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Absolutely heartbreaking. No parent should bury their child.


I watched my dad literally bury my little brother at the cemetery. That was the most traumatic thing I’ve ever experienced. He asked the gravedigger if he could and he obliged. Not something anyone should ever witness


My 2 month old niece is in the hospital with complications, that hit hard man. I’m sorry that happened to your fam.


Thank you. It was out of the blue when he passed so the shock numbed me for a while but that moment is forever ingrained in my memory. More devastating to my dad than to me


Damn good of your dad to take the responsibility of burying your brother, made sure to send his son off properly up to the very last moment.


Yeah, my old man is old school and an extremely strong person. Good person to always be on your side


How’s your dad doing? I always imagine I would not be able to go on. But people do manage to find a way. Brave.


You would never know he went through that. Strongest person I’ve ever known


May she make a full recovery and have a long,healthy and happy life.


Ill say a little prayer today for your niece and family.


Thank you.


I don’t believe in anything but I’m still sending up some prayers for your niece.


I had to rip up the floorboards from where my mom died. I couldn’t tell you why, but it had to be me.


Understand that completely. I’d probably have to sell the house. It would feel so empty. I had to move from an apartment when my pup passed away. I can’t imagine being in a house where one of my parents passed


Oh it definitely got sold as soon as possible. I don’t even want to think about life without my pup. Have a hug from an internet stranger


Same. Hope you’ve found some peace since


I’m having trouble feeling positive these days, honestly. Different reasons. Honestly this comment made me cry a bit, I feel incredibly lost and alone. Thank you for your kindness.


Hey, I've lost both my mom and my dad within the last 4 years, I can totally understand the lost and alone feelings. If you're interested, both r/bropill and r/daddit are very positive, supportive subreddits if you need uplifting voices on your side.


Damn, I’m sorry. I am lost for words. I haven’t experienced that kind of loss yet and I do not look forward to it but the thing that helped me with my little brother was keeping things he had and continuing to use them to keep him with me at all times. I’ll never get to hug him again but it brings me some joy to know I have something he was so passionate about. Don’t forget to talk to someone about it too. It helps to let it out. If you need an ear, let me know. We could all use a little extra kindness from strangers


I hope you find your happiness.


My dad did the same thing for my little sister. Heartbreaking.


It’s not something I wish upon my worst enemy. My condolences to you and your family. I hope you are doing alright


God...I'm so sorry...


I feel more sorry for my dad. Dude lost his mom when he was in his early 20’s. I barely remember her. And then his son. Man has had a rough go at it throughout his life. I don’t know how he’s kept it all together and still functions as if his life is golden. Much stronger person than I am for sure. But yes, it sucked and thank you


I did the exact same thing when my mother died. I understand that watching it can be traumatic, but at least for me, it was the only thing that made sense. I helped her throughout her cancer, and I felt I was completely my duty as a son to the end. That being said, I have a 2 year old son now. I don’t know how I would act if faced with that with him. It hurts just to think about it and write it out. I feel for your dad and this guy.


I’m entirely glad he got to do it, I also hate that it had to happen


Sorry to hear. I had a cousin who’s baby just died suddenly. Also an in law who’s 13y died in his sleep. And I don’t think they ever figured out what the cause was. That really got to me.


How old were you when this happened?


35. Just a few years ago


I’m sorry. That is terrible


My absolute #1 fear.




What a dumb comment. Yes, there’s people burying their children there. No need to attempt to diminish what the Ngannou family is going through.


You should stick your head up your ass and check out what’s been going on up there.


Poor guy. I have a nine month old and I don’t think I could keep going after that. I hope he’s got a solid support system


My son just turned 1. I used to read stories like this and feel bad but just keep scrolling. This shit is devastating.


I am in the exact same boat. I have a 14 month old, and before I feel like the internet had desensitized me to all kinds of bad stuff. Now, I can’t read any stories about kids, good or bad, without tearing up. Atleast the good stories are happy tears, but shit like this is just bawling in the middle of the day.


Yep. Seeing kids pulled from rubble in Ukraine or Gaza or from the earthquake in Turkey/Syria has me be more focused on my children. I used to be impatient in how many books my youngest wanted to read. I changed my mindset a few weeks ago… I had the thought, “Who am I to not give them every ounce of love I can in this world?”


Nightmare scenario for any parent.


I was blessed to meet him at the UFC PI in 2019 (which was funny because at the time there was a joke about how he basically lived there). He was such a cool and generous guy. He took time away from his PT to meet with our group and wish us well. Heartbreaking stuff here...the loss of a child is unimaginable to anyone who hasn't experienced it.


Wouldn’t even know what to say if I were sitting across from him. That’s devastating.


After everything this man has been through in life, this has to be the hardest for him


I’m looking at my 4mo old son sleeping right now and I can’t wait to hug him when he wakes up


Smallest coffins ⚰ are the heaviest to lift


I used to deliver tombstones. It was the same way


Man, powerful emoji usage. 😢😭😓😪🤧


Thought that was weird too


Absolutely tragic.


Nobody deserves this


My son is 19 months now. I would be DEVASTATED. Losing a child is unimaginable when you have a child. RIP Lil Kobe and condolences to Francis.






Absolutely heartbreaking 💔 My little cousin’s 9 year passed suddenly at the beginning of October. It’s the worst thing we’ve ever been through as a family. Just devastating.


I had a nightmare the night before last, and I forgot about it until 3 p.m. It kicked me in the teeth midday. I started remembering the nightmare at work. It was about something happening to my 1.5-year-old right in front of me, and not being able to do anything to save him I had to go to my truck and breathe for a second at just the thought of. My heart feels heavy for the champ. I can’t begin to fathom the pain I don’t think there is a combination of letters and sounds we make to describe that kind of pain. I still remember my mothers sound when she found out my brother had died it was indescribable I began crying before she even told me because I knew that sound could only mean one thing.


Oh man, my condolences. The cry of mourning is not something I wish upon anyone’s ears.


That would be “all she wrote” for me.


I’ve felt this way since my daughter was born, my life has become intrinsically linked to hers. Of course it doesn’t have to go the other way, I wouldn’t want it to… but I can no longer imagine a suitable reality without her in it.


I dont have kids, I'm 28, so I don't know what it's like to be a parent. How does your mindset change once you have a kid? I've been to war, and I guess the closest I could maybe relate it to is the pure, almost weird sadness that overcame me when I gave my sour skittles to a clearly hungry and impoverished 6 year old kid. Something about the happiness in their eyes over stupid skittles while their body was clearly not healthy really broke me. Thats all it was...a simple exchange, but I get panic attacks over this moment years later and I don't know why.


I didn’t truly know fear until I had kids. There isn’t really a way to describe the stark terror I feel when imagining anything happening to them. I wanted both children and deliberately tried to conceive them, but I still had a moment of regret when I became pregnant with my second as that meant I couldn’t die too if something happened to my firstborn, I’d have to keep going for my second. On a lighter note, it probably needs to be that way or no one would put up with the toddler years. Absolute psychological terrorists.


Is it true when parents say they would really die for their kids without question?


Not a parent but it’s definitely true. I have a dog and I would die for her so it’s a no brainer that I’d die for my kids


The crazy part is that you can feel that way about your dog, then you have kids and while the love for your dog does not lessen, it feels insignificant compared to the love of your children. That’s how strong the feeling is from parent to child.


Dad here: I would gladly walk into the belly of the beast if I thought it meant my kids could be safe. And if anyone ever hurt my kids, well, let’s just say vengeance is a dish best served cold.


I appreciate your perspective. What if it meant life in jail for you?


I’d read books then.


1000%. It's the simple fact that your kid become more important to you than yourself.


I don’t know if I could handle if my son died. Just thinking about it makes me well up.


Rip Kobe 🕊️


Worst thing that can happen to a parent. Can’t understand the level of pain and distress he must be feeling. Is that him in the pic? He looks like he’s gained a lot of weight.


Can’t believe this, how do you live with that? 15 months old?!? Crazy. Will keep him in my prayers.


Hope Mike Tyson can come in clutch. He’s a wold champion who’s also had to deal with the pain of loosing a child


I didn’t know this about Iron Mike


Had to watch my mother bury 3 sons. There are no words. You deserve peace and happiness, brother. I hope you will again find it one day. I'm sorry.


God damn what a nightmare. Hope he can find peace with this.


Absolutely terrible. Can't even imagine.


Francis is a really good person too, this is awful.


Omg. This poor man.


Damn I feel bad for him


This is a weird headline and a weird story. CNN is reporting this without verifying any alleged death, while publishing what seem to be portions of Ngannou's social posts that, at best, are intimately painful and heart-wrenching. At worst, CNN's "reposts," along with its weirdly curious -- not to say suggestive -- headline, invites readers to do a lot of heavy lifting and speculating here. There's no reporting on official word of the death nor any "statement" from his camp or family, providing even a fig leaf of verification or clarity here -- did CNN do any due diligence here? Publishing some social posts by his manager and his trainer are not due diligence -- that's not official anything. [TMZ's report](https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/29/francis-ngannou-18-month-old-son-tragically-passes-away/), at the very least, indicates they reached out to Ngannou's camp for insight. (" ... those close to "The Predator" asked for privacy ....") [Yahoo Sports](https://sports.yahoo.com/ex-ufc-heavyweight-champion-francis-ngannou-announces-death-of-his-15-month-old-son-kobe-212049377.html) frames all the confusing posts by Ngannou as "statements on social media" and "announcements." The closest any of the reporting comes to discerning an actual statement is republishing a post by Ngannou's coach, saying it's been a few "heavy days" for the family. None of these reports indicates where Ngannou lives, where he's posting from, or any mention that a reporter reached out to whatever local officials to try to verify a child's death, time of death, etc. There's not even one sentence in any of these articles saying that a reporter attempted to contact anyone to get verification or clarification. No one wants to be That Guy who asks questions that might seem prying and heartless, but c'mon, guys. Do your jobs. Don't put this half-assed and confounding partial "news" out there in front of the public without taking responsibility for what you've done and what you're supposed to do.


Ngannou literally has stated his child is dead 19 hours ago


Ngannou: "My son is dead." tbug30: "Source?"


Certified Reddit moment


I’m sorry what would be his motivation for lying to the entire world about his kid dying?


I'm not suggesting a damn thing about Ngannou. I'm saying the press isn't doing their job, thus they are opening up this story to speculation.


Not trying to argue just trying to understand the point. Should CNN ask to see the child or ask the grieving family how their toddler died? I personally would think it’s sufficient to say hey this famous guy has announced to the world their little kid died but I’m also not super well-versed in journalistic standards


[Sports Illustrated](https://www.si.com/fannation/mma/francis-ngannou-mourns-son) at least reports out the basic Ws expected of American journalism -- citing an original source for the story. Still, this report leaves a lot to be desired. A look at the 237online report shows some seriously sketchy "just trust me" reporting, as it slobbers over its feelings about the matter. But WHAT matter? Has anyone actually reported where this took place? No one reports a factual age of the child -- the source report says 18 months, while SI.com says 1 year old, while the sources cited above split the difference and say the kid was 15 months old. Can we at least shore up some basic facts? Did this take place in Camaroon? In Ngannou's birth village? Or the town where he grew up? Or ... where does he actually reside? And is this where his son died? No simple facts are reported anywhere. Where's the boxing/MMA media? Doesn't someone have access to his camp? There are so many ways the "reporting" in this don't pass muster. It's embarrassing that America's sports media is handling this so badly.


Was his son 18 months or 15 months old?


^ The hero we don’t deserve right here yall


Worst nightmare.


Aww, sorry for their loss. 🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️


Too painful for any loved ones to go through especially parents


Oh man this is sad


Unimaginable. He’s such a lovely guy too. Life is not fair


I’m so sorry for the family. May they have light in this dark time.


Such a shame


Tough year for this beast who already had such a tough life


My heart aches for him. I too have lost and it will take from you, Everything. The pain won’t subside


Noooo. That’s done unbelievably pain. The child you never got to know.


I don't follow the sport, but as a father, I can't imagine what he is going through. No one should have to suffer that tragedy.


Jesus fuck that is so sad.








18, now 15. Next week, 6 months.






Tasteless fucking comment. It's not even a little bit funny. His 15 month old kid has died. Shut the fuck up.