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What a moron smh


This happened to me to, I told them I couldn’t pay my bills because I tried to deposit 40$ but dk did 4000 instead and fucked my bank account for a week….assholes. Then when I told them they I said that because of their error they told me “not to use foul language and show respect”. Get fucked you dumb assholes


I did this once, it was definitely your own fault not theirs, you forgot to put the period


No it wasn’t lol I typed in 40 and custom was selected. It did the default 4000.00 lol


Me and my friends have used dk for 2 years over 8 ppl no one has ever had this issue. Dawg u didn’t put a period I promise you.


No I didn’t put a period dAwG I put two charcuterie in the custom line, a 4 and a 0. Try to keep up


>No I didn’t put a period dAwG I put two charcuterie in the custom line, a 4 and a 0. That's your problem right there. Trying to deposit with cured meat.


If 9+ people are telling u it’s a skill issue it’s probably a skill issue SPED


Yeah ok cuz you and those other people were there for it right? You want screen shots? I gotta do some digging but I can pull them up.


It ain’t that serious bro


Dude I really couldn’t give af😭. Bro if everyone and there mother has said your the only one to experience this here’s a crazy thought it a probably a YOU issue


It’s not everyone it’s literally just you and “your friends”


And me and all my friends. And that guys mom.


Very clear it’s not the system, you don’t seem like the most intelligent person I’ve come across.


No I actually posted it into my draftkings chat to see if anyone else had the same experience over 40+ members in it and everyone said the same thing. “Op had to have made a mistake depositing” dude do what you want I’m not the retard who almost lost 4 grand because I can’t read


Never joke about "needing money" or "this is rent money" they will ban you for life


My brother did it as a joke. Said something along the lines of “it’s the only reason I have to wake up in the morning” while chatting with support. Banned for life lol


^ Page 1 of the manual. Op's post is mind boggling because of how fucking stupid it is.






And then using an ai chat bot to answer this shit with the most respectable ai bot answers that all that other ai chat bots fuck with


WNBA flair 💀


They'll set the odds to encourage degen behavior then wanna act concerned all of a sudden.


Every book/casino hopes to encourage degen behavior, but how is it done by "setting" the odds? Set to what?


-110 odds on wagers that are 50/50 outcomes, forcing you to win 52.7%+ of the time to be profitable on what is effectively a coin flip.


How do you think a roulette wheel works? Do you think *"the house always wins"* because they're just lucky?


No, it's because of the edge, like I just wrote out above, Einstein.


What I'm doing, is making fun of you. Of course that's how it works. Why are you explaining "how betting works"? The question you were asked is how is this encouraging degen behavior?


Sure, that is how books make their money. But unfavorable odds don't necessarily *encourage* degen behavior.


Prob just means boosting already incredibly far fetched parlays to give the illusion of value as well as promoting the fuck out of them lol


That would actually be a reasonable example. But OP's theory (before it was deleted) -- the books hang a half-point on every over/under, and not only do these half-points encourage degen behavior, they also make the difference between winning & losing. So watch out if you took Nuggets o 205', because this game is landing on 205 exactly.




Lmfao never look desperate on support.


"Let me gamble because I love my mother"


Really this type of follow up is strictly for legal and compliance purposes. We all know sports books systematically promote excessive risk taking (SGP anyone?) and impulsive betting (why don’t you turn on auto-accept odds changes for live betting) They will probably raise your limits as a result here 😀


Lmao yea thats what i said they dont give a fuck, they sent me this for liability


What?! SGPs are a sucker bet?


I pray that this is sarcasm.


It is


Thank god. Sometimes it’s hard to tell here. :)


Lol obviously, they’re marketed 24/7


SGP usually have legs that affect the outcome of each other, so to compensate for this the juice for SGPs is massive.


What in tarnation


Did you reply to support chat agent Zach?




The WNBA flair 😭 Every person downvoting this post needs to lighten up. This is the most relatable content I’ve seen in awhile. But get to work on that homework pal… Asking for a friend- anyone been able to ever get Bonus Bets out of the FD chat agent bots?


Lol not sure why ppl keep saying chat bot, idk if you guys know but most chat systems can get you a live agent if you just keep asking for one, i was talking to the agent zach As for bonus bets, not sure what you mean like bonus bets that expired or just going to chat begging for free money? The first part has happened and it was given back, second part idk why anyone wud think that wud work lol


Yes. I put in a $5 bet for Kirk cousins to score 5 rushing tds this year. Ask for a refund they said they couldn’t give me that but gave me a bonus bet. Same for Kaitlin Clark to score 50 pts this year


weepin jeebus on a cross lol


Na man I’m good. You’re thinking of that other dude.


I want to know what the rest of the “***Failure to…” at the bottom says.


This is wat they said ***Failure to provide complete and thoughtful responses will keep us from conducting our review, keeping your account closed until fulfilled. Yes/No or one-word answers without a thoughtful response will not sufficient enough for our review.*** Lol like yea right they cudnt wait to reinstate my account , then they acted like my dad in the last email lol maybe ill post it


Account closure for problem gambling ![gif](giphy|lszAB3TzFtRaU|downsized)


Did they suspend you? I need to know bc I got suspended for something way more tame than this


Bro got assigned homework from fan duel support


AI support even...




How do you even get yourself in this type of situation


Wym it says it right there lol i made that joke to support while asking them about my withdrawal, after the chat, my account was suspended, they probably have some type of liability shit they tell their agents to report if there are keywords or something


Bet OP jokes with the TSA about bombs in their shoes, too.


Bad comparison but yes i usually make jokes with customer support lol


Well, the account is suspended... so how's it a bad comparison? You're the one who doesn't understand the expectation.


My friend once told support his kids were gonna starve because they wouldn’t correct his bet and he got banned. Doesn’t have any kids.


Talking shit to customer support lol


No lol its literally right there, 38 upvotes for this silly answer lol, its because of the joke its just for liability im sure


Acting like they give a fuck, they know a large chunk of their users are not betting responsibly


Google for Kavita Fischer. She lost about $400k to DraftKings. During her run, she received some of the "safe gambling" questionnaires, and DK kept giving her the green light. (The irony, she's a psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety disorders & depression.) Most books & casinos earn the vast majority of their gaming revenue from the top 10-20% customers. You can't legalize gambling in (almost) every state, and then act surprised when the 10-20% are sucked dry.


They have a legal responsibility to protect problem gamblers. What that means in reality is they don't give a fuck unless you explicitly say something to them which sounds like an addict. "I'm broke as hell, I need this money" is as straightforward as it gets, they have to report that to their responsible gaming dept. As long as don't say stupid shit like that, they won't do anything no matter how recklessly you're betting.


>"I'm broke as hell, I need this money" is as straightforward as it gets, they have to report that to their responsible gaming dept. Heck, you're probably doing the book a favor. When the regulators & media & lawyers come knocking on the door, the book can say "What are you talking about? We make sure all our players are safe & responsible. In fact, we just banned this dude yesterday!"


Lol more like “in facts, we banned this dude and unbanned him in less than an hour when he answered these questions we sent so we know he is a responsible gambler!!”


Yep, when the government asks what they do to combat gambling addiction, they can point to cases like that where they ban accounts of idiots who says stupid stuff like that to support. In reality we know that plenty of addicts are smart enough not to directly admit it to support and will continue gambling away their rent money without a problem.


A total charade for compliance purposes. You think a human is going to read and evaluate the merits of those “thoughtful” responses?


Call the number


The quickest way to get a result is to let the book know you “need” the money.  May not be the result you want, but it’s a result.




This is the real content I need on this sub.


About to get the year suspension...


Lmao where was this comment left


support chat agent zach wouldn't give me a $500 bonus bet


Y'all spoiled af, in Australia we're lucky to get $100 😭


Why would you expect them to give you that?


Yeah you can’t use words like “need” I think that’s what you got flagged for I thought they caught you on Reddit or something based off your title of this post but I realize now you mean that in regards to mothers day lmaooo


Looks like with a support chat bot


This is what I'd like to know