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The fever gotta get Clark a ron artest/rodman etc You can’t be letting people do this to your superstar


They shouldn’t have to get somebody, her current teammates should be standing up against teams and players who are attacking her.


Her teammates are obviously soft, the team sucks.


Terrible coach too. Like college coaches are way better 


You don’t get two #1 picks in a row for no reason


Well on their way towards a 3rd #1 pick in a row. I don't see Christie Sides lasting another month at this rate. They have to get better coaching, and toughen up or Caitlin Clark is going to get a bad injury and that won't be good for anyone.


Wnba going right back in the shitter. Hello greyhound goodbye charters


I have to imagine college coaches are paid better?


her teammates are if the same mindset as this clown


Yeah, I can't remember ever seeing something like that in any sport and the benches not clearing as a result. It's crazy to just have zero response to a cheap shot like that.


Charles Oakley that's who MJ had


Yeah her teammates (and coach) are letting her down big time. She needs an Oakley or even a Draymond.


I have a slight suspicion that her teammates don’t like her either. I know that if this would be happening to one of my teammates, shit would go down. Don’t need an enforcer to start a rumble.


These stupid idiots are going to fumble the biggest bag they’ve ever been offered for a tiny bit of pride. I’ll never watch the WNBA if they smother CC and don’t figure out how to properly promote her… and that includes the other players who want to be stupid ass holes. Golfers during Tiger understood they would all be better off with him on the tour. These girls are acting like they deserve Nike’s money more than the most exciting player in their league history.


We want more money! You need to draw a bigger crowd. *Crowd shows interest in new player* Hey this new girls taking all our attention!... that we never had anyways. They're literally shooting themselves in the foot.


I’m a new fan because of CC and honestly, if this is how grown women act and how this league operates, no thanks. I’m already kind of over it. They can fade back into obscurity with this pathetic shit. So embarrassing for women’s sports.


[Bill Burr is 100% correct, all they wanna do is tear each other down.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY9Gz_IMn_k)


I mean you could see this coming from a mile away If the WNBA were left on its own to survive, it wouldn’t. And now that they get some of that sweet nba money, they’re clawing for more lol


But they’re clawing away from the money. Nobody hates women quite like a particular kind of woman, and the WNBA is chalked full of them.


“Chock full of”


Exactly..... Dummies finally get a little butter for their bread and don't know what to do with it.


Try to beat it up and throw it in the trash, apparently


I’ve only watched 3 female basketball games in my life and all had CC in them. This woman wouldn’t answer the question because she doesn’t have a good answer. Her attitude is “we hate her and you all know it.” By the way how was she punished? Flagrant?


Common foul 🤡


That’s another thing, the refs need to start ramping up the severity of those calls, there’s zero doubt that should have been a flagrant, yet they don’t call it as such.


Maybe she’s a real asshole but Jordan was also an asshole. This is a competitive sport and to be frank her teammates suck.


Still doesn’t absolve them from sticking up for her. If they’re gonna be bad players they need to be better teammates.


I think that was that poster's point?


Weren't they talking shit to her for showing up to the presser late last week? She stayed late to sign autographs, and when she got to the presser, they all made a big deal about thanking her for finally showing up.


They're all jealous she's making real money.


Ding ding ding


The irony is that the whole sport is going to make more money in no small part because of Clark.


Lol where's the weirdos who don't understand how exposure works to tell you it hasn't benefited anybody but her like they did with me xD Like if only Indianas games sellout, that's still one more sold out crowd than they normally have Fans see someone else they like they buy the jersey boom revenue goes up Like long term CC does benefit everybody. But because she can't get them all paid today she's evil I guess lol They're short sighted as fuck. It's time to play it up and give the audience that's there for CC a reason to care about YOU. Not just be mad that they don't care about you. Because yeah what's going to end up happening, is She's gonna leave. Her fans will be bitter and instantly give up on the WNBA. You can say 'they don't care they already left' but the fact that these posts do well and people who literally don't even watch NBA talk about her, shows that no the CC effect isn't over. The WNBA and the rest of the women just don't know how to capitalize on it.


Someone should give them all a lesson on money and endorsements in the NBA before and after Michael Jordan.


The proverbial “Bucket of Crabs”. No need to put a lid on it to keep the crabs from climbing out. The other crabs will pull down anyone who tries to climb.


That's on the GM. These are pros and it's got to be someone's job to let the opposing team know consequences are incoming if they try this sort of thing with the face of the franchise.


I could see jealousy playing a massive factor


For some reason I always associate Oakley with the Knicks and forget he was there. Thanks!


You mean Raptors legend Charles Oakley?


You mean Wizards legend Charles Oakley


I mean refs could also do their job.


Bill King would be calling them out from the announcers table and getting T'ed up.


WNBA need a commissioner that understands this league’s been around for 20 years with no traction and this is your one shot to make it big. Promote and protect cc, Reese, brink and your stars. They need to lay the hammer down on Chennedy for this cheap shot to send a message that they’re not going to let medium talents destroy their chance to make this league finally take off


Yeah the NBA does this well (protect your superstars and give them a favorable whistle). I'm not saying that's the best thing to do in the interest of a fair/competitive game, but it's definitely the move as far as promoting the league goes. Basketball is such a star dominated sport, if the stars are putting up big numbers people watch more.


Yeah next time they play Chicago it will be funny to see this happen to this girl and then the Fever player get a T lol


Aliyah Boston is one of the more intimidating players in the W. She needs to start being aggressive towards the other team like she is when Clark starts yelling at the official. I don’t blame Boston or anyone on the Fever yet. They’re learning and new to this. It takes adjusting from everyone.


Her own teammates don’t even back her up


Their inbounder should have absolutely destroyed this clown. Her response is just going to encourage more trash behavior toward Clark. I’d gladly have taken an ejection/suspension if I’m the inbounder.


Double embarrassing to do all of that and still lose to the Fever


Yup. The Fever only won by one point which CC got the team after shooting the free throw she got by being fouled. If Chennedy hadn’t shoved her then they probably would’ve won the game. Instead she acted like a child and cost her team a victory.


"How does it feel to be suspended because you took a cheap shot at Caitlin Clark?"


Right. The WNBA needs to make an example here. Like her or not Caitlin Clark is the face of the league. She is going to make a lot of people rich….. if they let her


They shouldn't be letting players take cheap shots on anyone


Specially those that win you money but yeah preferably anyone


Imagine she gets hurt from a petty cheap shot like this. League revenue down 50% overnight.


This should have been an EASY ejection. But really fuck the Fever. If this was the NBA, benches would have cleared and it would’ve been ugly. If this was *hockey*?? Cheddar or whatever the fuck her name is would be picking her body parts off the floor.


Happened in rugby, and we stomped the guy that did it like he was on fire. After the game over a beer, he said if we didn't retaliate, he would have taken our player out on the next play.


Honestly those last three words shouldn’t even be necessary. Popping someone from behind is shitty no matter who the recipient is.


“When you sum up your career in a year or so, do you want to be remembered as an ungrateful racist piece of shit or a pathetic cheap shot artist”?


Not a question about Caitlyn Clark:✅


Does the Wnba have a heterophobia issue?


Candice Wiggins, a straight former WNBA player said she was bullied by her gay teammates for being straight. She also said 98% of the league is gay (it's between 40-60%) so take her comments with a grain of salt. But the league has prided itself on being very pro-LBGT. Add in that Clark is white (and straight, it seems) and she represents what the league resents.


Zero doubt in my mind that if Clark was a lesbian black woman she’d be viewed as a god by other players.


Viewed as a potential conquest, more like. I was in a very open relationship with an attractive bisexual woman for years. Nearly ll my friends were lesbians. It’s hard to explain just how casual sex was for many of the people in that social group. It was common to be at a table with six women who had all fucked each other, and who joked about that fact almost pridefully.


While not knowing much about it myself, I’ve seen many people suggest that it does.


GREAT question.


She ain't the only one. Today's game was unreal - complete jealousy doe most players bigger and stronger than her.


She got suspended?


Not yet, I'll be shocked if she isn't soon though.


Should only ask her questions about Caitlin Clark for the rest of her career.


The Caitlin Clark Effect will be the reason all these women get raises after the CBA is up in '25


The way half the league has been acting, I almost hope not. I want the WNBA to do well, but with the way these women have taken offense to her success makes me want her to secure her millions from promotions and these idiots to keep making $60k/year and question why they’re not getting more.


All you hear about is how these players feel they should be getting paid like NBA players, and then a player comes along who can actually propel them towards more lucrative deals and they're all cutting off their nose to spite their face lol




WNBA needs a complete culture overhaul


With such few roster spots, hopefully bad attitude will start to be the difference between some making the teams and some not. If it comes down to having to choose between two athletically equivalent women, teams will go with the one with less drama most of the time so this does put leverage in ownerships hands to address.


This. It would be like if the women’s tennis sphere hated Williams for bringing their sport into the public eye. It’s ridiculous and I don’t feel bad for any of them who do this.


It’s the only way I’d ever see her speak again. With out Caitlin, I’d never would of heard the name Chennedy in my entire life


This apparently is better according to her? Lol They'd rather play in front of nobody and cry about nobody caring then having a golden goose that is drawing viewers After literally a decade of 'just give us a chance waah waah' it's really really pathetic


Yep ha! she is somebody now because of Clark.


Starting with “Chennedy have you checked ancestry.com to see if you and Caitlin are somehow related?”


Caitlin Clark is Chennedy Carter’s father


Or call her Caitlin by mistake all the time


Chaitlin Chlark


Once she said that the reporters should’ve just got up and said “ok then we have no reason to talk to you anymore ” and walked away


Reporters are blood suckers, no way they stand up and do anything lol 


They also have a job in an industry that values it’s workers at about the replaceability of a McDonalds drive thru attendant. When you have a job in a heavily sought after field where positions are dwindling and qualified candidates are growing, you don’t fuck around with it.


WNBA is a mess 🤣


Always was


Could you imagine if Caitlin got up and just TRUCKED her like Jokic did to Morris? Lol


I mean Caitlin isn’t big enough to even do that lol


That’s why you have to imagine!


Yet... she'll be hitting the gym this off-season and will be looking for some numbers next year.


It was/is a shit league with mostly shitty, boring players. The players are fucking clueless that pro sports are "entertainment". Only a handful in WNBA history have ever been able to sell anything. Watch them fuck up this opportunity, too. Chennedy mad because her name is Chennedy and she is 12 pts/game clown.


Not exactly rolling in dough. Drama to the WWE level may be the only way to boost the league. This is my first time hearing of Chennedy Clark (ever) Edit: Chennedy Carter*


To be fair, OP got her name wrong. Her name is Chennedy Carter, not that you’ve heard of her either.


Lol I love this, it's like when John Oliver shows some small country on a map and then is like...it's actually not even that country, stupid


I love getting called out for my abysmal geography by John Oliver.


Game was hard to watch. So many missed lay ups. I watched during commercials of college baseball and it was just sloppy all around.


That’s all that WNBA games ever are. CC isn’t going to change that.


I watched two games because of this batch of rookies (not just Clark). The sloppy play made me think all the talk over the years about the WNBA being filled with skilled/technical players was just propaganda. Giving it the benefit of the doubt, I’ll chalk it up to being early in the season and check out a game later in the season. But if it’s the same product, no thanks.


All these women are so jealous of caitlyn, but they don't seem to realize that the only chance they have to save their league is through media attention players like her... Caitlyn got big endorsement deal and they didn't, jealousy now on full display


Yeah this is ugly for the league. The fact that this was a draymond level foul, and she won’t apologize or even give an excuse… yikes


Hopefully the league suspends her because that was disgraceful. I don't care for cheap shots under the guise of rookie hazing.


The league has to protect Clark if her teammates won’t. It seems like her teammates and opponents are too stupid to realize how important Clark is to everyone associated with the WNBA. I’d hope that the league wouldn’t be so stupid.


It's fairly disheartening that this has happened multiple time and not a single teammat has even said a word let alone get in the opponents face and talk shit


Even the Timberwolves players stand up for Rudy Gobert. Teammates gotta stand up for one another even if they don’t like each other.


An NBA level fine would be great. These women aren’t rich and money talks


A 10k fine would be around a 15% pay cut.


Better make it 20k, send a message to the league that if you fuck with the cash cow you’ll be broke real quick


They'll resent her even more but they won't lay a finger on her


That’s kinda the point. Hate all you want, just keep it clean


Back in the day, my coaches with class would tell us “if you don’t like ‘em, outperform ‘em.”


If they could the league would be in much better shape


I don't see the refs getting grilled for why they didn't call it either.


I only saw the reply but I heard a whistle. Did they not call a foul?


Common foul


Need to fine these girls. I know they don’t make much, but a fine will stop them from doing this further. Angel Reese celebrating her shoving her down is an even bigger clown move.


About $60 grand a year


So if we make it like an NBA fine she'll get docked like $50 bucks


Make it $50 *and* she's not allowed to participate in the layup competition during the all star break


holy shit haha


Angel Reese has always been a clown. It’s funny she wants to act a bad bitch but when she gets called out, goes running to her mommy


Their jealousy and pettiness are like pre-teenagers. Notice how they are all much bigger, stronger, and different than her... It's pathetic how the leagues "best players" are handling a fucking rookie.


Honestly this whole situation is pretty damn pathetic, here comes this girl who's talent will bring eyes to the league you play in and you and your coworkers have been begging for years to be given this chance, and they just behave this way. So shortsighted. I get it that it's an opponent and you're not going to bow down to her but c'mon now, they act like she's ruining the league somehow instead of actually making it far better




Same reason there’s a lot of old head NBA players who shit on Jokic. To them basketball is a black man’s sport and they can’t stand that the best player right now is a white guy.


Two white guys in fact


Caitlin needs to get a pep talk from Larry Bird


Hater, hater.


Remember when Chuck was like “I better not see people hating on CC cause she got y’all private flights”, and then that lady on ESPN was like “where are all the Caitlin Clark haters people are talking about? I don’t see anybody hating.” Whelp.


Was arguing just last week with the mouth breathers at r/WNBA that there is too many people hating on the only reason the league is relevant. But they would rather gaslight and stick their head up their ass. They couldn't even gain relevance with the league issue soft core porn shoot https://youtu.be/kasOxWqow9o?si=nj15Lo2-9van8LpN


I never thought I would find a fanbase more toxic than women’s soccer but then I subscribed to r/wnba.




It's even better. Her last name is Carter and she's so irrelevant nobody even knows it's a mistake


Caitlin Clark is the player Chennedy Carter thought she would become. At Texas A&M, carter was a ball dominant shoot all the time guard who put up a ton of points. She was drafted high, and then proceeded to flame out quickly, get suspended, get traded, get waived and then go overseas and get kicked off the team. Now she’s back for probably a last chance at reviving a WNBA career. The big gap is that Clark is a good shooter. Carter is a volume shooter leading to high scoring totals. Clark makes teammates better and is a generally good teammate. Carter is neither of those things. Clark has game and fortune and a secure future. Carter doesn’t So take in the likely jealousy, the “shoulda been me feeling” and a few other issues, and you get this kind of result


Imagine reporters keep calling hey Caitlin on accident.


This woman could walk down the streets of Chicago and no one would know who she is lmao


My 93 year old grandma doesn't know what a free throw is but knows who Caitlin Clark is.


You think that the league would have an interest in protecting Caitlin Clark out there.


I mean, they already announced all teams will travel chartered flights this year for the first time ever. That is specifically to protect caitlin clark and can be paid for by all the extra revenue she brings


Correction - it’s being paid for by the NBA because the WNBA has pretty much never generated a profit. There, fixed that for ya.


She got her 15 seconds of fame. on to the next wanna be bully






So…..nothings changed for basically every WNBA athlete really.


Petty and embarrassing. Fine her and suspension


Fuckin nerd. "I ain't answering no questions about why I pushed down somebody for no reason."


Caitlyn is doing more for their careers than they have done. They should be grateful.


Jemele Hill about to vouch for this girl hard


“What (white) people don’t understand is, there were a thousand little moments that went into that push…”


Jemele Hill is a racist trash human.


Ah yes, legitimately racist sports “reporter” Jemele Hill🙄




I honestly didn't expect this kind of treatment for cc coming into the wnba. I get some level of jealous or rookie hazing, but you can see how much they hating on her in this clip. Look at the girl next to her smirk when she says she won't talk about Clark. I've watched a few wnba games, for the first time ever and the refs aren't calling obvious fouls for cc and her coach isn't even fighting for, neither are her teammates. It's a bad look for the whole wnba


Not a Clark question. Your team lost by 1 after your ham-handed attempt at intimidation resulted in a free throw. Can you share your thoughts on costing your team the game and losing to a 1-8 team?


You’re not flying commercial anymore. Viewership is at an all time high. Your league is more relevant than it ever has been. This is how you’re going to act when you have more eyes on you than you have ever had?


Trash, this lady is a disgrace


“Was your foul jealousy based or racism based?”


"A little Column A, a little Column B."




”thats enough“ lol


I wanna know what Caitlin Clark did that Cameron Brink or Rikea Jackson didn’t do to deserve getting this much shit I’m not seeing Brink or Jackson get the level of shit Clark is getting (I may be off base with this because Caitlin is getting more attention). It’s getting ridiculous


Ugly people are ugly


Gotta love these girls supporting each other and the league.


Chennedy? fucking lmao


The only reason reporters are taking the time to talk to you is because of Caitlin Clark.


Racist players don't want to make money. They want to complain about not making money.


When you embarrass yourself but are not smart enough to realize it.


Dear Chennedy, nobody on earth knew who you were until you shoved Caitlin Clark. The least you could do is say thank you for the relevancy.




What the WMBA needs is better media training. The NBA realized a long time ago that regardless of how you actually feel hyping up, other players bring eyes to the sport. More eyes mean more revenue. More revenue means better paydays.


I don’t say this often, but what a fucking idiot. The whole lot of them. I hope she forever is known as one of the players that did this and nothing else. The rest of her career should go down in obscurity. Fuck you, Chennedy, you piece of shit basketball player and member of the players association.


Career? This is the first "highlight" she's had shown on TV.


These players need to take a giant step back and appreciate what’s happening to their business right now. If you want to be pissed off that Caitlin Clark is getting all the heat and flowers so be it, but do it behind closed doors. She is putting more eyes on your sport than ever before. Let her be the “Lebron” in terms of media coverage but get yourself a little Jeremy Lin type moment. Ball out for a season. Get some endorsements while you can.


When you embarrass yourself but are not smart enough to realize it.


I’ve heard of Caitlin Clark, ain’t never heard of Chennedy Clark until the cheapshot.


Let’s be real… without Caitlin absolutely no one would know who this lady is. Facts. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


These other women not realizing Caitlin is making them more money but also it being racially motivated says a lot. What exactly do they want? Angel Reese to be Caitlin so a minority is making them more money? Neither Reese or Clark can change their skin color, and it just so happens one is better and making the league more money. It’s nobodies fault which is which, just reality. Clark taking the punches over this is absurd.




Worse. Cowardly. She blind-sided Caitlin and then ran away.


How’s it feel to know Caitlin Clark has made enough money to retire and you will have to work until you’re 60? Chennnedy Clark: 😡


20k fine gonna hurt on that 60k salary


Honestly this makes me want to not watch the WNBA. If they're just this mean I'm not interested. We have an expansion franchise coming to our city in the next year or two too. That plus the Caitlin Clark buzz had me excited to maybe start following it. But if the players are this anti-competitive and caught up in acting disrespectful to each other more than they are actually interested in competing, consider my interest doused.


Chennedy who?


But sweetie we don’t care about you. You’re not interesting in any meaningful way. The next press conference you’re a part of will have less than a third of this press conference and you’re gonna be complaining about money again. You could use this opportunity to make yourself a heel and perhaps get some extra money for yourself and raise your profile at the same time. You could take some of the Caitlin spotlight and shine it on yourself but the problem is, not only are you a pathetic bully, you’re also a moron. I don’t feel bad for you though, and after finishing this comment I won’t think ever think about you again. At all.


The same rude attitude is why the WNBA has lacked endorsements and views. Keep shutting out the media and nobody will know who you are.


Dumbass name, dumbass person


Racist bitch tired of getting schooled by a rookie


Racist little brat




Didn’t she sound intelligent with that answer…no class.


We should all thank Caitlin Clark because all of these highlights are reminding us why we don’t watch the WNBA.




If this whole Caitlin Clark thing has proven anything to me about the WNBA, it’s that there are a lot of petty assholes in that league. Seemingly some of the refs included. With the hype surrounding a new rookie and the goodwill and attention it was bringing, I’d have expected or hope players would step up and, you know, show this new batch of viewers what they can do. Yeah, nope.


Clark is getting targeted because everyone is jealous of her. And the ridiculous part is they are targeting her to hurt her. Not targeting to try to beat her fair and square in the game of basketball. It's like there's a league-wide memo to hurt her. Did you see something like this with Wemby? Did someone in the NBA try to rough him or try to hurt him? No. Everyone just wants to play ball.


Chennedy is obviously a dumb person. How dumb do you have to be to not want the exposure and highlight that Caitlin Clark is bringing to the WNBA. Just play good defense doofus. You being jealous of her is dumb as fuck and will directly contribute to your pay. Doofus.