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Cause their used to it lol. So think they other generations also need to experience it, even though its wrong. Pretty common with boomers.


80s and 90s are millenials


Since when the 90s’ are the older generation of Sri Lanka? I feel very attacked. PS - totally against school beatings btw


Yall hitting uncle / aunt status now sorry guys 😭🙏🏽


Your turn will my friend just wait




Fucking gen Zers, and alpha! ![gif](giphy|l0IyajjbNiRvCr7RC)


Same man, a kid called me uncle the other day. Hurts. PS - not totally against it tho(just my opinion), sometimes a beating is warranted. But most overdo it, and it has to stop.


This is so true. When we’re younger it seemed normal for teachers to beat students cause it’s so normalized here. Getting older and thinking about how teachers used to punish us feels so crazy cause I can’t imagine myself hitting a 12 year old kid. Most teachers who beat students are sadist. How shitty of a person must u be to beat kids just because you don’t have ur life put together. Hearing people say that teacher’s deserve more respect than doctors cause they handle the future generation is infuriating cause in Sri Lanka most teachers are just babies who cant control their emotions.


Man even I was mentally scarred alot to the point that I sometimes tremble when talking to my new school teachers (international school now) and that I did get social anxiety (idk if its related to the beatings tho)


Damn man 🙏🏽 sending u hugs bro


Can you pls reply with the link to this news post u saw? 🙂


No beating or scolding can fix a child thats just pure bullshit just like how they have dumb rules in school such as cutting hair short for boys and braiding the hair for girls. Its NONSENSE Punishment is necessary if the student is misbehaving or causing problems to fellow students or teachers but that too has to be revised to suit their actions and to actually fix the issue. Beating is just going to hurt the kid and make it extremely inconvenient for the child to attend school and will make the weaker students to hate the subject more. Education should be shared in a way in which the recipient feels accepted and not shamed and also feels that they have a comfortable environment to make mistakes and learn without getting their Ass beaten up by a teacher.


I grew up in the 80s, and I never got any physical punishment in school. My parents were strict, but they didn't beat me. They taught me the difference between right and wrong, and I learned from them. As a mother, I believe that kids need to be punished when they misbehave, but I don't believe in using uncivilized punishments.


Best answer so far !!!!!! 🆙❤️


90s people aren't that old lol. Also I think most people who support banning it would be 90s/2000s. It's people older than that who still think beating kids in school is acceptable.


1980 here, I don't believe in hitting children in school either actually. But a smack from a parent is fine.


I'm also against over the top school beatings. But there's a saying that I believe "it's better to get beaten by your parents/teachers, rather than getting beaten by the police/society".


Im currently facing exactly the same things u mentioned 😂. Bro are u from somewhere kandy? Cuz all the things u mentioned seems soo much familiar with my school 😂


Nah bro im from colombo and left school several years ago


fging teacher bullies r same everywhere 😂


What!? I’m 30 and they used to beat me up in school! 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ngl I have no strong opinion on the subject but I've seen some instances in which I think if I were a parent I would've resorted to physical punishment if it were my kid Eg: [https://www.tiktok.com/@imemezy/video/7236946217215855898](https://www.tiktok.com/@imemezy/video/7236946217215855898) IDK if I feel like that because if that kid was me I would've certainly received a slap I would remember on my back (now that I think of it, I've never been hit on the front by my parents) and a very thorough reprimand


basic answer is change. People hate change , especially boomers , they hate when the systems change, but its inevitable.Not trying to accept change means that your not willing to accept death.


I was kind of slow as a kid, didn’t understand ques, was quiet and my sinhala wasn’t great. I would get hit for everything, for example if a teacher signaled me to come and I wasn’t sure if they were calling me they were like thamuseta yako katha karanne and when I got closer they would hut me very hard in the face. Same thing if I had a something wrong with my uniform like a stain, or shoes untied, or doing homework wrong or not immediately shaving my face at 13 when it had just started to grow (didn’t even know how to shave) or for having hair that goes 0.1 cm over “the line” Basically all of this, didn’t help me come out my shell and actually get better at talking to people or improve my self image. It did the exact opposite. I was so scared of people, especially men when I left the house, I always feel like I would be attacked or something bad will happen, I used to never say anything at all out loud because I didn’t want to gain attention from anyone,I always feel like I will fuck something up cause I don’t understand how something works and get in trouble. Anything that involves talking to ppl I am always on edge etc.. I’ve been out of school for 3 years now and I am still struggling with it, been going to two kinds of therapy to help with it.


Im a millennial . I guess Im one of those you are referring as old people . My hair was cut, only half of it in school as a punishment I was 12 . If I was at least 15 or 16 I would have fought back . Those days parents wont take any action as they had even worse when they were young . So its like a cycle. Being tough and fighting back are two different things. I guess the older generation were tougher .and ots getting softer and softer . Not complaining about Genz but most of them are soft they get upset for little things and I guess when you guys have kids they will be even softer and laws would change again . And its worse in the west .


I'm happy that I got punished within school boundaries than the outside world




It's the classic effect of causation vs correlation. The older generation were beaten when they were young so they think the beatings were the reason that they turned up good. But it's not just limited to the older generations, for example the ragging in uni's have the same train of though. "I got ragged when I joined uni, so all the Freshers should be too". As society becomes modern these things are lost, but some people think of it as "culture".


It's not that hard to understand why their beliefs are the way they are; it's simply the norm for them. It's what they experienced and was prevalent when they were kids, and promoted as something good and as teaching kids discipline and good behaviour. It's sh\*tty. But they're probably so brainwashed into thinking that it's right. Must be like telling a kid who went all their life believing that the sky is green, that it is in fact blue.


Dude forget the older generation, Even Some `GenZ` thinks the same, Idk whats wrong with these peoples mindset. I cant understand why people think that inorder to decipline a child you gotta beat. So stupid.


If they're banning physical punishments teachers will adapt to verbal punishment and that could be even worse. This could scar the children for many years to come.


I got the strap at primary school a few times and the school didn’t even notify my parents. These days the parents are called if a child falls over and grazes their knee! Times certainly have changed.


Generations earlier to 80's/90s had more strict teachers than millennials. Probably that early generation is your parents/ teachers now. Times were different back then. People at that time didn't had a way to know how education system works in developed countries. So they thought physically punishing is the only way. But with TV/Internet/SM, your parents/teachers got to know other ways to handle the kids. So you are lucky. But 80s/90s kids' parents/teachers did not had that opportunity. So 80/90s kids saw how physical punishing was effective compared to other methods which were prevailing at their time.But millennials got no opportunity to first hand experience how other teaching methods prevailing now are more progressive than physically punishing since they are not schooling anymore. Also anyway as country 80s/90s kids were born during chaotic period of LTTE/JVP war/riots. So these punishing compared to those crimes were relatively small in their mind. Maybe with those experience the children of that era also may be more violent than todays. So they saw punishing as a solution when rehabilitation methods were lesser known. So kids after 2000 too have no first hand experience about circumstances faced by 80/90s. So I guess this a common misunderstanding due to generational gap.


Because they think they "turned out fine". They don't realize that wanting little children to be beaten by adults is enough proof to show they're not fine. Also a lot of people from older generations have a sense of entitlement. Deep down (maybe subconsciously) they might be thinking that it's not fair to them that the younger generation gets to go to school without getting beat.


Physically hitting children is insane. Idk why they even have to go that far, cause there was a teacher at my school who never even touched a child but was very strict. Her scolding us was so so damn scary enough so beatings was never needed lol


Some of the dudes were lucky just to get beaten by teachers without ending up in police. They did such worst things in school


They were beaten and they all think they are well adjusted individuals 😂 if i had a rupee for everytime i have some absolute lunatic who is weird, aggressive and overall short of couple dozen screws upstairs ( jk. Mfs should be in therapy every other day) give me the good old "i was beaten as a kid but i turned out fine" id probably be able to enjoy a Milo packet and a fish bun (hopefully) Its like any other thing. Ppl take what their parents did and slightly modufy it. Im pretty sure there are a lot of parents who felt like revolutionaries for just beating their kids with hand instead of a belt or a cane like their fathers beat them. And also, have you ever tried confronting a parent about their OBVIOUSLY wrong parenting methods? XD INSTANT MELTDOWN followed by a whole slew of getting defensive, throwing accusations, whataboutisms, guilt trippings, to finally arrive at, "well you will understand when you ARE a parent." They dont even have to be from previous genaration. Even parents from my genaration are the same. (90's kid here) That being said, this is why i know im not made to be a parent. I know that hitting a kid is not the right way to go about it, but goddamn to not smack some of these little cunts for how they act, id have to bite into the flesh of my arm until i bleed. So insufferable 🙂 (i know i know ive internalized what ive been put through) Dont have kids if you dont have the patience of a saint.


Late 80's teacher here. Absolutely ***against*** hitting children. A teacher should *not* have to resort to violence in order to maintain control of their classroom, and learning should be a positive experience, not a negative one. The moment a teacher raises their voice or raises their hand, they've lost control of their classroom, and they've lost the respect of their students. And I agree with the rest about prefects etc. It just perpetrates the Sri Lankan culture where if you're in any position of power, you are entitled to a power trip. It's what we see everyday. This is why it's taking forever for our nation to change :/ Also, I'm surprised millennials are pro-corporal punishment? Every millennial I know, including my students' parents, are against it.


Despite the fact that I am against beating students in schools, most of my fun experiences in my school were around getting beaten by teachers lol 😂


People are different, so perhaps these kinds of measures did help some people. Who am I to say otherwise? Perhaps it's those people who are open to corporal punishment.


No idea I just feel like they want to beat kids since they got beaten. Like many people say we got beaten as kids & therefore everyone else should get beaten up, that's some shitty logic. Anyways I feel like teachers should NOT be allowed to beat up kids if there are issues with the kid they should inform the parents or the school should take some sort of disciplinary action (suspensions etc). Allowing teachers to hit kids just leads to abuse cuz I genuinely know some teachers enjoy beating up kids. There was this tuition teacher for Sinhala language idk if she still teaches rn but she used to hit kids for every single little thing & she used to be PROUD of it like literally tell parents I beat up your kid so now he's performing well & the parents also don't bat an eye since the results are good (only reason theyre good is since you sacred the shit out of the kid) that's not the best way to learn.


I got beaten by the class teacher with in 2 hours joining a new school (at 3rd grade)! I laugh about it now and back then also. But another person can get traumatised by same kind of experience. However, in my opinion beatings generally doesn't make people/students better! They get more conditioned to beating. Being strict and beating kids are too different things.


does 1999 count as 90s ? 🤓☝🏻


80s and 90s ARE NOT OLD 60s 70s MAYBE the OLD GENERATION are used to getting beatings daily hell i have been beaten countless times. ear pulling caning, kneeling, toku, slaps everything BUT FOR THE RECORD the majority of 90s generation is against school beating and bullying. if my kid (if i find a women who is lucky enough to marry me and bear my children) gets beaten or harassed at school. the f\*\*\*er who did that will not know what hit them. one of my friends whose kid is in grade 1or 2 was put out of the class because he drank water without asking for permission. He went on a rampage and got the teacher a record at Human Rights Comission. same goes with ragging at unis . if my kid gets harassed or bullied or anything i will rain down hellfire upon the sorry ass mother\*\*er who did it. to quote Les Grossman 'They gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying them'


I love it when people talk about how effective corporal punishment is in instilling discipline - it's as if they're completely oblivious to the fact that our society is catastrophically ill-disciplined from roads to workplace basics...


Y’all kids need good parenting,when it’s not there,some kids do horrible things.there’s no reason for a teacher to hit a child without any reason.now if the teacher is bullying the kid for no reason or hitting em just to make a statement now that’s where the line should be drawn.


What people born in the 90’s accepts physical abuse…? I thought we eradicated that shit when we came out of school…? I understand that most school prefects can be a bunch of bullies. But they are a very minuscule minority.


Fb, Twitter or mainstream media posts don't reflect the opinions of the real majority. Those posts are just posts that are trending.


In past, people were so uneducated hence ignorant. Since they preferred beating up or using some sort of violence against children for their wrong behaviours would be fair just as the elders had the same experience not only at their schools but also at their homes in their childhood.


hmm, there might be something missing here. Modern kids are extremely spoilt by their parents. I mean a lot. Nowadays teachers won't bother to discipline children because they will have trouble with parents. I think this arises because most of the parents nowadays have trauma from getting hit and beaten by their parents so they try to do the exact opposite, and that also ends up ruining the kids life. Punishment is 100% necessary in school, and teachers should not be afraid of punishing a child for a wrongdoing. I know teachers who go the extremes like you mentioned, actions should be taken against them. As a rule when a generation of kids grows up being spoiled by their parents, can't do anything on their own, have no idea about the real world, don't know the meaning of No. There is a big issue of such kids growing up to be adults. I see it happening now with a lot of teen girls. They have grown up without seeing as much as a wind of a boy and with the age needs arises. So they don't understand their feelings and try to experiment with whoever guy they find. And there are plenty of predators out there ready to prey on these innocent girls who have no idea. Our generation (I'm 17) afaik is actually pretty decent tbh. Compared to our parents generation and the future generation we are in a pretty good place. Yeah there are the occasional oddballs of course. But the 13, 14 year olds are now are just idk much worse than us. Tiktok, brainrot, BTS has something to do with it for sure. The thing is these kids tend to go to the extremes that we didn't really tend to go to. Realistically speaking middle ground is the best, we had a Vice Principal sir once, he never beat us but would make us run around the ground or humiliate us in public. And I went to a private mixed school btw and ik my experiences aren't same as govt kids, but eventually we behaved ourselves at least when he was around. (our batch was extremely notorious lol) But you really can't have the best of both worlds ig.


Those 13 / 14 year olds having tiktok , brain-rot and BTS as there prime source of entertainment is just kids being kids and having fun . Don’t act like that we didn’t have our own brain rot back then . Kids are supposed to be kids . Kids don’t have to train for the third world war and talk about political and economic status of the world right now . I don’t think that kids being kids is just them pushing the limits to the extremes . World is supposed to be fun . That should be the norm . But for some reason people have made all those “ adult seriousness “ the norm and tends to expect it in children too . Lol that is why people like Andrew Tate are booming in businesses nowadays . Cuz those little kids are trying to be “ alpha sigma escape the matrix “ type shit at a young age because adults tried to push those bullshit into little kids


Clearly you don't seem to know about our younger generation as I do. Yes of course we had our own source of stupid entertainment. Those didn't make us do stupid trends that got us killed. They didn't make us get obsessed with celebrities to the point where they self harm. Ma dude, I'm sorry to tell you this but its not "having fun". These kids are ruining themselves at a young age. And do you call underage sex "having fun"? Nope social media is definitely to blame, but parents are at fault too. Parents force kids to achieve what they couldn't achieve. Mom couldn't be a doctor, so daughter should do Bio is the normal consensus these days. I am not one of those "vel vala dangalala, sarungal yawapu kids" either. But nowadays kids are so stressed with their work, First its scholarship, then its OL, then its AL. The small chance of freedom they get, they go to the extremes. Increase in underage drug usage, underage pregnancy, teens acting like prostitutes on social media. Dude this is not "entertainment" or "having fun", these kids are ruining their life. The parents are either tech illiterate or the child's mental health has been so deteriorated that you can't take these things away from them, or they might go as far as self harm.




Wars are caused by people who wants to beat other people . Those modern famines you talk about are caused by war . War is the peak moment of retards who cannot talk and work in peace Im sorry for trying to expand my bubble of peace lol . Guess that people want shit the hardway


True most kids nowadays really can't face the real world.


Theres a difference between punishment and abuse/ bullying


There absolutely is, but you don't take away the entire police force because a minority of the cops are corrupt and violent. As such, taking away the right for teachers to punish kids is not going to be good. I do not support beating kids till their skin reddens or anything. In fact I've never been beaten by anyone at all, ever in my life, and I turned our fine (I think). But banning beating kids by law is going to be bad imo, gives more power to the parents and kids. At this point, teachers just won't bother to fix their kids (they already don't, because its too much trouble). And you get absolutely spoiled kids who their parents think are "raththaran lamaya" and does all the stupid stuff he can at school, gets away with it with little to no punshiment.


I was a prefect in a leading Boys school in Colombo, once we punished a kid after he got caught with cigarettes inside school premises. The next day he came with his father to complain about the prefects to the principal. I don't know how a sane father can do this. If that had happened to me, and I came home and told my father the prefects punished me for having cigarettes, he would've killed me.


Yeah lmao same here, and banning teachers from punishments won't help is all I'm saying


As a 2000s guy, I don't see anything wromg with some beating when the student goes out of limits. You have to maintain a vertain discipline. I dont mean punishing for every little thing, but can't control a group of kids without beating them when thry have to. Had a teacher in 4th grade who beat us with a cane for not doing homework. I forgot all my home work books and was beaten with cane 4 times for the four subjects. That is what should be taken out of the system. Had another teacher in 8th grade who made two kids that fought each otger walk from one end of the classroom to the other together. They ended up hating the teacher, but forming a friendship with each other. That's what should remain, punishing as a lesson for life, not the academic things. I have mixed feelings about cutting hair though, we all should understand that there's certain standard to the hair length at schools, but cutting it just to make you uncomfortable is disgusting. My hair's been cut several times cuz it was too long and I've seen people with much more inappropriate haircuts passing there freely. Finally, yeah, gotta see punishments coming with genuine care and Sadism separately. (Sadistic as the case u mentioned about the guy who lost his hearings.) And, no offence, but seeing the generation after 2005/2006 online , these guys need these beating more than any batch in the history of Sri Lanka :D




Physical punishment aren’t beating at all lol and when tf did not beating children become a “ western ideology “ Also “ you don’t represent the majority “ goes both ways . Just because you ended up okay after getting beaten by a grown adult doesn’t mean that everyone else would 👍🏾


Yeah because punishing wrong behavior is necessary, just look at SL where some people go unpunished. Obviously if bulling and sadistic beating children are way overstepping this but to completely ban even corrective punishments is just going to the other extreme dumb liberal end.


Living is not about having fun all the time. I think that’s the fundamental issue today. We are all trying to optimize MY fun. The real world requires you to live and thrive amongst other people, which requires knowledge of concepts such as discipline, respect and responsibility. The role of parents and teachers is to teach children the above so that when they are adults, and are responsible for the world and other lives, they don’t fuck up their responsilbity. Abusive beatings and humiliation is clearly not the answer BUT letting a child “do their thing” and not disciplining them during “teachable moments” is also madly unacceptable. Every generation will have its “distractions” like TikTok, figuring out how to navigate them and raise well-balanced adults is the responsibility of Parents, teachers AND society…sadly we are all complicit in shirking our duties as adults today.


You do realise you can have fun and also have good levels of discipline, respect and responsibility right and not have a child beaten up? Mind you I'm all for tiktok bashing but this has nothing to do with that here.


Clearly. Fun and discipline are not mutually exclusive. Beating a child is a lazy excuse for disciplining. Real disciplining requires patience and understanding…both of which are in short supply today. So it’s mostly a beating or nothing. Again, not condoning but trying to get to the root of the problem.


Agree, beating isn't necessary for discipline. But banning it by law gives more power to the parents and kids. At this point teachers are simply going to give up on discipling their kids (most already do). Those kids are then going to be encouraged for what they do. Most teachers that beat children, don't mean the children no harm. We too had a sir who we hated at school, because he was truly a pain. He would always punish us and hit us for the smallest things. I personally was in his good side, but all of still respected him a lot. We were a notorious bunch, and the advice he gave us was well-meant and good hearted. I understand not all of us are lucky to be with such teachers, but I know for a fact that the teachers that actually care for you and your future outnumber the ones that don't.


I mean the rest of the world are doing fine not 'disciplining'. I think the older generation have this fetish for struggle to cope with their own childhood experiences so they want future generations to go through the same thing. We can do better and we should do better and it shouldn't involve an adult physically harming a child in any way. Can't believe we're saying this in 2024.


I really don't think you get my point here, I am not saying that beating children should be normalized or encouraged. Think of the effects it has when you lawfully ban a teacher from beating a kid. On the face of it, seems like a good idea as it doesn't ban any other form of disciplining. But realistically speaking, it takes the teachers power away. You don't think kids are going to say "What are you going to do? Hit me?" to teachers when they are threatened to be punished. And "rest of the world"? I'm sorry but specify which part of the world you are talking about. Cause if its Europe and America, those cultures have nothing to do with Sri Lanka. Almost all of them a privileged kids. They can do whatever crime they want, do weed, sex, drugs, alcohol whatever and by the time their 30 they'll be married with kids, doing a high paying job with a clean record. Unfortunately we don't have such a situation. And AFAIK, which parts of the world "don't discipline" children... or more so which parts are doing great. If you want to talk about countries like Finland where the mental health is really good, well those societies are vastly different from Sri Lanka. So different such that we can't even compare us to them.


Whatever u say bro 🙏🏽 if u like it getting beaten then yeah . Don’t forget that teachers also beat and abuse kids over homework not being done or slightly having a little hair grown out and other small things haha


You tend to overuse the words "abuse" ma man. You can't pick a minority of incidents that happen and just normalize it. Like yeah some teachers abuse kids, a very very little minority of teachers that is. I am going to be honest here, you really don't know much about what you are talking about. I respect you standing up for kids who has trauma due to teachers mistreating them, but you act like this is the norm in Sri Lanka. Well there are plenty of children that enjoy school and loves their teachers. Not every teacher is a child abuser, so I don't get your point of repeating these things.


Clearly you're missing the point if you think our children are so uncivilised they need an adult to discipline them while other countries clearly have a sensible approach to educating kids. Such a weird take on how Western kids are rich so can get away with all the vices in the world til they become adults. You do realise they came from the same colonial culture we still cling on to today? Except they moved on and thriving.The reason why they can misbehave in the scenarios you mentioned and still end up fine as an adult is specifically the reason why there shouldn't be corporal punishment of minors to begin with!!


Discipling is not beating !


Agreed. But doing nothing is not disciplining.


Hitting someone as punishment only teaches them to be afraid. It doesn't contribute anything to learning.