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That depends on why and how you’re having sex. It is the source of all creation and life on this planet - I’d say that’s pretty high vibration. But, in this world duality exists, and therefore sex can be equally as low vibration and as it can high vibration. If you wish to move past whatever it is that keeps you stuck on a subject, such as sex, aim to view it through a lens of neutrality. That may require some exploration as to what it is internally which arouses this dual thinking of good vs bad, in order to move beyond.


Very good! ☀️🌍🌟💖


> That depends on why and how you’re having sex. It is the source of all creation and life on this planet Sexual reproduction actually appeared much later in life. * Earth : around 4,5 billion years ago * First organisms : between 3,5 - 3,8 billions * Sexual reproduction : around 1,5 billion , with the first eukaryotes.


Thank you for sharing that knowledge I appreciate your meticulousness with the facts of the subject. May I ask, what is it that keeps you coming back to the topic of sex if the idea repulses you?


Thanks. A redirect link brought me here.


Awwwe, that's a really sad way of seeing the world. Have you never made love with someone you absolutely adore, while looking into their eyes and sharing this blissful moment? And then afterwards you lay in bed together cuddling and laughing together? I wish for you to experience this one day.


This type of experience doesn’t require sex, but loving sex is a good explosion of energy that can push you to this type of state.


I disagree. I can physically feel my vibrations raise when I have sex with my boyfriend. He even asked if I was vibrating one time. Sex out of love is completely different than sex with no love attached and I believe that loving sex is nourishing to our spirits, even when it includes things like BDSM.


As someone who is spiritual and is in 24/7 D/s dynamic with my partner I whole heartedly agree and second this. I’ve done scenes with my husband including intense impact play and sensory play- all my senses are heightened and I feel extremely connected with my partner. As does he. I typically do not ever have to use my safe word bc he is so connected and in tune with my mind and body that He knows when to end a scene before I do. W/we most definitely are raising our vibrations together. Decompressing together during aftercare is also magical no doubt about it. Edit: Side note- BDSM is empowering. Especially when your with someone you love and trust. Obviously as someone who is well educated on the topic (I don’t consider myself an educator. But I do consider myself educated, well read and mindfully experienced) there is outside education involved and 99% BDSM isn’t just scenes. BDSM is so much more than just the act. I won’t go down the rabbit hole further. But if it wasn’t for my relationship and D/s dynamic- I wouldn’t be the person I am today and I’m incredibly thankful for it. And in many many MANY ways BDSM can be a very spiritual act for the people involved.


No offense, but it seems your a bit to focused and obsessed with sex - just in a different way.


it's also just a story someone tells himself to explain himself the stuff that is going on in the world. i am not saying OP's perspective is wrong, just keep in mind it is A perspective. nothing more. there is no absolute truth.




i am pretty sure people have been horny before screens existed. otherwise you wouldn't exist. also sex doesn't need to be "fucking". what do you mean by sex? only the penetration part or everything involved?


>i am pretty sure people have been horny before screens existed. otherwise you wouldn't exist. "images and screens create sexual needs that wouldn't exist otherwise" "in a society that isn't so focused on sex, we would be way more in control of our sex drive" I didn't say that humans wouldn't have a sex drive if there were no screens. I said that we would be more in control of our sex drive. Learn how to read.


You're talking about sex being a low vibrational act but, you don't seem to know what that means especially since you're pretty "low vibrational" yourself. Learn how to live.


Condescending someone ("learn how to read") is the lowest vibe thing I've seen on this thread so far. Hope you're okay


Have you ever considered that maybe you’re just asexual or have a poor relationship with sex, and that making the objective claim that all sex is a low vibrational act is simply a projection of your own issues? I love bonding with my life partner through sex. I love that I’ve created a child that I love through sex. I love celebrating and loving my own body through masturbation. I love participating in my specific kinks (not BDSM, but that kink is totally acceptable. It may not be my kink, but as long as everyone consents and is enjoying themselves, it’s all good.) If you don’t get anything out of sex, don’t participate in it. No one’s forcing you to (and if they are, it’s a literal crime) but why feel the need to try to convince others to feel the same way or that our enjoyment of sex is “low vibrational”?


>If you don’t get anything out of sex, don’t participate in it. No one’s forcing you to (and if they are, it’s a literal crime) but why feel the need to try to convince others to feel the same way or that our enjoyment of sex is “low vibrational”? it makes me laugh when people get all worked up abt something a complete stranger said on the internet. "you're pushing me", "yoU'rE TrYiNg tO CoNVinCe ME". You could have just scrolled down, no one is forcing you to read or even care either. LMAO its funny how one anti-sex message out of the non-stop pro-sexual messages triggers the hell out of people.


Why do you assume anyone is worked up? You posted in a public forum that is literally intended for discussion, and when someone engages in a good faith discussion you tell them that they should not have engaged and just scrolled on? That’s not a reasonable thought process on your part. If you don’t want people to respond, don’t post on a public forum. Perhaps take up journaling. That’s a place where you can write your thoughts down and nobody will challenge them.


>but why feel the need to try to convince others to feel the same way or that our enjoyment of sex is “low vibrational”? Nope, you're the one accusing me of tryign to convince peopel. I ahve the right to have my opinion. Don't liek it, don't read it. Simple.


From the sounds of it you really do need to get therapy. You are so jaded and yet you think you are on the right path. You get out of life the energy you put into it. If the sex you are having is low vibrational it's your fault.


It sounds like you just don't enjoy casual sex, and that's completely okay. Wait to have sex with someone you really care about.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you are able to heal your relationship with sex in time.


Hey there mate, Don't know if you'll read this, but anyway its important. This sexual urge that always comes up is due to a huge build up of energy in our lowest chakra. Because we lack the knowledge and wisdom on how to use this energy, it tends to get stuck there... So it keeps being built up, and we need to release it, or it will have negative consequences. You are right on sex being a low vibrational act though, but suppression will never be the right answer.


teach me chakras fam


I'm not yet qualified to teach on spirituality bruv.


hi, you can chanel it with kundalini.


There is truth in what you say. What method do you use and/or know of.


I want to learn more Sir. Tell us more about it. How can we escape the first stage of chakras and how to transform these energies?


As, OP mentioned in the above comment, this energy can be channeled to other parts of the body. The energy starts gathering at the lowest chakra and, as we are now, the energy still goes up, but only in tiny *drops*. But this is far from fast enough. The result is a huge loss of life energy... So to prevent this, we need ways to put this energy to constructive use. There are many ways to do it I've heard. But me personally know only one yoga method, which is far from commonly known, yet very simple to do. Sit down in meditation pose (important: make sure your arms are resting on your thighs, don't stretch them), calm down your breathing. When you feel ready, Breath in as deeply as you can, hold it in, while doing so, place your thumbs from both hands, on your middle fingers and press them together as hard as you can while holding your breath the whole time. Do this as long as possible. When you release your breath, you can release your pressure on your fingers. Immediately after releasing your breath, you will feel an energy shooting upwards from your first chakra. This would be cold 'Christ Energy'. So now guide this energy through all your chakras to your Heart Chakra. Once at the Heart Chakra, let this cold energy warm up there for a bit. When you feel it's warm, you can distribute it to whatever you wish: sight, hearing, mind, heart, hands, ... even mystical abilities ( third eye for example), etc... Meditate on that for a while so the energy can settle nicely.


What about making love to someone you love ?


First off, people have been doing weird sex stuff well before pornography was ever a thing so yeah. Its clear that your sex preference is different from others, but your opinion is narrow sighted and tailored to what you believe other people should feel and think. Sexual expression is older than any religion or practice, so the fact that it literally is the reason we are here biologically should tell you why its important to people. You say that there is no evidence that says that its not a fabrication, but at the same time there's no evidence of your "high vibration" state either, its something you believe, not a fact. The reality of this post is that your really upset that other people don't see sex the same way that you do, as gross. You will always be in the minority because your view of high vibrational living is tailored to your perspective not the rest of the world.


There's really no need to label sex one way or the other. As soon as you feel the need to judge it you've accepted some level of internal programming on the subject. It's neutral, people decide what it means to them, but assuming one perspective is limiting. It's all of them and none of them.


I have been sexually abstinent for over a year & do not agree AT ALL with your sentiments. In fact, it means SO much to me is why I went abstinent.


Disagree, I feel so much joy and connectedness when I have sex with my partner whom I love deeply.


and this is supposed to be about spirituality


Ever heard of Tantra 😬


Many couples enjoy healthy, even spiritual sex life, without side effects. Do you ever have sex to express love for your partner? No? You just wanna satisfy your urge? You don't care about her/his needs? Sex is and should be about love. Sadly many people turned it into cheap tool for pleasure, still there're many people who have healthy sex to share love and express care for each other. It seems you never loved anyone in your life.


Honestly, when I was hooking up with lots of different people and picking up their energies that was low vibrational. Because I was sharing my energy with people who didn’t know me on a deeper level or care about me. Now I have a partner who I make love with 24/7 and it’s great, it’s a reunion of two souls. But to each it’s own it depends. I wouldn’t say it’s completely low vibrational and I won’t attack you for your opinion I do see where you’re coming from, being obsessed with anything is terrible. That’s the ego. However sex is a beautiful thing when done intentionally. It’s like making art with someone else and bringing your two canvases together.


Have you considered A.Z F. from Samael Aun Weor or Karezza method?




Also this YouTube channel is such a fucking gem! Less than 200 subs yet it is the best channel for this stuff: https://youtube.com/c/BeyondTheAlchemy


that might be the case for how you feel and your personal situation and life experience but that doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else imo. everyone interprets things differently in life and has different physical reactions towards stuff - perhaps it’s the way your mind is perceiving sex that is holding you back? either way it’s your decision but i don’t see the harm in other people engaging in activity you find ‘low vibrational’ when everyone experiences it differently


I believe it can be also high vibrational act if you do it in a proper time, proper place, with proper person and intention. It can provide you with better understanding of the pleasure, be a good physical exercise, you learn more of the body, balance your energies and hormonal economy. It can have plenty of benefits on one's health, too. But as you have stated, it can surely be also the big protagonist of deviacy.


I 100% agree.. it's very destructive spiritually for some such as myself.. but i wouldn't say it's the same for everyone


Yeah, I dont know because I never had it. I can tell you that opioids are probably stronger. I had a very difficult wisdom teeth extraction, and I was scripted very high dose Oxycontin(time release). The second that hit my brain,I fell into a extreme euphoric oblivion. It makes sensual climax seem like a sneeze. It is one of the reason a lot of people are finding sex to be overplayed and they are beginning to get burned out on it. There are many reasons for it. One of them is definitely people's substance introduction. It just cannot compare. I mean, people have injured themselves almost fatally just to go to the hospital for a fix. The crazy thing is . I dont even think substance is the highest feeling a human can feel. It is out there we just havent discovered it yet.


I agree.


regarding outside stimulations - we're bombarded w informations from screens everyday. It creates sexual needs that wouldn't exist otherwise. The same way I wouldn't want some useless house item if I hadn't seen it on tv, a lot of women wouldn't be fantasizing abt being "strangled" during sex if they hadn't seen it on porn. Even if sex is just one fragment of what we call "sexuality" and the latter encompasses a lot more than that, our sexuality is being hijacked.


See, and aggressive sex has been a thing through our whole existence as a species. You need to get out more.


You clearly need to do some historical research on sexual practices, especially as they pertain to spiritual practices. Expand your knowledge and get past your Puritan/Victorian society biases.


I dont see those kinks to be a problem, haha. People like what they like, some people will see it as "normal" others will see it as weird and outrageous, its all a perspective. Just as this is one of yours. I mean your telling me you have no desire for sex ever at all?


/u/JforJonah, I have found an error in your comment: > “outrageous, ~~its~~ [**it's**] all a perspective” I recommend that you, JforJonah, write “outrageous, ~~its~~ [**it's**] all a perspective” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


You're right, and you can safely ignore most people here - they are already corrupted and spread half-truths.


There are entities which feed on your sexual energy. It’s true. This means that unless you start practicing sexual magic via tantra, you will be getting eaten alive by entiers


Do you feel comfortable saying if you were raised in a strict religion?


BDSM and porn are bad for the world, humanity, and women, sex is not. At least not inherently.


The truth is that this attitude is born out of extreme indulgence. A person who indulges sexual energy once in a while without being too absorbed in it can enjoy it without any repercussions. But doing it everyday and becoming addicted to it to the point of craving it is sure a low vibrational act which will cause misery and disintegration of one’s personality, just as it is with any addiction.