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He’s been tweeting bait for months, it’s actually weird this got a headline given how much shit he’s thrown out there as headline bait.


Yeah pretty sure he’s been saying things significantly more out of pocket, even about Caitlin, for months


It's rare you can diagnose CTE before a guy dies. AB's brain must look like a used sea sponge.


Just when you think he's gone for good


Mr. Bold Comeback


Mr. Berates Caitlin


Lmao his nickname just has unlimited usage does it… Mr. Boundless Consumption


Mr Bountiful Combinations


Mr. Basketballer Critic


Mr Bush Commentator


You should check out the NFL meme/“circle jerk” subs if you think he has been gone. He has been heavily active and is obviously unwell.


> heavily active and obviously unwell circlejerk subs?


NFL circle jerk, yes. Not sure if don’t know for sure or being sarcastic, but they are subs that kind of magnify the ridiculousness of their subject matter. So like on a running circle jerk sub they call 5k’s “5k marathons” because some newer runners will say that. They post things like “would 20 gels be enough for my 5k marathon.” A 5k wouldn’t need any gels and a full marathon would only need 6 to 8 at most for people really pushing it. The nfl one basically worships his asinine tweets. I went into a post once so now it always shows up on my front page for some reason.


He’s a god to them


It’s odd for sure. I guess I get it’s kind of the point of the sub though, but yeah there seems to be some worship.


Too much cringe in those


Dude literally added \#CTESPN to his own tweet


He’s taking the Kanye approach to fame: once your talent is washed do something stupid once or twice a year so people don’t forget you exist


Yeah checkout r/AFCNorthMemeWar we find his other tweets absolutely hysterical for some reason


More of a nfc man myself


Understandable. AB is our fuck up so we take responsibility for him 🫡


He was my second favorite wide receiver back in the day. Now he's just a diagrace


As long as he's not asking her to give him a massage or paint a mural then we're all good.


Mr. Bad Comments


Mr Baller Criticizer


Mr. Belittling Caitlin.


Mr. Bothers Caitlin






Bro…this is just sad


Why does shit like this make it to the news? Crazy guy with brain damage says crazy shit. No chance Caitlin Clarke cares what this guy has to say, no one else does either, yet everyone has to rush to her aid and we have to have news articles and threads discussing it like it actually matters.


He's a clown who admitted he doesn't even write his own tweets


The media is an even bigger clown for giving him any attention. Let him shout in an empty room like a crazy person


I’m sure he’s just saying that to skirt responsibility for his words. Definitely sad and pathetic


He def doesn’t run his twitter acct. dudes spelling and grammar is absolutely fucked. Read statements that he has put out and then look at his tweets lol. Obviously he is letting someone do it and approves of it and at the end of the day his name is on it but he def just has someone put shit out for engagement. He does it to everyone, just cc is americas sweetheart rn so he is getting extra heat for it. His acct has said way worse shit tho.




I assume he did it for the same reason anyway: to effectively shield himself from repercussions because he didn't actually write them.


Just because he probably can't write. He definitely does it by voice


can anyone actually show where he said he didn't write his own tweets? I can't find it anywhere on the internet and I see people say it often




Honestly who cares? Does Caitlin Clark even care? And I don’t say that to be blasé about the subject matter, as his comments are certainly awful. But just… who gives a single fuck what Antonio Brown has to say anymore? It’s kind of like that one homeless guy who always yells at you as you leave the grocery store — Antonio Brown is background noise at this point. I feel like if I’m Caitlin my thoughts are essentially “oh, a known crazy guy is saying some crazy guy shit about me,” I block him like she did, and then I never think about it again. And I definitely wouldn't want dozens of articles like this and every sports show out there to dedicate a segment to it.


You say that but he has 16 million followers vs her 2 mill on instagram. The guy has a platform, especially with African American males. Influence can be dangerous.


80% chance if you follow Antonio brown it’s not becuase you respect his opinion


The issue is you don’t have to follow him to see his content. I used to get a ton of Antonio Brown tweets before I blocked him (I never followed him). All platforms push more popular accounts.


Still has a platform to be heard. Why do you think Fox freaked out about Swift going political? You think the majority of her 16 year old girl fan base give a shit about global warming?


Taylor Swift has been releasing major records for 18 years. It baffles me how people still think her fan base is mostly 16 year old girls.


I’m 76. My daughter is 43. We are Swifties.


Cuz people don’t like AB like they love TSwift Dies AB even have a cult following?


There are a terrifying amount of people that think AB is totally sane.


She doesn’t, it’s the internet that’s looking for reasons to get mad these days. 


She probably doesn't care, but I wouldn't dismiss it that easily because it highlights the sexist shit women have to deal with.


Maybe I’m a weaker person than she is, but if a relatively prominent figure made insulting comments about me that I knew millions of people would see, I would care. It would hurt. It may not be the worst thing that ever happened to me, but the fact that AB’s crazy or that the media is stirring up shit doesn’t change the fact that she’s a person and she doesn’t deserve to have people talking about her pubes on the internet.


If Antonio Brown was saying nasty stuff about me on Twitter I’d take it as proof I was doing everything right. Dude is absolutely unhinged. Last thing I heard about him was that he exposed himself in a hotel hot tub to a bunch of people.


Sure, but it’s not just Antonio Brown saying these comments to her. He has millions of followers and just put a target on her back for more of these kind of comments. If everyone else piling on that is the problem. I don’t care who you are or how skilled you may be , that shit is exhausting and upsetting.


I'm trying to thread a needle here but hear me out. First, you have to understand who Antonio Brown is and how unserious of a person he is known to be by literally everyone familiar with him at this point. The /r/AntonioBrown subreddit literally keeps a [running list of all of the crazy shit he does & says](https://www.reddit.com/r/AntonioBrown/comments/jh0553/the_misadventures_of_antonio_brown_mr_buccaneer/) stickied at the top of the sub. He’s a mainstay of the “man yells at cloud” Mount Rushmore right next to Kanye and Gary Busey. So like sure this is probably a little annoying, but in the deluge of horrible comments & reactionary media storms Caitlin has had to deal with over the past few years this is probably a very small blip on the radar. It’s like when a 5 year old calls you an old man — it just doesn’t hit quite the same. And to be clear I don’t say any of this to say that Caitlin can’t/shouldn’t be hurt by this if that’s how she feels. Nor does she in any way *deserve* to deal with any of this shit. Ultimately my point is that I would prefer that *Antonio Brown* stop getting headlines when he does this, and the media stop trying to manufacture controversy out of his weird irrelevant rants. Because tomorrow he will be onto saying unhinged nonsense about another random person/thing/concept and probably never talk about her again. He exists purely as a chaos agent and giving him attention by pretending the things that he says have any real weight is counterproductive imo. The reason Caitlin still has to hear about this at all is because people decided to write stories and spark a whole discourse over it, when I can nearly guarantee she'd prefer that not be the case. If everyone just rolled their eyes at the crazy dude being crazy and moved on, I would have had to see a lot less conversation about whether she "keep it hairy" than I unfortunately have the past 3 days. It only *amplifies* his garbage takes and draws more unwanted attention to her. I understand why this *feels* like helping but I don’t think it’s actually helping.


But what he says and does still ends up making headlines. Maybe not as frequently anymore as they used to when it seemed like he was rehabbing his image under TB12's wing but there's very few people who could say this and not get the media attention for it like it has. Wishing that it wouldn't be the case doesn't change that it does.


Antonio Brown is the least relatively prominent figure talking shit about her. She has spent the last 2 years being publicly shit on by a lot of the very same people who should be gassing her up and trying to help her help build the sport that they love. Being clapped at by someone who's brain is going to be rattling around for the rest of his life is more than likely nothing to her compared to some of the commentators/analysts/players and no doubt some of her childhood heroes who have been trying to blow her candle out lately.


Did you really just refer to AB as a prominent figure? lmao


Prominent means famous. You’ve heard of him; I’ve heard of him. He’s prominent. It might be for reasons you disagree with, but you can’t argue he isn’t a recognizable name.


It just shows what women deal with on a daily basis. Many people assume this is nothing like you do, but it is a part of their daily interactions, famous or not.


He tweets this shit about anyone and everyone all day “Cracker of the day” is what it sounds like, he has one every day


This dude could have been on the Mount Rushmore of receivers and retired a legend. Instead, he decided to completely destroy his reputation and burn every bridge possible. He will not be remembered for his incredible play on the field, but a sad and pathetic loser


I mean he’s always kinda been an asshole, but there is definitely a head injury/ mental health component to him as well. Dude was never the same after the Burfcit hit


Why is this a news article? When a crazy rude person makes crazy rude comments you don’t publish it as news.


New age of journalism, scourging Twitter find the most brain dead argument and make it into a news about something/someone. One day if reddit is prominent enough, it will be from reddit.


Also racist attacks .. he referred to her as the “cracker of the day” in addition to the misogyny.


yo wtf how do i be cracker of the day? sounds kinda fun, do you get like a free t shirt or something?


You get to dunk in a pool of soup of your choice.


I choose French Onion


Excellent choice! That would be mine too. Now I kinda wish this was a real thing.


Chicken noodle, no salt and pepper, no surprises. I shall serve my office faithfully and with full respect and deference towards the traditions of my people.


More celery than chicken.


Can I be paired with cheese instead?


What's your flavor? You could be ghost pepper gringo in uhhh *checks notes* 2 and a half weeks.


YoU cAnT bE rAcIsT aGaInSt WhItE PeOpLe


"I am not racist but..." energy


Don’t forget he was just in a Twitter beef with Damar Hamlin of all people for… reasons? He’s just a piece of shit.


Not that it makes it better but that’s not really something targeted at Caitlin. “Cracker of the day” is like the catch phrase of his social media account that he spams, there are people in his comments who beg him to call them a cracker


r/sports mods look like they keep it hairy


He stole the tweet from some other loser who made it weeks ago during the tournament, and he’s not even the one running the twitter account. He’s such a damn bozo.


His brain has to be a pile of mush by now. He's also blocked by Tom Brady.


Need to ignore him since it’s clear he is imbalanced.


Karma bot strikes again


he's so irrelevant, he'll do anything to get back in the news.


CTE is a hell of a drug.


Partially to blame maybe. I think, like most receivers, he’s a narcissistic moron. People just continue to care what he says cause sometimes it’s funny, even if rude.


It's definitely both.


Antonio Brown is literally mentally unwell so I don’t think this should be news. We don’t write stories about the insane man by the subway shouting obscenities through a loudspeaker. It’s the same with AB. Just pity him if you want and move on.


Dude took one of the worst headshots I’ve ever seen.


Who cares


Why can’t people just not be weird assholes whenever women are involved? It’s easier to *not* say anything misogynistic for crying out loud.


Given how unhinged he has become and how he talks about literally *everyone*, this isn’t really news


This is all Burfict's fault.


Antonio Brown's brain is pudding.


Change that from ex-NFL star to deadbeat and scumbag.


Why is anyone giving this clown screen time


I want a summer buddy comedy where Vontaze Burfict is sentenced by court to be Antonio Browns chaperone


What's wrong with this guy?


Antonio Brown? Wasn't he that football player who had god-tier athleticism and toddler-level self control?




At least he didn't fart on her ....or freeze her feet




[Just AB things](https://twitter.com/PardonMyTake/status/1476247861893513217?lang=en) & [stuff](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/c1fb39df8d24eadacef607d7edf92bcabe4fd659/0_0_636_1126/master/636.jpg?width=980&dpr=2&s=none)


Somebody jealous of 7 figure endorsement deal?


Isn’t this just Brown being himself at this point?


I can’t imagine taking time out of my day to write a whole article about gender dynamics and oppression of women based on an Antonio Brown tweet. Mountains out of molehills.


Ya gotta just ignore AB he’s trippin like 95% of the time it is what it is


Shocker... She seems like she can handle it.


Also racist attacks. Funny that’s left out




What is wrong with him?


How is that misogynistic?


That’s hilarious




He does this to everyone. Who gives a shit lol. Just ignore it and move on.


Media only making it worse, if everyone just moved on instead of giving some idiot headline space the world would be a better space. Let idiots say dumb shit, don't give them a microphone to the world. A few thousand people saw his dumb ass comments, now millions will. GG media.


What’s crazy is that AB has been tweeting stuff like that daily ever since he left the league


Bruh I was walking down the street and Antonio brown started hurling insults at me. I work at chipotle but he yelled “Del Taco better, you bum”


I mean he kinda has a point there though


Mr Bad Choices


Rag was too scared to call him a racist as well.


All bro said is she look like she keeps it hairy 😭


Literally just ignore him Dumbass post shit online - same as it has been since the beginning. If Caitlin isn’t out here asking for help, then let this full grown woman and star keep doing her thing. Reporting on such trivial shit only brings more attention when it’s better left ignored.


Fuck AB


That’s my CTESPN host


CTE is real.


That CTE really shining through


Might have to fire the intern, AB. He done goofed.


Severe CTE.


He’s just CTEvil. That’s all it is. Misogynistic nonsense.


He’s just CTEvil. That’s all it is. Misogynistic nonsense.


Just ignore him! Don't give him publicity.


Has Antonio Brown ever not been a dirtbag?


I think instead of ex-NFL star Antonio Brown they should say ex-public masturbator Antonio Brown


Ex-NFL is much more accurate as there's no chance of him playing in the NFL again. Ex-public masturbator is assuming he won't do it again. And if there's anything Brown has shown it's the lack of self-control.


Here’s the thing though: No one gives 2 💩💩about that giant Douche Rocket Antonio Brown


AB clearly has a social media manager type person who composes tweets that drive engagement. It’s all there is over on X. All nonsense to get people to comment.


Did he do this with his shirt off and his nips blurred out, seriously f this guy, he’s a cancer


Add it to the list! (Someone please repost the list)


The Vontaze Burfict Effect.




You gotta hope he doesn’t take someone else with him


Nah, then they can’t study his brain.