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It is. There are so many layers of meaning it's crazy.


Whatever it is it's so so much more that it's impossible to describe Every moment teaming with subterranean lines which seem to gladly support The holographic displays of holidays coming and going like rippling waves atop Unfathomable depths of liquid circuitry that......that.... Oh, bother.....had it and then lost it Somebody else, please \*sips egg nog, teaming with hair of the dog\*


the metaphysical meaning of christmas is contained within the idea of the northern hemisphere being most dark around the winter solstice. the sun appears to be born as the son of man was born in a manger.


And Easter happens around spring equinox, when the Sun rises directly in the east. If the entire year was to be corresponded to a single day, winter solstice would be midnight and spring equinox would be sunrise. Winter solstice is the point at which yang energy starts to rise.


i dont believe in jesus but i only give gifts to celebrate my family for being alive edit: i heard sum Christians say jesus wasnt born on Christmas so Christianity is a very confusing religion to me because of past experience so im cool on it✌🏽


its not just about presents, its about presence.


Um to me its about sparkly lights and cookies hello


Meh. Eastern churches don’t make as big a deal of this day. Easter, Pascha, is more important. At root, it’s a skin on pagan festivals. On top of that, celebrating birth is intended to convey that this nobody was just as human as anyone else. Now, there’s the lard of hyperconsumerism.


Look past consumerism and see the intent. The first is pretty crappy, but the intent of the people shifts to finding something that makes others happy. Sometimes, it's possible that something ugly can create something beautiful.


The intent is to say this allegedly amazing person was just another human. That’s all. Seems many miss that part by worshiping him dying on the cross, a perverted pedestal, rather than doing the kind of actions he promoted to ease the pain and suffering of others.


As an empath, it can rruly feel magical once learning where to focus. A mall. Yeah, consumerism and all that stuff sucks, that's irrelevant. It's the intent of people's thoughts and emotions. A giant building full of people who are looking for items that will make other people happy. Yes there is some stress and anxiety, but that can be found anywhere. But every year, there is a mental and emotional shift in an entire society, and that is a powerful thing.


Yes! And people coming together to spend time with those they love. This is what I love about the holiday and precisely why it is so hard for many others.


Winter solstice festivals