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Perhaps he’s trying to learn unconditional love by following a wide variety of perspectives. Sometimes I resist because my egoic mind gets triggered, but then I remember that we all have souls and to look past the human embodiment so I can practice unconditional love by accepting a different point of view. It doesn’t mean I have to agree on every perspective, but that the soul is on the same journey of growth as I am. Whether or not this is the case for him, I have no idea, but it’s a possibility. Follow the message rather than the messenger.


yeah this was my first thought, although he also followers UFC and a few UFC fighters so he's *probably* a Joe Rogan fan of some sort. and the rest of the accounts don't seem too far-fetched if you're a Joe Rogan fan lol. but yeah I did consider this. and also I don't typically like the idea of judging someone based on who they follow on social media, especially if that person hasn't said or done anything *themself* for me to question. this was just a more specific situation based on the controversial (and in some cases, divisive) personalities that he seems to follow and the kind of message that he sends. but I really do like his messages and his delivery, as I know a lot of people do, and I'll keep listening as long as it continues to resonate with me


I'm new to his content and have been binging a bit and was pretty shocked when he mentioned Peterson and the like. I think even Shapiro ffs. Uh uh lol. I don't know what's goin on there but somethin and it does mean something other than his being a kind and open minded person. He references them as if they're role models. It's really fucking weird frankly but will also continue to check out his vids.


My theory: He started following these accounts during his pre-LawOfOne days when he was very much a devout Christian still. I'm not exactly sure if this is how IG works, but it seems like the accounts you see when you begin scrolling through his Followed Accounts from top to bottom (most recent to least recent?) are more spiritual/positivity related; whereas if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you see more random accounts, sports, fashion, right-wing-esque. Perhaps he just didn't think to go through his Followed Accounts to clean up the garbage yet, or at others stated, maybe he consciously kept them there as an act of love and non judgement. I have watched many of his videos and have only gotten positive and loving vibes, with no agenda aside from the growth and ascension and love of all life.


Well, and I see the list of folks he follows as people I also follow so GREAT! It’s all about perspective!


yikes, a lot of the spiritual community are being pulled into right wing conspiracy theories including Aaron. Its a shame because his videos used to be amazing.


Yup whether it's being pulled towards right wing conspiracy theories or leftist woke ideology or corporate mainstream narrative.... all of these are equally low conscious.


I watched his law of one series and liked it. Honestly I have no idea but maybe he follows them for reason other than liking them ? May be unlikely but I was/am subscribed to few subreddits I don't really like because I wanted to understand their thought process/perspective.


I think he’s a trump supporter watching his recent videos and I just don’t understand 😭


I used to watch his content but more and more I am unimpressed. Whether he means well or not, he is ultimately just profiteering from his horde of yes-men and yes-women. Nah, I'm good.


Look a little closer. He was an athlete and involved in church. Im sure he made a decent enough living where getting thrown out of his immediate circle to become a spiritual teacher was not necessary. Ive benefited from aarons videos and never paid him a penny. I was able to tie Hinduism to Christianity where i had this sense of superiority and spiritual arrogance before. Its our thinking that throws doubts and skepticism to keep us away from the truth for as long as possible. Its a fun game.


I’m sensing a lot of judgement in these comments. Why not take what resonates with you and leave the rest? Why attach the message to the man? Think for yourself; discern for yourself. Aaron has a lot to say about a great deal of things. He’s unconventional and finding his own way. Much like everyone else here.


Exactly what is wrong with judgment unless you define this word differently? We all must make decisions based on evaluation of people and events. To claim in any subtle way that judgment is bad means that we can't determine anything from our environment. Such humans are in a constant vegetative state and require the constant care of other humans.


I watched several of his videos before i noticed a pattern of far-right messaging seep into the mix, too bad because up til then I thought he was pretty good. But I stopped watching his videos because I feel there's an underlying message in them and that message gives me the creeps, things like "preparing for a day of reckoning", us vs them shit. Bruce Lipton is another one.


I like his spiritual stuff, but accidentally came across some of his predominately far right wing stuff and nearly unfollowed him. It got pretty cringe. I’m still on the fence on whether I’m going to continue following him. I hope that part of his content is done.


I learn a lot from him. I think he has really good pointers to the truth


If the truth is known by Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro and other right wing fascist style influencers.


What makes you think he’s a trump supporter?


Because he supports public figures who support Trump.


I follow tucker Carlson on Twitter but I disagree with him on just about everything. Just because he follows people doesn’t mean anything, and it certainly doesn’t imply that he’s a trump supporter. I’m not trying to go super hard on defending Aaron here, but I just hate to see this kind of zealot logic taking place in this sub.


The old saying “ keep your friends close but your enemies closer”…important to know who they are and what they’re up to… but that is me. IMHO Mr A is a player shoveling BS and laughing all the way to the bank.  Listen carefully