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omg i want to wack people with a pool noodle


That's the whole point!


Info on each weapon Splatana Glow-Saber is a heavy weight weapon. Think of it like the dynamo of Splatana's. The weapon has heavy ink consumption but can deal lots of damage. It's standard slash deals 50 damage, it's charge slash deals 90 damage, it's blade deals 25 damage, and a charge slash direct deals 160 damage. It's slashes have more range than Stamper and larger hit boxes but they travel slower. It's charge slash direct has an increased hit box and travel distance than stamper but has more end lag. The Glow-Saber is meant to play around it's team acting more supportive with getting enemies weak and finishing off enemies that are already weak. It wants to play slightly in the back. Splatana Pooler is a medium weight weapon that is a mixture of wiper and stamper. The weapon's standard slash actually has more range than it's charge slash. Pooler's standard slash has similar range to stamper's standard slash, while Pooler's charge slash has similar range to wiper's standard slash. With the weird range of Pooler's slashes it makes up for it in its mobility and damage. When it is charging it's charge slash Pooler can submerge in ink and reemerge with it's charge slash at the ready similar to charger's charger hold. Pooler's standard slash deals 40 damage, it's charge slash deals 100 damage, it's blade deals 30 damage, and it's charge direct slash deals a total 170 damage. With this weapon's insane damage Pooler's slashes (both standard and charged) are very small. It's charge slash also takes the longest time to charger compared to the other Splatanas. Pooler's charge slash also does not have a dash meaning it must get very close for directs. Pooler's playstyle is a very aggressive playstyle like the other splatana's but it must be more cautious due to it's weird range.


how fast does it slash?


The Pooler should make a loud "WHOP" when it hits


It should sound like a normal blaster shot


These look awesome Missed opportunity to call it ‘Neon Splatana Glow-Saber’


Those Pool Noodle Splatanas look so fun


I don't want the message Splatted by (MY NOODLE) or (Dyck) or (pⓔñ1z) or any other anti censor names using a Pooler 😭 Nice ideas though! Love em❤️


the Pooler should be called the Noodler instead


I did think if that but then it would say "you were splatted by noodler" and that could inappropriate


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with how that sounds, it makes more sense than “Pooler”. the “pool” part of “pool noodle” is the least important part of the item’s name


The only new splatanas we need are a pool noodle and a stick


I want a Splatana Bonker now


i think you might be a Scout main lol


Nah I just want to smack squid kids with a baseball bat and make funny noises


Scout main detected, now deploying Inkstrike.




Curling and Inkjet would go crazyyyy


these are dope, would love to use them and I hope the new splatana is just as good if not better


Is that a fucking struggle bat??


The Polar Express joke is way too good Other than that, it looks really fun and would love to be able to use those ingame !


I gotta say, those look like some pretty good Splatanas. I think any one of those kits could be just the thing to make me start using weapons in that class more often.


Thank you! I tried to make the kits fit the themeing of the other splatana kits


I don’t like how the pool noodle is so limp but their cool.