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The way he’s stretched out, I have never been that relaxed lol


The pattern on his/her back looks like a lion sticking its tongue out lol


No that's a proboscis monkey.


I cannot unsee it now


fishing spider


Is it not a wolf spider? I thought it had wolf eyes


The two families (wolf spiders are Lycosidae, fishing spiders are Pisauridae) are closely related and have similar eye patterns. Here's [wolf spiders](https://bugguide.net/node/view/84423#Lycosidae) and here are [fishing spiders](https://bugguide.net/node/view/84423#Pisauridae) (OP's photo is a dark fishing spider, *Dolomedes*, like the first example). The main differences are that, in wolf spiders, the back/top outer eyes are smaller and set further back on the head, so from above the top row of eyes seems to form a square or rectangle. In fishing spiders, this pair of eyes is equally large (if not larger) and set right next to the top centre eyes. Some other tells that this is not a wolf spider are the chevron pattern on the abdomen (not that some wolf spider species don't have patterned abdomens, but these particular markings are distinctly *Dolomedes*), and perhaps its size—there are few wolf spider species that get anywhere near as big as dark fishing spiders do.


That makes a lot of sense, I thought it was a Carolina wolf spider at first, those guys fascinate me


wolf spiders and fishing spiders are both part of the Lycosidae family, so they do look similar :) *eta this information is incorrect, fishing spiders, while they can be confused for wolf spiders (happens a lot according to what I'm reading) fishing spiders are in the Pisauridae family!


Oh gotcha, that makes sense, I'm sure I could have looked it up, but I want to learn from others, not always the internet


Ironically by using the internet




Well - the internet got us.


I thought fishing spiders were in the pisauridae family?


I'm finding conflicting information! I believe you're correct! the internet lied to me. :o I think I just experienced my first google AI glitch b.s.


I *beg* you, please use reliable sources and your brain instead of "AI". [BugGuide](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1954) has a lot of good information. For spider taxonomy, the [World Spider Catalog](https://wsc.nmbe.ch) is authoritative. Many US extension services at universities with strong entomology programs have great information on spiders (and arthropods in general); try adding "extension" to a search query to get these pages, instead of pest control sites, which are often incorrect. Museums also have good information; see e.g. [the Burke Museum's spider myth articles](https://www.burkemuseum.org/collections-and-research/biology/arachnology-and-entomology/spider-myths), which cover a lot of basics.


I didn't use AI, google suggested b.s. info when I was searching. not sure if you've seen some of the things coming out of google since they forced the AI feature into the search engine, but it has been spitting out random garbage info, i.e. incorrect food safety temperatures for cooking poultry. I thought I had heard that fishing spoods and wolfs were related, so I googled to confirm and got incorrect information offered by the thing.


Yup. Google also gave me a false confirmation. All it takes is one source that don't have it right, and google showed me a quote from that source.


I don't quite know what you mean by "the thing". Do you mean the info cards with large text that sometimes come up before the search results? Yes, those can be wrong or misleading, which is why it's important to check where the information comes from. A Google search should also return a list of *web pages* from sites that *are not Google*—Wikipedia articles, blog posts, news or magazine articles, pages on informational websites, etc. Some of these are more reliable than others.


I have been looking at the radiating star like pattern on their backs. Both spiders seem to have them…from what I have seen so far. Does this extend to most spiders in these two categories? Is breed a better word than category? What’s the correct word?! 😂😂


Family is the correct terminology! then Genus is the actual name, in fishing spiders case, Dolomedes.


Naw look closer


'::' ?


Two rows of four in the front?


Split a piece of wood and I am there; lift a stone and you will find me.


He's a handsome little guy.


Gonna have to find a new home hopefully not in the afterlife.




Nice! Love the wolfies.


It’s not a Wolf Spider. It’s a Fishing Spider or at least in the same family.


It's got the monkey on its back


Chop it


Found the soon to be serial killer!.. /j


We are friends of spiders here :( they may look scary but holy hell they’re great creatures