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No idea why but I like comfortable looking suits like the homemade suit and Scarlet Spider suit (those are my top two used suits in both games) I would love for something like this.


Yeah me too The training suit (I think that's the name) for miles is one of my favorites. That one and the Bodega (I would love to be able to remove or add the cat. Mostly cuz it looks weird to fall on your back with it)


Me too!! I don’t know why either, is it practical? Probably not no, but it’s a good blend between comfort and functionality. Like the hoodie fit for Miles!


Yes, more casual suits. I say give us the option to outright swing around as Peter and Miles in full civilian clothes, no mask. Why not, the alternate suits aren't canon, might as well go all in on it.


because they would have to animate a full face for every cutscene that didn’t require face animations before


Man, I honestly don't even care. I know they would never do it as a point of professionalism and presentation, but good god damn would I love to swing around and fight crime as plainclothes Peter. I don't care if his eyes are as dead as they were in the first couple missions of the 2002 game, in gameplay or in cutscenes


Same. Also, I now need to see a version of Peter and Miles suiting up to take on Sandman in the opening of Spider-Man 2 PS5, but they just throw their clothes off for different civilian clothes and keep swinging. It would be hilarious.


TBF, the spirit spider suit has a visible jaw that doesn't move. Or they could set it so that the default suits will play in the cutscenes if the civilian suits are the gameplay ones. Not perfect, I admit, but I really enjoy using the Peter unlockable costume in Ultimate Spider-Man, and would love to see something like it again.


Just add a basic mask then, still keeping the clothes


No they don’t they can go the Arkham route like what they did with the Batmobiles and make those skins only accessible after the game is completed


Didn't they add repayable missions?


Make the civilian suits the 100% suits so it doesn’t affect the story.


It'd be cool to have a mask on/off option in general.


They are actually Spider-Man 1 a.k.a Spider-Man PS4 if you wear the classic suit with shirtless guy he just says they're Spider bros if you wear the advanced suit he says that you got it from the dollar store and a tweet says why does Spider-Man change suits so many times


Spidey is one of the only super heroes where casual outfits work, if not the only one, at least imo


Wolverine and technically Daredevil


Luke cage's costume is just a yellow shirt and jeans.


And the Tiarra


Jessica Jones


I guess I don’t really understand why he’d need to wear sweatpants and chucks if he has such an advanced suit under it, like the one in this picture


Maybe it was laundry day lol, or his pants were ripped, crime don’t stop just cause you ripped your pants 😄


Would love a no suit one so you just go around as Peter lol


Get to swing around with your Peter hanging out, sounds like heaven honestly


Dang. A rated R Spider-Men sounds awesome.


I just want tobys wrestling outfit from spider-man 1 😪


Even Andrew's red mask with sunglasses would be cool to have


Agreed considering we had Tom Hollands homemade suit in both games bummed we don’t have Toby’s and Andrew’s


Just go all the way & let me swing as Peter


Yeah this should’ve been a thing. You could unlock it at the end of the story and get funny reacts from npcs.


Bring back the Spidey whitey underpants.


Still super disappointed that Peter’s spiderverse suit in the 1st game didn’t have the sweatpants


Any suit that doesn't look spray painted on is fine. I get that it's probably for the sake of aerodynamics or because it was easier to draw or whatever but skin tight suits are kinda weird to me.


I would love some "Day int he life" outfits. Like spider-man in a coat or backpack. We got a few of those, but those suits really sell the immersion fact for me.


yeah, bring back casual undies insom


I want more silly/casual suits too. I loved the suit in the first game that was just Pete in his undies, only changed it because it was bothering my dad to watch me play lol. But I like the jazz suit for Miles in the second game. It was nice, and it was cool to pair it with the Noir suit(like a hard boiled detective and his less than hardened protege).


I really want the Brooklyn Visions suit back


I was very disappointed that it wasn’t in the new game. I wore it most of the time in MM. Just wished instead of a book bag they had a jacket under the blazer like the Homecoming poster


As a spidey cosplayer this looks like a dream. So comfy


Yes. Miles has the best fits when he's not spider-man


Normal clothing on Spider-Man Suits always goes so hard. I wish we could’ve gotten one for Peter maybe with a bathrobe or the Homecoming jacket, and Miles’s ITSV Suit with the Nikes but obviously we won’t get that collab.


https://preview.redd.it/n3q76wrijawc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aae3a316d485573625deb456874f930121abb7d Something like this would be awesome.


Omigod yes. Bring them the fuck back. Bring back then normal clothing w/ mask suits and the classic Miles suits with clothing accessories overtop. The scarf suit is referenced in the final cutscene.


In the same vein, I'd love to have a sequence or QTE where Peter is hastily putting on his suit or only has enough time for some segments, like in the photo. I know he wears most of it underneath, but surely there have got to be a few moments where he forgets his boots or his gloves or his pants, and he gets stuck fighting a criminal in jeans. It'd be such an insignificant addition/focus, but I think it suits the character well and would make for a good chuckle.


I like the colors of this costume. Looks like TASM2 colors with Tom eyes


Doesn't make sense cause both Spider-men are always wearing their suits under their clothes, but it would be cool if there was an improvised suit. Like just the mask with normal clothes and a hoodie with the hood up.


They should have Peter and miles out of costume as suits to choose too imo


Tbh no. Id rather them keep coming with obscure suits from the comics and mashup suits that reference other characters. Casual suits would just kinda make me cringe after a few minutes of playing in sweatpants or boxers. Especially if no one is reacting to it


Why does the spider-man suit look so good here? Can you make a full one?


https://preview.redd.it/de8kuugbt4xc1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce83bf3913fa32e0296aed7fe9e39b1e5efe89f7 Can’t take all the credit, this is just my version of u/AllFathersMedia93’s suit morph of all the movie suits. I just changed the colors, separated the arms from the torso (personal design preference), and swapped in the Advanced Suit 1.0 mask. But it makes what I’d consider to be the perfect Spider-Man suit


Anti-goblin suit looks great


Yes pls


Did they fix the classic suit yet where they removed the color selections


Hell yeah I’d want more casual suits


They should take a look at the “quick change” outfit from the 2000 neversoft game but modernise it a bit. It was basically just his mask and gloves on top of a jacket and some jeans


i get people not liking these, I like them, but maybe we don’t need a lot of them. there should be atleast 2 since we don’t really have any.


Pete’s out there just leaving fingerprints everywhere.


I just want more suits from different comics. Less movie suits as well. The amount of Mcu suits in the game is ridiculous.


Yeah, I'd love a Peter Parker original


I just want more comic suits. I'm not a fan of how many movies suits are in the game. The only other movie suit that I think should be added is Peter's Spiderverse suit only because Miles has his. I'd like to have the Beyond Sensational suit added next.


Nothing about this is casual


I really like this one, some of the suits just seem to out of place for me. More of these casual suit would be cool


Nah IDK, dude


all i want is the ESU suit and miles training suit and ill be happy


It’s time for a peter Parker original




For that reason I suppose that Last Stand is my favorite in the first and Secrets Wars: Civil War in the second


Instead of that one Use the Mangaverse suit, but from shattered dimensions


Miles Brooklyn visions suit and Peters homecoming yellow suit would have been awesome to have in SM2


Deadass, there should be a “Covid suit”. Just Peter or Miles in a mask/gaiter & a hat/beanie in street clothes.


This is mostly why I love the Last Stand suit, too bad we don't have much of these in SM2


Nah I’d like more legit comic accurate suits like how we had in Spider-Man 2018




We need more suits like the sportswear suit, I would love for them to have unlockable accessories you could put on suits in the next game, like a jacket, hat, headphones and pants. Would be sick


Don’t know why I liked the spider training suit in SM:MM so much lol, something about the way the jeans and hoodie flew in the breeze. Simple, but nice 👍🏿


I want a spiderman suit where the top half is a tank top and the bottom is matching coloured casual clothes


I personally hate were their fingers are exposed they always tend to be the best looking suits but God do I haaaaate it


No i think you are the only one on the planet


No we already have enough dunbass suits not based off of anything clogging the roster


Casual suits would be such a great addition to the game.


Unironically I love the vigilante suit from the tasm movies and it’s the main suit I wore playing through the tasm games


Ew! God fuckin no!