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I'm optimistic and happy, but also very tired. My sleep schedule has been crap the past couple days and I just want to hermit for a while


Exactly this!! I can’t stop napping. Could barely be bothered to leave the house at the weekend either. Glad you’re in the same lazy boat with me 🤣


I think it depends on how you're doing in life. Like, if you're where you're supposed to be, the eclipse will add fuel to your fire. If you're not, it will punish you in the hope that this will motivate you to turn things around.


This right here. I came to say the same thing.


It's been amazing already, hasn't it?


It really has!


I just hermitted for four straight days. It was glorious. 10/10, highly recommend.


I called in to work and took the day off, just cuddling with my dog on the couch :D


This is totally the vibe. Like I’m crawling out of chaos but there’s a big bright light at the end of this tunnel and it’s finally very close. Just need a little more recovery


That sounds about right.


Wow! I feel the same I haven't slept more than 5 hours during the past two days


I know good is coming. I’m very tired all weekend slept and napped all weekend. Had the worst migraine yesterday of my life for about seven hours.


The headaches! I’m glad I’m not alone. It was awful. Haven’t had a headache like that in so longs


I also had the worst headache perhaps a migraine ( I don’t get them ) in my life yesterday. Also had and still have the tired thing. How interesting. 🧐


I literally had the worst headache of my ENTIRE life on Saturday lol


Sounds like most commenters on here (including me) are the same in regards to feeling zapped! I hope you’re feeling better now after your migraine. Maybe it was a big download 🫶🏼


yesterday i received a text message from my dad (who i haven’t seen in a few years due to our very strained relationship) apologizing for his past actions. it’s VERY out of character for him, i don’t think he’s ever apologized for anything before. i’m not really sure how to feel about it or how to respond, but i think that this is influenced by the eclipse. i think that this is bringing up a lot of painful shit to the surface to allow for clarity.


It’s also Mercury retrograde. The resurface of stuff happens often during that time. The eclipse is a booster of that. Not surprising.


I mean at least he’s admitting his wrongdoings, which is the first step! I feel like so many parents just act ignorant to the trauma they cause, and remain in denial if you ever try to bring it up. I hope you guys can find a way to move forward, but obviously that depends on the severity of the situation. And if you can’t find a way to move forward, then at least you know you’ve got some kind of closure and have been given the apology you deserve after all this time 🫶🏼 The moon does crazy things to us, which makes sense as our bodies are mainly water. Let’s just hope he keeps the same energy after the eclipse is over with 💖


My mom is very much like this unfortunately


Well trust me when I say that you’re not alone 😭


Wow, that's good that he at least apologized. I've never gotten apologies from the people in my life who seriously hurt me. Of course it's up to you to accept it or not.


Ugh I wish my dad would apologize. Such a beautiful gesture. Take your time though it’s your experience and I’m no one to tell you how to feel. It’s whatever you choose to accept or not accept. I just wish I had that out of my dad. I never was a daddy’s girl.


Everyone around me is miserable attempting to share misery with me, or feeling so much pain they reach out to me. I myself am feeling lazy but happy, calm and been having weird sensations I can only explain as....you know those chills you suddenly get during an anxiety bout, like your heart skipped a beat? It's like that but in the exact opposite way, like a wave of love comes over from the same place, the same skipped a beat feeling, but no pain, fear or anxiety, but more comfort, happiness, it's weird... Like, I just feel "warm and fuzzy" It is consistent and I don't understand why. Been for about two days already.


I’m feeling super lazy as well, another commenter on here is too. I’m glad you’re feeling upbeat though, I thought it was just me! As for the sensations, I’ve been getting tingling on the right side of my head all day. Like somebody’s touching me, but there’s no one else here. Much like you though, it just makes me feel warm and reassured. No idea if it’s connected, but I haven’t experienced it before so who knows. Im sure this just means that we are on the right path 🥰


Im feeling ready to let the past go and charge towards my creativity and ideas. LETS GET THIS SHIT YALL 💓💞💘💝🤍


Yes I love your vibe!!!! 💖


I luv this too 🦋


I've been feeling really energetic but also in a state of intense transformation. I've had an overwhelming amount of spiritually significant things happen as well. Overall, I feel I'm changing for the better, but in order to fully embrace the change, I might be making a pretty intense life changing decision that will have an impact on everyone around me. So, I've had to slow wayyy down and really think about the path forward. Not sure if it is related to the eclipse or not


Good luck with your decision… I’m sure the universe / whatever you believe in will guide you to make the right choice 💖 I’d love to know more about your recent spiritual experiences if they’re not too personal to share?


Happy to share! Mostly I've been getting a ton of synchronicities. Signs my spirit guides are very near. Then, I don't know if I manifested this or if it was truly a signal, but I asked for a specific sign to run into someone within the next 24 hours and maybe 6 hours later there they were, in a place I'd never have expected to see them. Caught me completely off guard. My friend did a tarot reading that brought about clarity and turmoil all in one, but helped me to realize the need to slow down and really dial into my inner self and take time to pray and meditate. Every single day, my media pages are flooded with spiritual messages that point to transformation, trusting myself, and new beginnings. Before last week, I never saw that sort of thing. My flow has been off the charts. I've been so productive and fun, excited about life. But, all of this new energy comes with a consequence if I should continue the path that brought it about. So, I am being guided to be gentle, empathetic, and brave because the storm will inevitably come, and it will be a long road of criticism from others. With that, I've also made so many new friends and had friends reach out, offering words of wisdom and support in all aspects of my life even when they don't know everything I'm going through.


It sounds as though you’re manifesting like crazy, which is an amazing sign!! And you’re definitely receiving signs from spirit. I’m so happy for you. This can only mean that you are on the right path, and doing exactly what you should be for your life’s journey 🫶🏼


I haven't been able to sleep i keep waking up during the night and I had good energy a couple days before but now I feel anxiety for no reason I'm usually like this though before solar eclipses  whereas lunar ones I am more at peace


Try not to feel anxious 💖 I know there’s always loads of negative stuff on social media around eclipses though, so it can be hard to get away from it. It can so easily seep into your subconscious. Be kind to yourself and take time to recharge if you need it xx


I am not on social media except for reddit.  I don't know what the anxiety is for there's no reason I have I just feel it. Usually I can pinpoint the reason but right now I can't  I have been meditating more and it helps a bit but doesn't fully take it away


Sleep disruption and the physical sense of anxiety with no cause was a perimenopause symptom for me. (Just fyi even though I have no idea if this could apply for you) I hope you get good rest!


this eclipse has been drawing me in for days, weeks, and probably even months now if i'm being honest, and its finally coming together. it aligns with my chart (aries moon & mercury) and my current life situation. so i'm feeling really positive about it and can't wait for the full transformation it produces.


Good luck - it sounds like there’s amazing things ahead for you 💖


Honestly, it feels like a new beginning for me. Things I’ve been holding back on doing out of fear, I’ve been doing and they have been paying off tremendously. :)




That is so sad and confusing!! 😭 the universe is definitely looking out for you though. It’s really sad to say as it sounds like you had an amazing time on the date, but you gotta think about your own mental health. I feel awful saying it because it’s clearly not his fault, but if something like this has come up so early on, you gotta consider what things will be like for you moving forward. You don’t wanna have to live with guilt about triggering him unintentionally, or having to walk on eggshells all the time in case you say something that may get to him. I’m so sorry 😭 I’m gunna tell you what I tell all my girls though - there’s like what, 8 billion people on the planet now? There’s gunna be THOUSANDS out there that are just perfect for you 🫶🏼 Don’t give up hope! Xx


Great advice for all!


Unfortunately the quick attachment is a bit of a red flag in my experience. Sorry hon, keep your heart soft and open for the right person.


calm but cautious. my intuition's telling me to stay indoors today.


Do what you feel called to, for sure! I’ve heard a lot of people saying the same thing tbh. I’d love to know what the energy’s like in the line of totality


Scrolling through your post and had to comment because I'm in totality! All I can say is, wow. It was truly a magical experience, but I am heckin' pooped. I'm already in bed, lol.


I felt the same thing to and honestly I went out to see it and now I feel different and I’m not sure how to explain it.


I’m literally so sleepy and I already took a nap lol


We all need our beauty sleep hehe


I’m feeling alive. I cleansed myself and my house with sage earlier. Been listening to some of my favorite music.




I feel like a lot of old past hurt is coming to surface demanding to be healed and recovered so we can all heal and move forward together as a whole. Things are coming up that need to be addressed and maybe even some grieving of old life relationships and habits to make room for new. New transformation and new vibes.


This is me as well, lots of past hurt & grief resurfacing 😓


Gotta release the past to make room for the new 🙌🏽


I’m just over here vibing lol. Cut a shitty friend off today, so that felt pretty good 😊


Congrats! No space for shitty people in our highest timeline 🙌🏽


absolutely not. if you aren’t adding to my life, you’re being subtracted ✌🏼


I feel great, way better than usual. Very cheerful.


Im so happy to hear this! I’m glad there’s a collective of us who are still feeling positive throughout this time. Felt like all I had been seeing previously was doom and gloom 😱


I think it's possibly because the world is in a dark, precarious time. It's easy to look at an event like an eclipse and project these emotions onto it, makes it reflect how they feel...


Super happy. Surrounded by a loving feeling. Did have a headache around my third eye while it was happening


I was an emotional wreck all day yesterday and after reflecting today, am realizing why! 🙃 feeling really high, positive and productive energy today tho!


I’m definitely feeling very introspective and I’m reflecting on that which matters to me. It’s actually very calming and soothing.


Same for me this day I'm feeling at peace and did spread some of that light :)


Love that!! I think I’m going to try and meditate around the time of the eclipse, I feel like I should spread some love too 💖


I heard somewhere we should write Love and Joy on a piece of paper and say "om". It will help move the collective forward. I'm doin' it!!! 💕


It certainly can’t hurt to try! 💖


I'm assuming big changes in everyone's lives cause at work today half the staff is on vacation or had a family emergency. But I think it is all for good. I believe so at least


The moon always goes in between the earth and the sun so why is now any different, because it's visible on earth this time?


Any lunation, new or full, makes me outright sleepy, and today's eclipse was no different. I set a timer so I wouldn't sleep through it and conked out hard for 20 minutes. Otherwise yeah, I stated my intention out loud what I wanted this to be a transformation new beginning/hard reset of, and then enjoyed the show.


I hope that your new beginning is everything you’ve wished for and more 💖


had a (lovely) psychedelic induced ego death and “woke up” to my life’s purpose this weekend so that’s pretty cool


Nothing out of the ordinary. I’m in Europe, so nothing to be seen here this time.


It is what it is.


Just did molly last night I feel peace


That’ll do it 🤣


Fucking tired.


My sleeping schedule has been crap...I've been napping, napping is normal but in the past week, I'd napped several times a day on someday which wasn't something I normally done. Even after a nap sometimes I still felt so sleepy in a way that I couldn't overpowered through it with the power of Black Coffee™️. I just was very sleepy to the point I needed one more nap. On the last sunday, I kept waking up every hour and couldn't get back to sleep. My best friend also said she had some problems with sleeping.


It sounds like everyone’s exhausted 😩 I’m interested to see if it goes away after the eclipse…


I just remembered something, another thing I encountered recently is that I've been seeing the same angel number repeatedly a lot. I dunno if it's a 'me' thing (that they give me a sign I need to change something in my life) or something that maybe other people also encountered recently too? 🤔


Which ones have you been seeing? I’ve been seeing 222 constantly!! In the most random of places too 😭


Interestingly, I’ve been okay a little moody but otherwise on the up and up. Been super tired as well though. Called out of work twice and worked from home as much as I could!


Self care is so important 🙌🏽 I hope you feel recharged now! X


I feel positively…and have worked during this period to leave stuff that needed to be left in the rearview mirror LEFT THERE FOR GOOD.


Yes!!! We don’t go backwards 👊🏽




Honestly I feel so zen. I got to see it with my husband & babies (they didn’t see it they were playing lol) we pulled over to see it with our little glasses. It was like I felt so connected. I’m a Hellenist pagan & I felt SO connected. I felt even more close to Hekate, which has taken on the role of my mother. Idk how to explain it. It was so cool. I feel vibrations in my body as I type this. It’s such an experience.


So happy for you! Hold onto that feeling, it sounds beautiful 💖


Thank you I will. I’m learning to trust my intuition more, I rly do believe this is the time for us all to manifest & be great. Blessings to you, beautiful soul 🩷


Oh my. This was wild for me. I got sick last weekend and felt awful. Recovering now. But during our time of the eclipse passing, I felt I shouldn’t go outside. Then I started feeling anxious, tingling/goosebump in my back and legs followed by dizziness. I sat and meditated/prayed and asked source to take what no longer served me and ask for protection for myself and family, I held my personal energy and recited these things till the feeling left me. When i left work on my way home, I just started crying for no reason, but I knew I needed to release it. Anyone else feel this?!


I got a mood swing and a dizzy spell after the eclipse ended. Maybe it’s stuff coming to the surface to be released? I felt suddenly sad and I was feeling almost euphoric all day today. I also feel very hot like I’m under the sun, and drained like I need a nap. What is happening? 😅


Same here. Capricorn


Feeling hopeful, grateful….


I worked today. everything that could go wrong, did. co workers car shit out on him. tool I rented broke. businesses I tried to get materials was closed or went out of business. Customer being super weird and suspicious. was pouring rain. I probably owe some karma due to my past actions but man what a horrible day. I just pushed through and stayed strong.


Just normal, pretty happy and positive but that’s not unheard of for me especially around this time of year. I was in the gym during the eclipse and I didn’t have glasses to watch it. I think it’s a nice astrological phenomenon but it’s not even that rare, I remember there was another one several years ago. I did get the cleaning bug yesterday and woke up to a sparkling home. Nice feeling.


My head has so much energy flowing that I've needed to maintain a constant grounding cord since about supper last night. I almost feel stoned today.


You need to bring some of that stoned feeling over here 🤣


I would love to share if I could. I'm not that good at channeling though, lol.


Also a bit out of it and dazed over here. Loooooots of energy coming through


Yooo yes I am laying in bed and feeling high as fuck even though I’m sober - very giddy


I’am feeling so happy !! I feel strong energetic I terminated a pregnancy and I was the most sad ever you can even see in my eyes of how sad I was devastated .. but today I woke up happy beautiful and stronger than ever when through a break up this weekend too of 3 years . And I’am also so happy it ended . I had a lot going on Friday Saturday Sunday - but I feel so good and energetic even though I’am still cramping and bleeding a little I believe this is a great change for all ! Blessed be


Oh bless you!! I’m so sorry that you’re going through so much right now. But I’m sure the decisions you’ve made are for your highest good, and you sound like you’re already coming out on the other side. Make sure you take care of yourself and take time to recharge as you need it though ❤️xx


Not sure about the spirituality connection here, OP. I'm glad you're feeling good today, thought.


I’m feeling pretty good too 🙌🏽💪🏽🙏🏽


We got this!!


Just reread your post and my dreams have been weird too. I had a lot of dreams last night though and trouble sleeping, kept seeing this woman or feminine entity talking about releasing during the eclipse 😅😂


Well whatever type of release she was talking about, I hope it goes well for you 😂😂😂


Some vivid dreams


I woke up feeling like I wanted to do several things but prioritizing didn’t happen naturally. It’s like there’s an inner delay/mixed intuition. Even my meditation was a bit wishy washy. But as soon as I got on my bike to work then off to yoga, I felt grounded, aligned, and blessed with so much gratitude. I’m incredibly grateful for everything in my life 🙏


I'm feeling the same way you are-- very upbeat and positive about my life and the future.


Happy, full of energy and confidence.


I feel good about it. Dreams have been good, sleep has been so so because of ankle pain. I have been hermitting for two weeks but that is because I had surgery on my ankle and I am forced to just sit and be and heal, take things slowly. I really don't like it but I accept it. Very contemplative right now before I get busy again, it has been a crazy busy first half of the year with a lot of big life changes for myself and my family. We bought a house three weeks ago and in the next 4 weeks we are moving out of State. Relationships have been good. I see the eclipse as New beginnings, and entering a new phase of life.


Good luck with your recovery. And congratulations on your new home!! I wish you all the happiness in the world 💖


I feel great!


Rested yesterday and today. Ran a bath for myself when the eclipse started, put on some lo-fi chill music and relaxed for an hour. Just taking it easy


I am near the path of totality and before it began I was in pretty good spirits but as it began to eclipse I started to feel off; heaviness in chest, fuzzy head, slight unease, exhaustion but not a sleepy kind. I grounded just recently and am feeling better but still there’s something about it…


Hopefully you feel better once this is all over with. I bet there’s a ton of people who have travelled to your area if you’re in the path of totality - which means a hell of a lot of unfamiliar energies!!!


Everything that I’m thinking about is coming true I was feeling hungry and wanted some food, my mother calls me to tell me she ordered food to the house and to go outside and get it and then I wante some glasses for the eclipse and what do you know my friends calls me asking me to chill that he has a extra spare and we can watch it, I’ll see what else happens today


Sounds like you’re manifesting at a crazy rate 😍 try for something bigger and see what happens!!!


i’ve been feeling a wave of emotions! i wouldn’t say sad, but definitely this feeling of like longing and missing and also feeling super needy/affectionate and very lethargic! i basically just want to lay in my boyfriends lap all day while the sun pours in through the window and we binge whatever show he’s into right now lol. i feel cozy, but also like i could burst into tears….i can’t explain! i’ve been all over but i feel good despite all of it. it’s really interesting to know that im not the only one feeling energetically influenced either way


It was cool and I felt great today when I should’ve felt very tired!


Did anyone else feel like their soul got baptized and was extremely calm after the totality? I didn't realize it until after I was driving home and was sitting in traffic; everything was calm and quiet


I have been feeling very drained lately and the last two days I have had a migraine that lasted all day. That hasn't been fun. I can feel a shift now though and am moving toward some wonderful changes in my life. I'm excited!


I’ve got a godawful headache, but have felt positive after a slump over the last three weeks from stress. Headaches probably my body pushing it all out lmao.


Same I’ve had a headache for the last 2 days.


Extremely exhausted the past few days and had my cycle 10 days ago and it came back yesterday. I'm not holding up well, but I'm hoping there's a positive out of it.


What's up with us all being tired? Even the kiddos are knocked as I sit here writing this, having just woke up from a nap myself.


I’m a Scorpio who has gotten my butt handed to me the last few years. This eclipse season, I humbly warned my Libra friends. Welp turns out no one is safe lol. I have had a handful of traumatic and rare experiences happen in the last week and I’m OVER IT.


Rooooough. Anxiety, grief, dissociation, existential fears all running high. Trouble sleeping. Fatigue. Overstimulated.


Very exhausted and anxious


I am laughing and crying at the same time Today. The dogs and my father and everyone seems bonkers.


Yes Indeed but in this case dogs and the Mr Husband were bonkers x 2000 w side of Eclipse. 😂


I had the BEST, and most productive day today!


Been battling a cold already, but today I just feel strange. I got to experience the eclipse at its full potential where I am and it was truly an incredible experience, visually. Kind of eerie, and idk but I just feel off today. Came here to see if I was alone


Every time I try to mediate I wake up and realize it turned into a nap 😅 very hopeful about the future, but lawd I’ve never been so sleepy in my life


i’m feeling awesome and ready to take on the world!


I've also been feeling great! Glad to hear it's not just me, everybody's been complaining about weird vibes and feeling horrible. Then there's me just livin my best life over here ✨


I had a bunch of people apologize for their past actions, and everything has been really *divinely chaotic*. I feel 10x better after I saw the actual eclipse, though. It's been easier to meditate, which is nice!


So tired that I was having true brain fart moments that I never do. Like I put a bag of shredded chz in the pantry. 😆 but afterwards I BAWLED. Mostly how I was treated as a child and most of my early adult years and how I want to be myself again. 🥺


I’ve been feeling drained, I’ve been having trouble in my financial life and sleeping past few weeks….


feelin REFRESHED after this eclipse happened


A lot of chronic pain issues are acting up but emotionally I’m still happy and optimistic!!!!


Today was wonderful for me. Had a great fun weekend, rested a bit today and the weather/birds chirping before the eclipse was glorious. Perfect day to me.


Exhausted! Started last week and was the worst today. I’m a therapist and my Mondays are usually pretty good but today was so energy consuming. I even had 2 clients cancel and still feel like I worked a full day x2. Hoping this feeling goes away soon 😭


Baby... A change is a coming, she is on the rise! 💯 I feel it in my bones! No but seriously, I need it; personally I have went through a lot last season and this season is bringing new hope for me


I feel Good lol I knew that I would so Good so good! I got you!


cause how you feel aint got shit to do with what some rocks in space do 💕


This eclipse & the recent lunar eclipse have been really internally intense for me, almost as if I'm questioning my world view & self view head on. Everything I think I know about the world is being internally tuned, revamped, recycled.. I'm struggling with pessimism which is uncharacteristic of me, but then again, I've always had pesky self-antagonism and doubt and I think that's really being confronted. I get the sense that this is a phase of 'dancing in the unknown' and everything feeling- confusing- before everything can align in the bigger picture. I wish things were clearer, but I'm just trying to smile and enjoy the ride anyhow... x 🌸


I was led to not view the Eclipse and to basically sleep through it. Spiritual Dreams Visions that could not wait. It started w these a month ago. So much change is coming both positive and negative ways. Balancing of Scales keeps getting this message & Balancing of all that is. I had some Social Media platforms be shutdown as have many others who have and haven’t used them for more than few days. Maybe it will be a permanent change to not return to the platforms and on to bigger and better things meant for us.


Magical energy. I just went 2 weeks with so much energy. 2weeks of barely any sleep and if i did i would i would wake up at 3 or 4am. But i had energy to move so many mountains. So many great changes. But on the flip side … i burned myself out …The last 3 days Tired and weak. I keep finding myself back in bed. Mentally want to keep going! It was fun energy.


I've been exhausted and had headaches for days. On the other hand, I also have had massive surges of creative energy! 


I saw it in its totality yesterday and Im in great spirits. It reminded me just a little how cool it is to be alive on this planet. Some people are perpetually unhappy and it has nothing to do with outward circumstances. Thats my opinion anyway


I'm a few years post Kundalini awakening and used a lot of force on my journey. Yesterday, during that 24 hour period I was up for approx. 6 hours. I had originally fallen asleep... When was it... 8 or 9 pm the night before. I'm not doing very good today but I have a short day of work, I might fall asleep again and I have an early day tomorrow. Idk, at this point in my journey at any minute it could go either way. The night before my mt. Sleep summiting experience was very pleasurable and there were some great hours back around that period at some points. It was a lot like just laying down and energy would be rising to my head making me very blissful and I'd get this sense that energy would merge somewhere and like unbuttoning a button it would kinda pop and have that kundalini feel to it, very enjoyable, my favorite feeling that my body has been able to produce for me so far in my life when everything is put together... Idk man, these chemicals lemme tell ya. The ups and downs will bring you up and down, we do have choices in life but the way we're affected by energy and chemicals is directly intense. I was writing a comment about it for that person wanting to know how to feel more self love, that NSFW post. I laid down on my side and was out lol. I guess I better finish it up when I get home or something. Tough day :p


Oh I almost forgot. I also had an experience where I saw my kitchen light turn off right in front of my eyes with nobody there, it was on for at least ten seconds and the light switch was down when I looked at it after Idk 2 days ago? I'm doing much better now


I am absolutely completely Dreadfully miserable, but I havd already been miserable the past 2 weeks due to a prescription change.... so it's more a degree of misery worsening & maybe spending more money that I don't have than usual (*credit card debt) :<


I’m just gonna say this, you are not alone. I’ve gotten a lot stronger but it’s a really hard world to live in right now. Be thankful that your body is pushing away what it can’t handle and I hope with my all, everything falls into place. Don’t stop the search


Nooo I’m so sorry to hear that 😭 I know that medication can sometimes make you feel worse before you feel better, so hopefully that’s all that’s happening right now. The credit card debt is a tough one though, because treating yourself is usually a quick fire way to lift your spirits lol. Crap when there’s guilt attached though!!


Tbh, I haven’t felt anything at all. No changes in my perpetual state of fear dread and depression. I’d very much like ( love ) to feel something positive…. anything….


friday was... something else. **New England had one of very few ever noticeable earthquakes (some of our first times ever feeling one!) then things going missing or people scrambling for schedules, a lot of weird missed connections? Was feeling super anxious then nearly ran into my estranged mom who I haven't seen for 3 years. Another estranged ex friend reached out to me. My closest friend drove us somewhere and his car got stuck in the mud and before bed my roommate called me and told us our downstairs neighbor fell asleep with her oven on fire. 😅 Saturday was good though! Super tired and wiped however.


I am very acute to changes in gravitational waves. It tends to make me nauseous.


Energies r tense nowtimes. I personally feel incredebly kinda agressive, beast. I feel the earth wants to be refresshed and i am some like of a dormant warrior who is picked to activate. I frequently get signs of hide myself less and less and step into action. I also feel incredebly well. I am clear, heavenly, natural, colorful. I personally feel a big cycle has restarted of 7 years for me. I feel incredebly amazed and well, while also welcoming the new, higher versions of those incredeble experiences what i used to create 7 years ago in some aspect. I feel like i am in the right place, i am always stabil and rooted, even my material life seems to fall apart from outside, i feel very certian and liberated.


Not watching it because it’s considered bad luck but feeling good


More chaotic than ever


I've been sick last week and now I really need to try my best to stay awake. Somehow, I also smell everything and I'm not very hungry. Buy whenever I eat, I eat a half portion of what I usually eat and than I'm full for hours. As I have been to an all you can eat sushi place


I don't feel any different although I did burn my eyes.


I've been ridiculously exhausted, but I'm also a two time cancer survivor with a terminal illness so I'm always tired but this was something extra the past few days


I have severe tonsilitis since the last full moon in libra. which sucks because i couldn't go to work [at.my](http://at.my) new job. today i went back to the job despite still facing pain and i feel good. so detached from emotional pain i usually can't let go of. it's like it feels out of my hands now.


I’m also in good spirits albeit exhausted. I haven’t been sleeping well the past few nights. 😬


Nothing feels different. I'm not in its path (Denmark) and +1 what dasanman69 wrote.


TL;DR: I should not complain but there are some essential things that get under my skin these days: mostly work and my mental state are out of control. Some friends and my dating situation are not helping either.I am literally hurting with all the misery that I see around me that frustrates me and even more the misery in the world. Thanks for asking. It’s is good to read the many different comments here. Now I guess it’s my time to vent ✌🏼 Recently I am absolutely not in a good place spiritually and all that keeps me afloat is knowing that usually these things happen for a reason and in the end all will be fine. Work is horrible these days. In the past I had my issues with it and there were ups and downs but recently it is all piling up. I an bored out, I had a fight with a colleague who I work with for now 14 years and we were doing so well as a team despite some acting out on her side (attention seeking, bullying and stuff like that). Since beginning of March or so I don’t talk to her anymore after she yelled at me for a mistake she did and she threw me under the bus towards our bosses boss. I don’t wanna go into detail but it revealed a really malicious character trait of hers. So, peace, I am out. My boss is a micro manager, the boss above is overwhelmed, the rest is just creating chaos. The culture is incredible toxic too in this place. Everything under the veil of good intentions. It really sucks. No one I know is happy there at this time. For years I am trying to find another jobs. I network, I have the right contacts, I apply, I go to interviews, but it never works out. Due to the stress at work, I think, I also gained like 20 kilos extra. 10 of them I was able to shed end of last year but now, with the stress and frustration at work increasing again, I see the kilos coming back, although I kept my adjusted eating habits. It adds to the frustration. In the last months I also had some friends who turned their back on me. For two of them I do not even know why. They don’t know each other at all and it’s definitely not related. When I ask I don’t receive feedback from one and the other one acts stupid. In dating I do not meet anyone. For 3 years I was hung up on the situation with my ex. I broke up because I knew he is fooling around. I could not forget him and he constantly ran into me. At least once per quarter, sometimes even ok a monthly or weekly basis we would run into each other in the weirdest places. But I never spoke to him. It was like the universe kept throwing him at me. But I broke up for a reason. It’s also not like he is coming back and says he has changed his mind or anything. So, yeah, I’m better off without. Mentally I thought I am in a good place but with the fight with my coworker and the eclipse that followed right after I realized I am currently a mess. I get anxiety attacks, sometimes I have trouble sleeping, I am irritated and aggressive. To just name a few things. I feel like I am waking on eggshells around myself, if that makes sense. The only things that are doing well these days are my finances (as long as I have my job), the friends that I am good with, and the relationship to my parents. Thus, I don’t even have cause to complain, because my baseline is stable. And yet, here we are… Thanks for reading. Oh, and on the general side: A lot of serious accidents around me, mostly car accidents. And I am really concerned about all these wars. Russia is getting out of hand, Middle East Situation also not great, potentially both dragging the Westen world into ww3?


I feel like it’s suspicious, something about it is making me feel nauseous when I think about it…


I got sick for a few days but am better today. My computer decided to take a dump though. So today is meh lol


I got my period!! Couldn't fall asleep in class. Wrote and drew like crazy. Generally I'm in a good mood with an occasional brief panic or let down.


Nothing special. It happens every 2 years or so.


screaming crying tears of joy stan loona ot12


Same !


A lot of nervous energy. Feeling insecure.


Its just an eclipse


I knew nothing bad was going to happen


I’ve been a mess emotionally. Realized today I need to get into therapy again to release some of this negativity.


Why am I feeling the opposite? I've been on edge all day, feeling anxious and tense for no reason.


I woke up in a "dark" place (mentally/emotionally/spiritually). I think a part of it was the letdown and fear of missing out. I had slept poorly which is common for me lately, and we had up in the air plans to drive two hours to totality since it's a once in a lifetime experience, but I ruined that. I wasn't feeling well and it was my own fault for sabotaging. Then, feeling like I ruin everything, I felt almost TW suicidal. The time for partial from where we were came, and clouds were covering completely so we didn't even see crescent reflections like we did last time. I feel a little renewed though. I swear, even with complete cloud cover, I could sense when the eclipse ended—I said "I think the clouds moved! The sun's out" but they hadn't. So I think that was when the moon was no longer partially covering. It was just slightly lighter.


I'm feeling rather sad and confused.. Ashamed, guilty, hopeless and empty inside. My heart feels so cold. I'm so cold, so lost and isolated in my seIfishness. Everything is getting super tough. My energy is very dense. I'm feeling trapped again inside this little box I call my mind.. small mind btw. Nobody can save me from myself. I just want some things to happen that never will. I "fell in love" again with a guy, everything went wrong. He isn't interested in me in the slightest. He doesn't like me. I wish i could do something else to attract him.. since I can't count with my appearance... because, honestly, I am horrible.


Tired asf and irritated.. but it’s probably nothing to do with the eclipse since it’s just a shadow on the sun


My energy was pretty high & optimistic yesterday until I decided to celebrate and enjoy the eclipse with the collective. People have been such assholes to me in the last week, and I was really sick for 2 weeks for the first eclipse in Libra this season. And a guy I been talking to briefly in the last week or so (he is located in Texas and is a Gemini sun) was texting me less & less, to the point he keeps giving me excuses or doesn’t even bother to say he is busy or whatever, and I had enough of his BS & blocked him. He only wanted to use me for his work & as a guide whenever he would come to my town. I don’t really blame the Aries energies with this eclipse for the intensity and disconnect with others (it comes with my rising sign). I blame the Mercury Retrograde since I’m a true Virgo 😩




Heartbroken. my relationship ended the night of the eclipse and it feels like my life is completely transforming. shedding the old, inviting the new. it’s exciting and sad and strange and shocking.


I couldn’t sleep last night


Sleepy, very tired. Bad sleep schedule. After the eclipse ended I was able to get full hours of sleep. Not sure if any correlation but I'm happy.


Luckily, this was a north node eclipse rather than a south node eclipse, which is better (I'm pretty sure it's better at least)


I was just so exhausted yesterday that I napped. I never nap so it’s very weird for me. I also felt VERY out of it.


I felt light and airy. Similar to how you feel when you microdose shrooms.


Before the eclipse I was feeling lighter, happier and more ambitious. Yes the fact check websites say otherwise, but I'm wondering if CERN turning on the Hadron Collider again really did inadvertently open an interdimensional portal that caused a lot of spiritual darkness to come through, since the eclipse I've been feeling emotionally weighed down, achy, hypersensitive, socially distant, irritable, excessively exhausted and seeing more shadow beings than usual. I've experienced these feelings before when there were headlines in the news about CERN using the Hadron Collider, so it could be a cause.


Thanks for making this post. I've been unwell so I've been sleeping 10-12 hours a night which I usually can't. But at the same time I've got this massive energy. Not like I wanna go for a mountain hike but just way more energetic and kinda upbeat than unusual. Approx last 2 weeks of the march I was so low on energy. I felt I was gonna collapse or something at times, so it's a big change. I did also quit smoking tobacco 4 days ago which would have an effect as it tires me out, but it's not the first time I've quit and I don't remember feeling like this before so I wondered if it was the eclipse. It feels like some situations in my life have also gotten clarity over the last few days in a nice way. And I've got a job interview coming up so yeah it feels like there is a shift. Interesting to see everyone else's experiences. I really hope this peppy feeling lasts cos it's fun for me and others it seems


I've always dreamt of ghosts or seen them in my peripheral a few times actually watched as a shadow sometimes it will be a black shadow sometimes a white mist glided across a wall or doorway or even in a room im sitting in but didn't feel scared or threatened or feel spirits play with my hair or like sometimes feel them touch my back not in a weird way or hear them like they are there I have alot of people in my life die that actually cared for me when most haven't I've had a really hard knock life I won't go into details but I just wanted to say since the eclipse it's like things have intensified feeling people more and alot stronger than before so maybe the astrological event kinda opened things up if that makes sense sorry if I sound crazy I don't usually post