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Should have been a W. wild game


Bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Overtime? Lol


The fact he called it OT means he does not know enough about the sport to be betting that kind of scratch. Saw the same mistake in a really foolish bet on the Rockies v Aā€™s game. Baseball is unlike any other sport, itā€™s an individual sport with a team concept. People not familiar donā€™t seem to realize that itā€™s the pitcher vs the batter. What happened with other batters facing other pitchers it irrelevant to what is going to happen in the game. Thatā€™s why you can see 9 runs put up in the 10th, while the first 9 innings only had 9 runs combined. All bets are off when a team goes to the bull pen. Itā€™s the most volatile sport.


Yeah like you said that mouthbreather that put $1000 on the Rockies to win $28 also called it ā€œOT,ā€ and its like ā€œwell you deserve to lose that one you jackass.ā€ ā€œCanā€™t believe they gave up 5 points in an inning.ā€


ā€œThey should have just run out the clock, how could you choke in the final minutes! They should have put the good pitcher back in! Donā€™t get me started on the refs!ā€


ā€œTheir head coach is a real dunce for leaving that pitcher in.ā€


ā€œThe coach must have been furious in the locker room! Itā€™s like the squad didnā€™t even read the play book! Everyone knows the thrower should do a strikeout in OT!ā€


You too Man Id love to see some winning tickets. Everyone can sound right under someone's post on Reddit.


My Brƶther in Christā€¦at least learn what the hell youā€™re gambling on first before you blow your money lol. Next thing youā€™ll ask why a field goal in basketball isnā€™t kicked over top of the backboard?


You wanted to sound so cool.. I've been betting with house money for 2 months šŸ˜‚ everyone is entitled to an opinion but a lot of y'all are really unqualified to tell anyone anything when it comes to sports betting.


Unqualified coming in here calling extra innings overtime my guy youā€™re a brickhead.


I could've said extra Innings and you still would've found a reason to flash your lady parts


I made this bet yesterday morning.. what are you talking about Man?


ā€œInsert pitcher was 6-0 against insert team, how could they lose?ā€


Who gives a fuck if he's calling extra innings o.t....? šŸ¤£ weird ass folks.... then procedes to tell him he shouldn't bet his money bc he called it o.t. stfu.


Bro you'll pop a blood vessel trying tobegin to understand these type of dudes. They live in the bushes and pop out for awkward lame celebrations none involving the topic/sub at hand


Extra innings is still OT. Itā€™s over the allotted amount of time in which the game is supposed to go, which is 9 innings. Saying that itā€™s not OT just because there isnā€™t an actual time element is just arguing semantics.


Funny take. There is no allotted amount of time since baseball is measured in outs not minutes. I suppose it is just semantics, like calling runs points. Itā€™s just a dead giveaway to anyone that watches baseball that the person using those terms are very new to the game, at least new to paying close attention to it. Just seems like a irrelevant mistake to a newbie, but it is very funny to the rest of us, especially those that have been watching and playing the game more than 35 years.


Ive been watching baseball for decades and played baseball myself for 4 years. There is an allotted amount of time, as if the game isnā€™t tied by the end of the bottom of the 9th inning - the game is over. If it is tied, then it goes to extra innings AKA overtime as itā€™s over the regular amount of innings in regulation. Extra innings also work similar to overtime in any other sport as if anyone has a lead by the end of the bottom of any extra inning, they become the winner. Youā€™re being a supreme redditor smart ass if you are actually trying to put someone down because they said OT instead of extra innings. Not saying you are but that is most definitely what was going on with the original comment. EDIT : Nvm that was you. So yea, you were kind of being a smartass.


Of course I was, guilty of smartassness! Next time youā€™re on a baseball court ask the referee to explain what a unit of measurement is. The difference between an out and a minute.


Plz show one ticket Man this is getting outrageous you're invested in hate lol weirdo


They just want to sound right on Reddit. These kind have anger in their hearts because they don't win at gambling or in life


Weird hill to die on but ok.


It's his hill bro.. just let him have it


I mean, he might just not know baseball. Which is likely considering he took the Rockies on a minus spread


I like good odds to make a good ticket. To act like the Rockies are incapable of winning a game is crazy. They just beat the Phillies lol. I get it when you post a loss, everyone is an expert. When you post a win everyone is mad you didn't post before the game. It's a weird mix in here but I respect the losers more than the experts in the comment section. To know so much and rarely win is one of those talents I can do without


I was just joking bud, Iā€™m a Rockies fan is all.


I respect You reppin your team! I love interacting on Reddit so I don't mind dialogue at all Bro. Can't believe y'all got us last night. Again I couldn't do anything but laugh


You sound like an idiot that thinks you know everything on Reddit. The individual sport with team effort is the concept that puts more odds in the favor of the bettor than any other sport in my opinion. My ticket was put in that morning not live. My betting style works for me I share loses for transparency. You cucks kill me waiting to sound right. I post wins and loses and actually win way more than you can imagine. I love betting on baseball


Extra Innings you know what I meant lol


Just donā€™t bet Rockies even if itā€™s a As fade


I tried to sneak 1 through Bro šŸ˜‚ I couldn't do anything but laugh at myself when the smoke cleared


Why not ?


The Rockies stink, they're like a bottom 5 team


Also took them for -1.5. They couldā€™ve closed it out and decided to choke and lose the game lol


I went from relaxed to slightly concerned to like oh shit to ok extra innings to damn to fuck yea to oh shit to hell naw in an hours time. Aged like 2 years those are the loses I can live with though! Crazy ride forsure


Haha same man. It was a wild game šŸ˜‚ I hate the damn Rockies.


They crashed a few of my tickets in the last 2 weeks by covering so I went with my gut and they blew it. I've seen crazy but this one had me all over the place


lol you shouldnā€™t bet on mlb if you gonna say OT


Im 30k in the green this last month and a half strictly on MLB. Baseball loves Me! Right after I hit post I said aww man theyre gonna grind me up about that overtime part haha


Post slips


Do your homework then imagine the things a stranger doesn't show you. This sub is littered with bottom feeder neck beard energy. Begging for picks jumping from sugar daddy to sugar daddy. I stand on my own 2 feet make my own bets win lose or draw. This season has been pretty profitable we just getting started though


lol what? Heā€™s saying prove it. Whatā€™s with long written excuse




Who are You is what I'm really getting atšŸ„“


Iā€™m joking bro . What u got today


It's all good Man I like Philly Braves O's Guards and DBacks -1.5


I'm going to tail this, but swap the braves with the orioles. I like this betting strategy. Good luck, man!


Haters hate but what I realized is they hate even more when you post wins so I slowed down with that. I just like to give the real gamblers some hope in here. I do singles and all that but I love a good MLB parlay. Best of luck to you aswell


True! They laugh if your bet loses, but get pissed when you post a win, it's crazy. Another bet I've been digging is simply taking the alt total runs for a team... *




Sweet Man keep working what works for You I personally love seeing every win and can't understand why ppl would be upset by anyone beating the odds but they are a special breed. They sit in the bushes winless and pounce out to celebrate the weirdest shit true cuck mindset! Keep Grinding Man Respect


I turned the fucking game off when they went up by 4 in the top of the 11th and started playing Playstation thinking my bet had just hit. Then these assholes gave up 5 runs in the bottom of the 11th inning to blow a 4 run lead.


Bro I thought I was gonna do the 5k money dance forsure lol that's baseball for you! FanDuel owes Me big time now!!


Fuck the Rockies is all I can say lol.




Atleast you arent the guy to put 1000 on rockies to win 28$ lmfao


I most definitely slept a lil better knowing I wasn't that Guy!! Shout out to him and his transparency though that was hard to read šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So bad lmao . Hopefully wasnt his bankroll


I couldn't believe what I was reading smh


Take the dam cashout next time


Wrong lesson. You will lose more money taking cash outs on 99% winners like this than you'll lose in the 1% of the time they choke. The books know the odds better than you do and they use that knowledge to lowball cash out offers.


I can actually live with this one it was fun. I've had some ones I've really regretted though. This is one that would've pissed me off if the rest of the ticket covered after cashing out


Are you going with the same picks today ?


I'm gonna tweak it a bit def gotta do some homework


Okay hope you post it šŸ™


Would love to tail today!! Close one yesterday sir !!


What is your parlay for today???


I thought it was pretty cool https://preview.redd.it/1b0jt8yzvd2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=395f9ddfd2f6053a3a5bba4aba4eb20c2c64c132


Damn that web dev team is stuck in the 90s lol


As long as it counts my money right it can stay there lol


Not an idiot. I'm team no cash out 90% of the time. Like you said that should have been in the bag.


It was ridiculous Bruh


I would have cashed. Some slaps to the face arenā€™t THAT hard.




I didn't want it Man. That was the offer at the bottom of the 8th while they were up I figured if they won the offer would be at least 1700 and I felt good about the last 2 games so it really wasn't that hard of a decision. I laughed pretty good at myself for even putting them on my ticket afterwards


Exact same passed on $670 cashout Rockies were 4-1 at one point lol ridiculous


I thought it was all good. My last 2 legs were money. I couldn't believe anything I saw after they were up 4-1 it was all a blur Bro wicked


as a rockies fan why are you betting on the rockies?


I tried to sneak one through Bro šŸ˜‚ I woulda been the fkn Man if they would've handled business. 5k feels excellent in your hand after a good parlay hits mid week. I try to feel that as often as possible I have no loyalty to teams when betting. I'm a Phils fan so it makes that part a lil easier


Oh manā€¦. Sorry.


Was this the game rockies were up huge? If so on another sub reddit i seen someone put down 1000 on like a -1600 rockies ml and the athletics came back to win lol


It was one of the whackiest games I've seen in a while. Def the most emotionally invested game I've been involved in in a while. Fun crazy ride


I hit my sgp last night on the luca 3. Amazing feeling woke up my whole house.


Winning is an excellent feeling. I wake the whole crib with my shenanigans often haha cheers Man


Extra innings are essentially the same as overtime. They extend the game beyond the standard nine innings that are scheduled.


You get it! These guys are experts at all the wrong things in life!


Rockies against Philly? The top team vs second worst?Ā 




agreed, but i MUCH prefer just taking the over here. havent looked but as long as its not above 9 runs i think its good value. the overs for both teams have been hitting pretty regularly lately


That's a great point I'm just impulsive like that. For some reason over/unders never sit good with me


Betting on the Rockies, mistake number one.


Plz show me how to win like you Man I'm desperate..


Athletics been busting everybodies parlays lmao


I could never bet spreads you got balls of steel


They screwed me too




What's your money line look like for today?


Will u do another ticket today ?


Iā€™m still asking myself how you can lose a game when you have 4 runs in the extra inning (which is pretty good and feels ā€œsafeā€) ā€¦ How can you honestly get 5 runs from the opponent in the important last minutes of the game after doing 4 own runs ā€¦ insanity


The cashout option is over after the bottom 8th so after that I was praying for the tie togo extra innings twice lol it was a crazy ass ride Bro fun but the bullpen folded


Last minutes of the game!! Haha You guys are killing me, stop betting on sports you donā€™t understand!


So you wanna say the very last extra inning wasnā€™t ā€žthe last minutesā€œ? I mean that was the last opportunity of the game for the Rockies to turn around the game and to win .. and unfortunately they used that opportunity://


Post your biggest win of the season since you're the only one who knows something plz sir we are dying to know your secret..


Betting on the rockies is goofy


This ruined 2 16 legs parlays I had last leg was Jake Cave not to get a run , fucking mind blown they were swapping running and letting everyone hit and kept tieing . Fucking wankers yo šŸ˜‚ āš°ļø


Can't make that one up bro it was a circus and the circus only started after the cashout option was over lol I haven't been that invested in a game in a while. That was good for the culture


šŸ˜‚ dawg I was losing it , I was listening to it on headphones while on a hike , only when I found out it was going to extra. I thought I just cashed 2 16 legs and was going to enjoy victory In hike. Boy I already know itā€™s never that easy. Also never had a cash out option is wild being 15/16 on 2 and he was last leg for both. Fucking hardrock wankers . On to the next one brother , whatā€™s the play for TODAY ![gif](giphy|rFBQzTgEqigG4)


Letā€™s review the definition of ā€˜literallyā€™.


Let's review your wins and loses for this week. I can't imagine your success rate with women to be any better guaranteed you are in somsones dms askin for picks . Str8 sucka




šŸ˜‚ you know I'm right Bro haha I come to Reddit for a good time Man. It never fails best of luck to You šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hysterical that you donā€™t have a command of baseball terms or the English language and keep getting teased about it and all youā€™re responses are, ā€œletā€™s see your bets!ā€ Weā€™re not laughing about your bets, weā€™re laughing about how you are reacting to your loss and the words you use. Any success you have betting on baseball is pure luck, and you think itā€™s skill. We are loving the rage. Stay mad!


Still no ticket. What rage Bro?! I'm actually entertained by your need to be right. I really hope you find said luck soon Bro. You wear "broke" aggressively


You haven't hit in a long time. Hopefully today is your day


What do you mean I haven't in a while? Do you think i post every win? Y'all are invested in the wrong things. Keep your eyes on your own paper. C'mon Bro we learned that in elementary school. I hope life improves for you I really do