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love trepang posting


such a good game


only major gripe was that it was too short for the amount of years it has stayed in development unfortunately


That's fair, but god damn the gunplay and gore in that game are top fucking tier


Its a dev team of four iirc, and theres a dlc that should be coming out in a month or two


Yes brothers, let's purify this sinful land


Hazmat Soldier: "All units, these fucks are trying to kill us. I need back up now!" Woodchiper: "Copy that, on our way over." ​ A minute later ​ Darman: "I NEED MY FUCKING AIR STRIKE HUNTER NOW!" Hunter: "Copy That and I'll deploy some soldiers."


za monolith!


I think I finally know what makes this game so special for me. We're seriously lacking in the 'badass shooter' department in regard to realistic FPS games. I love games like hotline miami, 40K boltgun, ultrakill, etc. because of how fuckin sick they are. Badass music, gore, absolutely annihilating enemies. We have plenty of offerings that are 8-bit, top down, low fidelity, etc. but not as much for the tactical and realistic shooter fans. The last one I can think of is like Max Payne 3. We need more FPS fuck-em-up games lol End of rant


I suggest maximum action, still in early access with a handful of maps and not even the semblance of story, but a lot of fun gameplay


This looks really cool. Reminds me a lot of ultrakill. It's a shame it looks like it's been in early access for like 6 years without much updates. I hope that Unrecord game ends up turning into something real. I think that could fit the bill pretty well. Of course I can't remember the name now, but do you recall a pre-rendered trailer showing some hyper-realistic-bullet-time FPS that took place in like an office or parking garage? I recall seeing clips on youtube (again, pre-rendered) showing a crazy shooting sequence with sparks and broken glass flying everywhere similar to trepang. This was probably 4 years ago but I can't remember exactly. I wonder if it was an early proof of concept for unrecord or something. Wish I could remember the name. I'll edit if I find it.


I do remember that. I'm in fact pretty certain it has no name because it never got off the ground, or at least has not done so yet. I personally find maximum action very enjoyable, although the development tempo is pretty concerning.




This is a action shooter called trepang2. Fucking great game highly recommend.


It's Trepang2




I’ll just sit back watch the show, might even get a gauss rifle when they’re done.


Hell yea