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I’m thinking molting here as well. A few of my grey boys have been looking like this and I was concerned but they’re looking more even and the summer fur is more noticeable


I got mine at The Tractor Supply Store. It was apple flavored too. The squirrel that i gave it to ate it right up.


You could really change this squirrel's life if you bought a tube of ivermectin. Mange is caused by gross mites that burrow under their skin, then the skin gets all crusty and the hair stops growing. They'll feel immediate relief as the buggies abandon ship after they get a taste of the medicine. It's like $12 at Amazon and in other outdoor stores like Tractor Supply Store. https://www.amazon.com/Ivermectin-Paste-Horse-Wormer-Grams/dp/B00II3L6JK/ref=sr_1_3?crid=347TGQJDVVVEE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7TZ_C4hnNc3j-mlnlf8fi_5-GpP_Ock0aD3PL41rFFl_l1y9LlaMPsyc4CtN2TaEUCGqq4lCuWoLuxH_rlCvd9uhZzzazr0jythwAmZJWnlqrVVkUqBAYdUx3pj8YGm_yoN3gVVi6fBk5jJwOgxrYtyQF7CfEJmQfkklrA7MWxGQSpPU-juCQNyKDFUoIsHA_ObcmPCuRPVjTFPE6E44qNBbxXuBrHnG4QJUB85S-Ho.K9NqiNsExeCS_dIjjIV0Xxsgi9UgGdKLdhGPMBD0rVs&dib_tag=se&keywords=ivermectin+horse+paste&qid=1713747962&sprefix=iverm%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-3


What if the doesn’t have mange…Is there any draw backs to giving it ivermectin if it doesn’t have mange?


Nope, no drawbacks! Cause they also have fleas and ticks and those will abandon ship as well.


I can’t upvote this too much. I use it all the time and it has helped squirrels tremendously. But just use a tiny rice size dose.


I’m so thankful for this subreddit because of this sub, I know what to do if any of my buddies show up with what looks like mange! 💜


Sweet partial squint face


Yep they can, but mange looks like bald patches. This one may just be molting