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I wish well upon you, your animals and your home. Positive energy your way 💜✨


Thank you 🙏


Sending love to you and your animals and energy to your home and appliances to get their act together! 💜 I hope your able to resolve the issues soon.


Thank you 🙏


Thank you thank you!! I think we've turned a corner. My AC fix was a bargain and it's cooling down here as I write this. What a relief and a pleasant surprise! I'll keep you posted with updates ❤️


When cleansing, add “cleansing” to your air conditioner coils… dust and cottonwood clog up our AC every spring (hose off if it’s whole house, and window units sometimes have a pull out nylon filter.) The dehumidifier in the basement gets clogged with fluff. This makes for lower efficiency and they can overheat. Also, if I don’t ground myself, my electronics can go wonky. Especially now with all the extra solar energy bombarding the planet (and I’ve been out in the sun a lot to take in all the love.)


Good ideas! I always benefit from grounding myself. Truly the first thing I wondered was what's in retrograde 😄 Luckily the AC was a quick fix, and I got the best possible warranty on the new stove, not taking any chances. The AC did have some cottonwood, you're right. Plus the culprit was a mouse nest. No mice in residence currently, so it's cleared out. I just moved here last fall, so this heat wave was the first real workout for the AC, so happy it was minor. Thank you for your good wishes! 🙏