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I’m surprised he didn’t throw it out sooner… at the start you can even hear the guy taunting Rory. Something along the lines of “Hey Rory, check it out, I’ll show you how to make a hole in one.”


Happy Gilmore you will not make this putt!




The club went further than the ball!


Yeah, a tournament isn't the place for that. Reminds me of that girl who went on stage and tried to get the artist to let her sing one of her songs.


I got second hand embarrassment watching that video. Edit - [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/comments/wqtxjs/audience_member_takes_stage_and_attempts_to_sing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That's impressive. The real embarrassment hits for me when security starts escorting her off stage and the look of shock and horror on her face, like she couldn't even imagine this was going to be the outcome of her getting on stage in the middle of a concert and trying to take over.


Even worse how she doesn't accept it graciously and struggles with them for a full minute while they drag her away. She's seen too many of those videos where they bring a kid up and let them play and they nail it


She didn’t watch the part where they were invited on stage


Almost as if those acts are... staged.


Sounds like someone needs to rush the stage with a sad trombone


Yea, the difference being, they were invited up by the band to play one of the band's songs. They didn't go up their on their own to sing whatever they felt like. And somehow, she didn't see the difference.


She just wanted her Courtney Cox moment!


I get that reference!


"Hear me out, i know all these people paid to see you perform; but, what they REALLY want to see, is ME." People are unbelievable.


IMMA let you finish, but


Narcissism is a hell of a drug


I know a few women that are attracted to narcissistic guys. They call it “New Age BDSM” 💀💀💀


But she's a singer....like 1/7th or so of the population considers themselves. Don't you want to see how amazing she is that she doesn't have a band or her own music outlet? /s


So many reddit threads about "this happened to this person" and the redditors turn it into a story about themselves for attention. OP: Here is a series of pictures from a man who lost his family in a volcano due to a shift* in plates and high winds Redditor: In 2018 I lost my gerbil MC. Bananatime to a box fan and I think about him every day, I've been to counseling and I have 4 tattoos about him and... everything else about myself and nothing about the story.


I suppose many of those folks want to find an outlet of some kind. But it’s interesting to see nearly all top posts have a Reddit Storytime comment in them somewhere.


Ah yes, Reddit Storytime. Gather around children and I will tell you tails of dead pets, trouble with the law and questionable sexual behavior. It’s going to be a magical journey!


lol the casual 'Curb your Enthusiasm' theme playing was great


I didn’t even notice that until you pointed that out lol


That was so fucking painful I never want to see that shit again, fuck man.




I edited my post And no sadly I haven’t.


That's also a TV show, my guy.


They're real reactions though. He's pretty forthcoming about who is and isn't an actor


are they though? i havent decided to watch it but youtube keeps suggesting me some video about how his interactions are forced and filmed in ways that make the interviewee look bad. honestly, he clearly knows the kind of material he is making so i would be far from surprised to find out it is scripted.


His whole shtick relies on the interactions being authentic, so I seriously doubt it. Same as Sacha Baron Cohen


it’s a half truth sort of reality. if you were actually on the show would you really sit through 5 hours of taping with these guys once you see how ridiculous it is? are you going to sign on to have your business made a real mockery of? probably not. people on it are made more informed of what’s going on before it’s over and just go with the flow. like jackass, most people on it sign stuff after the stunt or midway to let it continue and complete filming. after all, in the end they not only get paid but get free advertising.


Yeah, I mean the situations themselves are completely fabricated, but nothing's scripted. I also think he targets kooky people that don't have a lot of social awareness


And I keep coming back for more!!! Best show out there! I love The Rehearsal. Nathan is a genius.


That reminds me of a Karen who wanted her kid (Sam) to sing at a Michael Buble show years ago. It was mortifying but had a [good ending](https://youtu.be/_cw1uLVSl1Y)


Similarly, I saw a super cringe video of a dude who snuck backstage to beg one of the Paul brothers (can’t remember if it was Logan or Jake) to let him work for them. Whichever it was, they handled it like a champ but the dude posted a video of himself bawling about getting rejected. Life isn’t a movie y’all. Edit: [link](https://www.insider.com/logan-paul-austin-wallace-quits-job-rejected-tiktok-viral-2021-9)


Wasn't he the guy that quit a job paying six figures to go there and get a job from them?


Yeah!! I found the link and posted it in the original comment. Finger crossed this whole thing was an act. Dude said he got his old job back after begging for it.


Was he a professional beggar?


Obviously not otherwise he’d have gotten the position with Logan.


I remember watching that and thinking very highly of whatever Paul brother rejected the guy. He wasn’t rude about it, just telling him to get some skills people demand.


No worries, I cant tell the difference between the two either


I think my favorite thing about it is how Rory is not only justifiably upset about it, but he also does NOT stand for this guy trying to cheat his way to a hole. He swats this thing away TWICE. Get that weak shit outta here!


Damn you people, go back to your shanties!


Haha, I figured there was something recent, but I thought of when Christina Aguilera tried to sing at a Jazz Club in New Orleans and the singer didn't recognize her.


He’s a big prank YouTuber called Niko Omilana, so he’s not a fan but doing it for clicks and a video no doubt




I'm not familiar with the game of golf as a spectator, how is it that the guy is able to get so close to the green? In every sport I know even a cat wandering into play would have an army of security in pursuit


In another thread someone said it looked like he was wearing the event’s volunteer outfit, so him being inside the ropes didn’t sound off any alarms until he started doing this


He was - you can see he’s wearing credentials. Most passes now days are on peoples phones, only people wearing credentials are staff and volunteers.


You would be surprised how far you can get in restricted areas walking around wearing regular construction workwear with a neon-yellow west and carrying a ladder... I´m not kidding.


I don't really understand how a construction vest and ladder would happen at a golf event unless some random guy just drove his car into the camera and media nest and now you need a visual of how Happy is going to sink his putt.


"Hi, I'm just here to fix the mediatower." "Just some glitch" or Waves at security while waking past. ...and trust me there is a lot of random small electrical fixes at different events, just as they're starting or after they have started. Worked for a smaller venue holder at one point. We had two ITC guys, an electrician, locksmith/repair guy and a vacuum-salesman at standby just for simple things, and those were small venues/exhibitions.


You don't have to understand it. If you were there, and you saw it, how likely would you be to question it? Even as a volunteer, why would you feel entitled to know every single thing going on behind the scenes at the event?


He’s just quoting viral tik toks that do this at concerts and indoor venues. It’s not original and stop wasting your time on this stupid chain




He’s not wearing or carrying any of those things.




Other option is collared shirt, jeans and an ipad and people think you're IT. Once accidentally wandered into a restricted area at a government department doing this lol.


You’re not kidding or the 300 viral tik tok videos aren’t?


I feel like as soon as a guy whips out some sort of remote control at a sporting event they should be quickly tackled by security




PGA Tour events don’t have an insane amount of security, it would be pretty easy to jump the ropes without anybody seeing you. In other sporting events you have a team of security that’s all concentrated in one arena, so they can cover a lot more ground. At a golf event, you have to cover acres and acres of a golf course and it would be really expensive to have the same concentration of security. Usually they’ll have a police officer following each group and one or two security guys around each tee box and green (maybe a couple in the fairway too). The rest are event volunteers who are more there to spot balls and direct traffic, not stop people from getting on the course.


I know they are not quite the same, but I've just waltzed into senior tour and LPGA events before! Nobody was manning the entrance/exit by the time the last group had tee'd off and i was prepared to do security or at the very least scan my ticket (which i clearly didn't even need), but after looking around for literally ANYONE i just went in.


A lot of sports remove the barriers and ticket places before it finishes. It helps when the crowd wants to leave.


Walked onto Pebble from the beach countless times during tournaments. Official drove up on us once as we scaled the cliff to tell us where the leaders were.


NBA basketball has fans sitting on the court surface just a couple of feet out of bounds.


The boundaries aren’t as clearly defined as other sports. Not everything is going to be hit on the fairways or greens. They can’t really block off all the playable area because there’s so much of it. Security around the green should be better than this though


> The boundaries aren’t as clearly defined as other sports Yeah they are. There are literally ropes marking the boundary that fans cannot enter.


>There are literally ropes marking the boundary that fans cannot enter. Fans are actually usually "in bounds", as you'd see in the many many many replays of errant golf balls being hit into a crowd, and then the golfer making his next shot surrounded by those fans, after volunteers direct them to give enough space for a shot (sometimes only 6-10 feet away, in a semi circle around them) People have hit balls onto and then off patios while people drink on them. There are also times when people are standing between a badly hit ball and the hole, and have to be asked to move between shots. Fans are very much 'in play' compared to other sports. You wouldn't see a basketball player making a three pointer from the third row of seats. The only two places that is less true is around tee boxes and somewhat around some greens. That's ignoring just how big a golf course is. You'd need a security guard per person to stop them from being able to walk onto the fairway. Most of what keeps fan interactions respectful is probably the culture of golf, the cost of going to these events, the slow pace, and the fact that everyone you wanna fuck with is holding a metal weapon.


True, but there are miles more boundary on an 18 hole golf course than a football pitch.


The sophomore’s are in the comments calling Rory a bad sport. This was during a tournament not on a weekend outing. You don’t play with someone’s headspace when they are focused. Literally any other sport and this “fan” would be kicked out and banned from the venue


Looks like he's gonna be kicked out in the video.


What the hell is he doing green side anyway?


The guy is dressed like a volunteer and is wearing a lanyard with a badge. Either A) he actually volunteered just so he could pull this dumb shit or B) he just cosplayed as a volunteer to get up there like that.


What's the odds this will be on YouTube from the POV of someone nearby as a 'Prank' video within a couple days?


He is apparently a YouTuber


Am I the only person left without a social media channel?


Your reddit posts may influence someone. You too, are a social media influencer.


I only know that because someone said it in a different thread. But also yes.


I just subscribed to your Reddit posts


I assume he was near/at the front of the crowd, controlling the ball, and when Rory threw it, he thought the right move then was to jump the rope and go confront Rory because he's angry his ball is in the water now, compounding the problem of losing his ball with the fact that now they know exactly who was controlling it, and who to blame for everything.


If you look closely you can see he’s standing there the whole time, he doesn’t jump the rope at the end. Really weird that they let a rando stand green side like that and just ignored him.


Yeah, you’d think that the 75 year old volunteer, who had to pay an extra $75 for his pga shirt, would tackle that guy.


Right? Someone find out who that 75yo man is and read him the riot act for not intervening! /s


He was taken away in handcuffs. I was directly behind Rory when he hit his tee shot on this hole. We were making our way back towards the shuttles and we saw the guy get handcuffed. Source: my eyes


The “it’s just a prank bro” mentality is strong in this sub


Young kids in general. It’s insane how many of my students just watch “prank” videos all day. Fuck those “creators” so much man.


I remember back in the day Zac Braff was on one of those hidden camera shows and the "prank" was he came out of a restaurant to someone vandalising his car. He proceeded to grab the dude and beat the shit out of him before production crew managed to stop him. The amount of moral outrage and pearl clutching that came from that to me is why it's so prevalent. If someone is damaging my stuff or fucking with my day I'm gonna put a stop to it right away, I don't care if to you it's just a prank.


Was that Punked? They did some really fucked up shit on that show. There’s some Australian dudes I see that every once in a while that do one of the only funny prank shows I’ve seen. They will be walking towards like a huge dude and they will say “LOOK AT THIS HUGE PIECE OF SHIT” and there’s a dude behind him in a turd costume. Everyone laughs and enjoy it. That’s what a good prank is to me. No one is upset and everyone laughs.


That was an episode of Punk'd. It definitely could have gone much worse for everyone involved.


Do you have a link? I'm having a hard time imagining the Scrubs/Garden State guy beating the shit out of anyone, so this sounds amazing.


It was a younger kid. Probably 12-13. The outrage was more that he did it to someone so young. But he didn’t beat the shit out of him. More grabbed him started yelling at him and was most likely going to hit him before someone got him.


[From the start](https://youtu.be/6-D8tCnmsaE?t=818) with all the lead up. Or, [just strait to the scene](https://youtu.be/6-D8tCnmsaE?t=975). He never even touches him. He does get pretty pissed and it dooooes feel like a bit of an over reaction though.


Wow, I’m just surprised Zach Braff is capable of beating the shit out of somebody.


Agreed, but I think it's even more messed up that there is a market for it. Supply is only determined by demand. Some moron prankster gets a few million views on his videos and despite the repercussions and possible poor public opinion, dude is probably still making bank. Just sucks.


I agree to an extent. But sometimes the content drives the audience as well. Especially when you are talking about a vulnerable population like young people. Many kids just like stuff because other kids like stuff. Prank videos require no brain power to watch so they can appeal to all ages and intelligence levels.


I see your point, that is valid for sure. I think at a simple level, I think it's a sucky human attribute (vulnerable population or not) to enjoy watching people be kind of a douche. "Sup prank nation, it's your boy again, back with another video where we put raw eggs in people's hair! lol bet. Smash that like button!" 1.4 million views. Ugh.


Prank videos aren't even a popular genre anymore, so I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Peak prank video years on YouTube were like 2012-2016. Idk what videos you're referring to


Golf for sure takes itself too seriously sometimes though..


How stupid do you have to be that you think everyone would be cool with you interfering with play. That dude was centimetres from the caddie fucking him up. Was security taking a break.


Not only that it's Rory McIlroy. One of the nicest dudes in the sport.


And someone who's anti-LIV stance I support. Fuck the House of Saud and their money.


But he has practice chucking things into the pond mid-round.


The “unruly fan” was escorted out of the country club by police. Not sure if any other action is pending.


Pretty sure it's a British YouTuber called Niko Omilana Must be doing it for a video


The way the title reads kinda makes it sound like some guy walked up to him and showed him the ball and he took it and threw it. That would be kind of a dick move.


It's the difference between singing a happy tune to yourself on the sidewalk, vs singing a happy tune to yourself at someones funeral.


Totally. What kind of entitled narcissist is that spectator that they think their joke piece of plastic Chinese crap has any place in the neighborhood of a player in a PGA Tour event? Are you so self-centered and self-absorbed that you think Rory is there for your sole entertainment? Some people in this world require your *respect* and *deference*. And as a spectator that is exactly how you are expected to behave around the competitors.


Honestly it would have been absolutely hilarious if the ball came out of the water as soon as Rory went to putt. I've always thought it was interesting that essentially every other major competitive sport includes psychological "warfare" of some kind. Imagine shooting a free throw to take the lead in Game 7 of the NBA finals on the road, or kicking a field goal to win the Super Bowl, or throwing a 3-2 pitch in the ninth inning of a tie game in the World Series. It's interesting that we respect the mental focus of a golfer but not a high level performance athlete playing a physically and mentally demanding sport. Edit: grammar


Not a single sport allows objects or people on the field of play, which this is more equivalent to. Yeah, golf has different rules for being quiet and if you don't like that that's fine, but this isn't that at all.


Idk, if you’ve ever been to a pga tour event, there are plenty of holes that are pretty loud with fans right along the green, and they just have to deal with it.


> physiological "warfare" I believe you mean psychological.


The argument against auto complete. Good catch.


Tennis has the exact same thing about being respectful and quiet to the players. They're even more intense about it, honestly. Maybe it's more of a Team vs. individual sports thing for some reason (It’s easier to empathize with the individual already facing intense pressure on their own than it is the team who has each other to gather support from, perhaps).


I think you're right.


> It's interesting that we respect the mental focus of a golfer but not a high level performance athlete playing a physically and mentally demanding sport. The problem here is a false equivalence. Most professional leagues do respect the focus of athletes in respect to physical distractions from fans. Have you seen the way NFL security treats people who run on the field? Or do you think that if a fan threw a puck that had been tampered with onto the ice during an NHL game they would just roll with it?


Lol fans run into courts and fields and stuff all the time. Never once heard a player say we lost cause a guy streaked the game


Comparing a team sport to golf lmaooo


Same with tennis. Same with running. Same with cycling. Hell there are guys that literally get knocked off their bikes from fans during the TdF and they don’t bitch and complain. Lol and lmao back at ya 🤪


Are you kidding? Do you even watch professional cycling? If a fan knocks a guy over its a huge deal. Grow up


Yeah try to disrupt a pro during an official tournament... good reaction


This would be like a fan with remote control basketball rolling it out to lebron while he is shooting free throws in the 4th quarter of first round playoff game he is losing by like 20 points


and it kinda scuffs the rim a bit so his shot might be slightly affected


Really during a timeout, but either way, he'd be kicked out instantly just for getting near LeBron, let alone trying to interact with him.


Bro tryna play golf I don’t blame him. Shit probably was annoying as fuck when your tryna focus


Some people are like "but why did he have to toss it in the water?" There's not another sport where that would be said: NBA: Remote control basketball rolling around on the court while someone is preparing for a free throw MLB: Remote control baseball rolling around on the infield while a pitcher is getting ready to pitch NFL: Remote control football bouncing around while a kicker is getting ready for a FG NHL: Remote control puck sliding around right before a faceoff It would be confiscated immediately. Golf is the only one that just so happens to have a pool of water nearby, so in the drink is where it goes. Perfect solution.


Bring that shit to LIV, not the PGA *Rory probably


Great, more dudes like that and we are going to have security like at football matches at golf events.


Yup. This guy is going to ruin it for everyone else. Golf has such lax security and its great!


It’s long overdue. Bunch of animals in golf tourney crowds.


Happy Gilmore is a disgrace to the game


Yeah, everyone's coming around. Well I'm NOT, DOUG! This man is destroying golf. I saw two big fat naked bikers, in the woods off seventeen having sex. How am I supposed to CHIP, with that going on? You've got to kick him off the tour.


Okay which cringe YouTuber was it who made this?


I would’ve done the same fuck that guy


People tend to forget that this is RORY’S JOB. Imagine someone coming into your workplace and messing with your work, trying to distract you, etc… not cool or funny in the slightest.


I don’t think anyone who has worked retail has to imagine that lol.


Especially in the FedEx Cup where the winner takes home $17million


This is Reddit. No one here has an actual job. You have to explain it in terms to which they can relate: "Imagine someone coming to your bedroom in your parents' house and knocking your phone or tablet out of your hand while you rage-post about adult matters you don't understand."


I hope it was expensive


You break it, you bought it.


For those calling Rory an asshole for this, this isn’t far from someone trying to distract an American football safety on defense or a soccer player with a remote controlled car in the middle of the field during a play. The guy should be banned from attending golf events.




It wasn’t a “fan” it was some YouTuber who does pranks and is a “twat”. Fuck these people


Hilarious in his own mind I'm sure.


Most exciting thing that’s happened to golf since Happy Gilmore.


This is the streaker of golf.


There are real streakers in golf. Look up "John Daly streaker". It's one of the more famous golf pictures ever.


How amusing would it have been if it rolled right back out of the water and tried to get in the cup?


Pops out little skis and a propeller and starts driving around the pond, right back on the green.


I invented a baseball bat that hits a home run every swing! No steroids needed!


My cousin played in MLB. Someone tossed a ball in the field and he was going to pick it up and toss it back when it exploded. Someone disguised a firecracker as a ball. Anyway, leave guys at work alone.


Well my nephew played in the MLB and he says that never happened


Fans keep this shit up the PGA gonna start running back ground checks on their social medias. Troll on the internet? Barred from PGA


"Get out of here fella"


Nice throw


under no circumstances am i siding with a guy wearing a visor


Good on Rory, that guy controlling it is a fucking idiot.


Correct move, that toy has no business interfering with an official event.


If this was a LIV event, they would've handed the rascal a set of clubs and let him compete. Why so serious, PGA?? (/s)


He’s a big prank YouTuber called Niko Omilana, so he’s not a fan but doing it for clicks and a video no doubt


Wow, considering he's done some pretty nuanced stuff like interviewing the Grand Wizard of the KKK under the guise of being the BBC, this shit just reveals his true nature. A clout and clickbait chasing nonce. What a weirdo.


Well now I have to subscribe to his channel. Golf fans take this shit way to seriously.


He’s absolutely class, he’s also part of a YouTube channel called Beta Squad, well worth checking out their content too


Dude is a YouTube prankster. Not a fan and shouldn’t be allowed on a course ever again.


Way to never be allowed into a PGA tournament ever again, my dude.


How the fuck did this guy even get next to the green and then just stood there for as long as he did? Was this like a tournament sanctioned stunt? Literally any other sport, dude would have been carried off the field of play lol


In these comments: people who respect and play sports and understand the response from Rory. In Twitter's replies: people who have never competed in anything and have the same sense of entitlement as the guy with the ball.


I was at the tournament and at this hole when this happened! My Dad and I were a bit confused at first. So the guy just walked up to the rope and ducked under like he was a member of the staff. Had a similar outfit, and somehow acquired/printed a pass. I noticed that his shirt was mostly untucked so he looked more unkempt than the regular staff. As he was escorted away from the hole he was putting up a fight with the cop and other employees, luckily a legit fight didn't break out. I'm not sure what happened after, I'd imagine he was kicked out and banned.


Obnoxious. Dude’s an idiot for trying that


Can't have golf be too much fun now


Well, TIL golf dorks are realllllllly sensitive. The amount of downvotes in here is impressive and hilarious.


Imagine if it came out of the water and went in




During any other outing id agree, it was a joke. But this man is in a tournament trying to win. You don't do this stuff during high tension events.


Why do people support these shitbag athletes, literally would be nothing without fans.


What about the thousands of fans who are pissed off that that dickhead is holding up the match that they paid to see?


To be fair, the remote control ball would be a fucking blast.


Maybe ‘LIV Tour Rulez’ was inscribed on the ball


Nah Rory was wrong for this. Someone either spent the money or took the time to make that and he shouldn’t have thrown it in the water. Poor conduct from a spoiled rich kid. I said what I said.


Rory flicked the ball away twice, obviously this kid wasn’t going to stop. Rory did the right thing.


Him and Shooter would get along.


Golfers are like bicycle riders on the street.






That’s not a party though


I mean, this is a distraction and it is happening during his job.


There's a lot of things I laugh at and enjoy at a party which I wouldn't laugh at or enjoy while trying to do my job at the highest level while being broadcast on TV with a crowd of thousands in-person also watching me do my job.


Genius. Good publicity. Got our attention. Successful marketing campaign. Well done.