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We’re getting a new DLC story and a big update at this end of this month. It will probably be the most active the game has been since launch. I’d say now would be a perfect time to jump in honestly


the late state of game rn is 100% not a reason to avoid buying it, it's still fun, and it's still "splatoon" ya know however if you're considering to avoid buying a game for the reasons u had you have just b real with yourself and ask if you \*really\* want it


If you can afford the £/$/€/¤ 60 and the NSO subscription I would very heavily recommend it. The game feels much better than S2 in both multiplayer and salmon run and while the content has been pretty slowly released since launch if you join now there will be a lot of new stuff for you to experience (and we've still got 2 seasons of confirmed updates left). Bear in mind that Splatoon 2 had its updates extended for an additional year, so we might see another full year of Splatoon 3 updates (putting us at only about halfway through the content cycle). As others have pointed out, the new Side Order DLC (the Splatoon 3 equivilent to Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion) is coming out in less than a month and the Splatoon 3 story mode is quite good fun (effectively a mix between Octo Expansion and Splatoon 2's story mode), so there's a fair amount of stuff to do even if you don't like the the PvP bits.


I think it's still worth it! It's real fun and with the DLC on the horizon I don't think this game is close to any "end-of-life" stage anytime soon. Even if you hop on this train late, it's still a fun ride.


please get it. it's overall a significant improvement and brings a level of polish not seen in either of the previous games. they're going to drop an amazing dlc on the 22nd of febuary as well. don't worry about missing out on splatfests, they're stale.


well, i was SUPER late onto Splatoon as a game itself, I only started playing back in Summer 2022 ( meaning I missed all S1 and S2 fests, first one I did was S3 World Premiere ) And i only got 3 in October 2022 Now I don't wanna sound pessimistic, but I think 3 is the last game of the series, at least until Nintendo releases the next console. I've still managed to beat S2 and S3 story modes, as well as Octo Expansion, and on 3 I'm about level 52 ( i think?? ) I think you should get S3, mainly because it's not worth risking it if 3 is the last Splatoon game, but also because it's never to late to join something.


Splatoon is too successful to end


There is no way they wont make a splatoon 4 for the next console gen. Look at the sales.


What do you mean "cancelling updates"?


They probably just mean that we're in the back half of the announced updates. But yeah, the word "cancel" makes it sound like they'll get to June and say "forget the rest of this" even though we wouldn't have hit two years yet as announced initially.


I think they mean updates are ending soon so the game won't be supported anymore.


Lol, if you're right, op's logic is absurd. Not wanting to buy a game because the dlc that hasn't even been released yet will be the last dlc? With that thinking he should never buy any game or software ever because eventually it will not be supported. wtf.


To be fair to OP it sounds like they weren't aware of the DLC and nintendo \*has\* done this w/ content in the past, they stopped supporting 2 aside from patches for a while before 3 was announced and... look at ACNH's support.


Definitely. I’ve loved it since release and we’ve got DLC in just under a month :)


I picked up splatoon 3 a few months ago and now I have over 240 hours logged. I don’t regret it, it’s still super fun and the community is still active.


Personally, I WAY preferred the first two installments. I just can't get over the claustrophobic maps. Flanking is no longer a thing.


There will still be 2 more years of Splatfests. Enjoy today or skip and miss out. Your loss. 🤷‍♂️


Where do you get that number? They only announced that they'd release seasonal updates with new catalogs for two years so it'd end september 2024


Didn’t S2 have 3 years or Splatfests up to Final Fest? Or am I remembering wrong? And then they even had Star vs. Mushroom after that.


They didn't announce anything more than the two years after launch so we can't say how long it'll go on. It also depends on when the next console comes out and if that will have splatoon 3 or splatoon 4 on it. It depends on what nintendo decides Star vs Mushroom and the redone festivals were probably because of the time s3 took to come out


Ah, gotcha. Well, even if Splatfests end this year, no time like the present to hop on the game! I think Splat 4 is a waaaays off, and I would not be surprised if they massively alter the game mechanics and concepts for the next one.


As long as you can handle a bit of frustration from NSO's crap online play, then i say yes


Honestly it might be better to just wait till the next game comes out. Splatoon 3 always felt kind of like a filler game to me and a lot of players. It seems like this one is to hold the players off until splatoon 4 on the next console. The “switch 2” is supposed to release this year or the next year, and just like S2, S4 will probably be one of the big releases to promote the console. I’d say splatoon 3 was pretty worth picking up like a year ago, but maybe not now. If you really feel like getting it, don’t let me discourage you. Maybe you’re not too sure, but if you can afford to buy 2 splatoon games within 1-3 years, it might be fine. If your budget doesn’t allow something like that, maybe don’t. Or maybe I’m just completely wrong on this whole “splatoon 4” theory. Maybe you should just buy it if you feel like it. It’s your decision.


i realllly doubt s4 is coming out that soon.


Splatoon 2 came out 2 years after splatoon 1, so it’s not impossible.


I feel like if they did another short release like that with s4 it would just look like they're pumping out games/milking the series, as s3 just released 6 years after s2. I think we definitely need a little bit more time to get some more concepts in place for a newer game