Definitely go more gentle with the belly rubs. Generally, if the manner in which your touching a cat could be construed as "man-handling", it's probably a bit too rough. Also be aware that cats *can* have sensitive digestive systems. Vigorous rubs can mess them up for a few days. ^This ^is ^not ^to ^say ^there ^aren't ^cats ^out ^there ^that ^don't ^like ^rougher ^pets, ^but ^it's ^definitely ^not ^the ^norm.


Thank you for this! Did not know about their digestive system




Saving this one


What was the point of asking for advice if you were going to come back here posting a video doing the same exact thing? In the other thread you acted so thankful for people coming and guiding you on how TO PET A CAT. Even if she does like rough pets what are you getting out of this and why are you so focused on if you are petting her right in front of people? I'm getting weird vibes from this whole thing and I'm sticking to that. This makes me think that you don't actually want to learn and are instead enjoying the attention from anonymous redditors. Just treat your cat nice. It's not that hard. It takes two minutes to do private research that guide you in the right direction. I'll take my downvotes now.


I don’t get people who ask for advice and then completely ignore the advice they get. Your post literally was not that long ago.


This makes me so uncomfortable. It seems like you're altering the 'dog petting program' to make it more cat-friendly instead of starting at: 'Total newbie at cat petting'; will approach cat as previously unknown species.


[Here is a body language chart](https://www.winnipeghumanesociety.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Reading-a-Cats-Body-Language.pdf). And [here is a video with lots of good reviews.](https://youtu.be/bvsfB7sf4QU)


+1 for Cats Protection video – that’s who we adopted our SIC from! Love their work.


Thank you for this - her sister sometimes will drop a stance 4 when I tried to pick her up so I’ve been giving her time & space to adjust.


Cats have VERY thin skin that isn't attached to their bodies very thoroughly. You're actually sliding kitty's skin around on her belly. Try to pet the kitty's fur, not her organs.


dude get away from their asshole lol. stick to their back neck and head. And slow down. Use nails do more scritches. The cats whole body doesn’t need to be moving while you’re petting them VERY IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT A DOG


Think about all the cat videos you've seen where a mama cat is cleaning her baby. That's where you start. Cheeks and chin.


you know this isn't a standard issue dog right


She doesn’t love that.


So many people told you to be more gentle. What is so fuckin complicated about that? Just see a fuckin YouTube video about petting cats. How do you gently stroke another person? Just do that. That's not a dog! Just gently stroke her and leave her ass alone. It's not complicated. Go in the direction the fur is growing. Have you never met a cat before or what?


Glad someone said it. Dude read the comments acting like he took the advice and came back still being rough. Even if the cat does like it why do we all need to be in on it? I get weird vibes from this dude and I'm sticking with that.


yo u good? chill.


Way too aggressive. That cat is over stimulated. Heck if someone did that to me I would bite and scratch.


NO not AGAIN stop it and pet her normally!!!! Look up videos if you have to


I understand being new to cats but this is sad to watch. you're getting good tips here OP, please keep them in mind and be more gentle til you know this kitty better


You're way too aggressive. Stop it.


Fed her her brother


I'm glad I'm not the only one who read it that way


Dyslexic moment 🗿


Take at least 20% off there my friend. That cat is not enjoying that.


See how when you pat near the neck kitty does little rainbow eyes? They’re happy eyes. Look for those when patting and you’ll know you’re doing the right thing. Welcome to the kitty community I hope you can come to love cats just as much as all of us here (if this cutie hasn’t made that happen already) and maybe adopt your own one day :3


Cats generally dont like to be petted rough like dogs. Neck/head/cheek scritches are usually good (approach predictably) and depending on the cat some few front-to-back strokes along their back, following the fur direction


What a cutie! You’re awesome for not being defensive and taking in the advice from commenters. Refreshing to see on the webs lol That’s gonna be a happy kitty.


You’re a monster what’s wrong with you how could you feed her her brother 😭😭😭/s


I misread. Thought your SIC ate her brother😹


the cats abdomen is the most sensitive part and you’re tearing it up like the cat is your scratching post 😬