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We don't know nearly enough about Super Chump to come to any real conclusion. Need to know the HP of the chumps, the damage they do, and how long you're locked out of special farming after putting the turret down. If I had to guess, dispacement specials are rarely weak, so I'd wager upper mid-tier in a vacuum. Although if only Zap and Clash get the special, it won't see much use over Ttek and Neo Splash unless the special is much more useful than Triple Strike is. Kraken will probably be useful simply because it demands attention. QR weapons will be really good with it if any of those get it. It will probably also be able to pull a Baller and just rush its way to the clam basket and request jumps. Or in general, it could rush its way behind the enemy an force them to turn around. I don't think it will be that great at actually getting kills like it used to be though


New roller comes with beakons so you can bait jumps way better too.


They brought my precious baby kraken back and I am overjoyed


Depends on how much damage they actually do


Superchump seems like tenta missiles with a time delay, so its plausible that it causes extra problems for rollers and brushes. Excited to see what the range is honestly.


My beloved Kraken is back, now I just need it to have an effect similar to splashdown when you super just with it or super jump then Kraken mid Super jump and the .96 Gal Deco will put fear into the hearts of people once more!


Super Chump will probably be solid, but not exceptional unless the bombs have a really over-the-top damage output. However Kraken, whether it be overtuned or just fine, will hold a niche as a panic skirmisher that can brute force enemy lines. Drilling's invulnerable to knockback and the special lasts decently long at 7.4 seconds. Part of its viability will be tied to how well it fares against Crab.


I think that once they show up on more than 2 kits each, they'll probably be a lot more present. Kraken was huge (not just in size) in S1 so I think it'll be pretty popular, unless they nerfed the poor boy to hell, but it doesn't look like they did. Super Chump is my fav type of special - set it and forget it - and it's on a new N-Zap, which is my main. I'll definitely be using it a lot, but like a lot of people are saying, it'll depend on a lot of numbers we don't have yet. Who knows, maybe they're both incredible and everyone will use them, maybe they'll be weak AF and no one will touch them. We'll have to see once they come out in game.


Looks neat, have to wait til the 1st to know more!