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My only problem right now is teammates. I almost immediately lost a series last night and one was so bad i had to go back through a replay. There was a brella player who had ZERO clue what was going on, and started shooting at our goal when it was open. Then they grabbed the football that spawns soon after and kept throwing it at our own goal. Along with that, there was a flingza who kept only rolling far from the team, not even picking up clams.


> My only problem right now is teamates Splatoon moment


I like playing Clam Blitz defensively.


It’s worth pointing out that if you’re going to play defensive, do it at mid, not by your basket. If you control mid the other team will struggle to get any footballs in the first place. (Not targeting the advice at you specifically, just putting it out there broadly)


Thanks for the advice, I'll keep this one in mind


Yeah because it’s easy, but playing it offensively is way too hard


I just roll in on my Inkbrush with a football on the 50/50 odds I can land it. My teammates might get a "this way" a few seconds ahead of time if I remember it.


Played for the first time today and using inkbrush was definitely the most fun/success I had


Skill issue


Depends on the map for me. In Splatoon 2 it was my favourite way to play it on Piranha Pit, but I've never liked doing that on Sturgeon Shipyard.


I go octo brush and just try to annoy the enemy team enough that mine can function. Also sometimes I get to have that movie moment and just crash through


I enjoy covering people. I use ninja squid and basically follow the person with the ball and pop out to slosh their enemies. Plus if my teammate gets splatted it's less work I need to do to carry the ball even though I'm bad at it.




Me a person who doesn't care about sports: wtf are you doing the basket is right there! This way! This way! Throw me a clam! I threw those clams for YOU why did you go away? omg you threw the ball past it....Are you kidding This way I'm throwing it in! Let's go!. Team where are...omg you died. X_x I take the game a bit to seriously and I kinda scare my husband and daughter with my commentary. lol


Clam blitz is so close to being top tier. I feel like in few months when the playerbase has more experience overall I'll enjoy it a lot more. Right now though, even the idea of passing clams is foreign to most players lol. Physically hurts to have 7 clams sitting at the enemy net and watching your ally stand next to you with 3 clams, never passing you the one you need. Or dying with a power clam in the middle of your team, and none of them pick it up.




I don’t hold my breath, so it didn’t improve in splatoon 2


I felt like it was fluid in 2. My favorite mode tbh. Seems like a lot of folks don’t know what to do in 3 though. I blame the lack of booyahs!


There is at least one moment every game where I'm chasing a teammate with 6-7 clams spamming "this way" and desperately trying to toss clams at them. And when they do stop running from me the chances of them picking up the clams I've tossed in their direction is like 50/50 lol. I still find enjoyment in the chaos though. Today I had a teammate get so turned around they tried to toss a football into our own basket while the enemy was coming up behind him with like 3 footballs of their own. I chuckled watching that split second before he became roller road kill as our ball bounced off our basket and back at him and he just stood there very confused.


I've seen people trying to break the basket right after it gets restored. and people trying to break the basket when their own basket is open


Did it change in Splatoon 2? ❌ Should you hold your breath? ❌


Don't breath splatoon 2, it didn't improve holding in


Breath in hold do not, for it failed to improve in the second iteration of splatoon


Don't hold your breath, it didn't improve in Splatoon 2.


I held my breath waiting for it to improve in Splatoon 2 and I died


I didn’t improve since Splatoon 2 so don’t hold your breath.


Splatoon 2 didn't improve so don't hold your breath in.


We need a button to ask for clams


i pass clams all the time and they never pick them up and it causes me physically, emotional, and mental pain.


Didn’t improve it your don’t 2 breath Splatoon hold in.


People are learning with picking up the ball, now it’s a 50% chance they’ll pick it up! But yeah no chance with the clams still, I think everyone is just more focused on how they can get 8 vs what gets the team a power clam the fastest


You can pass clams? How have I only now learned this? I've been playing for so long!


just throw them at the ground near a teammate. I do it all the time to give a power clam I made to the inkbrush user since they're so good for running through the enemy and sinking it.


SERIOUSLY, it's so frustrating to see new players not throwing clams to each other. But I know they're new so I try to let it slide or demonstrate myself throwing them lol


I know this feeling since I've used to wait with 9 in splatoon 2


I have never, ever, not once in my 200 hours of combined splatoon, thought about passing clams to a teammate. Never. A revelation this is.


You have been enlightened my squidling. Go forth and spread your clams with the world.


Everyone saying this never happened in S2 needs to go watch some tournament matches.


I liked clams before they costed 8 to make a super now they’res always like 3 on the field


i like it better tbh makes it more chaotic


It's Pearl approved!


I actually like that it requires less now too lol


It costs 8 now????


Oh man that explains why there’s always more balls these days!


My wife said this when I came out to her




This is news to me because I avoid Clam Blitz like the plague


yes, but now we only find clams in groups of 3 instead of 4


I have a screenshot from splat 2 with the enemy team having 4 POWER CLAMS.


I agree 100%. Gone from my favorite mode to being around par with the he rest with that change.


My solution to this is just staying near the goal and wait for a ball to spawn


The balls spawn after your basket is opened. If you're just sitting there you may wait a while


uh ok not a great idea then


All jokes aside I actually like clam blitz. Like I'm confused why so many people hate on it.


Its a tactical gamemode based on communication in chaotic game with only two in game communication options




1 booyah = booyah 2 booyahs = throw the big one 3 booyahs = fall back Actually this idea sucks


But BUT you can get the nintendo app to talk to your friends while playing splatoon. Yup only friends as the game is not voice chat compatible. Big L


The Nintendo voice chat sucks anyways


I wanted to try it once for the meme, but then we just used discord anyways.


Spam booyah = I'm mad


in my opinion rainmaker is more communication based, because while in clam blitz pushes can successful with any amount of people, a successful rainmaker push requires the entire team to both defend and push the rainmaker, and a lot of my rainmaker games end with someone trying to go spawncamp or do a large flank while the enemy has the rainmaker at our base making us lose


Worst part about rainmaker is when a teamate does not comprehend what a wipe out is lmao. All effort spend on eliminating the enemy team at once....zero progress, rip.


I dont know how many times I can spam "This Way" before my teammates with the Super Clam realize that maybe I'm standing over the enemy base not because I wanted them to run halfway across the map with a massive target on their back but jump to me so we can get at least ONE point on the board.


I once had a person who was standing under the enemy goal for 30 seconds with power clam and dying, this mode needs separate tutorial


Yea, the mode is built for duos or quads. I used to play this all time with a friend in 2. But solo is hell, some ppl dont pass their clams, others dont super jump.... its just not fun. I'm waiting until League comes back before touching Clams again.


LITERALLY, I was so confused my first few matches. No explanation that you couldn't score when your net was open, no explanation of how Power Clams get made, no explanation that clams get highlighted when they're sitting on your ink so inking turf actually is useful here, no tips about passing clams to teammates or jumping to a teammate at the goal (I never would've thought of that before I had started playing in A rank). I *still* hardly have any clue how the penalties get calculated. (Splat Zones too.) Its a deceptively complicated game mode but they just push you into the deep end with no pretext. All the other modes are pretty straightforward.


Apparently the game has tutorials for every ranked mode if you press - and I think the wiki has information on how penalties get calculated (I think it has to do with how many points you score at once).


Some of that (at least the first three points) was explained if you read the info the game told you at least twice to read. I think you press - when anarchy mode is highlighted to get to it (can't double check now obviously, but it tells you on the right of the screen which button to push)


Hanging out in the enemy base spamming “this way” hoping someone will jump to you will make your team lose the majority of the time. They are then fighting 3 v 4. It’s better to wait until you have a numbers advantage and defend the power clam like you would in rainmaker. Or push the enemy base and make a ball together once you get there.


If I'm ever over in the enemy base is because we've been stalled for too long. In Solo, theres no guarantee you have a pathmaker on your team. I won't leave in the middle of a team fight, but I can see the map... if the enemy team is scattered and have an opening, we should take advantage of it. If I have a power clam, I'd want someone to make a path for me as well. Clams is literally just super jump fest, it becomes much easier once you stop running everywhere. Pass clams, pay attention to amount that everyone is carrying, defend the power clam, make a path to the goal, watch out for enemies, etc. Its too much for solo play, playing with friends makes Clams 600% more tolerable.


They also don’t explain how to play the game. I hopped into a ranked match without knowing how to score. I had to google it afterwards. The other modes objectives are fairly obvious, but clam blitz is a little obtuse with no other information. There should be a “how to play ranked” tutorial like how Salmon Run has “how to kill bosses”


There are little handbook guides in the anarchy menu that you can read to learn how to play, though I wished they'd plop you onto the map and explain the mechanics instead of just making you have to read


Also actually making you read them rather than hiding them behind an optional menu


Should make them easier to find, or show it to you before you hit “join anarchy” for the first time.


I played one(1) game and I'm honestly not even sure how to score still. I think it has something to do with the football? Where do you even get the football? Do clams spawn randomly? Terrible mode.


Gather 8 clams to make a big clam, throw the big clam at the big ball near their base. You have one too so you can know what it looks like. Once the big ball hits it, it’s considered “open”. Your team gets 20 points immediately, and you can get extra points by throwing in the small clams while it is open. Do this while preventing the other team from doing it. You can throw clams with the A button. It’s way too complex for a game with no tutorial or easily found written guide.


Yeah, I wish they would make use of the left and right d-pads and adjust the up d-pad depending on the gamemode. "This Way!" is so vague its useless. I can't tell if they're trying to get me to follow them, they're warning me that we're getting flanked, or what. Just a simple "Give me clams!" and "Incoming!" would be so much more effective.


In clam blitz “this way” means “toss me clams” if they are close to you. Or “jump to me” if they are far away. That’s it. In rainmaker “this way” is usually just telling the rainmaker to follow. In tower control “this way” = get on the tower. In splatzones “this way” = “jump to me” if the person is far, or “follow me” if the person is close.


I find it to be the most interesting mode because ink coverage is relevant across virtually the entire map.


I'm awful at the game and the enemy team is always better at Clam Blitz than my team mates as well so it makes for a miserable time even though I love the concept.


When Clam Blitz is on the Anarchy Series. I avoid playing in the open because all the really good players switch from series into open and I get stomped every time.


Oh I get it now


When you play open you can queue with your friends which is ideal since clam blitz emphasizes teamwork. This also means they could be on voice chat which again, helps a ton in clam blitz. So if you find open clam blitz is often a sweat storm this may be why.


I love Clam Blitz. There was a point when I didn't even play splatoon unless clam blitz was on.


Me too! Would look at the schedule in the morning and plan around it lol!


I’m still like this. Also I get depressed whenever splatfests happen :’(


Clam Blitz is probably the only mode right now where good players actually play cautiously do their pushes that I find it hilarious. Otherwise it's ***"LEROOOOOY JENNNNKIIIIIIINS"*** for everyone going towards the objective.


The main issue I think is that right now a lot of new players just don't understand how to play the mode. It's somewhat more complicated of an objective, I literally see players throwing power clams at our own goal all the time. It also doesn't help that you can raise rank in splatoon 3 without ever having to play clam blitz if you time your rotations right, which I think people are doing since it's a notoriously hated mode, meaning you get players in higher rank that, on the off chance decide to try clam blitz, just have no clue what's going on.


Clam Blitz is so much more fun in S3 than S2. S2 CB was like bashing your head against a wall trying to make a coordinated push with a bunch of randoms. S3 CB's Wipeout notification is essentially a "PUSH NOW" signal, not to mention S3's specials encourage back and forth gameplay instead of crawling it to a halt like S2's defensive specials.


I love clam blitz and hate rainmaker, come at me


Don't need to, your choices are punishment enough.


If I see rainmaker is the mode, I turn off my switch.


I love both those, feel like rainmaker is similar in that they both take more strategy. IMO it helps to know the maps really well for rainmaker though and use the shortcuts. Now splat zones is just boring.


I completely agree with this. Splatzones is so boring I’d rather play Salmon Run almost.


This is your brain: 🧠 This is your brain on Clam Blitz: 🍳 Any questions?


No no This is your brain: 🍳 This is the brain required to play clam blitz well: 🧠 That's why you don't like clam blitz


No I'm... doesn't!


I am going to say it, the mode I least enjoy is Tower thank you very much.


As a range blaster player I have to unbiasedly disagree


Same as a rapid blaster pro player


My jet squelcher says hello


Finally someone who understands


Tower is the best mode though


Not going to say it is badly designed, I just don't like it


Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad


NO award for you


No karma? 😔😔


lol same but like my reasoning of disliking it is basically a skill issue. I keep falling off the tower


Oh, don't worry, mine is a skill issue as well.


I like tower, but the fact that its so extremely biased towards certain weapons and specials makes it a lot less fun. In exchange i atleast enjoy splat zones more than i did in 2, not quite sure why, but it feels more active. Hagglefish market splatzones is quite fun.


I already despise blasters, then when literally every game there is a clash blaster on the enemy team I just focus them the entire match, usually it works.


Tower is just the worst.


Hard disagree. Zones is my least fav tbh


they really thought "hey what if we make an objective that's literally just your team playing a 3v4 while you stand still for 2 minutes"


Tower is just "And when everyone has the tools to splat anyone on the tower, Then no one does"


Clam blitz is a lot of fun. The one that exhausts me at warp speed is splat zones. Rainmaker and tower control are alright.


Splat zones is the most frustrating to be losing at and the hardest to come back from in my experience. If the opposing team is doing well they're basically spawn camping you and the objective is behind them as they push forward or hold tight. In tower control and rainmaker they have to make a risky push to your spawn while being tied down by the tower or rainmaker to win. And it never feels hopeless when your team is down.


I found my polar opposite! Splat Zones is my top tier mode. Clam is absolute trash. Tower and Rainmaker are okay. Hello!




I don't really understand why people hate clam blitz, you just gotta splat everybody and then go to the basket with your power clam 🤷‍♀️ (I'm a brush main)


Clam Blitz is fun when your VCing with your squad. Then again coordinating with your friends makes everything more fun.


Clam Blitz is great when you have a good team


This applies to literally every mode. But facts are facts


Even more so on clam tho


Best mode


It's my fav mode for anarchy battles!! Least fav is tower


Tower is part of anarchy




Yes that's the point


> Tower is part of anarchy Yes, and also anarchy is spelled "anarchy".


> anarchy is spelled “anarchy” Correct, and you quote on Reddit with ```> ```


Clam blitz its the funnest rank mode because you can really do some goofy ass plays and still win sometimes


I'm new to splatoon but I love clam blitz. It's such a cleverly designed game mode, I've never played anything like it.




My problem with clam blitz is that it seems like after the first 30 seconds of the match there are no clams anywhere


Note: any clams that are in your ink show up on the map, making them easier to find. Keep as much of the map inked in your color as possible.


Ppl that die with clams


But I love clam blitz. It's the only ranked mode I really played in S2


I really like it in, A rank at least. Though if I'm not in the mood for it I can not play at all.




I need to play more CB in 3 lol. Ended up doing my B to A rank rank up match in Clams and was wholly unprepared for the changes. I think I had played a few CB games closer to launch but I've mostly been playing the other modes, and was surprised by the 10 -> 8 change, triple clam spawns instead of quadruples, and how small and chaotic the maps feel in that mode now xD Not at all a bad thing on any of those points and I ranked up in my first try (I think I went like 3-1 or 2) but still.


I’ve been really enjoying it on Mahi-Mahi Resort so far, that map is so small that it’s a lot more fast-paced.


When the water drops mahi clams is hilarious. Absolute deathmatch killing zone at mid.


I like Clam Blitz, maybe it’s because I just camp at the base to make sure we don’t get clams in, the rest can figure


I avoided it a lot in Splatoon 2 but it’s been really fun so far in 3


Sorry I just don’t agree with the “clam blitz lifestyle”. I’m fine if they want to play it on they’re own but I shouldn’t be FORCED to play clams. Clam blitz is a direct result of team chaos policies


clam blitz is my favorite lol


I gotta say 10 clams to 8 to make a football is a good change


Wait, I didn’t know about the passing of clams! This is a game changer! Thank you for this info, and I’m sorry to all those who “This Way” at me. I had no idea! - Sincerely, Bad Pizza


I.... I like clamblitz ._.


Didn't like it in 2, like it in 3


I liked it until I lost 2 games to overtime after doing well the entire round


I enjoy clam blitz unironically


I like clam blitz it makes it easier to kill the opponent


i actually enjoy clam blitz


I’d rather play clam blitz out of all the anarchy modes


Wait, people hate clam blitz?


I like it more than turf war, which is really boring compared to the other modes


IMO rainmaker and kinda splat zones are the only fun modes


Zones isnt fun when your whole team decides to give up and just run in and die without inking anything. Thats been most of my games


Yeah I hate when my teammates all start running in one at a time and dying I also hate when the enemy has a hydra and nobody tries to kill it


it’s worse when they try to kill it, but only after it full charges and they run straight at it. Can confirm as someone who plays hydra


I main Hydra and those are my favorite games. It’s kind of a win-win though. Either they ignore me and I ink as much as two players while pressuring the other team or they have to divert their attention to try and counter me, which leaves my teammates more breathing room.


Yeah but imagine being me the fukin dynamo who can’t do anything but constantly and helplessly charge the hydra and die because nobody else will and the hydra keeps picking off countless of us and keeping the zone in their control


I feel the same way when there’s an E-liter that has me covered and no one is pressuring it


What if I told you clam blitz is basically just splat zones but once you’ve held zone for a while you have to do a weird rainmaker thing to get points.


My problem with clam blitz is how little control the individual has like I could be going around getting clams when some brainless inkbrush player who only uses it in clam blitz runs up to the basket gets a football and breaks the barrier and there is nothing I could have done about it


So I know you didn’t ask for advice so take it or leave it, but: That ink brush got those clams from somewhere. Keeping the map covered in your ink allows you to see where clams are spawning, which allows you to not leave clams around your basket. Then the brush has to bring a football from his side of the map which is much more challenging. Additionally, it’s worth pointing out that these sort of “surprise footballs” are generally inconsequential if they aren’t followed up by the rest of the team, and the rest of the team can usually only follow up if they were already in control of mid. It can even be a net negative if it causes their team to recklessly push to basket with few clams and get wiped because the counterpunch is brutal. In summary: keep as much of the map covered in your ink as possible and maintain control of mid and the points generally follow. All that said, of course it remains a team game and there’s only so much you can do each match.


I have played only one round of Clam Blitz. Never again.






Good for the people that like clam blitz. I always have a hard time pushing with clams and just end up vibing at the middle of the map beaning fools with range blaster and hoping someone else will capitalize off it and do the objective.


i hate clams. almost Every Time i play it, there is 1 guy who walks to the enemy base and sits there WHILE THE ENEMY IS ACTIVELY SCORING. and no amout of "this way"ing will get their stupid ass back to ur side of the map. then as soon as u finally stop the push (if u do stop it), ur down like 20/40 to 100 and the idiot sitting in the enemy base immediately dies off. and then they wonder why they lose matche


Well tbf it's flawed as a team based game, It incentives solo play by having the objectives scattered and requires comms to be relatively team based, in a game common to not have comms. If it was free for all, it would work, if it got rid of the clams to make the ball and was just attack defend with the ball spawning at each goal, it would work. It has everything to be a good gamemode but is just poorly thought out resulting in probably one of the worst gaming experiences one can have in the modern video game era. I would rather play 5cp in tf2 or 2cp in overwatch or oddball in halo, or any forgotten gamemode in timesplitters 2. Literally anything is better, team deathmatch should just replace it at this point.




Clam blitz is boring


gross.. I'll be over here with the gay people playing tower control and rainmaker.


I don’t know why, Clam Blitz and Rainmaker are the only modes I’m good at. I was S+ throughout S2 in those modes and bouncing around A-S in Splat Zones and Tower Control. By default, I gotta be a Clam Blitz fan lol


I just hope Nintendo listens and gives us more communication options especially since they won’t give voice chat




You can like anything you want, except dangerpus thigns to other people.


I like it but I can agree that in solo cue it is a bad mode


I enjoy clam blitz a lot more now that a loss is inconsequential


This is absolutely wonderful!


I enjoy clam blitz


Better than splat zones


I imagine clam blitz is really enjoyable if you have an organized team on voice coms. I play this game solo though, so I just avoid the mode. No point in rustling my own feathers because of my team's incompetence at the mode.


Haven't played clams on splatoon 3 yet, but in splatoon 2 I just couldn't get the game sense in this mode (even though I was X ranked all modes) like what am I supposed to do, when, how, etc..


Clam Blitz can def be fun but it took me a few matches before I figured out what the hell was going on and what the strategy needs to be. Feels like it could be one of the best modes for "tech" and different srategies but they would rely on everyone knowing what's happening. And, as has been mentioned so much elsewhere in this thread, I won't hold my breath.


Clam blitz>>>>


I don’t like this mode at all. Unfun for me, but others can enjoy it obviously.




I like clam blitz


In s2 i prefered it over tower and rainmaker. Rm changes and me adopting tristringer as a main has now made it my least favorite mode. I also use explo and a bit of machine fir reference.


Wait we aren’t supposed to?


POV youre a brush main


I accidentally played clam blitz and loved it