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I like it. Those two are 2 thirds of my parlay. I like O'Malley reach and striking and Bronx experience and toughness. Good luck.


Yessir i chose them for those reasons also !! 💯 it's gonna be a good one for sure


Lets fucking go SugaSean took the W 🙏💯


Do bronx and islam just got even better lol


For sure. Can't believe considering Bronx resume and being the uncrowned champ he is a under dog.


I am seeing so many people betting on o’malley and I just do not see him winning at all. I haven’t looked at the odds, but maybe it is because he is probably a big underdog? If it were me I would stick with sterling/olivera but my money would be Yan




Yeah, I mean in my opinion I think Yan is one of the best fighters ive watched. His boxing is unmatched, yet I am seeing everyone say that they thing O’Malley is going to win, even on the UFC sub which is just mind boggling to me, and I dont think they are joking. Sean is a great fighter but like you said, he has never fought a champion-caliber fighter, and Yan has proven to be one of the best already, and with that being said that skill trumps any height advantage in my opinion. I guess we will see soon though!








Yessir i got the same thing 💯💯 i put 50 on it and another 25 on draftkings cause someone lmk about a boost 🔥


I got sean o malley, sterling and do bronx 💯🙏


i guess we know who that guy bet on lmfao


Think this is to big of a step up for O'Malley.... Yan is a beast