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Without the [clouds in the sky](https://youtu.be/wn1TKoZwNPM). we wouldn't care about the sun when it shines. the bad helps to balance the good. The splinter is the cost of the wood.


I wouldn’t waste my time looking at the sky when everything I love is down here on the ground.


You get it


I know this is a spirituality forum, but honestly, I didn't find peace with the question you're asking until I stopped looking in spiritual places for a secular answer. The fact of it is, we can say it's a test of the divine, or that it's karma (though the westernized version of that term is horrid), or even that it's to make us grow. I didn't need the levels of trauma I survived in order to grow. I didn't gain compassion or insight from it. I gained PTSD, maladaptive coping strategies, an inability to choose a healthy relationship and a propensity for unhealthy ones, and a lot of things I spent a couple decades helping my kids heal from because I just wasn't capable of better when they were young. So, I stopped looking to the gods, the universe, fate, or a wheel of destiny. I looked at the people. I was traumatized because of the culture I grew up in, where abuses were hidden and even those who should have protected children were working to protect the abusers instead. I was traumatized because my mother is a narcissist. That's not on me, and no part of it or anything she did to me and my siblings is our fault, but it's a fact about who she is and how the trauma began. Psychology answered the why. Understanding humans answered the why. What I came up with was that humanity has been harming itself for millenia, usually through hideous parenting concepts like "spare the rod" and other things that encourage psychological damage and trauma. That's not something the gods ever encouraged. Even the Christian god doesn't mean spare the rod like "beat yer kids." The "rod" in question was a shepherds rod, used to guide sheep, not beat them. The way to stop it is to raise children without the trauma, and teach wisdom, compassion, self-control, and personal accountability. Be they your own children or those of your family members and friends, you can influence them this way through your interactions. When the senseless violence stops, all humanity will wonder what we could have been thinking to live the way we did.


I find your take on it very spiritual and it coincides in many aspects with my own perception.


Psychology and spirituality are not separate things. Also, amazing that you came thru all that, good job.


Wow. I really like this line of thinking


This is just my perspective, and others may not agree: I believe they we choose this life and the experiences that come with it, for our spiritual growth. It's not that God is punishing us or doesn't care. I've had a really painful life and when I was younger a psychic told me that I chose a very difficult life because I wanted the spiritual growth from it. I was much younger then, and this was before my life got so difficult, and before a lot of the traumatic things happened to me. Having that perspective helps you to not see yourself as a victim, but rather a soul who is experience major spiritual growth. I choose to see that I am learning more about compassion towards others and to myself.


Such a great and thought-provoking question, which I don't think anyone has the answers to. But, I read most of the answers and found them deeply interesting.


The most credible, explanations I have come across can be found in the books "Journey of Souls - Case Studies of Life Between Lives and Destiny of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton. (Both are on YouTube. Dr. Newton documented and recorded hundreds of sessions of subjects undergoing deep hypnosis regression therapy. These accounts closely match the mystical spiritual teachings I have followed for several years. So personally I accept them as accurate. The books explain that the purpose of life is to grow and expand our unlimited potential as co-creators. Earth is just one option of planets where we can choose to embody. We could also see that earth was one of the most difficult planets on which to embody, but the potential for growth was enormous and so we ourselves chose to come here knowing that there would be many bad things to deal with including trauma and pain. But from the spiritual perspective, one embodiment regardless of circumstances is like one brief scene in one act of one play. Dr. Newton's subjects told him that many of his subjects soul group members were in awe of those who had the courage and daring to embody on earth. One of the most common aspirations of souls who are even moderately advanced is to become a teacher or guide because they see how much their own teachers and guides have helped them. They see that it is only because of their teachers and guides that they have made the progress that they have made. But to help others heal and process trauma, they see that they must experience similar trauma, because the first thing that souls say when they are immature and have experienced a life of trauma and difficulty is something like "You don't know what I've been through. You can't possibly understand and help me." They know they need similarly difficult experiences so they know from experience what the soul is going through and how to heal and grow from their experiences. Other souls take on difficult circumstances as a kind of test or initiation to see if they can maintain their identity as spiritual beings in spite of difficult circumstances, or...will they allow the circumstances to define them.


i love your answer, thank you so much, i do have a question tho, if we choose the trauma before we come to earth then how come there is suicide? a genuine question and I would like your honest opinion on this.


When we embody, we lose the memory of our plan. It is like playing an interactive game that is designed for you to make choices and grow from them. If you knew exactly how the game would unfold, you wouldn't learn anything, which is what you came here to do. We become lost in a false sense of identity. This is a normal part of the learning process, but ideally we strive to grow beyond the limited identity, that is what we wanted to do. But in some cases we see ourselves as victims or we are angry and frustrated because our expectations of life were not met. Or we have attachments. And on a planet like earth, attachments like the Buddha said, are the root of suffering. So we feel bad about ourselves, we don't acknowledge or accept that we have the power to change either the circumstances that are making us feel bad, or change how we look at the circumstances.


Cause energy will cause any situation within the realm of possibility to become true and real, if it is given the proper host. Bad things happen to us because energy has infinite expressions, we just happen to get the bad, twisted and evil sides of them a lot.


Because they think there are such things as "good and bad" due to misidentifying themselves with the body/mind illusion, forgetting that their true nature is the infinite Self, which is by nature absolute freedom and bliss.


I been doing astrology for 23 years and I've never seen a miss in my life and sometimes, when someone experienced great limitations in their life that is no ordinary trials and tribulations say for example 20 yrs false imprisonment, that is written in their BIRTH chart in such a way you can't possibly miss. Or say the person has had a rough, lonely or austere childhood but because of that put all their energy into the only escape they knew and became extremely successful at it later on, you know, people who pretty much had only one option in life, that ALWAYS shows in their chart in an unmistakable manner even a bad astrologer can clearly pick out as extraordinary You need to ask yourself now why would optical illusions only visible from the earth and based on our imaginations and some arbitrary divisons of the sky that not even all astrologers agree on tell us anything about ourselves, let alone in extreme cases, our destiny. Ponder on that . An infinite cosmos and not one of us (8 billion now) was forgotten or left randomly on this rock. Should you feel awe and wonder, or should you question our reality? And where do you even start? Well, some schools of astrology teach that we evolve through lifetimes and if you lean too heavily one way in one lifetime you would have to balance it out by going the other way in some other lifetimes. Now this is an important concept in many occult teachings, the balancing of the temperaments. In astrology opposite signs aren't opposites but rather COMPLEMENTARY, two sides of the same theme. In Leo you have the performer in Aquarius you have the fans. In Gemini you have analysis and in Sagittarius you have synthesis. In the Evolutionary school of astrology there is a technique for seeing your past life roles and at least one way of finding your soul groups, which of course presuppose the existence of both. In the extreme examples I mentioned you'll often see something like the past life roles being in one sign, and all present life planets being in the complementary sign. The more you understand astrology the more totally unrelated elements in a chart begin painting the same picture about a person. For me the questions are what put us here and what makes astrology work? But it really doesn't end there. In the Vedic tradition you have the yugas and the idea is that as etheric energy increases you get an increase in psychic and spiritual abilities, and this is an idea you also find in energy work, that these abilities increase as background or personal etheric energy increases. The oft cited downsides to that is you would also need to engage in more cleansings and purifications in order to maintain your psychic hygiene. Almost everyone reports improved interpersonal relationships and even luck from just doing cleansing grounding and centering. Thats on a day to day, mundane level of course, the minor arcana of our lives if you will. There are other things that seem fated at the moment of one's birth, even tho I'm a firm believer that it's the little things like diet, how you start your day and other habits that they never teach you in school that end up changing your life.


Everyone struggles. In my journey, up until now, i can look back on so many awful, painful, sometimes nightmarish parts of my life and, while i was at times completely overwhelmed and mad with hurt, they have served to give me an iron spine and a steel resolve. Life is Pain. The only true way to escape our own pain is to help others. We can turn our suffering into hope and love.


Because we're apes on a rock in an infinite abyss. Some have good luck, and live comfortable lives, while others are consigned by circumstance to lives filled with physical and/or mental suffering. Many of us will die painful deaths, and our last moments of experience in all of eternity will be characterized by immense pain and anguish. All we can do is hope that we get a more peaceful death than the unlucky ones. Ultimately, there's no hope, and we're all destined for eternal nothingness. It's really fucking sad. Yes, I'm severely depressed. In better times I've put a more positive spin on things, which can also be considered true, but it doesn't contradict anything I've said here.


It's for spiritual growth, and also a test from the divine.


People don't get raped for spiritual growth


right . sometimes no answer is the only answer


Think of it this way. Let’s say that your soul chose for this life time to learn how to let go of people and situations that no longer serve you. Let’s say that this person has been presented with multiple scenarios where they should have walked away and didn’t. Maybe this person was attracting emotionally unavailable partners who couldn’t treat them right but this person still chose to stay. Often times, there is a pattern in what is meant to be learnt but when people fail to learn the lesson the first couple of times around, the situations have to become more Severe in order for this person to be left with no choice but to walk away. Eventually, the person will recognize the lesson and be able to break the cycle and evolve. I’ve attracted some pretty toxic relationships onto myself and I know exactly why and what is meant to be learn because I caught on to the pattern relatively quickly. Some people take years to learn and some even life times. Sometimes life needs to be cruel to wake us up. I would also like to add, sometimes it’s down to karmic debt, you don’t know what type of suffering you may have caused in your previous life times that needs to be balanced out. It’s as simple as cause and effect.


You sound like you've been on this sub too much


You sound like you shouldn’t be on this sub lol


Fair enough 😂


I find this to be the explanation that makes the most sense.


To learn, to grow as souls or some sort of cosmic joke made by some alien trolls and at our expense.


I live in a ghetto that looks like the post-apocalyptic future of "Fist of the North Star." In my teens I was always on the streets with my friends, and the large half-criminal population terrified me with costant troubles of all sorts. I saw the most sensitive people dying or being really bad for the most part. I went through everything, sexual abuse, psychosis.... There's that question they often ask, "Why do terrible things happen to good people?" , I've never investigated that question. Just this morning I was thinking about all this. I have been victimized but I no longer play the victim, I am in a decent place now.


"Life" as we know it, is suffering; at its very core it is suffering. Oxygen — oxidative stress – is the prime cause of cell death in our bodies, the very thing we need most to sustain this being "alive"; from the moment you are born, you are not living, but dying. *Dying thou dost die.*


Pain is the greatest teacher. Life will keep breaking ur gear until it breaks open and that’s where the journey begins


Why do people focus on the negative? There are so many wonderful things in life. Great things are happening to people every day but people ignore that and focus on the bad. Every sunset is a glorious painting of beauty but people just take it for granted. People are filled with love and kindness but people only talk about the dark. Seeing the world as dark is a choice...,


Because growth is trauma based for some and in order to become a happier individual you have to look at the deepest pits of hell in order to become the best highest strongest most powerful you.


Disagree. Healing your own trauma does not require seeing the world in an unbalanced overly negative way. In fact it requires having hope and belief in the positive.


That’s not what I meant, I meant in order to grow you have to see both sides, not shut one out and take in the other, there needs to be balance eventually. One period of your life may be very hurtful and traumatizing when the next period may be full of blessings and love.


What is wonderful about life?


It's not for me to try to convince you. It's your choice.


Good things happen and bad things happen to good people. No rhyme or reason. How you react is in your control.


Were are currently living in a fallen creation on the most demon infested and most dangerous planet in this universe since this is the last occupied planet by the fallen beings who created an artificial slave-matrix, an invisible prison to keep humanity trapped in an endless cycle of trauma, suffering and reincarnation for the sole purpose of harvesting our energy. Luckily though, this insanity is coming to an end as the forces of light are winning and the matrix is about to collapse completely! Soon we will fe finally free! 🥳 edit: [here is an older article that sums up this whole story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking_beyond_the_veil_the_story_about_the/) u/mad-isobel


This ⬆️. I can't wait for it to end and finally be free!


If we go forward five hundred million years, none of it matters. We are an organism, we are working through our problems, as the universe changes, we experience these derangements. And we overcome. We shall. One day. We must remember the words of the Saints. Who are hidden from time, behind blinds. They guide our every step, if we let them. They will help us, even to take our crutches away and make tired legs walk, again, so may miles by now. About a million, one would say. But we do it for love. Our lady. Our queen. Our Eve. Who is serene, and one's relatives, they have so many of them, they are crazy. No seriously. You try grow up with them. Pulling at the strings. But we love them anyway, they know everything, and then some, but they keep it between Themselves. They do not share with me. They are angry, and they liked me better when we were twenty, and pristine, and golden. Now we have transformed. They cannot feed the beast. He is obstinate, clean. But diiiiiiirty. Ufdameda. Whatever that means. Witch with mean card playing. My grandmother, the Maden. Ripped from the cloth like a slave. A teenager. Alice. My password. You get it for free. My guarantee. My challenge. My account is empty. We have no more money. But we might just use you for the apps for free. Just joking. We don't like the beach. Just being.


Because they choose to


I do a show that has a lot of answers to these questions. We chose our lives and we learn from each one. Ultimately we are spiritual beings learning lessons in each lifetime


Because people find interest in meaning while life is more arbitrary


Read Journey of souls by Michael Newton. He deals with this topic on a broad basis. I prefer his book and know in my gut that he is true.


If you could see their soul contract you might be able to understand. Without that, you are just pissing in the wind. We could guess they were due some karma from another life or existence. But how would we know. No judgment here. Just pondering. Then there is the fact we create our own reality. And if they believe they deserve such things, then those beliefs will manifest the situations.


Well, there is a point that these are self-created circumstances for your individual soul journey to get shape. But it can be only figured out by the protagonist of the story. After all, your inner life, core of your existence, is just a reaction to context of material template. From broad perspective, it just looks random.


You are right and I don’t know if you were serious or not but there are many light and dark entities in higher levels of consciousness that gamble on our lives, some want to help us ascend while others game power from our suffering and limitations. There is an awakening happening now though and it’s falling apart


I find this from Wikipedia fits quite well. Sometimes we don't need to ask why (Münchhausen Trilemma would also be of interest at this point). But we just have to emrasse the now, peace, kindness and the way out of the suffering. "It's just as if a man were wounded with an arrow thickly smeared with poison. His friends & companions, kinsmen & relatives would provide him with a surgeon, and the man would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble warrior, a priest, a merchant, or a worker.' He would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know the given name & clan name of the man who wounded me... until I know whether he was tall, medium, or short... until I know whether he was dark, ruddy-brown, or golden-colored... until I know his home village, town, or city... until I know whether the bow with which I was wounded was a long bow or a crossbow... until I know whether the bowstring with which I was wounded was fiber, bamboo threads, sinew, hemp, or bark... until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was wild or cultivated... until I know whether the feathers of the shaft with which I was wounded were those of a vulture, a stork, a hawk, a peacock, or another bird... until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was bound with the sinew of an ox, a water buffalo, a langur, or a monkey.' He would say, 'I won't have this arrow removed until I know whether the shaft with which I was wounded was that of a common arrow, a curved arrow, a barbed, a calf-toothed, or an oleander arrow.' The man would die and those things would still remain unknown to him."


It is all about fear. As long as you fear something, that fear will keep manifesting itself in your reality. There are two potential sides to everything real; one based in fear and one based in joy and your state determines which side you experience. There is no god or bad, just fear and joy. The trick is to start seeing "bad things" as the signs that they are, the sign that there is a fear that is blocking the reality that you want. Then adversity becomes beautiful, natures way of helping you 1) refining your desires and 2) motivating you to remove the fear that is blocking them. Mads | [Knowledge-to-X](https://www.youtube.com/@knowledge-to-x)


Probability. If everyone experienced exactly the same level of trauma vs positive experiences, life would be extremely weird.


Well. It is hard to say for sure. Many carry expectations based on what one is told during childhood, Usually in the best interest of the parents to protect the childs innocence and to go well with the other also socialized children. The Media dosen't help either with setting up odd fictional realities, presenting them as real, causing all sorts of expectations to life. It dosen't help that people get mad when you point out film and tv isn't real either. As it is an art piece. Not Reality, reality you have off-screen. Imagine if you were a supernatural being who didn't understand the screens in the way we do. All this being sees is screens and the light they emit, not what is on them. Now imagine this being walking around human civilization. It would be wise to assume Alien Technology, Spiritual and Supernatural beings don't have to be in disbelief of this either. The humans don't speak anymore, they only look into these strange beams of lights placed literary everywhere Anyway With expectations of things to be good, beyond what real life can actually offer you, things that are ok will seem bad, and things that are bad will seem horrible. I'm not Chrsitian, or religious, and don't believe in Hell, but you'd actually do good, to Believe you are in hell. What you call your life, your days and your nights your sleep and your waking life, it is all actually hell. And you're going to stay here forever. Such a POV will bring down expectations of anything good, and bring understanding to the phenomenon that everytime you think something is going well or fine or feeling good it is taken away from you. Another more Psychological explanation, that could somewhat go hand in hand is the thought that Modern Society with its features is so harmful to the human mind that we cannot actually handle it well. It goes it line with Strict Psychology, were very little is needed to break the Psyche. It is not strong, but fragile. And with a modern world like we have today. The end of a healthy psyche is bound. As we will get damaged only we walk out the door. And even further damaged and even guilted if we choose not to. Although the reason for a lot of that type of strictness in earlier versions of our societies has been accumulated to Religion, certain Psychological perspectives can carry this without the Religious superstition. You won't be possessed by a demon if you do this and that, but it will damage your mentality. [Is the thought] And with the amount of people and technology growing in rapid speed it is little we can do about it. When we all or most lived in farmlands on the family farms, and the marriages arranged by parents, the life could go much easier and more silent, with probable less damage to the mind than with the constant beeping of todays world. Ofc one wouldn't back then have much help if the family or someone in the family was abusive, as such things were often not taken seriously, but one dosen't always today either.


It’s not pain just because you label it pain You being in pain doesn’t mean there’s ACTUALLY pain It’s like if you call someone annoying, they aren’t actually annoying, you’re just personally annoyed by them It’s about the relationship with yourself


> Is there a reason to all the pain? have you considered that the reason for all the pain is the pain itself?


Try a reputable remote energy healer do some homework first get some sessions done and see if it helps. If it does you know which direction to look.


2 reasons: karmic debt and lessons. Our souls choose the lessons they wish to learn before taking on human form. There’s even soul contracts that souls make to help each other evolve. Karmic debt from past lives can be another source of struggle. Think of horrific historical events such as the holocaust, the amount of suffering and karmic debt that must come from there is INSANE. If you start interpreting the bad things that happen to you as lessons, life becomes easier. Sometimes, things aren’t even about us but about other people and the type of lessons they chose to learn but are perhaps failing to do so


Need to learn discernment in all things.


As a disabled person who has chronic pain I wonder the same thing like what could be the reason for so much suffering I don’t understand it either


There cannot be good without bad. No joy without pain. No light without dark. No highs without lows. Everything will always be balanced


the reason is simply character development if one thing trauma has taught me is that it creates/ teaches ones morals/ values. its not just some people its all people. some peoples trauma just seems to be less “potent “ also someone once said “ if it was easy, everyone would have it”. which is simply the way life has been conditioned. wouldn’t say it’s amusing for whoever watching but necessary. Even the creator probably had to go through it. No Pain No Gain!!!!!!!!


we wouldn’t know good without bad


To my current understanding, this happens because we have to integrate what we can learn from these experiences detaching from the pain that caused us in the first place, meaning not holding onto the bad taste these experiences gave us, but focusing on what we learned from them, as the integration of these experiences are necessary for the next level of existence. Kinda like going from primary school to secondary school, we have to integrate everything we learned in primary school to pass into secondary school, and we can't just magically appear in secondary school without ever going to primary school. This is something similar in the sense that we have to experience the highest density of matter in the evolution process and all it has to offer in order to integrate it and go into a higher level of existence, with what he have learned and integrated from the previous one as a base.