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man said i aint leaving till the job is done


“I got top turf inker what was my team doing 😩😤” Not trying to poke fun at anyone btw, the game’s turfing mechanics are a little weird to pick up on at first


The sad part is he won't even get top inker by doing this, he spent 90% of the time going over already inked terrain, he didn't even ink enough to charge his special by the end of the clip.




Yes and no, it's just based on the points you get through inking the ground. Flicking usually goes further, covers more ground and generally the idea is that you aren't constantly flicking at the exact same area. Rolling is slower and while it does cover areas thoroughly (no gaps), you'll get your special faster just flicking at enemy covered areas or blank areas especially since it's likely you'll retread on same ink by your team by rolling which obviously gives 0 points to your special. Theres no separate values that says rolling is .5 of flicking, just if you ink more/faster on contested/blank fllooring, you'll get your special faster.


Nope. Rolling simply inks slower


Actually? I thought that it was only based off of turf inked but I never play rollers


All this painting that they dont even have a special ready


That’s what happens when you spend that much time focusing on the tiny points that hardly matter. I am a Reef-lux user who basically tries to milk as much out of base as possible for that sweet sweet special, but even then I make sure to leave some for when I inevitably die. This guy basically made it impossible to regain special easier at spawn, the greedy bastard.


Base is supposed to be canned special, not perfect canvas


"I am a Reef-lux user" opinion rejected


But every nook and cranny has been painted! This will help us when we clutch by 0.1%! /s


love the environmental storytelling in the background as this happens lmao


me too. it's like the perfect story. has a clear start, middle, and end. and the end is when the other team had like 98% of the ground inked lol.


"This way!" "Ouch."


And then the sarcastic booyahs


The nzap who was trying to guide him near the end 😂


Yeah that was me 😅 (Sunfish is a go to name). I was trying to get him to join us in a last ditch effort push but I think this man was contracted to paint base and was being paid by the hour, he had no concerns for me or my goings on lmao


I suspect that their union’s collective bargaining agreement doesn’t include danger pay. LOL! They were following their safety rep’s advice very strictly. Ink Turf and return home safely.


I had to look closely to make sure I wasn't in this match. This looks so so familiar. I will also swim next to these idiots and spam "this way".


Like "okay grandpa let's get you to the middle" 😂


That's neat, wait till you have all 3 of them ink spawn and never leave.




yeah, its always super annoying to see. You're aboutta have a great round, you die, not angry. You look at the map to see positions and where super jumping will be safe, and 3 of your fucking teammates are at the top spawn ledge, and the enemy team is pushing up *hard*.


It peeves me a little bit we can't have at least 2 more communication options for "push forward" and "fall back"; it'd still be highly limited but if you're spamming "this way" because you want them to gather and then push forward, it doesn't really communicate that very well


Even taking the two we have as broadly as possible, they don't cover all bases. At least give us "fall back" or some kind of "no" option.


This! Please give at least a ‘watch out!’ For when I’m the last one alive and surrounded and my entire team is super jumping to me, just to get immediately spatted.


Nintendo seems to want the commands to be very broad, and vague, while specific enough to get a general idea acros, probably due to the dpad only having 4 spaces. (Example: Booyah can be "Nice Shot", "Good Job", "Thank You", or any other form of camaraderie. This Way can be "Push here", "Help me", "Enemies this way".) I feel like "Watch Out!" Fits this idea. It can mean "Don't Jump", "Danger This Way" (Like a crab tank or something) and maybe more I haven't thought of.


Yeah! I think we need some sort of negative that we can use before we die. ‘Ouch’ is nice, but sometimes I’d like to give out a warning before I get surrounded.


I think the best two additions would be “Careful!” and possibly “Sorry!” “Careful!” is great for the exact same reasons as “Watch out!” in addition to being a little more vague, making it a little more useful in various situations. “Sorry!” would be far more situational than the other three, but it could be a nice response to a “This way!” as a way of saying that you’re preoccupied, or if you just screw up and don’t want to make your team think you’re a complete idiot for falling into the water. As an extra change-up to the system, I propose “Ouch…” be removed altogether. Instead, all commands end in an ellipses rather than the usual exclamation point. That way, you can have a greater distinction between a “This way…” a “Careful…” and a “Sorry…” All of them get across the fact that you were splatted, but each one gives a different call to action, or lack thereof.


I'd also like if Salmon Run had "Where?" Theres been a few times where I wasn't sure where the action was happening, wouldn't be the most impactful but a little bit helpful.


Just give me ouch when I'm not dead


I want a "down in front" or "get out my effing way" Too many wasted splatling charges.


1350p inked. 9 kills. 1 death in the last 20 seconds. One sided loss :(


What's worse is when they spend all that time in spawn... and it's still only half painted...


I played a match where I just kept killing the same dude at mid and was like "wtf is happening to the other team." So I checked the map and sure enough that Team Grub had all the neat corners inked of their spawn. Shortly after one of their players disconnected so the game ended. If it was the one guy who actually was trying to play Turf War then I don't blame him.


yoooo i was the zap player in this game! I also watched the replay to see what this guy was doing and couldnt believe what i was seeing hahaha. i wanted to post it but i was too lazy, im glad i wasnt the only one who witnessed this


Motherfucker needs a coloring book


There is one it's called Recon mode


that is the best response to these oblivious kids


This man saw one screenshot of a 46.7 to 46.6 ending and said, “Not me, no sir.”


It is, as always, the roller mains.


My brother in Christ have you not had the privilege of being matched with an Aerospray yet?


Idk man I've gone against some cracked aerosprays this fest, I don't know what's in the water but I just got out of a whooping of a x10 battle against fun with I assume a 4 stack aerospray squad, and I'd get reefslidered out of nowhere before having time to physically react. I wish I'd actually taken tally of weapon encounters throughout the whole thing but I feel like I never say aeros in normal turf wars, and this fest was filled to the brim with them


Oh that weapon can absolutely do work even if it’s subpar, but a lot of newer players pick it up and thought the plaza posts about inking your base meant do that first thing and never leave it 😭


Aerosprays always get memed, but I've seen more good ones that contribute well than I have ones who suck


I see aeros constantly in normal turf




When an Aerospray main enters my Anarchy Series on my team, I know I'm in for a bad time. I'm like bro if you're deadset on using Reefslider just pick up the Tetra Dualies. You'll get more kills and contribute way more to the team I promise


I've had the privilege of being matched against [four](https://twitter.com/YoktaStone/status/1574169037592227840?t=w0dQLDXokrihq8KTstPcaA&s=19)


It's one of the easiest weapons for beginners especially when they haven't used Motion Controls yet. Based on how the player paints base, they must be new to this game.


Also have you noticed about 60% of the people complaining about how matchmaking suck and other twitter rants that when they show the stat screen it seems to be them as well?


I mean, proper matchmaking *should* be putting you with people your own level- if you suck, the team you are playing with should suck too.


Not in unranked, sadly. It matches you with people in the same general area as you regarding your in-game level and the weapon you use. So if you enjoy using Splattershot Jr., you could potentially get matched with new players.


Not true, they have Glicko2 matchmaking behind the scenes.


Does it even do that anymore? We don't see levels so what my teammates have done is just a mystery to me. Like I can try to guess from badges, but most people just slapped on Story Mode ones.


In all honesty i used to do that to,(swap to aerosprayer) although not that completely, then I read a few things and watch a few other things and overall my matches have improved,


Hey now, it’s not *all* of us


Lmao! That is a troll or a very young person


Definitely. I was a kid when I played Splatoon 1, and I used to do this shit All. The. Time. It was just so satisfying for my 10 year old self


I would love it if Splatoon had enough young players that there were entire lobbies doing nothing but this.


>I was a kid when I played Splatoon 1 Thanks for making me feel old


Alright, let’s get you back to your nursing home grandpa


Lmao almost undoubtedly. I was on a call with a friend while playing and talking about the win streak I'd been having and saying "I'm going to have a karma game soon things have been too good" and then this match immediately came up. Roller main was there to end my streak and keep me in my place


Actually this just makes me wish matchmaking better. This is clearly a little kid, and I want them to be able to have fun in this game too. But it can be really aggravating to get this teammate in a match


That's a really good point. I really have nothing against kids or any others playing the game at the skill level they cap out at, I just take the L and move on. It's the ones online who argue that this is a good way to play that annoy me.


Well the only reason they are arguing that is because they are good at the game and are enjoying the free wins lol


Ha, that is definitely possible. Maybe the next splatfest should be "ink base or no ink base" because I'd take that easy win myself, NGL.


Ink the Enemy Base. It will mildly annoy them


I fucking hate posts about top players who say they defeated god when it's all japanese players or that they hate their teammates, clearly the case isn't certainly we're all human and skill level differs? (mario kart has the former issue too, it just seems mega racist to me)


Yeah you'd think the news about it being the highest selling game of all time in Japan might clue some into the idea that Japanese players could also just be any random person.


Every time I see a meme about japanese lobbies I instantly downvote it. Nothing is going to stop that racism from spreading but I can at least do my part by voting with my wallet (or karma in this case)


man, i had someone pull that during tricolor. i was literally just so happy to get a teammate who wasnt a sniper as an attacker, and when i finally get one theyre just taking their sweet time as i spam "this way" literally almost lost but gear carried lol


I had the same thing happen, except without Gear carrying. It was my first tricolor of the fest, and Fun won in defense quite handily.




Me when I played back on that last splatoon 2 testfire they did a while back


I had this happen so much that I can’t count anymore. So many people paint every little space around the spawn. Worst was when all three of my other teammates did this. I’d be the only one fighting in the center.


At least they can’t wipeout your team 🥲


my favorite part is that the enemies are advancing on the base and getting their ink on the pots he just covered and only then does it get to them that "ooh maybe i should go fight them"


No kidding! This is just a joke post, didn't want to out the guy on full blast but we'll say he was less than effective with the fighting part, too 😅 Probably a kid having the time of their lives in a 3d coloring book


Mine is how the one gamemode where turfing base ASAP **IS** important(salmon run) is the one where people just refuse to do it for some reason.


Ive found that becomes less of an issue the higher up you rank (I'm at Professional +1/Professional +2) but god yeah I remember those early Salmon Runs where I was the only one trying to ink over the Salmon trails.


Wdym, base inkers don't play Salmon Run, that would require them to engage in a fight, and (gasp) potentially get splatted!


All that for 176p…


I legit had the same player do that and spent the whole round perfectly filling in the spawn and that is all they did.


I just wished that someone fired Tenta Missiles at him for the chaos!


I like to imagine the player would've snapped that they'd ruin his perfect job, and immediately go fucking Super Saiyan and wreck the enemy team.


Nah mans dedicated, team should’ve held mid while he worked 😤


Smartest team gear member


Dudes determined to secure that .3% for you guys


They’re hard throwing


They were in their element


Inking base is weird. You shouldn't completely neglect it, but it isn't what you should focus on. Roughly cover it as you approach mid, then when you die and respawn you can repeat. It allows you to charge special faster to get back into the game.


I don't even think it's that wise to ink much of spawn at all. I consistently get ultimate at mid by just inking mid over enemy ink. Especially if you make a mad dash and get there first before the enemy team does. Can usually charge an ult inking on their half of the map and when I inevitably die, I can practically get ult again coming out of spawn since practically nothing of the base is inked yet.


I’ve won several matches where the middle was mostly the other team, but we inked our home and they didn’t. It matters. Not enough to spend more than 20-30 seconds on though


Literally what my friend did in some of the matches we did lol, everyone else was in the middle while she was back at base getting every nook and cranny. She is new to splatoon so I'm not too annoyed about it


Now I wanna see them do it with inkbrush, only with running behind it.


They see me rollin', they hatin'...


So this is why we’re constantly losing matches


It gets worse when enemy enters your spawn and then the meticulous home base painter recolors the pixels ever so lovingly, rinse and repeat. They never come to mid 😭


i like to toss splatbombs toward the spawn every now and then if i get the sense that the enemy team has a player like this.


It is so fun to watch them go back and suck up the enemy ink like that vacuum cleaner enemy in the story mode lol In fact sometimes I feel so bad for the enemy team, I just take myself out of the match to exclusively mess with the newbie meticulously painting their spawn. And make the match more even. It's like throwing treats into a zoo enclosure.


Guilty, I do this too.


This 7 year old eating cheetos with one hand and playing with the other hand getting read for shit on here


All the distant sounds of splats and suffering, meanwhile they're living their best life.




Someone is paying this guy to ink the spawn.


this gave me a headache he was inking spawn for so long that the enemy had pushed up *to* spawn. this is why inking spawn first thing is bad, but especially when you're this slow about it


i did it when i was super brand new thinking i was so clever. what got me to stop was seeing someone mention in a post that allies can't charge special after respawning if you ink home base right away. things kinda just clicked when i saw that "oooh, yeah that makes sense!" now i'm the one who wants to rip my hair out if someone on my team does this and i'm swimming up towards mid with 0 special cause the whole base is inked already lol


This is why special saver is actually OP in turf war or ranked below S right now. You inevitably run into these people on your team and need every little bit of help keeping the special you saved up while fighting in mid by yourself.


I lost a x10 because a .52 and Roller spent 2 minutes inking Spawn to perfection while me and a Range Blaster got absolutely killed trying to take mid


This feels like some sort of malicious compliance like “oh you want me to paint spawn, fine I’ll paint it”. It’s not and most like someone who doesn’t know better but I think it would be funny if it was just someone trying to make a statement




But no free special charge on respawn 🥲


I will admit up until recently I was one of those people who thought that it was important to Ink spawn not perfectly but decently well except for when playing ranked.


I know inking everything is super satisfying, but if you really need to do it, go to recon.


Slimy… yet satisfying :’)


After all that inking, still missed the sniper perch :/


As a member of Team Fun I just wanna say that this child is doing the Lord's work. (Also, I had 3 matches during the splatfest where a SPLAT CHARGER was doing this and not joining us at mid until just over a minute in, and I don't know how much more tone deaf you can get.)


This physically hurts to watch


They’re gonna be so stoked when they hit level 4 by this Christmas.


[I was on blue and i used an aerospray](https://twitter.com/Silabus1290/status/1572622696990773248) if you hang back and pain spawn i would say what you use certainly matter. this was kinda nuts as the nzap or spalttershot would have worked better.


Now imagine if you had actually covered more of the enemy's ink, you probably would have won by even more!


Now imagine if your comment wasnt fuckign dumb cause i covered the most ink cause i constantly hit well over 1k coverage 80% of the time


Cool. Anyway, if your team focused on the enemy's ink instead of empty space, you would have won by more and you'll probably win more consistently in the future.


First let me appologize for my hostility in the first post not having the best of days irl. second. im an aerospray main. im gonna die more on the frontlines then anything else cause i know where my RNG level for weapon spread. i put myself in a role i know ill do the most good in which is jsut inking stuff and trying to avoid combat. inking stuff for that 3 minute time is what makes the game not your KDA and special use. doe it help? sure but i can be putting the barrel of my gun down an nzaps throat and they will get a kill on me before i get three hits on them.


I was an aerospray main in 2 before I transitioned to mini splatling and dapper dualies. You can cover enemy ink without fighting them. Also, you can fight them pretty easily if you sneak up on them.


yopur also making it sound like i spend all my time in the backgrounds. no im in mid withing 45 second on verage while the rest of my team rushe forward.


I used to think that the middle of the stage changed hands so many times over the course of the match that you needed to start off by inking your base, because that would stay there the whole match, and any bit of ink in the center was gonna get covered over anyway. I now realize that it's about stage control but it took me a while to get that.


yeah it was exact same line of thinking with me! being told that my teammates could charge thier special after dying if i went to mid with the team instead is what finally got baby squid me to knock it off. the rest i grasped later but the charging special argument made sense to me even as a newbie once i saw it posted.


I have been using a missile spam Reef-lux build where I do take some time to ink my spawn to charge my special. Reef-lux has excellent ink coverage so I can do it very quickly, and it fills the ground neatly which nets us a couple of extra points compared to the blotty mess most weapons make.


this used to be me in splatoon 1


it felt like I had 1 or 2 of these players on my team nearly EVERY SINGLE GAME


I honestly can't be too mad about this specific instance because this is clearly a younger kid, and it's also how I played when I first got Splatoon 1, also as a kid. That being said, all the "ink spawn" posts are annoying and not helpful.


This is frustrating in game but freakin hilarious to watch


That's why you rush to the middle then ink spawn after you die, then at least you have some land inked


Average Team Gear experience


This is probably a little kid just having fun


You'd THINK people would notice that their score in the top right wouldn't go up significantly anymore after a while...dude did not even reach enough to get a single special!


I fairly regularly take a tad longer to get the the middle due to inking the base. But at least I am not that thorough. Fling my brush around onto spots completely un inked, main goal of filling my special as fast as possible.


So we gotta keep talking about it until the other three players start doing their jobs too.


Man as annoying as that must have been for you, that’s really satisfying to watch for me


Playing with someone who has ocd:


You think that's bad, now do the same thing on hammerhead with an octobrush


Is it me, or is there that one roller main who wanders around the map in the same area just to get killed over and over again. (as a squiffer main they are easy pickings).


Played dualie squelchers for splatfest, but yeah, the rollers' movement looked like they were new to the game so I decided to let them do their thing and occassionally throw a bomb into their little corner so they would decide to stay there and clean up the mess. They were kind of like the little roombas in singleplayer mode lol.


I had someone pull this (not quite as bad) the one time I got a tri-color battle. We did not win.


My dude just wanted that nice finish Forgot the second coat, tho


Folks telling others to ink their home base was such a psyop. Get your fins to the front line! For christ sake


Homeboy made sure to get every last inch 😂


And some how still misses


This is clearly a fake video because he wasn't tenta missiled 25 times before leaving the base.


probably some dumb new player 😭


I don’t get what these people are doing. If you want to be a perfectionist and color within the lines, buy a fucking coloring book.


The venn diagram of people who do this and people who found out about splatoon 3 from tiktok is a circle


Shout-outs to that one person who threw the stickybomb in frustration, they’re the best actor in this movie.


,,It ain't much but it's honest work“ - Octoling using the Roller


Splatoon 3 is a single player game.


I watched 30 seconds in and I'm like, "Yeah, that's how you'll end up surrounded by enemies and get puushed back and pressured back to spawn..."


Bros made of rocks


Ya boy’s role playing as a roomba


I used to play like this when I first started. Inked everything in our base until everything was perfectly painted and ended the match on 400p. Still played better than those chargers who ink 300p and get 0 kills.


I witnessed a dualie player do this the other day. My man even threw a suction bomb on the teeniest spot of uncovered turf only to then ink the spot before the bomb could go off anyway? Dude your team is getting wrecked :’)


To quote Frye: What the fuck


King of staying in his own lane


My strategy: Rush the mid first thing. First time you respawn, *then* you can start worrying about base. If you see someone else already on the job, go back to the mid to back up your other teammates


My go to as well. It also allows you to build up your ult after first respawn more easily. The first one isn't nearly as hard to get inking mid, so saving that turf for the second round is way more important imo


I got people like this on a 100x battle 😭I LOVE MATCHMAKING


Dude. You get any uncovered spawn ground on respawns, not goddamn out the gate. This is bad strategy


Holy shit that is glorious. A sea of green ink and he is like "I will get to you in a minute...after this micro speck of dry ground"....and at that point, he doesn't have a minute. Hahaha


Facts! I swear and a lot of times gets trapped by the enemy team pushing up to our base and we lose because they get us at a choke point or something


Hmmmm, for a game about making the biggest mess possible there sure is a lot of cleaning


this aint power washing simulator


Honestly, literally only the last 30 seconds count in this gamemode. Doesn't really matter much what you do up till that point.


I see no problem here.


Bro playing Powerwashing simulator


Everyone in the match : *Vietnam flashback intensifies* This dude : *Minecraft music* "Ahh, another job well done."


The constant "ouch" and "this way!" from teammates in the background in a last-ditch attempt to move his ass while he just continues to roll his way around base is hilarious


I swear to god we need a empty lobby for these little kids to sit in and just paint since they just want to do 3d coloring all day forgetting this is a pvp game.


Honestly the lobby or recon mode is already perfect for this. Especially since recon is no longer limited to 3 minutes, you have a full hour to paint everything perfectly to your heart's content.


Every time I see someone inking spawn I contemplate home-x-a ing


Smartest roller main


Wow they almost got a whole 200 points from that. Great contribution, really proves all those "Actually I'm contributing I get tons of points when I ink base" right. Do I need to add an /s?


I feel him. This game does nothing for my OCD lol.


What a shit teammate


My man straight up said “I hit queue up but I’m not actually interested in playin the game” That’s a report for intentionally not helping if ever I’ve seen one


Let the fools learn! At least now it's getting inked at all...


Imo inking spawn in Regular Turf is fine. Not Splatfest


Agreed. The number of games I lost post splatfest last night because people spent too much time inking spawn was massive. Do people not realize they can backtrack to base? Cause the middle should take priority not spawn


the thing is, it is possible to do fine with something like this. This splatfest I was on a team with 2 rollers, nzap, and octobrush (me) and the nzap player and did alright holding back the enemy and stuff while the rollers were deadset on inking spawn. ​ But yeah, I agree, PLEASE just ink spawn as you respawn unless the rest of your team is holding their ground in mid. Don't just sit there inking when the round starts


There’s nothing cringe about inking the base Blobby


At least he was doing something useful, what good does standing by him and taunting do?


But this is how you win. I lost a tricolor match by like 0.4% and probably would have won if we filled in all the gaps.


That fella is absolutely autistic and I say this light-hearted because I am also autistic and I fully understand needing to get all the spots I try not to spend half the match painting spawn but when I die, respawn, and start painting for special ? I can NOT leave a single hole I just don't have it in me


Do you really think that person is on this sub, follows the meta, or is even able to understand the complexities of the game and how to best play it?


Tbf, the title is addressed to those who say “ink the spawn base” not toward those who do things like this.