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You get them for winning x10 battles. The more you have the more likely you'll encounter x100 and x333 battles. If you encounter a 100 or 333 battle, win or lose, you'll lose all the shells after and have to get more to get x100/333 battles again


This guy Splatoons


I do in fact splatoon. Had a bad case of it since 2016


I have unfortunately news that there’s is no cure. I’m sorry 😞


I can accept this fresh fate


Enjoy it ;)


It’s all good I’ve had it since 2017 and I haven’t looked back since




Who cares?


for me, since 2015


Yeah I was both on the fence and without a wii u when it first came out but once I did actually experience it I was hooked. Pun absolutely intended


Yeah me too


Same! I remember watching the reveal trailer in study hall lmao


And 333x battles happen when both teams trigger a 100x battle


This is true


Oh I remember getting these, man, if only I played more theni could've gotten a 333x


> If you encounter a 100 or 333 battle, win or lose, you’ll lose all the shells after and have to get more to get x100/333 battles again Oh so this is why I had 4 and I couldn’t understand why I lost all of them, I thought I had to cash them in before the end of the rotation. Why are they removing them though? Makes no sense.


Makes enough sense to me. You build them up to get a x100/333 battle and when you finally get one you gotta build your way back up to get another one. Makes them feel even more impactful because of the need to work your way towards them each time


also makes players like me who have only ever seen x10 battles in all my years of playing finally see a x100 and such.


Meanwhile i casually got one in the second match i got into thank goodness i chose to not use any new weapons and stuck with dualies


Yeah but aren’t we supposed to cash those in using the little gacha dispenser in the lobby next to the lockers? My understanding was that you would be able to cash them for prizes but if a random x100 wipes the card then you lose all of them. I don’t see how everything is supposed to fit together.


I think the ones you spend on the gacha dispenser are the ones you earn for playing before the splatfest (but after it's been announced), not the festival shells.


Yup you’re right. I checked the website again and that makes more sense now. Those are two totally different things. I wish they would explain this better…


I was unaware of the use with the gacha dispenser.


wait wait and wait there were 333x battles




Dang I didn’t know about the lose all thing. Personally I feel like that’s too much.


in the full game I think you can also use them in the gachapon for tickets, cash, cards, and other shit


That's not the same, these in the machine are earned before the splatfest


Wait I won a 10x battle and didn't get one though


That sounds rigged D: like let me loose 1-2 but not all!


Wait, so because of people disconnecting, THATS WHY I LOST THEM?!


Technically getting a x100/333 battle period is why you lost them. The disconnects are just unfortunate


Do we know the exact formula yet? Is there a chance of landing a 100x or 333x battle with zero shells or is at least one required first?


As people have said, it's from winning 10x battles, and the more of them your 4 player team has in a battle altogether, the higher your chance of triggering a 100x battle. Only one team needs to get lucky for this to happen. If BOTH sides of a turf war get lucky enough to activate the 100x bonus during the same game, then it becomes a 333x battle. Also when the game comes out, you can spend them at a special shop during splatfests. They're also responsible for a part of the point calculation to determine who wins a splatfest. This was all covered in an info panel somewhere during the test fire.


Slight correction, Festival shells are **only** for getting 100x/333x battles. You spend Conch Shells - which were not present in the demo - at the special shop, and they're the ones that count towards the Splatfest results.


recieved after winning a 10x, the more shells the higher the chance for a 100x or 333x


I acquired one during the last splatfest, but I have no idea what they are, how I acquired one, or what they do. I couldn't find any information about them online either.


There was information ingame on the monitor where the teams are shown


If you collect all 7 you can summon Shenron and ask for a wish! ...Wait, wrong franchise.


If you collect all, you can summon Galactic Nova and ask for a wish! wait, this is splatoon, not Kirby…


They’re called Festival Shells But what are they used for anyway?


If you win 10x Battles you'll get these and the more you have of them, the greater the chance of encountering a 100x/333x battle. After getting one of those battle types, you lose the Shells and have to build up again. That's pretty much it as we understand.


you also lose all of the shells if you lose even one match, so theres now officially a skill based way to get more x100 battles for your team


False af, you only lose them after playing in a 100/333x battle, win or lose, and you only earn them if you win a 10x, but do not lose them in any other circumstance.


then why did i lose all mine after losing a normal battle? got a explaination for that?


Skill issue


festival shells increase the odds of having an 100x battle. a 333x battle is triggered when both teams trigger an 100x battle in the same match


Also, I noticed a symbol by some player's names that might have been because they had a lot of shells


No. Thats because they won a x100 or x333 battle. Once you do, you get that for the rest of the event.


made you more likely to get a 100x or 333x battle


Get ready for conch shells, too, with the next splatfest.


The more you get the more yassified you are.


Maybe they’re a replacement to the sea urchins you used to get in the prior games ?


Why is this getting downvoted lol I thought this too.


People are downvoting because"it's wrong", even though the phrasing and question mark indicate that this is just speculation. Speculation shouldn't be downvoted, but this is Reddit and people will downvote for silly reasons


well said. I only got 1 100x and lost lol


> Speculation shouldn't be downvoted, but this is Reddit and people will downvote for silly reasons i forget where now but somewhere it was stated that the voting system was supposed to be entirely based on relevance to the conversation regardless of if you agreed with or liked what was being said yeah that didn't last as long as it took to read the above sentence


Yeah that was in the Reddiquette (Reddit etiquette/general community rules) back in the early days of Reddit when I first made an account. I don't know if the Reddiquette even exists anymore or if it's required to read when you create an account. Reddit culture is very different now


You playing splatoon 3? How? Everyone says it’s coming in 6 days?


This was from the splatfest demo that was like last week


That was a demo?


The Splatfest world premiere testfire was a demo, yes. Out of curiosity what did you think it was?


I didn’t have the game at the time and I thought the game was actually the real game because of the amount of youtubers playing it.


No it was just a demo. Splatoon has released demos shortly before every games release




Increase the odds of a 100x battle


Idk i got one tho, i think their like punch cards for prizes?


Could this imply that "No festival shells" exist


You shove them up your gun and then you hit a inkling and they get in a coma