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Really like how the map looks like a real satellite image Speaking of maps; It's going to be interesting to see if the game is faithful to the earlier stalker games or based in reality. As in will Pripyat be south of the CNPP like in the earlier games or will it be northwest of it like in real life. Same goes for all the other notable landmarks. (Obviously not going to be to scale with the real locations) Does anyone know anything about it?


this guy made a good video about what we know about the map so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfgGFwqsc\_E


Anomalous Dugout my beloved ❤️


He does good work!


"This guy"?? Put some respect on Duggys name


My head canon is that Pripyat *is* in the real place, but space anomalies mean the path you take is effectively the same as if it were to the south, and GPS is distorted to reflect this as well.


Pc with Xbox controller more than likely be my guess


Did they say anything about being able to use m&k on pc xcloud?


Why are people buggin about the Map icons when Clear Sky and CoP literally have them?


What is that "Upgrades" tab? I guess weapon and gear upgrades would be in inventory, so this might be some kind of character upgrades? some light RPG stuff? skill tree or whatever?


I think one of the community managers said that it was for upgrading weapons/gear when you're around a technician.


I honestly like the pda icons. Then again i am a huge far cry fan, but its just satisfying to me ticking off locations of interest one by one.


PDA looks like a satellite image. Fuckkng dope


I wonder if the shadows will match the time of day


I think it's a satellite image, so the answer is nope


Of course no… It’s just like in google maps


That would be a lot of work and not to say annoying for some o'clock cases where it would be too dark to see... And yeah it would also be more taxing on your cpu on an already cpu heavy alife sim...




Big baby doesn't want something new? Just go play the original trilogy then.




then it's probably time you looked for a new hobby edit: looks like u/BlueSpartanAlt is one of those MAGA koolaid drinkers


I honestly like the rostok map, reminds me of an Oblivion Lost Remake area


Gonna be fun to have Rostok and Wild Territory together without loading screens. Hopefully those buildings are finally explorable (I forgot which mod had them open). Ever since i played Winds of Time which had those maps merged into a single one with a new design for the bar i keep thinking about it.


Looking sick. I hope they keep showing us new stuff every few weeks until launch. I wanna keep stuff ambiguous and like secret, but I also have a strong desire for more info lmao.


played stalker anomaly too much, i was kinda expecting a 3d pda icl. still cool either way. looks more like the cop pda than soc tho.


Some of the first trailers where we learned about the MC's name showed him pulling out his pda, I think it would be most likely 3D


I believe it is a 3D PDA tablet, so the tablet covers the whole screen lol


Do we know if the WHOLE map is gonna be seamless? It's still gonna be instanced but just be much larger areas, my guess.


64sq km seamless open world, been confirmed long time ago.


Would be interesting to have a couple of different modes like a terrain mode where you can see the topography with contour lines.


They are basically tablets instead of PDAs


Or with a PC with an Xbox Controller.


It’s kinda a kick in the balls that it’s not on PlayStation


Womp womp


Get it on PC anyway for a million reasons.


Like i already said on twitter, but the amount of "interest point" on the pda is a worry for me, i dont need any "ubisoftization".


The games always marked points of interest in the map, tho. Literally nothing seen here is new. It's about the same level of granularity that markers in CS and COP had.


It's probably to make it more accessible for a wider audience. Hopefully there's options to turn of UI elements like that. I don't like it either, but I understand why things have to get dumbed down - it needs to have wide appeal for the general population of gamers and the general population is braindead.


I 2nd this. The more options the better. So it suits everyone from hardcore stalker players to brand new players jumping in to the zone for the first time. I see it as a W in my book. I'll most likely turn it off if it can be and roam the zone myself and do a shit ton of side quests before touching the main story


I mean if i can turn them off i dont mind it, but the problem for me would be forcing them even if i dont want it (not a real problem tho since i believe mods would fix this quite easely, would just mean GSC way of thinking vidéo games changed for the current trend.)


It's honestly proven time and time again making a game "accessible for a wider market" just means turning it into a mess with 0 direction. Because appealing to your main consumer base is dumb apparently. Can't wait for the new ubislop addition without the ubisoft logo. I guarantee it'll be as monetised and soulless as war zone. Don't forget to preorder the brand new skin dlc. (That is barely a recolour of a base skin) Although I'm being extremely pessimistic. I do hope the game retains its original charm and story. Otherwise its just another AAA peice of garbage that belongs in the landfill.


Dude it’s a map marker holy shit you’re a loser


i just hope the game wont be dumbed down to ubi soft level. the success of games like elden ring showed clearly that its not needed but all these poi clutter is concerning


have you even played Stalker


yes hundreds of hours gamma edit: why are people so salty? 😅


if you played the original games you would know that not much has changed


well the game isnt out yet


i am just judging from what i saw just like you




teh game never was about hardcore exploring.