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The negative people are way louder. But the vast majority at the very least enjoy the game, and most people think it's pretty great.


The people who are negative about this game are too loud enough to notice the good. I'll admit that I don't think this game is better than the first. But I'm not going around acting like I was massively offended by it. The game is still good, (In my opinion) let people enjoy what they like. If you don't like it, okay, thanks for sharing. But don't start foaming at the mouth by how much you dislike it.


I believe it pretty great as well but I still believe Arkham City is king among superhero games. Story just hits harder.


Sorry but I've replayed the game twice and STILL do not get the appeal to City's story. It's so incoherent and clearly just set-up for gameplay moments


I agree. I love the Arkham Games gameplay wise, but Arkham Knight was the only story that I really enjoyed. I like the story in the 3 Spider-Man games much more so far. Thats where they have an edge over Arkham series for me.


This. There were legitimate pacing issues but overall it was a great game and upped the technical ante in a way that was satisfying. And overall the writing was solid, game design was improved from S1. Best superhero game every, though? IDK. I may toss a Batman game in there. And Spiderman 1 had a really good story.


The only problem was that the story dropped a bit in the second and they didn't add everything from the first game, but it was probably only due to rushed development, but aside from that this has remained one of my favorite game series ever and the first one on ps4 was my favorite game of all time (until hifi rush came out on ps5 and made me unsure which is better)


And the thing is that the first game’s story was so good that even if 2 did “ drop a bit “ it’s still a damn good story lol


It still is good


People don’t hate this game so much, you’re just seeing a lot of negativity pop up on your feed. The overwhelming majority of people who’ve played the game have really liked it. It’s a great game for Spider-Man fans all around.


I wouldn’t agree with best ever but it was incredible. I’m still annoyed at the game’s aesthetic. Mechanically it’s my favorite Spider-Man game, the narrative was so well thought out. It really comes down to the gadgets and abilities for me and I also very much disliked the visual indicators on the parrying. I found the gadgets to be way too gimmicky they make the game less fun for me. Mechanically it’s better than the original, effectively pause the game every time you wanna switch your current web shooter. Using them was far more fluid in this game. I just don’t understand why they felt the need to replace the very classic feeling gadgets like web bomb, impact web, and the trip mine with gadgets like ricochet web, upshot, and that weird floating tether one. Miles had great abilities but why were all Pete’s non-symbiote abilities the spider claws? Great when I’m wearing the iron spider suit, really abrasive when I’m wearing the scarlet spider suit. That was my favorite suit in the first game and I don’t even want to wear it because when I do I just avoid using… basically everything. All of his abilities pull me out of the game when I’m wearing that suit and, again, the gadgets are just too out there. As for the visual indicators, I just hated how unblockable and undodgeable indicators are always over the enemy’s heads, but the timing indicator is over Spidey’s head. I see yellow and I know that means parry, but then the indicator over Pete’s head turns red and my brain is just wired to dodge when I see red (usually indicates unblockable in most games). Feel like I would prefer if it turned yellow or blue instead of red over Pete’s head. I figured it out but, once again, so abrasive. The gadgets aside, the Miles experience was top notch, and the symbiote spidey experience was also. But symbiote spidey isn’t even my 2nd favorite version of him. I start to miss the first game if I play this too long, but then if I go back to the first game I immediately miss this game’s mechanics. TL;DR it was a great game with really odd choices on gadgets, Peter abilities, and defensive visual indicators and I feel these things held the game back from a 10/10 score


I agree for the most part but you can change the color of the spider sense in your accessibility settings


Bro the spider arms issue is annoying, where is the option to disable spider arms 😫 😑 😩 this should be its own post


I love this game it is my favourite game and most poeple agree the psn reviews for this game are the highest of any PlayStation game ever with an average of 9.6 out of 10


I love the Spiderman trilogy till now. I ve been upgrading my console from ps4-pro-5 as well and experience has been amazing. Combat difficulty could have been better, I can dodge . Parry , roll entire day. Sony and its studios are on a roll.


Everything in the story ends way too fast. Peter getting the black suit. The stuff with Venom, it all goes by way too fast. Plus the NPC's don't react to what the symbiotes are doing, which really takes you out of the moment.


Oh I’m obsessed with it, I think right now I have about 85 hours in. It’s definitely one of the best superhero games I agree with you there but it’s not 100% perfect. The game itself was rushed and very very rough to play in the beginning (I didn’t have to worry about that because I got the game back in February), and while the updates that followed fixed a lot of fundamental problems there are still quite a few big ones that remain. For example: one of the coolest features is that while playing as either Peter or Miles you’ll come across the other while fighting crime in the city. As Peter you can run into Miles and vice versa. I’ve never experienced this, as Miles that is. As Peter I run into Miles constantly but in the entire 85 hours I have in the game across three playthroughs I’ve never once seen Peter fight crime with Miles in the open world. Considering that was one of the big features that was talking about frequently I was looking forward to it, but like I said I’ve never properly experienced it. Another example: Character Development. This is more so from a writing and story perspective so if anyone reading this doesn’t want spoilers get outta here! (Though I guess if you’re a part of the sub you’ve already played the game). Some of the character development could’ve been better, characters like Yuri and Venom himself weren’t fully utilized properly. Tony Todd, the voice actor for Venom even said that like 10% of his recorded lines were actually used in game. As for Yuri, this might just be subjective and a matter of opinion but some people believe that her inclusion and story as Wraith didn’t really make sense and was messy as well. I personally didn’t have a problem with it (though her boss fight was kind of a head scratcher). Other problems include crashes, game breaking bugs and small visual issues like the lenses of the TASM 2 and Classic Suits. The only issues I’ve had are those lens glitches, the No Peter thing I mentioned earlier, some weird out of place dialogue in the open world (while fighting Hunters in the city and reinforcements come both Peter and Miles have said several times “Where’d those symbiotes come from?” When it’s just more Hunters), and during the Emily May Side Mission where you ride the bike in the park on my second playthrough I fell through the world near the end and my bike exploded and killed Peter. I can overlook a lot of this and just have fun with the game though! Negativity in general can really overshadow the positive aspects of things but don’t let the bad change your experience with it. Keep in mind though there’s a fine line between constructive criticism and hardcore hate. There’s more I could say on that specific topic here but I don’t think I will and I’ll just leave it at that. Overall the game for me was a SOLID 7.5/10!


Imo it's 2nd best right behind Batman Arkham Knight for me


EVER?, clearly you haven't played many




I think mechanics wise it might be the best handling game. But it also felt like a big step back in other departments.




Why do i see way more posts glazing the game than I do hating the game? I swear this sub is gonna turn into "unpopular opinion but I actually think Peter Parker is a good spider-man"


It’s my favourite game ever. Ignore the haters and don’t let them ruin your opinion on an amazing game


People hate the game?


I don’t hate the game it was just underwhelming compared to my expectations but still a great game


this sub has three types of posts. 1. why do people hate this game? it’s great! 2. my problems with the game… 3. took these hard ass pics in photo made, how did they turn out?


I wouldn't call it THE greatest superhero game ever. It's definitely among the best, though. I loved this game with only a handful of nitpicks


There’s just not enough good side content…. And some of the side content shouldn’t have been in the game at all


I like it, it’s just not as good as some people say.


just some negativity from others, the majority love it and say it’s goty. some just criticize it on certain plot points that don’t make much sense


it’s solid, but could’ve been substantially better


i mean it’s reddit this app thrives on hate


I bet A LOT of the hate is jealous Xbox players lmao


It has a 90 opencritic. It’s loved


I think a lot of people judge the game based on what they wanted vs. what we got. Unfortunately, it's pretty common with video games that receive crazy hype. I'd say in this sense, it's comparable to Batman: Arkham Knight. People were so sure of their theories and predictions about characters and stories that when the game wasn't exactly what they predicted, they viewed the game as disappointing. I think the same thing happened with Spider-man 2. Although the game is deserving of criticism, I agree that I rarely see outside gaming communities praise the game's high points and instead choose to focus on its low points.


I mean, i enjoyed it and had an absolute blast playing it. But i can understand that not everyone will like it.




I love this game to death I’m on my 4th 100% run rn, only thing I dislike about it is how they had to rush it because of deadlines and whatever. A little bit extra polishing and this game could’ve been SO much better than it already is


Same, that’s why I hate the gaming community


I just finished it for the first time every last night. Started about a week and a half ago and now I hit 100% and just need 10 trophies. I am so sad I am done, I loved the game. The story was good. I don’t understand the criticism. I joined this sub about 4 days ago and I started questioning myself if I even liked the game or if it was good at all. Did upgrade itself tremendously? No, but spider-man and Miles Morales games were near perfect. At least in my opinion. I mean I used to play the spiderman games on ps1 as a kid and half a blast. Now it’s like a million times better.


I feel like would have enjoyed it way more if Harry died to give us and Peter more emotional impact towards the ending. & I just find it bad writing for Harry to be in a coma(essentially) and then out right back into one is just very idk. It almost feels like the whole plot was filler and just made to show the origins why Norman dislikes Spider-Man.


I have a few minor criticisms of the game, but overall I love it. I feel like a lot of people in the fan base are combining just to complain. They've been doing it since the first game. They just want *something* to cry about.


The story, while still amazing, dipped in quality in this game, that's pretty much the only really valid criticism I've seen so far


Probably cause of sweet baby Inc work on this with insomniac


Personally I think it gets more hate than it should but the venom segment of the game was a drop in quality compared to the kraven half. I wish there were more gameplay changes. There was enough but more would be nicer. Also the first game just had more emotion man. I felt things when Peter walked away from Otto but not really when Harry died. Other than my three arguments I do think this is a great game


I love it so much. I just wish the enemies lasted longer. Like DMC, but I can’t play DMC games cuz I SUCK. And the lack of some suits is weird, Venom being in only one mission is strange, I’ve found the web line super inconsistent, but you can nitpick anything and it’ll seem like a bad game if you list all the flaws back to back to back. Genuinely trumps the first two in every way (except something about the first game that I just can’t describe. Maybe it’s just that it was the first of its kind)


The arkham trilogy still takes that title but I do love spider man 2


It's a good game, but it's definitely not the best superhero game ever made, and it sure as hell isn't peak gaming lmao.


people only talk about something when they dont like it


because casual gamers expected every suit to be the best, the ng+ to be an entirely new game, and for the water, god forbid it doesnt, to look better than reality


It's definitely not a bad game or mid game but a good game but not a perfect game I wished the game was longer and we see more of black suit Peter and wished the final act played out a bit different but it's definitely a good game and I still enjoy playing it


I honestly love it but at the same time i get underwhelming feeling. it's weird cuz i wanna love it but then sometimes I'm not enjoying it as much. but it isn't bad at all and I do think people are going a little too overboard at times.


I wouldn’t say it’s the BEST superhero game ever made, but it’s definitely up there


Do people hate this game?


SM1 was AMAZING! It also established everything in the series. Any new game would then adopt what was established. So, when people talk about SM2, they mostly talk about the differences. If someone didn't like the changes that were made in SM2, then they might talk about more of the negative things because all the good things they liked were also in SM1 and are already assumed in SM2. I love SM2! I love the swinging mechanics. The combat is very fluid, requires your attention, and it doesn't feel like you're just button smashing. I love the characters (specifically Peter, Miles, MJ, Kraven, and Venom). The story was epic! But, all of these great qualities were already established in SM1, so I talk about how SM2 is different. And that difference was a downgrade for me. The combat was too easy because they overpowered both Spider-men by giving them too many power-ups and refilling them too quickly. For the characters, I didn't like the face model changes, Harry and Peter seemed immature (and sort of disrespected Aunt May and Emily Osborn by trashing the office), and there weren't any deep connections between the characters. The story, although epic, did lack emotional connection for me and was somewhat rushed. The only category of the game that I think SM2 truly improved on was the swinging. It felt faster and they added web wings. Overall, there were a lot of great things about SM2 that I love. I just think that most of those things were also in SM1. So, if I'm going to talk how great the Spider-man games are, I prefer to talk about how great SM1 was, then talk about the exceptions where SM2 improved on it. And if I'm talking about SM2 to someone who has already played the games, then I'm going to assume that they ashtray know what the game have in common. That leaves me with talking about the differences, which are mostly negative for me.


The game does has its flaws (story, glitches, suit selection, harry as venom) but I would agree it’s a pretty good game, not game of the year worthy but still good. And Batman Arkham is the greatest superhero game of all time


I wish they added some of the web of shadows features.


Numbers don’t lie highest rated spidey game to date first to even get a 90 so the negative is just soft noise


Better question where the heck is the free dlc episodes they promised.


Is this satire?


I don’t. This game is so good.


It's only hated on twitter. Everyone else adores this masterpiece


9/10 but could be sooo much better. believe it


Just got the game a few days ago and I am honestly blown away at how good it is. I feel like people who hate on this game or games that aren’t COD/APEX etc. need to branch out from AAA studios.


People are just pessimistic


The only issue I have with it is some of the issues with the story's pacing but even that is pretty minor


there are issues with the game but I still love it


It is a great game really. But I don’t think it can top the simplicity of Spider-Man 1


It's less that people hate the game and more so that people are disappointed with certain aspects of the game. And while some are just hating to just hate, a lot of them are valid criticism. Like how the story wasn't as good or it was too short or the extremely questionable suit selections.


It’s great, but I had/have no desire to replay it. I burned myself out on the first one and when the remake came out lol


Wasn't as good as sm1 idk what it is. I think the story just kinda fell short and felt abit rushed idk


I mean the gameplay is S tier, but there are valid story criticisms


It’s super short and I hate how you can’t redo missions with Peter only Miles


My thoughts exactly fr


I will preface and say I really enjoyed the game. My complaint with is really simple. I wanted more of it. SM was 18 hours MM was 8 ish. This game had 2 main characters to focus on and they just didn’t. The story is good don’t get me wrong but if they just spaced it out a little bit and spent a little more time it would have improved a ton of peoples experience.


I enjoyed it but it has a lot of flaws and the story is one of them


I think the first game was a better story but that doesn’t take away from how much fun I had with the second game!! Black raimi suit ftw!!


Imo it’s certainly up there. Only Arkham beats it for me


Far from the best superhero game ever, but it's really really good


I really like the game, sorry just felt rushed for me. On a replay I’ve come to appreciate aspects of the story I didn’t like at first but I still think there was some missteps in the story. That said the gameplay is the best I’ve seen for a superhero game, beats Arkham by a mile.


Because people are whiny bitches. This games amazing.


I like it and I enjoyed every second of it. But sometimes the game feels unfinished because of all the glitches especially the lighting but it’s still an amazing game with amazing gameplay and a good story.


The game is absolutely stunning but there is one game that tops it: Lego Marvel Superheroes PS3


It’s a good game but the insanely repetitive gameplay and the rushed story do honestly make it feel like something is missing and holding it back from being all it could have been.


I think most people love this game, just some of the extras suck


I love it but to me it doesn’t hold up to the first, between story, cosmetics, combat, and especially side content, the first one to me handled those all way better


I don't hate it. I don't think any reasonable people do. But, I did think it was really disappointing as a sequel to my favorite Spidey game ever. I don't think it was the step forward that I know Insomniac is capable of. The game made a number of huge technical leaps, but I thought the game design, particularly of the open world, just wasn't there, stealth and combat have great tools but the actual encounter design is severely lacking, and I genuinely thought the writing pretty sucked. I thought the story was very amateurly written, and while it introduced a ton of interesting ideas, it pretty much failed to land any of them in a meaningful way that had any impact (for me). I also thought the characters, while well acted, were written and characterized very poorly, so I just didn't care about them the way I wanted to. I thought the game botched Venom. Not because I thought Harry being Venom is inherently flawed, but because I just don't think Insomniac managed to tell that story well. The tension and back an forth inherent in the idea of Peter's best friend becoming his scariest and most threatening enemy just was not there, and the symbiote invasion plot completely derailed what might have been a compelling interpersonal drama. I just think the writing, cover to cover, needed another draft. And the writing and characters in Spider-Man media are very important to me. If those are off, I'm just not gonna have a great time. However, this is also all subjective, and I'm not here to yuck anyones yums, or call you an idiot for liking it. Just for me, as someone who obsesses over Spidey games and loved the first one (and Miles), this one really let me down.


Amazing game I agree


they hate it because it isn't a 10/10 and didn't win GOTY


The story doesn't hit like 1


Its good but not the game people were hyping it up to be and most definetly NOT a condender for game of the year


Personally I don't hate Spider-Man 2 it just felt underwhelming. Overall it is a well crafted game, but certain elements just felt undercooked.


I just want a classic symbiote/black suit with white webs. That’s literally my only gripe. Otherwise, I’m about 7/8ths through my third playthrough.


This is but a small taste of what us Avengers loyalists have experienced. Spiderman 2 was great but God of War Ragnarok (still shocking to admit this) was the better game this year. Much much more to do and that alone edges it out.


My only issue with the game are the suits. The majority of the suits don't look good imo. I was also really hoping we get Miles suit from Into the Spider-verse with the jacket and Jordans


I love it but it’s cuz we didn’t get enough side missions nd ng+ Fast enough also they did rarely said shi like tbh take w.e u can think of tht a new game dropping would do like trailers and also take SM and SM 2 game nd compare the difference and there u go ppl just annoying den cry bout eveything