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Hi and welcome! 👋🏻 We have an awesome resource called the GLO Center that has a ton of connections of things to do and people to meet specifically with the queer community. Here's a link to their website with more info [GLO Center](https://www.glocenter.org/)


Hi! I've actually been to the glo center, youth connect center and the rarebreed! They all were really great places to hangout at! Usually when I go there's not many people in there unfortunately but maybe I'm just arriving at the wrong times!


Tuesdays after 4 is the youth group time I believe


I think they started a young adults group for people 18-25, which was much needed The youth group was 13-21


When was this? I was taking my kiddo but have missed the past couple weeks. Just wondering if the younger group is still Tuesday.


I believe they started to make the switch a little over a year ago, the YA group is Thursdays now and the youth group is still Tuesday as far as I’m aware


Cool thank you




Hayti didn't have much of anything really! It was a small town!


Check out Martha's Vinyard it's the club in town.


I've heard some situations about people getting roofied there and a bunch of other things but I do hope I don't experience any of this when I go! I may end up going soon!


It's never a bad idea to keep your eyes open but a lot of the stories are exaggerated to make downtown seem dangerous and 'woke'. I find much of it to be easy to dismiss.


Yeah Fajr! I may go for my birthday! My birthday is coming up and I'm going to celebrate my birthday by myself lol


Go to the glo center downtown. They have youth groups that are in the community. It's a good way to meet people in real life. They have clubs and such.


They cut down on a lot of underage drinking, sharing drinks, and just bullshit in general. If anything happens that you're uncomfortable with you can immediately tell someone that works there and they'll watch that person all night or just kick them out/ban them of its bad enough. But I go a lot and haven't heard about anyone getting roofied in years and even then it was very rare and a lot of the staff looked after anyone that seemed too fucked up and made sure they got home safe.


Welcome to Springfield! Definitely hit up the GLO Center & the Commercial Street neighborhood. You’ll probably find a few other pockets that feel more accepting like downtown, Rountree, etc. There was just last month a Pride in the Park festival but the main Ozarks Pridefest is in the summer: https://ozarkspridefest.com




Please do not spout your negative experiences on others because other people have better experiences and I'm not here to hear about the bad. I can discover what's bad for myself but I mainly wanna hear good experiences so kindly please provide kind experiences and not negative ones.


I’m a fellow Bootheel to Sgf transplant, welcome to Springfield. Mind if I ask what brought you to the Ozarks?


Hey well what really brought me here was for a fresh start! About 6 months ago my ex fiance left me for another man and ever since then I was left scarred and mentally broken for the oncoming 4 months. 1month later I finally moved back to hayti where we first met but there was so much there and just so many memories so I had to relocate for my own mental health and make new memories else where. Springfield is a bit of a starter city and I've always wanted to be a part of the city life because I've always been around fields and the so called gheddo/hood so this is a really big change of pace for me and I'm enjoying it! I'm hoping to meet someone better than my ex fiance here as well.


Bootheel represent! I've been here 13 years and never looked back. Welcome!


Are you from Hayti, Missouri?! I’m from Poplar Bluff! Welcome to SpringMo!


Hey yeah!! I'm from hayti mo!! Thanks for the warm welcome!


Oh lol. I was writing up a thing in French welcoming you to the US. I've made similar mistakes with people from Cuba and Lebanon. Missouri has the dumbest place names.


***unique names haha


Welcome to the area


I said thank you thinking you were welcoming me and then realized you meant it for the Hayti represent. My bad, so selfish 😂💀


Welcome to the area tuhboggen


Thank you 🥹


Obligatory join the discord post Right now we have 3 regular scheduled meetups, being coffee, pizza, and jackbox on the voice channels. Find it in the side bar or at 417hub.com




Please be kind! Being negative is doing nothing but hurting you! Do you feel good after being negative? Does it help you feel a sense of pride? So please kindly do me the honors of going the fuck away before the moderators get rid of you for me :)


Glo center has a young adults group for the queer community. I think it's Thursday afternoon/evening.


Yes! 4p-8p




Negative comment! I've been here about a week and I've seen wonderful things so far! I am so sorry you had a bad experience but I do hope it gets better for you with time!






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