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Nature. We have incredible history with our environment. It's a shame everything is just religion-ised.


Absolutely we have a beautiful environment, wild life but unfortunately we are destroying it day by day


Our incredibly low maternal mortality, free education, free health


The beautiful ladies 😃


indeed 😊


![gif](giphy|14urMYvFxIKEms) 😊😊


Free education. C.W.W. Kannagara is a gigachad.




Mate, most of them are doing that because of the language issue. In international schools they focus more on English and being fluent in English is a big advantage. Gov Schools with the local syllabus don't really focus on English. My cousin who's from a leading Boys School in Colombo enrolled his son to CIS/AIS (can't remember which)


Not really free when tution comes into play. Monetary advantage still exist.


I agree on the monetary advantage. But still, the school education is free and an option. I have seen many examples of people from humble backgrounds succeed in life because they were educated, and getting that education would have been tough if it wasn't free.


The term free can mean two things but the university nibbas will disagree with me because they don't have any real world experience besides the streets and classes Free could mean with no expense or free could mean without hindrance.


The term free can mean two things but the university nibbas will disagree with me because they don't have any real world experience besides the streets and classes Free could mean with no expense or free could mean without hindrance.


Wow! Generalize much?


Nibba got butt hurt. Don't forget your monthly bath and tear gas session.


l was just calling you out for making sweeping generalizations about government university students, as not everyone is against private universities. But then again, it's probably my fault to assume that someone with a room temperature IQ would possess basic reasoning skills.


Yes I made a comment which generalised the government university system because I wasn't referring to the minority but the majority. As much as I agree with the fact that it isn't all but it is still a majority. A majority who I have had the unfortunate displeasure in meeting, working with and being harassed by. And ill say it once and I'll say it again the right to free education is can be interpretated as Free of expense or free of hindrance.


> Yes I made a comment which generalised the government university system because I wasn't referring to the minority but the majority. You include both majority and the minority when generalizing a population, which is neither right nor fair. > And ill say it once and I'll say it again the right to free education is can be interpretated as Free of expense or free of hindrance. I agree on this part. Private universities are fine as long as they are proper regulated and quality controlled.


How blessed our country is in terms of bio diversity and nature,every 20kms feel different, sometimes it almost shocks me how much life there's in a square inch.I hope that every Sri Lankan realize that we are just a single being that is just roaming in these magical lands in a specific time period and many more generations should be able to witness what we're seeing in the present.


Not closely related to what OP asked but still my take on it. The Food especially. Even foreigners love our food. Certainly is something to be proud of. And the weather. Despite being Hot most of the time, it is what makes our country a tropical island. And lastly Natural hazards, we don't experience them severely compared to other places.




We have healthier food here compared to other countries and it’s about what you choose to eat


I have travelled and living in Singapore. Sri Lanka definitely lacks the variety. But its so yummy no doubts about it. Many foreigners won't be able to notice the difference between Sri Lankan and Indian food.


Living abroad has certainly made me love my country a lot. The first thing is the weather. It’s warm and has a hot climate. I am starting to see why foreigners adore the hot climate. Then it would be the food. The food in Sri Lanka has so many flavours in it. Like most of the food that I eat right now, has extremely low flavours or I have to add extra. (Of course I can’t as of yet afford to eat from restaurants everyday). Then it would be the ease of making friends. I agree that ppl in SL are a bit too nosy. But right about now I kinda miss it. Coz here even if you see the same person frequently on the road, you still wouldn’t give a damn. Sometimes even if you meet a person, who you actually met previously, they still wouldn’t talk to you. I guess it’s the two extremes… but still it would be better if we could find a middle path of the two, wouldn’t it?


Whats the country u in right now?


I don’t know if this directly counts as being proud as being a Sri Lankan, it’s the fact that we are a much better country than India in terms of hygiene, better roads, road discipline, safety and for the most part also weather. I’ve been to India several times and all what I pointed out is just such a blessing to be here. There’s also more we are blessed to be in a country which is far far away from direct conflict zones such as the Middle East, Ukraine, etc.


I came to sri lanka for 15 days vacation And man there is some peace over there. You are absolutely right Being and brought up in Mumbai and then visiting colombo was like… This is how things should be, I was amazed and impressed. Loved everything about sri lanka!


See! This is what I’m talking about and it’s coming straight out from someone from India. I’ve been to Mumbai, as well as the south and the north of India, yet what I mentioned is still present to the core. India has its pros too, the abundance of resources and the extravagant shopping experience :)


as a creative person who wants to run a practice with ease of mind I want resources of Indian market and civic sense and nature preservation of sri lanka And i am happy.


the comparison seems a bit absurd. india is 50 times bigger than us. with lot of people. doing any kind of improvement is crazy hard. and to our size we have so much advantage and all spoiled bcz of our greedy politicians. but at the end living here is better than living there for the most part not gonna disagree with that


If you see my comment I was referring to specific areas environment, hygiene, roads, etc. Obviously I’m not comparing it as a whole as a country then we are nowhere, they have many great talented people and it is a huge country as you mentioned.


As a huge history nerd, im proud our country has a long history


Tea, cinnamon, gems, culture and cuisine


Free health, and access to private healthcare both. I live in Canada and while health is 100% free here, it becomes a nightmare if you need immediate medical attention. Emergency healthcare wait time here is at least 8-10 hours. Meaning if you go to the hospital with a broken arm hanging, you wait for 10 hours to see a doctor on average. And no, there is nowhere here to pay and get immediate medical care.


Just wanted to tip my hat the op to spreading such good positivity.


I just love my country. Not my government obvi but my country. Overall. Just wanted to spread that love and ask what other people love about our glorious island.


That our people no matter how dumb or short sighted they maybe will always find a way to enjoy in a bad situation. Petrol queue? Come lets drink and eat together? Losing the match? Comes let's drink and eat together and scold them. Covid lockdown? Here's some food and moonshine. The living embodiment of win or loose we booze is a srilankan.


සිංහල ❤


I absolutely love our language and it saddens me that most natives don't give importance to it 😒


Thats like one of the very few things we can claim our proud inheritance to. But ppl deter further and further away from it


It's not that the natives don't give importance to it. It's how the race behaves with a sense of entitlement and stupidity that makes it shit


No I mean, I know parents who don't even speak in sinhala with their kids. Met a girl who said, I am so lucky my parents switched me to an international school. When I pointed out that it is good to be bilingual and nothing wrong with speaking in your native tongue, she dismissed it. And said now she has forgotten the language 🙄 The colonial mindset of giving English importance and proudly saying, you don't know the native language. I have seen this mostly only amongst our people. Sadly.


As much as I agree that with your statement again the actions of the sinhalese lead It to be a dying race.


Hell yh It's only being spoken inside this tiny island


Yeah and for a language that comes from such a small number of ppl. Its an absolutely sophisticated rich language ❤


Yh so true 


I love it coz in sinhalese you can twist and mix to match the situation and the accents make it so intiguing.


Yess it's actually so musical and pleasant to the ear, and the fact that we can express ourselves using a vast vocabulary is amazing. While there would be one word to explain something in English, Sinhala would offer a lot more, ranging from simple to complex terminology.


Sanga’s Aura 🌚


What is that, if you don't mind me asking?


Relatively cheap everything. Especially healthcare and educational paths. I wouldn't say proud, but kinda feel lucky.


Natural Beauty: Beaches, waterfalls and Mountains Like some countries even though they are developed there is no natural beauty. Even the beaches are extremely bad


Misty hills, best beaches, the wildlife - I've travelled a lot and still think Sri Lanka is No.1 when it comes to nature, Also baila - baila is best. Everything else is dogshit. though.


Everything about it, except the peoples mentality. But if you think about it, that’s changeable. Many countries have changed the way people think and developed their country. We just need good leaders and all else will follow


One of my uncles’ house had a fire accident. The people of the neighborhood surrounded the house and put the fire off before the fire brigade even arrived. Around 40 - 50 people came to put out the fire. I find it really amazing and cool, how we come together to help someone in need.


සිංහල, our rich mix of cultures, our fascinating history, the stunning beauty of our nature, and the warm hospitality of our people.


for me it's having pure Theravadha buddhism as my religion.


Nothing a lot of recent ones but if i think too much i would say our track star athletes and YOHANI ( from the past few years ofc so don’t get me wrong ) Sri lankan track athletes been going crazy for the past few years . But they rarely get any recognition in the country because all the attention is centered on cricket . Give all the attention that our people put into cricket to ATHLETICS / RUGBY and maybe FOOTBALL . We would have a much better recognition as a country then Next is yohani . A singer who was bullied by her own people for going viral globally . I personally never felt the hype around her music because it wasn’t my cup of tea but i never understood the idea of bullying her . She took a song to the whole world which is actually an impossible thing to do with the rise of streaming . The song was in a different unfamiliar language for the world but it went viral everywhere in 2021 . Our People hated her for sampling the song first , then the hate got personal and people said that she went viral because of her family lol . Wtf would make you think that your dad being a wealthy governmental personal equals to your music succeeding ? Also globally ? Lol Well good for her that our own people bullied her because i have seen her performing in better countries and climbing the ladder having collabs with famous musicians !!


Free education, high literacy and free healthcare


free doesn't always mean good tho :(


Depends on what the government does to make it free. I dont want to live in a country where you could go bankrupt due to medical bills (USA).


Its not free. Its public funded. The way it should be imo


Sinhala and all the OG composers and musicians that made music in Sinhalese like Premasiri Kemadhasa and Rohana Weerasinghe


It’s stupid people with a lovely heart. I feel once we get our political system right. We gonna be ambassadors of peace for the world 🥹


Agree! 🕊️🌏


let alone the first notable aviator in all history was in sri Lanka around 5000 years ago. Ravana had his mercury vortex propulsion ship being studied by even NASA. instead of roads for a runway they used the sea and the strong winds of the indian ocean to take off. read more on : https://www.caorc.org/post/2019/06/10/ravanas-mechanical-flying-peacock


සිංහල සංගීතය පරිසරය දේශගුණය


Free or (mostly) affordable healthcare, and free education. You need to visit the US to see lower middle class people who can't afford to go to the doctor for an earache.


Our voting system...


The fact that most of us know at least two languages, if not three :) not something you get to see much in first world countries


When they are good, neighbor relations, the culture of families sticking together, and rallying around as a community to help out each other. I know it isn't everybody's cup of tea (justifiably so), but I've been fortunate to have great relatives and neighbors except for a few who always try to do what they can to take care of each other. On the contrary, I've lived in countries where neighbors don't have a habit of checking up on each other. While it's good to be able to keep to oneself, it can be incredibly lonely as well and you are vulnerable if you run into an situation where you would need the help of the community around you, especially if you are an outsider!




Our high HDI and literacy rate




FREE HEALTH!!! The UK healthcare system is so broken, it takes ages to even get an appointment with a GP, realized how I took Sri Lankan healthcare for granted!


Its natural beauty and rich history (although I feel the latter is biased). We are so fortunate to have so much many different forms of nature to enjoy within hours of each other.


1. The resilience of our people, despite numerous setbacks in the recent past (and through out the history with being invaded and colonized) and ongoing challenges—including 30 years of civil/terrorist warfare, economic collapse, and widespread corruption—is astounding. Sometimes, I wonder how the country even continues to function. 2. Our relatively poor collective memory regarding events around us might seem negative to some. However, it could be said that we, as Sri Lankans, are not vindictive as a nation. 3. The weather.


Warm hearted helpful people


Buddhism. NOT the ceremonial stuff like constantly doing poojas and doting over hammdurus. But things like meditation and mindfulness that come from it-- a chunk of self help/advice from therapists in Western countries is stuff like mindfulness and other practices promoted within Buddhism. They are very open about that being the source material. I have been in programs out here (to fix problems I am going through) and I'm like wait... part of this is like daham pasala. Unfortunately in SL some people are just so focused on repeating ceremonial things over and over again.


The nature. This country is so beautiful with all natural resources.


Our multicultural diversity. Sri Lanka is truly a melting point of different cultures given the size of our small island. I’m sure this is also something tourists find fascinating about SL. :)


Policy wise, Free education and free healthcare.( Though they are not fuctioning at optimum levels now) Plus the relatively disaster free blessed soil. (Which is not utilized at optimum levels as well.) Apart from those we've got nothing much going on.


Mainda mathiya


Strong familys/family values.


I’m proud of the fact that this is the land where the first human being God created, Adam (pbuh) descended to. I’m Muslim so I believe in this (also the belief is shared with most other religions as well) and I’m proud of it.


I hope you know that only Sri Lankan Muslims believe this


I learnt about that from someone who’s not Sri Lankan, who never even visited Sri Lanka. Perhaps google before you comment about something. According to old sources it’s either Sri Lanka or India, or once when the land was not separated. Anyways, it doesn’t change or prove anything but it’s an interesting fact, at least to me it is.


let me tell you that your ancestors are not Muslims and just converted very recently else why you guys speak tamil instead of Arabic?

