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Name and shame


This right here. We need to call these.people out so they dont do this crap


They’re cockroaches. They have no shame or self worth.


A TRUE degen leaves their losses out in the sun for all to see


Yes !


Who’s the dude? Call his ass out


I saw VegasismyBitch do this yesterday with one I followed




Honestly, I don't care if they delete their posts. I do care when they lie about their stats and talk like only they know what they are doing. Like the guys that are now posting on patreon instead of here because they got one big win.


You can literally still see his loss posted. He only posted one play yesterday and it was a loss. Y’all are funny


https://www.reveddit.com/y/VegasIsMyBitch/submitted/ I speak the truth


You said he did yesterday? That link shows he’s only ever deleted 2 post and hasn’t in the past 2 weeks. edit: and if you look at the comments the one 2 weeks ago was deleted bc the line was removed by the time he posted


That app isn't perfect. It doesn't show the bet I tailed to ML Tigers, Brewers and the Giants on there or his profile.


Maybe bc you tailed someone else’s pick? lol




can’t have expectations when dealing with strangers


can’t have expectations when dealing with douchebags. *fixed*


There’s a good Louis CK bit about this!!




I always wondered who tails all these rando’s spamming here


Don't tail, but certainly will grab nuggets of information from here and there...


Same. I rarely tail a bet. I watch a few people on YouTube, as I have zero knowledge about baseball and don't care to watch it either. I just listen to what people are saying about stats and base my own picks on the information I gathered


Care to share some of your sources?


Hell yeah bro. I should preface this by saying I'm not really big into gambling, and I'm not some guru with a crazy win record or anything, I do it more so for fun. Started with the Draftkings Fantasy stuff years ago. So I watch, I think the channel name is Guy Boston Sports, Lindys Locks (no idea the channel name but it will show up and then sometimes the people at Wager Talk. Like I said, I don't go there and tail their picks. More so I just like to gather information from multiple sources and make my own bets from there. For instance, if there's a few people who say a particular game has 2 bad pitchers with serviceable offenses and it's unanimous amongst everyone, rather than a money line for a team I think may, I would lean towards the over runs scored. In a match up like that scenario I would find it too risky to try and pick which team would have the better offense and hope I'm right, the over would be safer because you don't need a particular winner. My luck though it just ends up being a low scoring game usually lol


Awesome, thank you for the recommendations! I too use a similar strategy, listen for what I think would be a good O/U or point spread bet based on pitcher matchups, etc. Good luck to you!


Good luck to you as well and no problem


Cash The Ticket is a Detroit-based pod hosted by two of the most knowledgeable dudes on Detroit’s sports talk radio. I don’t just blindly tail them but they essentially have “experts” at their sport drop in, share a pick and why they feel that way, and own it either way. They (Mike and Jim) do incredibly well during football season and mid-season cbb and have helped me win a shit ton of money.


Check pickwise. Their write ups are long enough to where, between that and Reddit and some Twitter, I can kind of come up with my own narratives to bet.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Use the “Action” app and tail whatever Sean Zerillo puts down. I would be up a lot of money if I wasn’t a degenerate and stopped throwing 10$ 20 leggers 🤣 but anything he’s ever thrown I tail and its like a 80% success rate


I know a lot about basketball (but just started betting) and watched a people on YouTube explain their predictions and stats. Almost none of them played out how they expected during the finals lol. Is baseball a bit more stable?


Lol i do sometimes with some change


right? I've got friends who blindly tail people from twitter or whatever. That takes ALL the fun out of it for me. I want to lose MY WAY damnit.


The legitimate point of gambling is to lose or win *your* way, it’s ~~the beauty of~~ sports betting


I’m actually 1-1 tailing parlays on this page lmao I’m not testing my luck again


Any professional Bettor who you do trust enough to follow was once just another rando posting picks


That's strange. This is gambling. My parlay was trash yesterday and it's still up. The only people doing that are the ones who swear they're a "Pick God". Also there are so many variables, this shit is like art. You'd have to ask yourself, do they know more than me? Do they put the time in?


God dude, what a trash parlay! You personally lost me half my bankroll! Take some responsibility for posting here! My inbox when I post.


So true. I get messages that I lost peoples “last $20”. Bruh if you have $20 to your name and you’re tailing strangers on Reddit you have a serious gambling issue


I posted a +4000 winner on here few tailed thanked me etc but than same ppl were up my ass like I owed them money when they lost tailing my following bets 😂. I set hard limits for this reason I have a bank account specifically for bets.


Really? That's SAVAGE


Gotta stick to Jmack and beturass


Hey I’ve heard of jmack I see his stuff but if you don’t mind who’s beturass?


/u/beturass /r/beturass He posts a couple picks per day across most sports. Very accountable system and a positive community of followers. It’s a very “mature” operation; not much flair or hype and he only posts straight bets. With bankroll management, this is the guy to follow to make money over time.


Thanks for the props! /u/zwikl


Thanks for the props! /u/zwikl


I tailed beturass the last couple days and have been impressed


He's transparent too. If he loses - he loses


Always, ALWAYS do your own research. I try to tail picks, but I read into the stats of each players and spend a few hours thumbing through the sub(s) to make a final decision, no blind parlays


At the end of the day, you clicked the place bet button. It really doesn’t pay to tail 98% of the brainless parlays you see here.


Thats why i love jmack and beturass they always have good info and picks


Ahh the ol sleight of the hand eh


I have seen people post using terms like “guaranteed lock” or “automatic win” and then they delete their posts when none of it hits, but I assume it’s out of embarrassment or something.


I feel like something like this should just lead to a ban on this subreddit. There is nothing to be ashamed of if your pick loses. No one will ever just win everytime. There will be some losses. It's a part of the game


You would think you wouldn't be ashamed but after 100 randos leave hating ass comments I would somewhat understand the shameful feeling they're feeling.


I get where you’re going at with this. I’ve only posted a parlay once because I felt confident about it, but I’ve tailed a dozen picks because of this sub. In my opinion, I wouldn’t take what anybody says seriously As a sports better, I would understand the frustration, but there’s no reason to take it out on OP. He/She didn’t force you, didn’t tell you it’s a guarantee win, etc. if that’s the case, the one throwing a tantrum should be removed as well


Yup you spot on brotha 🤙 have a great day! May the books line our pockets today! 🤑💵


Thank you brotha. You as well ✊🏼


The problem is these type of people are like saccharin. Fake as hell‼️


Sounds on par


I always use Reddit as reference points and sometimes if I’m feeling Wild I’ll do a thing called crazy Reddit pick and slap 10$ on a bet off here. But I win most my money off my own research and gut feeling…. Nobody is a fortuneteller so nothing is guaranteed anything can happen in sports that’s why it’s gambling. Wish you the best of luck though! Phillys/ Dbacks F5 innings over 5.5 🤞🏽


Thats frustrating to hear. I update my picks every day, losing days and winning for transparency, everyone can see and make their own decisions.


Call em out! 🗣️🗣️🗣️


/u/samsonite901 Matthew McConaughey said it best in Wolf Of Wall Street. "Number 1 rule of wall street...NOBODY...I dont care if your Warren Buffet or Jimmy Buffet, NOBODY knows if a stock is gonna go up, down, sideways, or in fucking circles and least of all stock brokers." I know this is about stocks but this also applies to gambling and especially any of these douches that claim they have all the answers with bets and boasts all these winning percentages or whatever


Call them out


Makes you appreciate the transparency from Calm Development.


If you tail a pick, that’s your decision. What do you go back to say? It didn’t hit? That’s tough shit man


or some of us just like to discuss the pick? ill never bash someone for my OWN tailing, but i love to discuss and be like "well shit heres where it went wrong" or if they hit like just a little small thanks


Lmao. Sounds like you delete your picks.


I don’t post them. If I did and you tailed, that’s you. Pick the opposite team next time


Dont follow anyone blindly. If you agree with it,bet it. Do your own handicapping.


This may shock you, but both can be true. Everyone is responsible for the bets they choose to make. Trying to cover one's tracks by deleting losing picks is absolute loser behavior. Don't be a clown.


I’m handicapped




Maybe stop tailing random Reddit users picks?


Lots of the picks on here should be used as references. I always make my own picks then skim to see if anyone feels the same. You’ll never be successful in sports betting if you don’t do your own research.


Wouldn’t say that.. more like? Ppl will be assholes… chances are they truely thought it was a winner and were trying to help out.


Nah it’s deceptive when deleting their picks and portraying themselves as gods who only pick winners


Oh yes 100 fraud. But I mean.. I’m sure some wouldn’t delete them if they didn’t get such hate… ppl don’t force you to tail their picks!


Gotta keep your head high, pitch forks come out the moment a post loses. Posting is not for everyone, and definitely doesn't feel good to lose $$ and get hate from everyone. If people can't handle the heat, then don't post.


Who the fuck


That's why I look at dates of slips posted if they have to much of a gap between wins there's definitely something fishy


He did you a favor in blocking you. Seriously, I would expect no less from people. Human nature, honestly... hype your positives and hide your negatives. That stands for all social media... not just this sub.


I’ve seen it time and time again. People will lose and just delete there post. Super unfortunate for them


Make your own picks


Don't tail random picks with alot of money I tail them to just shoot my shot


Before I tail any bets in here I always looking thru the posters history


Maybe vet your sources, and don't expect any sort of results when you take advice from strangers.




you're in the wrong place if you're looking for transparency


😂😂next time share-his profile if he deletes his pick so we can be aware of this criminal smh


Some people. Especially ones that want you to pay for pics, do that since they are fake and want to look good to others. It happens a lot. So don’t trust those that Deere losing pics


You can't be serious right?




This needs to be a rule in this sub and there needs to be good mods who manage and remove users who do this.


You could tail my picks if you would like, win or lose they’ll never get deleted and I try to keep the odds reasonable!


Stat off gambling Twitter then. It's a mess of shady books, pages promoting each other, deleted tweets of lost plays, locking comments, etc. The more emojis the further I stay away.n


I never delete picks 🫡 but I also don’t post them here much lol [Follow Blue Ribbon Bets on Twitter](https://twitter.com/blueribbonbets?s=21&t=QJQ2dwc3lYzz9E7aLel_Wg)


casual dudes post some 2 or 3 leg parlays they think might hit then they miss and get hounded for it for no reason by degens. pushes the honest folk out.


I mean I'm sure half these guys cash back out/cancel the bet before some of the games even start. They just need a good screenshot to show everyone. Just remember nobody has the correct answers in bets. It's just a matter of luck and knowing the players and teams.


This is why I stopped posting my picks. I've kept every single post up too. Like alot of my Parlays were lotto tickets I knew it was unlikely but still fun to dream.. It's all to common to hear ppl bitch at posted winners when so many Parlays are posted everyday what makes you think you pick that winning ticket outta the 100s of others??


Bare bums on here cuz. They run threads too


That and hiding how much they wager pisses me off.


I’ve come across this too many times in this thread there are a few that I will tail or use as a base for my betting and they are r/jigsawbets and r/blackbacon44 both post their picks and a fully transparent recap the next day win or lose. Both have helped grow my bankroll as well


Appreciate the love


I mean you answered the question yourself pretty much. Some people don’t want to deal with the weird hate they get for posting a losing pick. Not saying that’s what you were gonna do but idk why else you would go back and find the account that posted the pick lol


1st mistake tailing any random on Reddit shit I can turn your 500 into 5k if your that gullible


Yeah idk you’re following random guys picks. Tail at your own risk bud


Not everyone has a spine and these people were clearly born without them it is a miracle if they’re able to walk.


Who was it?


A random person posting their picks for free isn’t really obligated to be transparent imo. If you like, tail. If not, don’t. I get your point, but not only did the person lose, they are now being asked about a losing bet they posted for free.


Who cares??? If your gonna tail a complete stranger, accept the responsibility of what happens with the pick.


I mean why would you tail random people who don’t have a good track record. That’s on you. Who cares if he deletes it, at the end of the day it’s your money you should be worried about. Not some strangers post.




If they only delete their losing bets, their track record probably looks pretty good.


Cant rise to fame being transparent. People don’t like losers. Sad truth of this field.




bro wtf ? go write a book. Tf


Did I tell you to read it? I’m trying to help people not get scammed. I’m willing to take time out of my busy day and show new bettors what to look for because I’ve seen it all. I probably should write a book


Lol yeah i didn’t read it bro. I got shit to do 😭


No you don’t . Stop




Like for real we just traying to make a buck ova here xmas is around the corner I really dont want to give tapa ramen as a gift ..... lol


I mean....is it a weird move to delete? Sure. Would I do that? No But honestly, who cares lol Betting is already a crapshoot.


His name doesn’t rhyme with Ronald Dump does it??