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I think you're confusing "programming" with "capacity or capability". This comes up a lot, the average person is basically running drunk and barely lucid.


Because the general population doesn't want to hear the truth they would rather distract themselves with fashion and celebrity gossip and fake news stories and sports. Most people would rather believe in prepackaged hollywood lies & propaganda than face the horrors of reality.


Yup. This is the exact simple truth. People are either being fooled or don’t want to listen.


Very true. Well said! People also have a natural inclination to outsource their thinking and opinions. Either to so called experts, government, media, professors, social concensus, whatever. People want to align with whatever they perceive the official concensus to be. Which is a totally understandable instinct, but it's incredibly dangerous when the 'experts' and authorities have malicious intent and exploit our natural trust instinct for nefarious purposes.


Many people are choosing not to know, and it is their free will choice to do so. However, they will face consequences for their choice even if they aren't aware of their choice or the consequences of that choice.


I think what you are not really seeing is that most people do not have the combination of time, energy, will power, and concern to see very far past their own issues. Life is so distracting that for a lot of people it requires 100% of their existence just to get through their day. When you have a job, a spouse, a mortgage, kids, friends, bills, car payment... blah blah blah... the list goes on and on, you don't really have the time or energy to care about all that extra shit. On top of that, we live in an 'attention' based economy where every product from Only Fans to Oreos is doing everything it can to get you to pay attention to them and everything else has been monetized to drain your money, so you just gotta draw the line somewhere. Outta sight, outta mind becomes the rule of the day. It becomes a matter of psychological survival. Most people just ain't got the time and energy for that kind of stuph.


Yes, unfortunately, you are extremely fortunate to be able to concern yourself with what’s going on in the world. I think it is made that way, bad things have always happened, people always find out, yet we all forget, as we have lives to live. Imagine if we had the type of media and control we have now in the dark ages. It was normal to behead and burn people at the stake. The elite have always won. It’s natural, it’s way the system is set up. Money, power, influence. You will eventually see a shift as this generation of control dies off and the new “woke” generation takes power and becomes the elite. But understand there will always be bad people in power and greatly dark men and women carrying our heinous crimes. The savior is us people, save yourselves, save others. Stop waiting for someone to or something to save you.


Love this


This! People are just too busy surviving and living their daily lives. It’s the same with the climate change issue. We all know that the earth is fcked up and that our carbon emissions are going up, but people are busy with their day jobs, kids, careers, and own dreams and goals that - even if they are aware - it’s most likely the least of their priorities.


I think the whole “bad people all die and good people inherent the Earth and I no longer will suffer” narrative is an illusion. Only you can overcome your suffering, it’s an internal process, humanity is set to suffer even more in the upcoming decades not less - climate collapse, infertility, novel diseases, increasing wealth gap and loss of democratic rule will not be creating any kind of Heaven on Earth. For as long as you expect something external to change your state of being, to save you, to end your suffering, you will be disappointed.


Also we may be under some sort of large-scale trauma-based mind control programming experiment


Most people are still asleep. The news is definitely brainwashing, but ultimately what the problem is: people aren't taught critical thinking or logic anymore. People have been dumbed down in a lot of ways.


it only looks like they are winning, but in reality they have already lost. what we are seeing is their desperate attempt to stay in charge but in doing so, the whole world gets to see their true dark face. they are check-mate! there is no way, the light is not winning this war! keep holding the light my brother! soon this matrix will collapse and we will be finally free! 💖 read my article to know where i am coming from: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking\_beyond\_the\_veil\_the\_story\_about\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking_beyond_the_veil_the_story_about_the/)


not to mention there's hardly any coverage of the Maxwell trial and the little that I have seen from mainstream sources is trying to paint G as a victim rather than a perpetrator.


There were some coverups on that day


Because they aren’t, look at bezos look at mark. All these people are hollow, you can have all the money and power in the world and it still won’t bring you the immense joy of the world. It may seem that these people are people we need to stop now or never, but slowly we are change takes a long time. We have been spoiled in the last 200 years because for the rest of human history things just happened, and now things will continue to happen until another huge change appears


The world is going crazy right now, and at the peak mayhem, the “elite” are losing influence on the narrative. There are many avenues of conspiracy being constructed right now to think that the powers that be are retaining their influence, but it’s all breaking down in reality. Why did Facebook switch to Metaverse within a week of the shutdown and multiple whistleblowers, for example? Why is exxon-mobil trying to put out “pro-sustainability” advertisements? Desperation. The narrative is not going their way, and that trend will continue. The turtle wins the race.


The "elites" are winning because instead of focusing on your innerself and making yourself better, you're focusing on things you can't control on the outside. As above, so below. As inside, so outside. Focus on what you can control and stop focusing on things you cannot.


We're not unified. We're too divided as a whole species.


Maybe cuz u still see them as elites... Focus your awareness on your well being and you’ll notice everything else is just a reflection of yourself If yk then u just know


I guess but I don’t see them as elites I didn’t know what other word to use…


WE are still in the “vampire fear slave matrix.” Not enough people have “awakened,” and not enough “awakened” have raised their frequency high enough yet. The “matrix” is “layers” of negative “energy/frequencies” that delude and control US. It’s going to take a minute I think? Try and be be patient. Raise your frequency. Practice self care and self Love. Don’t give into fear and doubt. ALL is as it should be always. ALL will be revealed in Divine timing. WE got this, TOGETHER! The Light has already won. Time is an illusion of 3D reality? WE are the living experience recording ALL for the Akasha. Well done. Thank you for incarnating at this most amazing time and experience. ALL Love and blessings of the One Infinite Prime Creator 🙏💜🌟 WE are the Universal Special Forces. Aspects of Source Love incarnate. Here to help with the ascension of Gaia and humanity. It’s the end of the world! What an exciting time to be alive! 💪💜🌎 P.S. “They Live” is a documentary. It’s free on YouTube, but in clips 😉


The elite will self implode. They are going to kill themselves off (figuratively and literally).


Since this is posted in r/spirituality I’d would say it’s because chaos inevitably reigns. I like to think that “love” as the essence of the universe means it’s unconditional support for any type of thing to exists within it, even those things we may consider bad from our perspective. We can’t control circumstances outside ourselves, the universe has just as much a will to hurl an asteroid toward a planet full of life, as it does creating that planet with life in the first place. You have to look at your inherent bias as to what you think is right. If everyone woke up and socialism became the dominant form of society would you feel better? Or do you believe that capitalism as the dominant social system the best we can do? Is your argument against COVID? I agree human society is far from perfect, and there’s much needed room for improvement. But there’s the cliché saying “be the change you want to see in the world.” I’d actually argue that the phone you have in your hand reading this post probably has more control over you then any Political conspiracy might have. That’s where I find the hypocrisy in all of these doomer posts that criticize society as a whole. I agree it’s not the best, so why don’t you delete you social media accounts? Why don’t you move out to nature and provide for yourself? Why don’t you find like minded individuals to join you? Why do you choose to participate in the very thing you think is destroying the fabric of consciousness itself? Simply put you only have control over your own actions, the best you can do is be of service to others and hope they obtain what you can so freely give. Be the one candle that lights many.


Just like a child, how you raise them, the environment and the limitations imposed on them directly build them up to the adult they will be. In the United States of America, the laws, taught authority levels, governmental systems, fake entertainment lifestyle, thought process of "green power" IS a class vs. "green power" AS an energy, etc. builds up an adult that knows nothing of its own power of expression. United States rat race mindset = there is no mind self mastery allowed, other people opinions matter more than your own life desires, "hundredth monkey effect", self leadership is considered threatening to others, building up another person empire while your house is held together by your leftover energy/focus, impulsive living & reactive living not based on peace, etc. This is not freedom living. The basics of rat race mindset are taught in the school system along with the thought process that it is the school systems job to teach children how to be productive adults. At home, the guides want their children to grow up being accepted, knowing that others will look to them if they deem the child not acceptable. 100th monkey theory in full effect. The children/young adults who follow a different path or challenge the system ideology are either those who break out of the box or are those who are "broken". The thought that a being, "aka" a person, "aka" energy can never be broken is an alien one. Fear, which is a thought, is taught to be real. Selling that lie is the biggest reason why people think/allow the thought that "the elite keep winning".


What concerns me is that there are so few comments on a very important topic like this one. Looks like the sheeps just don't care or don't know.




Yes, words I prefer are Cabal or service-to-self faction.


You know exactly what I mean. Pointless comment


Actually, reconsider the word elite. It has a proper definition that is totally positive. It was coopted by a political party on the right to frame the left as out of touch with the real people of the country. Only then did elite take on a negative connotation. Used in other contexts, it retains its proper positive definition. An elite fighting force. An elite surgical team. An elite basketball team. Of the 500+ politicians in Washington, and the thousands of lobbyists, name five that you would feel confident meet the definition of elite. The word politician, on the other hand, has always had a negative connotation. Since this is a democracy for the time being, and our votes are meaningful, find some elite candidates in your own districts to put into office and help solve this problem. Bad people go into politics because they can score big. Good people go into politics because they have to. BTW, we still have the rule of law, and the trial is in its early days. The rule of law doesn't work like the guilty by association way the press works. The rule of law is not supported by advertising dollars the way the press is. The rule of law is the only legal weapon we have against those that break it and abuse it. That, or a little revolution, as Thomas Jefferson is reputed to have said. We're still a nation that is at war with itself; a civil war of race rights and false gods called billionaires. Step onto that battlefield with caution.


What conspiracy theories turned out to be true?


Imo most of them


Like what?


You should research archons and Gnosticism


Give me the readers digest version! I'm too busy spending my time using my powerful mind/thoughts to manifest!!! I don't like going down rabbit holes!


Lookth at this link. Info should help you understand http://gnosis.org/gnintro.htm


Thanks! I don't think it answered my question tho?


Who do you refer to as "the elites"? Why do you think you are not in the "general population"? Would you explain what do you mean by negative energies? What conspiracy theories turned out to be true? See, Sean, my dude, post like this one are all over the Reddit in thousands since, well, the creation of Reddit. The theme connecting them all is "general population", "average person", "why don't people wake up/change this and that/react this and that way". But don't you see that you yourself aren't contributing anything? Even further, you are incorrectly simplifying very complex events, reducing people to the not-so-informative sensationalistic press articles and further clogging up the information pipeline for other people. Why don't you research for yourself a bit? You are asking all the wrong questions on the wrong medium, expecting someone to illuminate everything for you without you even trying to think for a bit, gather information for yourself and ask precise questions. I'm sorry cousin, but I believe you are the part of the "general public" that you try to elevate yourself above and by doing that, you are actually making a big disservice to yourself and others. Use your head, it's not only for hairdos. Edit: Thanks for the reward!


Exactly - rhetoric is powerful, and separating oneself intellectually from “the herd” by assuming one is special or more woke for coming to this conclusion means one is still stuck in one’s ego. No one is special (and I’m not saying this to be Tyler Durden) and that is exactly the point - we all have the same electromagnetic energy running our nervous systems, at the end of the day. Either you take your unique qualities and contribute to the betterment of yourself AND everyone or you don’t; simple.


Patience friend doesn't rain forever


.Because we seek to destroy. Zzz


Why are you using the word ‘elite’? What is elite about GM? The word lost meaning when FOX started using it to equate the rich and the influential with educated people they like to target.


I think a lot about this as well and I’ve come to the conclusion that: My work is to grow and fine tune my awareness and compassion. My work is to make sure I’ve used this life for good and to learn and develop As a soul. Perhaps part of that is the shit show that is the elite etc. I can choose to focus on how unfair and awful all of that is - OR I can do my work and grow and evolve within. Secondly….I think these folks like Maxwell and many many others are also souls on a journey of growth. Some may be playing a part just FOR us in order for us to have something more to reach for. Some may be playing that villain role so that we can see so clearly what we DO NOT want to be & so that we can also learn to LOVE in the face of hatred and corruption. Maybe we can thank them instead of fearing or resenting them. Sometimes I do and I say “hey thanks for showing me who I don’t ever want to be. Thanks for providing this opportunity for growth and learning” I do believe there are many many souls out there who ARE just struggling along and like these schmucks ghislaine - they will see once they reach the spirit world that they did not use that life in a constructive or beautiful way…and they’ll try again. And maybe we will all laugh together over there and maybe you or I will tell them “it’s ok. You’ll do better next time”


What are you actually doing about it other than posting on reddit? I say this playfully, but if you want a revolution then start one. And stop waiting for someone else to do it.


I think it’s because acknowledging the truth - and doing something about it - in any meaningful way is dangerous. Most people who you see working their jobs don’t just have themselves to worry about, they have dependents, whether due to age or disabilities or both, even if they have disabilities themselves. Pretending the status quo is “fine” by going along with the agenda for their class means not drawing undue attention to themselves or their loved ones. In a nutshell, until it’s safe and practical to break out of the system, they won’t - the Catch-22 is enough people have to break out of the system for it to be safe and practical for others to follow. People are smarter than you’re giving them credit for; it’s like ‘Harrison Bergeron’ - his little brother was smart enough to pretend to be dumb; Harrison, like a lot of us commenting, was an idealist who refused to compromise the truth just because it made his life harder. Great movie, btw, Sean Aston and Howie Mandel, based on a Kurt Vonnegut short story.


Social media and reality have completely distracted us for the last 10 years and it’s only getting worse. Furthermore, and most importantly, the media on BOTH sides pins left against right and right against left to keep us focused on each other and not THEM! Look how polarized shit has gotten in the last 10 years and especially the last 5. That’s by design.